zzz authored
* TunnelPeerSelectors: - Re-enable strict ordering of peers, based on XOR distance from a random hash - Restrict peers with uptime < 90m from tunnels (was 2h), which is really 60m due to rounding in netDb publishing. * i2psnark: - Limit max pipelined requests from a single peer to 128KB (was unlimited; i2p-bt default is 5 * 64KB) - Increase max uploaders per torrent to 6 (was 4) - Reduce max connections per torrent to 16 (was 24) to increase unchoke time and reduce memory consumption - Strictly enforce max connections per torrent - Choke more gradually when over BW limit * help.jsp: Add a link to the FAQ * peers.jsp: Fix UDP direction indicators * hosts.txt: Add update.postman.i2p
zzz authored* TunnelPeerSelectors: - Re-enable strict ordering of peers, based on XOR distance from a random hash - Restrict peers with uptime < 90m from tunnels (was 2h), which is really 60m due to rounding in netDb publishing. * i2psnark: - Limit max pipelined requests from a single peer to 128KB (was unlimited; i2p-bt default is 5 * 64KB) - Increase max uploaders per torrent to 6 (was 4) - Reduce max connections per torrent to 16 (was 24) to increase unchoke time and reduce memory consumption - Strictly enforce max connections per torrent - Choke more gradually when over BW limit * help.jsp: Add a link to the FAQ * peers.jsp: Fix UDP direction indicators * hosts.txt: Add update.postman.i2p
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