zzz authored
- Don't cd to script location, no longer required * RouterLaunch: - If no wrapper, put wrapper.log in system temp dir unless specified with -Dwrapper.logfile=/path/to/wrapper.log or it already exists in CWD (for backward compatibility) - Append rather than replace wrapper.log - Pass wrapper log location to router as a property, so that logs.jsp can find it * logs.jsp: - Get wrapper log location from a property too * runplain.sh: - Add path substitution to runplain.sh on install - Pass I2P base dir to the router as a property * wrapper.config: - Put wrapper.log in system temp dir for new installs - Pass I2P base dir to the router as a property * WorkingDir: - Don't migrate an existing install by default - Never migrate the data (too hard)
zzz authored- Don't cd to script location, no longer required * RouterLaunch: - If no wrapper, put wrapper.log in system temp dir unless specified with -Dwrapper.logfile=/path/to/wrapper.log or it already exists in CWD (for backward compatibility) - Append rather than replace wrapper.log - Pass wrapper log location to router as a property, so that logs.jsp can find it * logs.jsp: - Get wrapper log location from a property too * runplain.sh: - Add path substitution to runplain.sh on install - Pass I2P base dir to the router as a property * wrapper.config: - Put wrapper.log in system temp dir for new installs - Pass I2P base dir to the router as a property * WorkingDir: - Don't migrate an existing install by default - Never migrate the data (too hard)