I2P Address: [http://git.idk.i2p]
* Adjusted I2PSnark's usage of the streaming lib (tweaking it for BT's behavior) * Fixed the I2PSnark bug that would lose track of live peers
* Adjusted I2PSnark's usage of the streaming lib (tweaking it for BT's behavior) * Fixed the I2PSnark bug that would lose track of live peers
Base32 Address: [http://7qeve4v2chmjdqlwpa3vl7aojf3nodbku7vepnjwrsxljzqipz6a.b32.i2p] Onion Address: [http://47ggr2fa3vnwfyhvgskzdmr3i32eijwymxohtxsls45dulmriwxszjad.onion]