zzz authored
- Don't distclean in the updaterRouter target - Don't make prepUpdate and prepupdateSmall depend on distclean - Don't make susimail build always clean - Make pkg depend on distclean to be sure - Clean out more routerconsole and susidns files in 'ant clean' - i2ptunnel, routerconsole, susidns: Only build WEB-INF when necessary - systray: Only build jar when necessary - Don't build i2psnark standalone for the updater target
zzz authored- Don't distclean in the updaterRouter target - Don't make prepUpdate and prepupdateSmall depend on distclean - Don't make susimail build always clean - Make pkg depend on distclean to be sure - Clean out more routerconsole and susidns files in 'ant clean' - i2ptunnel, routerconsole, susidns: Only build WEB-INF when necessary - systray: Only build jar when necessary - Don't build i2psnark standalone for the updater target