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2009-09-21 sponge
    * fixups to SlackBuilds. requiredbuilder does the wrong thing, and
      thinks that java is perl! This isn't really a big deal, 
      the file format is simple enough and the requirements are known.

2009-09-07 mkvore
    * removes a SAM v1&2 bug

2009-09-04 zzz
    * SessionKeyManager, OCMOSJ, Garlic:
      - Enable per-client SessionKeyManagers for better anonymity
      - tagsDelivered() now means tags are sent, not acked.
      - OCMOSJ uses the new TagSetHandle object returned from tagsDelivered()
        to call tagsAcked() or failTags() as appropriate.
      - Assume tags delivered on an established session to
        reduce streaming lib stalls caused by massive tag deliveries;
        should increase throughput and window sizes on long-lived streams
      - Unacked tagsets on a new session are stored on a separate list
      - Don't kill an OB Session just because it's temporarily out of tags
      - Increase min tag threshold to 30 (was 20) due to new speculative
        tags delivered scheme, and to increase effective max window
      - More Java 5 and dead code cleanups, and more comments and javadoc,
        debug logging cleanups
      - Key toString()s for easier debugging
      - HandleGarlicMessageJob: cleanup of unused things
    * Tunnel TestJob:
      - Consume the tag after a failed test so it doesn't
        stay in the SKM
      - Disable tests with router.disableTunnelTesting=true
    * configkeyring.jsp: Add delete and cancel buttons
    * Logging: Fix directory for rotated log
    * TunnelDispatcher: Cleanup

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-09-02 sponge
    * Small logic fix for dr|z3d

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-08-28 zzz
    * Client: Fail if no date handshake after 30s or no leaseset
      after 5m, rather than hanging forever.
    * Console:
      - Prevent OOMs in NewsFetcher or StatsSummarizer from
        killing the router
      - Fix favicon (-17)
    * Data: Speed up many hashcodes
    * DataHelper: Fix byte array hashcode for small arrays
    * DecayingBloomFilter:
      - Replace with new DecayingHashSet for 3 of 4 uses,
        and also in the 4th if the router is low-bandwidth.
        Saves 8 MB heap.
    * EepGet, I2PSnark:
      - New I2PSocketEepGet fetches through existing tunnels
        rather than through the proxy
      - Use new eepget for i2psnark
      - Add a fake user agent for non-proxied fetches
      - Cleanups
    * NetDb:
      - oops, store leaseset locally even when shutting down
        (fix -16)
      - Java 5 cleanups
    * PRNG:
      - Rename config option to prng.buffers (was router.prng.buffers)
      - Change the default from 16 to 2 for I2PAppContext (saves 3.5MB)
    * Tunnel:
      - Adjust the random drop probability for the message size
      - Concurrentify HashSetIVValidator
    * TunnelPool:
      - Don't test tunnels when shutting down
      - Less rates
      - Java 5 cleanups

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-08-24 zzz
    * ClientManager:
      - Prevent client destination theft by rejecting duplicates
      - Java 5 cleanups
    * Console:
      - Put favicon on every page
      - Make every page UTF-8, ☃ safe for snowmen
      - Remove options boxes on configtunnels.jsp
      - Fix UTF-8 form submission (i2ptunnel too)
      - Throw 403 instead of 404 from flags.jsp and viewstat.jsp
        so we don't render error.jsp
    * I2CP: Fix the SessionConfig serializer in DataHelper,
      so that UTF-8 tunnel names are not corrupted by
      I2CP and can be displayed on the console
    * Message: Move 2 unused classes out of the router lib (~15KB)
      (more SKM prep)
    * Message, I2PSession, SessionKeyManager, Console:
      Prep for SessionKeyManager work in the router -
      Fix up SKM renderStatusHTML(); add debug.jsp to see it;
      Redefine getClientSessionKeyManager();
      More cleanups
    * Ministreaming: Kill deprecation warnings
    * profiles.jsp: Bulletproofing, less memory usage
    * Streaming, I2PSession:
      Prep for SessionKeyManager work in the router -
      Comment out, deprecate, and javadoc for unused keys and tags,
      they are vestiges of end-to-end crypto
    * Updates: Verify zip at startup before extracting
    * Wrapper: Take a couple fields out of the log so it's narrower

2009-08-20 zzz
    * Config files:
      - Add some path and encoding help
    * configclients.jsp: Add full path to config file
    * configpeer.jsp: Limit max displayed banned IPs
    * Console:
      - Don't display firewall warning unless it's real
      - Cleanups
    * DataHelper, I2PTunnel, Router:
      - Save config files in UTF-8 rather than the default encoding,
        since we read them in UTF-8!
    * eepsite_index_de.html: localhost ->
    * i2psnark: Add size total
    * I2PTunnel:
      - Make IRC Proxy non-shared, delayed-start, close-on-idle
        for new users, for the anonymity benefits (see "Shared Clients,
        Correlation and Collusion" http://zzz.i2p/topics/217 )
      - Remove "experimental" flag on new client options
    * Jetty build: More clean targets
    * jetty.xml: Change encoding to UTF-8
    * jobs.jsp: Cleanup
    * logs.jsp: Add system encoding
    * Ministreaming: Cleanups, deprecation, move demos out of the lib
    * netdb.jsp: Flags for leases
    * NTCP: Clean up clock skew shitlist message
    * profiles.jsp:
      - Rename the Failing column
      - Reduce the time cutoff again to 90m (was 2h)
    * readme*html: localhost ->
    * Router: Don't do some things when we are shutting down
    * Shitlist: Clean up expire message
    * Stats:
      - Fix BufferedStatsLog so it works at all
      - Don't instantiate BufferedStatsLog unless stats.logFilters
        property is defined (restart now required to enable logging)
        This eliminates the StatLogWriter thread and a decent
        amount of memory.
      - Move two CLI classes out of the lib
      - Commment out places where getStatLog() isn't checked for null
      - Cleanups
    * Transports: Lower conn limit factor to 50 (was 60)
    * Update:
      - Fix problems where a requested unsigned update would actually
        kick off a signed update
      - Fix problem when policy set to notify, and clicking
        check for update, incorrectly causing unsigned update download
        and bad messages
      - Verify zip integrity of unsigned updates
      - Move zip files to router dir, not base dir
      - More tweaks and cleanup
    * VMCommSystem fixups
    * WorkingDir: Ensure modified files are processed with UTF-8 encoding
    * XmlPull: Remove, unused.

2009-08-19 sponge
    * Java code to set Router Console password for dr|z3d

2009-08-18 dr|z3d
    * Fixes for sidepanel
    * Overhauled classic theme for i2ptunnels
    * First stage of code validation to fix broken and "illegal" code
    * Multifarious other UI tweaks and fiddles.

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-08-15 sponge
    * Merge in dr|z3d and my own html fixes for router console java and jsp
      files so that Opera (and now IE?) doesn't puke anymore on the missing 
      and misplaced HTML tags.
    * Optimized all jsp files so that they are shorter to save space, which
      is then used to fix the broken HTML. We should break even space-wise.
    * Bump to -13.

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-08-11 sponge
    * Code Janitor time! Many fixes and documenting fixes that should be
      done in the future. for the most part, this is a general code cleanup.
    * On smaller/embedded systems, the "final" keyword cleanups will have
      more of an impact than on larger systems.
    * Document missing hashCode() methods.
    * Unhide more variables to make code easier to read.

2009-08-11 zzz
    * Android:
      - Merge in the branch
      - Build instructions in the android/ dir
      - Rename HMac to I2PHMac to avoid android lib conflicts
      - Configurable number of PRNG buffers in AsyncFortunaStandalone
        (router.prng.buffers=16) to control memory use - these
        are 256KB each.
      - Configurable size of the DecayingBloomFilters
        (router.decayingBloomFilterM=23) to control memory use - there
        are 4 pairs of these (8 total), each 2**(M-3) bytes,
        or 8MB total for M=23.
      - There's at least two unsolved fatal problems:
        1) Most of the routerinfo signature verifications fail,
           including our own
        2) It randomly dies after a while
    * Console:
      - Rename the shitlist and the blocklist
      - Try to reduce servlet problems on iframe
      - Select server or client icon for local dests
    * EepHead: New
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