2009-05-07 zzz
* Addressbook: Name the thread
* Console:
- More IE button fixes, try harder to not refresh the iframe after shutdown
- Disable idle options for streamr client, it will never be
idle because it pings the server
* Floodfill Monitor: Slow down the volunteers
* Throttle: Throttle at 90% so we throttle before we WRED
2009-05-06 Mathiasdm
* Improvements to popup menu rightclick action
* Added general configuration options (still not available by default)
* General fixes
* Added ant build options (irc says eche|on would like that ;))
2009-05-06 sponge
* Hopefully the last fixes for BOB.
* Fixes to prevent race in client-side I2CP and Notifier.
2009-05-03 sponge
* More hopeful fixes for BOB.
* Added new Robert ID to snark
2009-05-01 zzz
* Build files:
- Fix up susidns build file so it will work with gcj
- Add consoleDocs target
* Client: Fix race NPE (thanks sponge)
* Console: fix ERR-UDP Disabled and Inbound TCP host/port not set
* I2CP: Fix race NPE
* I2PTunnel:
- Try to fix locking to prevent duplicate destinations when using
the new option new-dest-on-resume. Still not right for shared clients
but should be better for non-shared.
* Router console:
- Add jbigi and cpu info to logs.jsp
* Session key manager:
- Log before a hang maybe
* URL Launcher:
- Launcher on linux was stopping after trying opera, whether it succeeded or failed.
Now it keeps going to try firefox, etc. as designed.
- Extend default delay from 5s to 15s so it will reliably start
2009-04-27 sponge
* more BOB fixes, complete with warnings when things go wrong, and
success messages when things turn around and go right. Terminates
early so that applications wait no more than 10 seconds or so.
* Reversed a few earlier patches that caused some odd behavior.
* Changed some core println()'s to debugging messages.
2009-04-27 zzz
* Build files:
- New updaterWithJettyFixes target, build it for pkg
- Pass compiler args down from top build.xml
* GarlicMessageBuilder: Reduce bundled tags to 40 (was 100)
* i2psnark: Add Postman2 tracker
* I2PTunnel: Allow spaces in dest and proxy lists
* NetDb:
- Adjust RouterInfo expiration down to control memory usage
- Display LeaseSets and RouterInfos on separate console pages
- Correct the meanings of the i2np.ntcp.autoip and i2np.ntcp.autoport
advanced config. If you have one of these set but not the other, you
will have to adjust your configuration on config.jsp.
* RouterConsole: iframe tweaks
* StatisticsManager: Cleanup
* Streaming: Don't let jrandom yell so loud
2009-04-25 sponge
* I2PSessionMuxedImpl atomic fixes
* BOB fixes. This should be the final bug wack. Good Luck to everybody!
2009-04-23 zzz
* Blocklist: cleanup
* eepget: handle -h, --help, bad options, etc.
* Fragmenter: don't re-throw the corrupt fragment IllegalStateException,
to limit the damage - root cause still not found
* i2psnark: (http://forum.i2p/viewtopic.php?t=3317)
- Change file limit to 512 (was 256)
- Change size limit to 10GB (was 5GB)
- Change request size to 16KB (was 32KB)
- Change pipeline to 5 (was 3)
* logs.jsp: Move version info to the top
* Jetty: Fix temp dir name handling on windows, which was
causing susidns not to start
* NTCP: Prevent IllegalStateException
* PeerProfile:
- Replace a hot lock with concurrent RW lock
- Rewrite ugly IP Restriction code
- Also use transport IP in restriction code
* RouterConsole: Make summary bar a refreshing iframe
* Transport: Start the previously unused CleanupUnreachable
appling final where it is important. Also fixed some equals methods
and commented places that need fixing.
2009-04-18 Complication
* Fix typo in "news.xml", no build number increase.
* 2009-04-18 0.7.2 released
2009-04-18 Complication
* Update versions, package release
2009-04-17 sponge
* fixed setIP, just be sure to distclean before building :-)
* more lint taken care of as well.
2009-04-17 sponge
* setIP wants to be a static method in the class, but it produces
warnings about it being static from other code.
2009-04-17 sponge
* Catch NPE in NTCP.
This possibly augments fix 2009-04-11 welterde below.
* Various LINT on NTCP sources, and removal of space-wasting
spaces at end of lines in sources touched.
2009-04-13 Mathiasdm
* Bugfix on tray icon updating
* Some more work on the general configuration menu
(currently not added to the tray icon menu yet, needs more work)
* Tweaked the desktopgui logo
2009-04-13 Mathiasdm
* Added I2P version and GUI version to desktopgui
* Tweaks to the tray icon menu
* Some starting work on a GUI general configuration menu
* Bugfix allowing spaces in directory structure
2009-04-11 sponge
* i2ptunnel janitorial work and fixes on most locks.
Some locks still need work, and are marked with LINT in the comment.
Just grep for "LINT" to see where the remaining places are.
2009-04-10 sponge
* More BOB threadgroup fixes, plus debug dump when things go wrong.
* Fixes to streaminglib, I2CP, which are related to the TG problem.
* JavaDocs fixups.
2009-04-08 sponge
* More hopeful fixups to the infamous orpahned tunnel problem. *Sigh*
2009-04-08 zzz
* IPV6/localhost:
- Enable IPv6 stack in the JVM, hopefully won't break anything
- Patch Jetty to support binding to IPv6 addresses
- Allow multiple bind addresses for the router console
in the clients.config file; for new installs the
default is now ",::1"
- Change most instances of "localhost" to ""
throughout the code
* Router:
- Move some classes to private static inner
2009-04-07 sponge
* BOB prevent jvac from optimizing out thread-group code from -10
2009-04-07 zzz
* NTCP: Prevent occasional NPE introduced in -4
* streamr: Synchronize DatagramMaker
2009-04-07 sponge
* SimpleTimer2, SimpleScheduler fixed so that the threads all run from
The main threadgroup, not in the current possible child threadgroup.
So long as any SimpleTimer2/SimpleScheduler is started *BEFORE* any
child threadgroups, the constructors are threadgroup safe. What would
be super cool is if they were to be all jailed within thier very own
threadgroup too, but, I2P isn't up to the task of this yet.
* Fixes to BOB to ensure the above is true.
2009-04-06 sponge
* Debugging to make SimpleTimer2 and SimpleScheduler easier to debug.
* Fix for the config files in the GUI from mathiasdm
2009-04-04 sponge
* Hopeful fixups to the infamous orpahned tunnel problem.
* BOB now 0.0.5
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