* Revised the installer to include start menu and desktop shortcuts for windows platforms, including pretty icons (thanks DrWoo!) * Allow clients specified in clients.config to have an explicit startup delay. * Update the default install to launch a browser pointing at the console whenever I2P starts up, rather than only the first time it starts up (configurable on /configservice.jsp, or in clients.config) * Bugfix to the clock skew checking code to monitor the delta between offsets, not the offset itself (duh) * Router console html update * New (and uuuuugly) code to verify that the wrapper.config contains the necessary classpath entries on update. If it has to update the wrapper.config, it will stop the JVM and service completely, since the java service wrapper doesn't reread the wrapper.config on JVM restart - requiring the user to manually restart the service after an update. * Increase the TCP connection timeout to 30s (which is obscenely long) ------------------------------------------------
* Revised the installer to include start menu and desktop shortcuts for windows platforms, including pretty icons (thanks DrWoo!) * Allow clients specified in clients.config to have an explicit startup delay. * Update the default install to launch a browser pointing at the console whenever I2P starts up, rather than only the first time it starts up (configurable on /configservice.jsp, or in clients.config) * Bugfix to the clock skew checking code to monitor the delta between offsets, not the offset itself (duh) * Router console html update * New (and uuuuugly) code to verify that the wrapper.config contains the necessary classpath entries on update. If it has to update the wrapper.config, it will stop the JVM and service completely, since the java service wrapper doesn't reread the wrapper.config on JVM restart - requiring the user to manually restart the service after an update. * Increase the TCP connection timeout to 30s (which is obscenely long) ------------------------------------------------
readme.html 4.85 KiB
<h1>Congratulations on getting I2P installed!</h1>
<p>If this is your first time running I2P, you will see a link on the left hand
side telling you to "reseed" - click that to get connected to the network (you
only need to do it if that link shows up). Within 5 minutes, you should see
the number of "Active: " peers rise, and you should see some local "destinations"
listed (if not, <a href="#trouble">see below</a>). Once those are up, you can:</p>
<li><b>chat anonymously</b> - fire up your own IRC client and connect to the
server at <b>localhost port 6668</b>. This points at one of two anonymously hosted
IRC servers (irc.duck.i2p and irc.baffled.i2p), but neither you nor they know
where the other is.</li>
<li><b>browse "eepsites"</b> - on I2P there are anonymously hosted websites -
tell your browser to use the <b>HTTP proxy at localhost port 4444</b>, then
browse to an eepsite -
<li><a href="http://duck.i2p/">duck.i2p</a>: duck's eepsite, with links to other active sites</li>
<li><a href="http://ugha.i2p/">ugha.i2p</a>: ugha's eepsite, a wiki that anyone can edit, and lots of links</li>
<li><a href="http://files.i2p/">files.i2p</a>: a search engine that tries to keep track of things on I2P</li>
<li><a href="http://forum.i2p/">forum.i2p</a>: a secure and anonymous connection to <a href="http://forum.i2p.net/">forum.i2p.net</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.i2p/">www.i2p</a>: a secure and anonymous connection to <a href="http://www.i2p.net/">www.i2p.net</a></li>
<li><a href="http://dev.i2p/">dev.i2p</a>: a secure and anonymous connection to <a href="http://dev.i2p.net/">dev.i2p.net</a></li>
<li><a href="http://fproxy.i2p/">fproxy.i2p</a>: a secure and anonymous connection to a freenet node</li>
There are many more eepsites - just follow the links from the ones you see,
bookmark your favorites, and visit them often!</li>
<li><b>browse the web</b> - there are a pair of HTTP "outproxies" in I2P hooked
up to your own HTTP proxy on port 4444 - simply set your browser's proxy to
use it (as above) and go to any normal URL - your requests will be bounced
through the I2P network.</li>
<li><b>transfer files</b> - there is an <a href="http://duck.i2p/i2p-bt/">I2P port</a>
of the <a href="http://www.bittorrent.com/">BitTorrent</a> application available.</li>
<li><b>use anonymous email</b> - postman has created a mail system compatible with normal mail
clients (POP3 / SMTP) that allows email within I2P as well as mail from and to the normal
internet! get your account at <a href="http://www.postman.i2p/">www.postman.i2p</a>.</li>
<li>and lots more</li>
<h2>Want your own eepsite?</h2>
<p>We've bundled some software to let you run your own eepsite - a
<a href="http://jetty.mortbay.org/">Jetty</a> instance listening on
<a href="http://localhost:7658/">http://localhost:7658/</a>. Simply place your files in
the <code>eepsite/docroot/</code> directory (or any standard JSP/Servlet <code>.war</code>
files under <code>eepsite/webapps</code>) and they'll show up. Your eepsite's
<i>destination</i> (which uniquely and securely identifies it) is shown on the I2PTunnel
<a href="/i2ptunnel/">configuration page</a> - if you want other people to see your eepsite,
you need to give them that really huge string. Just paste it into the
<a href="http://forum.i2p/viewforum.php?f=16">Eepsite announce</a> forum, add it to
ugha's <a href="http://ugha.i2p/I2pLinks">wiki</a>, or paste it in the #i2p or #i2p-chat channels on
IRC (be sure to split it into two lines, as its too long for one).</p>
<h2><a name="trouble">Troubleshooting</a></h2>
<p>If the left hand side has a warning, telling you to check your NAT or firewall, please
see the <a href="/config.jsp">config page</a> and make sure that you can receive <b>inbound
TCP connections on port 8887</b> (or another port that you specify). Probelms forwarding
that port account for the vast majority of issues people run into. When it says
"Active: 72/85", the "72" means how many peers you are connected with now, and "85" means
how many you have spoken with recently - if that first number is 0, you can bet that there
are firewall issues. If the second number is under 5, you should reseed (a link on the left
hand side of the page will show up to help you when necessary).</p>
<p>If you are still having problems, you may want to review the information on the
<a href="http://www.i2p.net/">I2P website</a>, post up messages to the
<a href="http://forum.i2p.net/">I2P discussion forum</a>, or swing by #i2p or
#i2p-chat on IRC at <a href="irc://irc.freenode.net/#i2p">irc.freenode.net</a>,
<a href="http://www.invisiblechat.com/">invisiblechat/IIP</a>, or irc.duck.i2p (they're all
linked together).</p>
<p><b>As a note, you can change this page by editing the file "docs/readme.html"</b></p>