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  • zzz's avatar
    I2PTunnel: · 2f2aa7f5
    zzz authored
    - Fix bug that left server acceptor thread running after close
    - Add destroy() methods to release all resources when closing a tunnel for good,
      particularly the streaming timer threads
    - Use COWAL to prevent concurrency problems
    - Javadocs
    - Don't return null from accept() any more; actually throw
      ConnectException as the javadocs have always specified
    - Throw ConnectException from accept() if interrupted; previously caught and ignored
    - Throw exceptions from ConnectionHandler.accept(), not higher up
    - Close ServerSocket when ConnectionManager is shut down
    - Synchronize setActive(), clear queue when starting to accept,
      better handling of calls that don't change state
    - Javadocs
    ConfigClientsHelper: Call isPluginRunning() less often
    PluginStarter: Simplify detection of active threads
    Above changes mostly in support of zzzot plugin implementing ClientApp
    and being able to shut down completely so there are no threads
    in its thread group, so /configclients will all show status as stopped.
    Previously, the I2PTunnelServer acceptor thread and
    one or more streaming timer threads would remain.
    zzz authored
    - Fix bug that left server acceptor thread running after close
    - Add destroy() methods to release all resources when closing a tunnel for good,
      particularly the streaming timer threads
    - Use COWAL to prevent concurrency problems
    - Javadocs
    - Don't return null from accept() any more; actually throw
      ConnectException as the javadocs have always specified
    - Throw ConnectException from accept() if interrupted; previously caught and ignored
    - Throw exceptions from ConnectionHandler.accept(), not higher up
    - Close ServerSocket when ConnectionManager is shut down
    - Synchronize setActive(), clear queue when starting to accept,
      better handling of calls that don't change state
    - Javadocs
    ConfigClientsHelper: Call isPluginRunning() less often
    PluginStarter: Simplify detection of active threads
    Above changes mostly in support of zzzot plugin implementing ClientApp
    and being able to shut down completely so there are no threads
    in its thread group, so /configclients will all show status as stopped.
    Previously, the I2PTunnelServer acceptor thread and
    one or more streaming timer threads would remain.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.