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<p>If you've just started I2P, the Active: numbers on the left should start to
grow over the next few minutes and you'll see a "shared clients" local destination listed
on the left (if not, <a href="#trouble">see below</a>).  Once those show up,
you can:</p>
 <li><b>blog anonymously</b> - check out <a href="http://syndie.i2p/">Syndie</a></li>
 <li><b>chat anonymously</b> - fire up your own IRC client and connect to the 
     server at <b>localhost port 6668</b>.  This points at one of two anonymously hosted
     IRC servers, but neither you nor they know where the other is.</li>
 <li><b>browse "eepsites"</b> - on I2P there are anonymously hosted websites - 
     tell your browser to use the <b>HTTP proxy at localhost port 4444</b>, then
     browse to an eepsite - 
         <li><a href="http://inproxy.tino.i2p/status.php">inproxy.tino.i2p</a> and
             <a href="http://perv.i2p/stats.cgi">perv.i2p</a>: sites tracking active eepsites</li>
         <li><a href="http://forum.i2p/">forum.i2p</a>: a secure and anonymous connection to <a href="http://forum.i2p.net/">forum.i2p.net</a></li>
         <li><a href="http://www.i2p/">www.i2p</a>: a secure and anonymous connection to <a href="http://www.i2p.net/">www.i2p.net</a></li>
         <li><a href="http://eepsites.i2p/">eepsites.i2p</a>: an anonymously hosted search engine of eepsites</li>
         <li><a href="http://ugha.i2p/">ugha.i2p</a>: ugha's eepsite, a wiki that anyone can edit, and lots of links</li>
         <li><a href="http://dev.i2p/">dev.i2p</a>: a secure and anonymous connection to <a href="http://dev.i2p.net/">dev.i2p.net</a></li>
         <li><a href="http://fproxy.tino.i2p">fproxy.tino.i2p</a>: Freenet proxy</li>
     There are many more eepsites - just follow the links from the ones you see,
     bookmark your favorites, and visit them often!</li>
 <li><b>browse the web</b> - there is currently an HTTP "outproxy" in I2P hooked
     up to your own HTTP proxy on port 4444 - simply set your browser's proxy to
     use it (as above) and go to any normal URL - your requests will be bounced
     through the I2P network.</li>
 <li><b>transfer files</b> - there is an integrated <a href="i2psnark/">port</a> of the
     <a href="http://www.klomp.org/snark/">Snark</a> <a href="http://www.bittorrent.com/">BitTorrent</a>
 <li><b>use anonymous email</b> - postman has created a mail system compatible with normal mail
     clients (POP3 / SMTP) that allows email within I2P as well as mail from and to the normal
     internet!  get your account at <a href="http://hq.postman.i2p/">hq.postman.i2p</a>.
     We bundle <a href="http://susi.i2p/">Susi's</a> <a href="/susimail/susimail">susimail</a>,
     a web based anonymity-oriented pop3/smtp client configured to access postman's mail services.</li>
 <li>and lots more</li>

<h2>Want your own eepsite?</h2>

<p>We've bundled some software to let you run your own eepsite - a 
<a href="http://jetty.mortbay.org/">Jetty</a> instance listening on 
<a href="http://localhost:7658/">http://localhost:7658/</a>.  Simply place your files in
the <code>eepsite/docroot/</code> directory (or place any standard JSP/Servlet <code>.war</code>
files under <code>eepsite/webapps</code>, or standard CGI script under <code>eepsite/cgi-bin</code>) 
and they'll show up.  After starting up an <a href="/i2ptunnel/">eepsite tunnel</a> pointing at it, your eepsite
will be visible to others.
Detailed instructions for starting your eepsite are on
<a href="http://localhost:7658/">your temporary eepsite page</a>.

<h2><a name="trouble">Troubleshooting</a></h2>

<p>Be patient - I2P may be slow to start the first time as it searches for peers.
If, after 30 minutes, your Active: connected/recent count has less than 10 connected
peers, you should open port 8887 on your firewall for better connectivity.
If you cannot see any eepsites at all (even <a href="http://www.i2p">www.i2p</a>),
be sure your browser proxy is set to localhost port 4444.
You may also want to review the information on the 
<a href="http://www.i2p.net/">I2P website</a>, post up messages to the 
<a href="http://forum.i2p.net/">I2P discussion forum</a>, or swing by #i2p or
#i2p-chat on IRC at <a href="irc://irc.freenode.net/#i2p">irc.freenode.net</a>, irc.postman.i2p or irc.freshcoffee.i2p (they're linked together).</p>

<p><b>As a note, you can change this page by editing the file "docs/readme.html"</b></p>