readme.html 5.05 KiB
<h1>Congratulations on getting I2P installed!</h1>
<p>Next up you'll need to go into the <a href="config.jsp">configuration page</a>
and provide some info (such as your IP address, etc). You will also want to
seed your router on that page as well, and may want to consider reviewing some
of the other configuration pages. Alternately, you can update the "router.config"
file in your I2P installation directory, which is checked for updates periodically.</p>
<p>After your router has been configured and you have reseeded, within a few minutes
(3-5), you should see the number of active peers increase. If it doesn't, you may
want to verify that the hostname and port number specified on the configuration page
are correct and reachable from the outside world.</p>
<p>For help, you may want to review the information on the <a href="">I2P website</a>,
post up messages to the <a href="">I2P discussion forum</a>, or swing by #i2p or
#i2p-chat on IRC at <a href="irc://"></a>,
<a href="">invisiblechat/IIP</a>, or (they're all
linked together).</p>
<h2>Want I2P to run automatically?</h2>
<p>With the I2P install we've bundled some scripts and code (from the cool folks at
<a href="">tanukisoftware</a>) to let you
run I2P as a service on windows machines (a daemon, for you *nix geeks). Windows users can
add or remove the I2P service on the <a href="/configservice.jsp">service control page</a>, or
through the install_i2p_service_winnt.bat and uninstall_i2p_service_winnt.bat scripts. *nix
users can script up something to call <code>./i2prouter start</code> with the appropriate
environment ($PATH, $JAVA_HOME, etc) and user id (I2P does not require root). To uninstall
I2P altogether, simply wipe the I2P installation directory.</p>
<h2>What next?</h2>
<p>By default, I2P comes bundled with the <a href="">I2PTunnel</a>
application configured with an <b>HTTP proxy</b> listening on <b>port 4444</b> and an
<b>IRC proxy</b> listening on <b>port 6668</b>.</p>
<p>The HTTP proxy lets you access "eepsites" - anonymously hosted websites -
routing your requests and their responses over I2P. There are also a few "outproxies" -
gateways onto the normal internet - through which you can browse normal websites
anonymously. Once you've configured your browser to use the proxy, you should be able
to reach some of the following sites:</p>
<li><a href="http://duck.i2p/">duck.i2p</a>: duck's eepsite, with links to other active sites</li>
<li><a href="http://ugha.i2p/">ugha.i2p</a>: ugha's eepsite, a wiki that anyone can edit, and lots of links</li>
<li><a href="http://forum.i2p/">forum.i2p</a>: a secure and anonymous connection to <a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.i2p/">www.i2p</a>: a secure and anonymous connection to <a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href="http://dev.i2p/">dev.i2p</a>: a secure and anonymous connection to <a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href="http://fproxy.i2p/">fproxy.i2p</a> and <a href="http://fproxy2.i2p/">fproxy2.i2p</a>:
a secure and anonymous connection to two different freenet nodes</li>
<p>The IRC proxy is a gateway to duck's anonymously hosted IRC server
"". You can treat it like any other IRC server - fire up your IRC client and
connect to the server at localhost:6668 and join us on #i2p or #i2p-chat! DCC doesn't
work at the moment though.</p>
<p>By default, those two proxies listen only on the local interface, which means you
cannot access them from other machines on your network (and neither can random strangers :)
If you want to make them accessible, or want to update them through some other way, go to
the <a href="/i2ptunnel/" target="_blank">I2PTunnel configuration interface</a> and edit them accordingly.
You can also go to that page if you want to add a new tunnel, such as if you want to run
your own eepsite.</p>
<h2>Want your own eepsite?</h2>
<p>In addition, we've configured some software to let you run your own eepsite - a
<a href="">Jetty</a> instance listening on
<a href="http://localhost:7658/">http://localhost:7658/</a>. Simply place your files in
the <code>eepsite/docroot/</code> directory (or any standard JSP/Servlet <code>.war</code>
files under <code>eepsite/webapps</code>) and they'll show up. Your eepsite's
<i>destination</i> (which uniquely and securly identifies it) is shown on the I2PTunnel
<a href="/i2ptunnel/">configuration page</a> - if you want other people to see your eepsite,
you need to give them that really huge string. Just paste it into the
<a href="http://forum.i2p/viewforum.php?f=16">Eepsite announce</a> forum, add it to
ugha's <a href="http://ugha.i2p/I2pLinks">wiki</a>, or paste it in the #i2p or #i2p-chat channels on
IRC (be sure to split it into two lines, as its too long for one).</p>
<p><b>As a note, you can change this page by editing the file "docs/readme.html"</b></p>