zzz authored
- Earlier detection and better logging of truncated TunnelGatewayMessage and DatabaseStoreMessage - Fix and enhance UnknownI2NPMessage implementation - Don't deserialize or verify the checksum of the embeddedI2NP message in the TunnelGatewayMessage at the IBGW, just use UnknownI2NPMessage and pass it along, except if zero hop; Still to do: similar thing at OBEP - Round expiration times when converting to/from seconds for SSU - Cleanups and javadoc
zzz authored- Earlier detection and better logging of truncated TunnelGatewayMessage and DatabaseStoreMessage - Fix and enhance UnknownI2NPMessage implementation - Don't deserialize or verify the checksum of the embeddedI2NP message in the TunnelGatewayMessage at the IBGW, just use UnknownI2NPMessage and pass it along, except if zero hop; Still to do: similar thing at OBEP - Round expiration times when converting to/from seconds for SSU - Cleanups and javadoc
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