zzz authored
- Use java.security.MessageDigest instead of bundled GNU SHA-256 code if available, which it should always be. 5 to 20% faster on Oracle JVM; 40 to 60% on Harmony; 5 to 15% on JamVM; 20x (!) on GIJ. - Use java.security.MessageDigest instead of bundled Bitzi SHA-1 code if available on non-Oracle JVMs, which it should always be. Not faster on Oracle JVM; 30 to 60% faster on Harmony; 15 to 20% on JamVM; 10-15x (!) on GIJ.
zzz authored- Use java.security.MessageDigest instead of bundled GNU SHA-256 code if available, which it should always be. 5 to 20% faster on Oracle JVM; 40 to 60% on Harmony; 5 to 15% on JamVM; 20x (!) on GIJ. - Use java.security.MessageDigest instead of bundled Bitzi SHA-1 code if available on non-Oracle JVMs, which it should always be. Not faster on Oracle JVM; 30 to 60% faster on Harmony; 15 to 20% on JamVM; 10-15x (!) on GIJ.
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