* New tunnel build process - does not use the new crypto or new peer selection strategies. However, it does drop the fallback tunnel procedure, except for tunnels who are configured to allow them, or for the exploratory pool during bootstrapping or after a catastrophic failure. This new process prefers to fail rather than use too-short tunnels, so while it can do some pretty aggressive tunnel rebuilding, it may expose more tunnel failures to the user. * Always prefer normal tunnels to fallback tunnels. * Potential fix for a bug while changing i2cp settings on I2PSnark (thanks bar!) * Do all of the netDb entry writing in a separate thread, avoiding duplicates and batching them up.
* New tunnel build process - does not use the new crypto or new peer selection strategies. However, it does drop the fallback tunnel procedure, except for tunnels who are configured to allow them, or for the exploratory pool during bootstrapping or after a catastrophic failure. This new process prefers to fail rather than use too-short tunnels, so while it can do some pretty aggressive tunnel rebuilding, it may expose more tunnel failures to the user. * Always prefer normal tunnels to fallback tunnels. * Potential fix for a bug while changing i2cp settings on I2PSnark (thanks bar!) * Do all of the netDb entry writing in a separate thread, avoiding duplicates and batching them up.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.