To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
I2P Address: [http://git.idk.i2p]
* Some cleanup and bugfixes for the IP address detection code where we only consider connections that have actually sent and received messages recently as active, rather than the mere presence of a TCP socket as activity.
* Some cleanup and bugfixes for the IP address detection code where we only consider connections that have actually sent and received messages recently as active, rather than the mere presence of a TCP socket as activity.
Base32 Address: [http://7qeve4v2chmjdqlwpa3vl7aojf3nodbku7vepnjwrsxljzqipz6a.b32.i2p] Onion Address: [http://47ggr2fa3vnwfyhvgskzdmr3i32eijwymxohtxsls45dulmriwxszjad.onion]