zzz authored
- Exclude floodfill peers - Tweak the HighCap vs. NonFailing decision * i2psnark: Increase retries for .torrent fetch * IRC Proxy: Prevent mIRC from sending an alternate DCC request containing an IP * readme.html: Reorder some items * Stats: Add some more required stats * Streaming lib: Fix slow start to be exponential growth, fix congestion avoidance to be linear growth. Should speed up local connections a lot, and remote connections a little.
zzz authored- Exclude floodfill peers - Tweak the HighCap vs. NonFailing decision * i2psnark: Increase retries for .torrent fetch * IRC Proxy: Prevent mIRC from sending an alternate DCC request containing an IP * readme.html: Reorder some items * Stats: Add some more required stats * Streaming lib: Fix slow start to be exponential growth, fix congestion avoidance to be linear growth. Should speed up local connections a lot, and remote connections a little.
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