zzz authored
- Restrict peers requiring introducers from inbound tunnels, since it's slow and unreliable... and many of them advertise NTCP, which seems unlikely to work - Provide warning on summary bar if firewalled with inbound NTCP enabled * Stats: Remove the bw.[send,recv]Bps[1,15]s stats unless log level net.i2p.router.transport.FIFOBandwidthLimiter >= WARN at startup (you didn't get any data unless you set the log level anyway) * oldstats.jsp: Don't put 2 decimal places on integer event counts * Remove the Internals link from the menu bar * i2psnark: Extend startup delay from 1 to 3 minutes
zzz authored- Restrict peers requiring introducers from inbound tunnels, since it's slow and unreliable... and many of them advertise NTCP, which seems unlikely to work - Provide warning on summary bar if firewalled with inbound NTCP enabled * Stats: Remove the bw.[send,recv]Bps[1,15]s stats unless log level net.i2p.router.transport.FIFOBandwidthLimiter >= WARN at startup (you didn't get any data unless you set the log level anyway) * oldstats.jsp: Don't put 2 decimal places on integer event counts * Remove the Internals link from the menu bar * i2psnark: Extend startup delay from 1 to 3 minutes
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