25.80 KiB
package net.i2p.router.web;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.i2p.crypto.SigType;
import net.i2p.router.RouterContext;
* Refactored from summarynoframe.jsp to save ~100KB
public class SummaryBarRenderer {
static final String ALL_SECTIONS[] =
{"HelpAndFAQ", "I2PServices", "I2PInternals", "General", "ShortGeneral", "NetworkReachability",
"UpdateStatus", "RestartStatus", "Peers", "FirewallAndReseedStatus", "Bandwidth", "Tunnels",
"Congestion", "TunnelStatus", "Destinations", "NewsHeadings" };
static final Map<String, String> SECTION_NAMES;
static {
Map<String, String> aMap = new HashMap<String, String>();;
aMap.put("HelpAndFAQ", "Help & FAQ");
aMap.put("I2PServices", "I2P Services");
aMap.put("I2PInternals", "I2P Internals");
aMap.put("General", "General");
aMap.put("ShortGeneral", "Short General");
aMap.put("NetworkReachability", "Network Reachability");
aMap.put("UpdateStatus", "Update Status");
aMap.put("RestartStatus", "Restart Status");
aMap.put("Peers", "Peers");
aMap.put("FirewallAndReseedStatus", "Firewall & Reseed Status");
aMap.put("Bandwidth", "Bandwidth");
aMap.put("Tunnels", "Tunnels");
aMap.put("Congestion", "Congestion");
aMap.put("TunnelStatus", "Tunnel Status");
aMap.put("Destinations", "Local Tunnels");
aMap.put("NewsHeadings", "News & Updates");
SECTION_NAMES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aMap);
private final RouterContext _context;
private final SummaryHelper _helper;
public SummaryBarRenderer(RouterContext context, SummaryHelper helper) {
_context = context;
_helper = helper;
* Note - ensure all links in here are absolute, as the summary bar may be displayed
* on lower-level directory errors.
public void renderSummaryHTML(Writer out) throws IOException {
String requestURI = _helper.getRequestURI();
String page = requestURI.replace("/", "").replace(".jsp", "");
List<String> sections = _helper.getSummaryBarSections(page);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(8*1024);
for (String section : sections) {
// Commented out because broken. Replaced by if-elseif blob below.
/*try {
String section = (String)ALL_SECTIONS.get(sections[i]).invoke(this);
if (section != null && section != "") {
out.write("<hr>" + i + "<hr>\n" + section);
} catch (Exception e) {
out.write("<hr>" +i + " - Exception<hr>\n" + e);
if ("HelpAndFAQ".equals(section))
else if ("I2PServices".equals(section))
else if ("I2PInternals".equals(section))
else if ("General".equals(section))
else if ("ShortGeneral".equals(section))
else if ("NetworkReachability".equals(section))
else if ("UpdateStatus".equals(section))
else if ("RestartStatus".equals(section))
else if ("Peers".equals(section))
else if ("FirewallAndReseedStatus".equals(section))
else if ("Bandwidth".equals(section))
else if ("Tunnels".equals(section))
else if ("Congestion".equals(section))
else if ("TunnelStatus".equals(section))
else if ("Destinations".equals(section))
else if ("NewsHeadings".equals(section))
// Only output section if there's more than the <hr> to print
if (buf.length() > 5)
public String renderHelpAndFAQHTML() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/help\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("I2P Router Help & FAQ"))
.append(_("Help & FAQ"))
return buf.toString();
public String renderI2PServicesHTML() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/configclients\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Configure startup of clients and webapps (services); manually start dormant services"))
.append(_("I2P Services"))
.append("</a></h3>\n" +
"<hr class=\"b\"><table><tr><td>" +
"<a href=\"/susimail/susimail\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"")
.append(_("Anonymous webmail client"))
.append("</a>\n" +
"<a href=\"/i2psnark/\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"")
.append(_("Built-in anonymous BitTorrent Client"))
.append("</a>\n" +
"<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"")
.append(_("Local web server"))
return buf.toString();
public String renderI2PInternalsHTML() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/config\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Configure I2P Router"))
.append(_("I2P Internals"))
.append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">\n" +
"<table><tr><td>\n" +
"<a href=\"/tunnels\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("View existing tunnels and tunnel build status"))
.append("</a>\n" +
"<a href=\"/peers\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Show all current peer connections"))
.append("</a>\n" +
"<a href=\"/profiles\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Show recent peer performance profiles"))
.append("</a>\n" +
"<a href=\"/netdb\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Show list of all known I2P routers"))
.append("</a>\n" +
"<a href=\"/logs\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Health Report"))
// "<a href=\"/jobs.jsp\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
// .append(_("Show the router's workload, and how it's performing"))
// .append("\">")
// .append(_("Jobs"))
// .append("</a>\n" +
if (!StatSummarizer.isDisabled()) {
buf.append("<a href=\"/graphs\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Graph router performance"))
buf.append("<a href=\"/stats\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Textual router performance statistics"))
.append("</a>\n" +
"<a href=\"/dns\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Manage your I2P hosts file here (I2P domain name resolution)"))
.append("</a>\n" +
"<a href=\"/i2ptunnelmgr\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Local Tunnels"))
.append(nbsp(_("Hidden Services Manager")))
if (_context.getBooleanProperty(HelperBase.PROP_ADVANCED))
buf.append("<a href=\"/debug\">Debug</a>\n");
File javadoc = new File(_context.getBaseDir(), "docs/javadoc/index.html");
if (javadoc.exists())
buf.append("<a href=\"/javadoc/index.html\" target=\"_blank\">Javadoc</a>\n");
return buf.toString();
public String renderGeneralHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/help\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("I2P Router Help"))
.append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">\n" +
"<table><tr>" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b title=\"")
.append(_("Your Local Identity is your unique I2P router identity, similar to an ip address but tailored to I2P. "))
.append(_("Never disclose this to anyone, as it can reveal your real world ip."))
.append(_("Local Identity"))
.append(":</b></td>" +
"<td align=\"right\">" +
"<a title=\"")
.append(_("Your unique I2P router identity is"))
.append(' ')
.append(", ")
.append(_("never reveal it to anyone"))
.append("\" href=\"/netdb?r=.\" target=\"_top\">")
.append("</a></td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("The version of the I2P software we are running"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td>" +
"<td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("How long we've been running for this session"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td>" +
"<td align=\"right\">")
return buf.toString();
public String renderShortGeneralHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<table>" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("The version of the I2P software we are running"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td>" +
"<td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("How long we've been running for this session"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td>" +
"<td align=\"right\">")
return buf.toString();
public String renderNetworkReachabilityHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<h4><a href=\"/confignet#help\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Help with configuring your firewall and router for optimal I2P performance"))
.append(": ")
if (!SigType.ECDSA_SHA256_P256.isAvailable()) {
buf.append("<hr>\n<h4><a href=\"http://trac.i2p2.i2p/wiki/Crypto/ECDSA");
if ("ru".equals(Messages.getLanguage(_context)))
buf.append("\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("See more information on the wiki"))
.append(_("Warning: ECDSA is not available. Update your Java or OS"))
return buf.toString();
public String renderUpdateStatusHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
String updateStatus = _helper.getUpdateStatus();
if ("".equals(updateStatus)) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/configupdate\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Configure I2P Updates"))
.append(_("I2P Update"))
.append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">\n");
return buf.toString();
public String renderRestartStatusHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
return buf.toString();
public String renderPeersHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/peers\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("Show all current peer connections"))
.append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">\n" +
"<table>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("Peers we've been talking to in the last few minutes/last hour"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">");
int active = _helper.getActivePeers();
.append(Math.max(active, _helper.getActiveProfiles()))
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("The number of peers available for building client tunnels"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("The number of peers available for building exploratory tunnels"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(_("High capacity"))
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("The number of peers available for network database inquiries"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("The total number of peers in our network database"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
return buf.toString();
public String renderFirewallAndReseedStatusHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
return buf.toString();
public String renderBandwidthHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/config\" title=\"")
.append(_("Configure router bandwidth allocation"))
.append("\" target=\"_top\">")
.append(_("Bandwidth in/out"))
.append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">" +
"<table>\n" +
"<tr><td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(3 * 1000)) // lie and say 3 sec since 1 sec would appear as 1000 ms
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
if (_context.router().getUptime() > 6*60*1000) {
buf.append("<tr><td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(5 * 60 * 1000)) // 5 min
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
if (_context.router().getUptime() > 2*60*1000) {
buf.append("<tr><td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
buf.append("<tr><td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
return buf.toString();
public String renderTunnelsHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/tunnels\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("View existing tunnels and tunnel build status"))
.append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">" +
"<table>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("Used for building and testing tunnels, and communicating with floodfill peers"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append(_helper.getInboundTunnels() + _helper.getOutboundTunnels())
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("Tunnels we are using to provide or access services on the network"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append(_helper.getInboundClientTunnels() + _helper.getOutboundClientTunnels())
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("Tunnels we are participating in, directly contributing bandwith to the network"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("The ratio of tunnel hops we provide to tunnel hops we use - a value greater than 1.00 indicates a positive contribution to the network"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(_("Share ratio"))
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
return buf.toString();
public String renderCongestionHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/jobs\" target=\"_top\" title=\"")
.append(_("What's in the router's job queue?"))
.append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">" +
"<table>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("Indicates router performance"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(_("Job lag"))
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
"<tr title=\"")
.append(_("Indicates how quickly outbound messages to other I2P routers are sent"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(_("Message delay"))
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
if (!_context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue("router.disableTunnelTesting")) {
buf.append("<tr title=\"")
.append(_("Round trip time for a tunnel test"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(_("Tunnel lag"))
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
buf.append("<tr title=\"")
.append(_("Queued requests from other routers to participate in tunnels"))
.append("\">" +
"<td align=\"left\"><b>")
.append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">")
.append("</td></tr>\n" +
return buf.toString();
public String renderTunnelStatusHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(50);
return buf.toString();
public String renderDestinationsHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
return buf.toString();
/** @since 0.9.1 */
public String renderNewsHeadingsHTML() {
if (_helper == null) return "";
NewsHelper newshelper = _helper.getNewsHelper();
if (newshelper == null || newshelper.shouldShowNews()) return "";
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512);
String consoleNonce = CSSHelper.getNonce();
if (consoleNonce != null) {
// Set up title and pre-headings stuff.
buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/configupdate\">")
.append(_("News & Updates"))
.append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\"><div class=\"newsheadings\">\n");
// Get news content.
String newsContent = newshelper.getContent();
if (newsContent != "") {
// Parse news content for headings.
int start = newsContent.indexOf("<h3>");
while (start >= 0) {
// Add offset to start:
// 4 - gets rid of <h3>
// 16 - gets rid of the date as well (assuming form "<h3>yyyy-mm-dd: Foobarbaz...")
// Don't truncate the "congratulations" in initial news
if (newsContent.length() > start + 16 &&
newsContent.substring(start + 4, start + 6).equals("20") &&
newsContent.substring(start + 14, start + 16).equals(": "))
newsContent = newsContent.substring(start+16, newsContent.length());
newsContent = newsContent.substring(start+4, newsContent.length());
int end = newsContent.indexOf("</h3>");
if (end >= 0) {
String heading = newsContent.substring(0, end);
start = newsContent.indexOf("<h3>");
// Set up string containing <a> to show news.
String requestURI = _helper.getRequestURI();
if (requestURI.contains("/home")) {
buf.append("<a href=\"/?news=1&consoleNonce=")
.append(_("Show news"))
} else {
// Add post-headings stuff.
return buf.toString();
/** translate a string */
private String _(String s) {
return Messages.getString(s, _context);
* Where the translation is to two words or more,
* prevent splitting across lines
* @since 0.9.18
private static String nbsp(String s) {
return s.replace(" ", " ");