zzz authored
- Do RED dropping before the IBGW fragmenter, not after - Change batch time to 250ms for IBGWs (was 100ms) - Change batch time to 150ms for exploratory OBGWs (was 100ms) - Start a new message in the fragmenter if almost full - Fix a major, longstanding synchronization bug in the FragmentHandler which led to corrupt messages at the endpoints - More cleanups and comments
zzz authored- Do RED dropping before the IBGW fragmenter, not after - Change batch time to 250ms for IBGWs (was 100ms) - Change batch time to 150ms for exploratory OBGWs (was 100ms) - Start a new message in the fragmenter if almost full - Fix a major, longstanding synchronization bug in the FragmentHandler which led to corrupt messages at the endpoints - More cleanups and comments
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