zzz authored
- Allow at least 3 packets and up to half the window to be active resends instead of just 1, to reduce stall time after a packet drop - Increase fast retransmit threshold back to 3 to reduce retransmissions - Don't fast retransmit if we recently retransmitted it already - Allow double the window as long as gaps are less than the window - Don't set the MSS in a resent packet (saves 2 bytes) - Remove redundant calls to updateAcks() - Update activity timer when resending a packet - Reset unackedPacketsReceived counter at all places where acks are sent so it isn't wrong - Fix some places where the activeResends count could become wrong - Prevent storm of CLOSE packets - Never resend the whole packet in ackImmediately(), just send an ack - Cancel flusher timer in MessageOutputStream when closed - Move some createRateStats to ConnectionManager to reduce repeated calls - Cleanups, javadocs, logging, volatile, finals
zzz authored- Allow at least 3 packets and up to half the window to be active resends instead of just 1, to reduce stall time after a packet drop - Increase fast retransmit threshold back to 3 to reduce retransmissions - Don't fast retransmit if we recently retransmitted it already - Allow double the window as long as gaps are less than the window - Don't set the MSS in a resent packet (saves 2 bytes) - Remove redundant calls to updateAcks() - Update activity timer when resending a packet - Reset unackedPacketsReceived counter at all places where acks are sent so it isn't wrong - Fix some places where the activeResends count could become wrong - Prevent storm of CLOSE packets - Never resend the whole packet in ackImmediately(), just send an ack - Cancel flusher timer in MessageOutputStream when closed - Move some createRateStats to ConnectionManager to reduce repeated calls - Cleanups, javadocs, logging, volatile, finals
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