* Disable the probabalistic drop by default (enable via the router config property "tcp.dropProbabalistically=true") * Disable the actual watchdog shutdown by default, but keep track of more variables and log a lot more when it occurs (enable via the router config property "watchdog.haltOnHang=true") * Implement some tunnel participation smoothing by refusing requests probabalistically as our participating tunnel count exceeds the previous hour's, or when the 10 minute average tunnel test time exceeds the 60 minute average tunnel test time. The probabilities in both cases are oldAverage / #current, so if you're suddenly flooded with 200 tunnels and you had previously only participated in 50, you'll have a 25% chance of accepting a subsequent request.
* Disable the probabalistic drop by default (enable via the router config property "tcp.dropProbabalistically=true") * Disable the actual watchdog shutdown by default, but keep track of more variables and log a lot more when it occurs (enable via the router config property "watchdog.haltOnHang=true") * Implement some tunnel participation smoothing by refusing requests probabalistically as our participating tunnel count exceeds the previous hour's, or when the 10 minute average tunnel test time exceeds the 60 minute average tunnel test time. The probabilities in both cases are oldAverage / #current, so if you're suddenly flooded with 200 tunnels and you had previously only participated in 50, you'll have a 25% chance of accepting a subsequent request.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.