zzz authored
This is a simple shim to allow running the NDT Applet code with minimal modifications. From BiglyBT MLab plugin: Github rev e927dca, Aug. 18, 2018. From https://github.com/BiglySoftware/BiglyBT-plugin-mlab This is for Tcpbw100 from NDT 3.6.2b; not sufficient to compile Tcpbw100 from, changes to follow. License: GPLv2.
zzz authoredThis is a simple shim to allow running the NDT Applet code with minimal modifications. From BiglyBT MLab plugin: Github rev e927dca, Aug. 18, 2018. From https://github.com/BiglySoftware/BiglyBT-plugin-mlab This is for Tcpbw100 from NDT 3.6.2b; not sufficient to compile Tcpbw100 from, changes to follow. License: GPLv2.
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
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