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INSTALL-headless.txt 1.99 KiB
Headless (console mode) I2P installation instructions

1) java -jar i2pinstall.exe -console       (you've already done this)

This will run the installer in text mode, including running the postinstall.sh
script. After that, you may run 'sh i2prouter start'
which will start the router and attempt to launch a browser.

If you do not have an X server running, the browser launch may fail, and
you may use:
  lynx http://localhost:7657/
to configure the router.

If you're having trouble, check the
website at https://geti2p.net/, or get on irc://irc.freenode.net/#i2p

I2P will create and store files and configuration data in the user directory
~/.i2p/ on Linux and %LOCALAPPDATA%\I2P\ on Windows. This directory is created
when I2P is run for the first time. It also creates files in the system
temporary directory specified by the Java Virtual Machine.
To change the location of these directories, or to configure I2P to
put all files in this directory (the so-called "portable" configuration),
edit the files i2prouter (Linux) and wrapper.config (Linux and Windows)
where there are comments labeled "PORTABLE". Do this before you
run I2P for the first time.

To start I2P:
   (*nix, BSD, Mac): sh i2prouter start
   (win*): I2P.exe
   (platforms without wrapper support): sh runplain.sh

To stop I2P (gracefully):
   lynx http://localhost:7657/summaryframe (click "Shutdown")
   or (*nix, BSD, Mac) sh i2prouter graceful

To stop I2P immediately:
   (*nix, BSD, Mac) sh i2prouter stop

To uninstall I2P:
   rm -rf $I2PInstallDir ~/.i2p

Supported JVMs:
  All platforms: Java 1.8 or higher required
  Windows: OpenJDK or Oracle from http://java.com/download
  Linux:   OpenJDK or Oracle from http://java.com/download
  FreeBSD: OpenJDK or Oracle from http://java.com/download
  Raspberry Pi: Oracle 8 Early Access https://jdk8.java.net/download.html
  PowerPC: IBM SDK 7 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/linux/download.html
  Other operating systems and JVMs: See https://trac.i2p2.de/wiki/java or https://geti2p.net/download