provide status reports to indicate the progress of reseeding.
* Enable icon for default eepsite, and the index page
of the router console (more later).
2007-07-14 zzz
* Clean up graphs.jsp - set K=1024 where appropriate,
output image sizes in html, catch ooms, other minor tweaks
* Fix current event count truncation which fixes graphs with low
60-sec event counts displaying high values
(bw.* and router.* graphs for example were 1.5x too high)
Affects all "events per period" (non-lifetime) counts.
2007-07-09 zzz
* i2psnark: give a better error message for a non-i2p torrent
2007-07-07 zzz
* Add auto-detect IP/Port to NTCP. When enabled on config.jsp,
SSU will notify/restart NTCP when the external address changes.
Now you can enable inbound TCP without a static IP or dyndns service.
2007-07-04 zzz
* Display calculated share bandwidth and remove load testing
on config.jsp
2007-07-01 zzz
* Replace broken option i2np.udp.alwaysPreferred with
i2np.udp.preferred and adjust UDP bids; possible settings are
"false" (default), "true", and "always".
Default setting results in same behavior as before
(NTCP is preferred unless it isn't established and UDP is established).
Use to compare NTCP and UDP transports.
2007-06-27 jrandom
* fix for a streaming lib bug that could leave a thread waiting
indefinitely (thanks Complication!)
2007-06-16 Complication
* First pass on EepGet and ReseedHandler improvements,
please avoid use on routers which matter!
* Give EepGet ability of downloading into an OutputStream,
such as the ByteArrayOutputStream of ReseedHandler.
* Detect failure to reseed better, report it persistently
and more verbosely, provide a link to logs
and suggest manual reseed.
2007-05-06 Complication
* Fix the build.xml file, so the preppkg build target won't try copying files
which became deprecated with the old Syndie (thanks for alerting, itsu!)
2007-03-31 zzz
* Add trevorreznik jump server to the http proxy error page
* Add anonymity to the trackers supporting details links in i2psnark
2007-03-24 zzz
* Remove Syndie from build targets and navbar
2007-03-22 zzz
* i2psnark tracker handling tweaks:
- Add link to tracker details page (Postman only for now, requires bytemonsoon patch)
- Add Base URL to tracker list configuration
- Web page links built from tracker list Base URLs
- Only build and sort tracker list once
- Add anonymityWeb tracker to default list
- Add tooltip info for TrackerErrs
- Stop torrent if not registered with tracker
- Mark temp files as delete on exit
2007-03-18 zzz
* i2psnark: Cleanup some handling of saved partial pieces
* i2psnark: Put bit counting in for efficiency
* i2psnark: Save torrent completion state in i2psnark.config
2007-03-13 zzz
* i2psnark: Make max total uploaders configurable (thanks Amiga4000!)
2007-03-12 jrandom
* dodge a race on startup (thanks zzz!)
2007-03-10 zzz
* Streaming lib: Change initial RTT deviation from RTT to RTT/2
(RFC 2988) to reduce early RTO values
2007-03-08 zzz
* i2psnark changes to improve upload performance:
* Implement total uploader limit (10)
* Don't timeout non-piece messages out
* Change chunk size to 32K (was 64K)
* Change request limit to 64K (was 256K)
* i2psnark: Disconnect from seeds when complete
2007-03-07 zzz
* Remove dynamic router keys from config.jsp
2007-03-07 zzz
* Streaming lib changes to improve upstream performance during congestion:
* Change min window size from 12 to 1
* Change max timeout from 10 to 45 sec
* Change initial timeout from 10 to 15 sec
* Change intial window size for i2psnark from 12 to 1
* Change slow start growth rate for i2psnark from 1/2 to 1
2007-03-04 zzz
* Update eepsite_index.html
2007-03-03 zzz
* Upgrade from Jetty 5.1.6 to 5.1.12 which fixes spaces in URL
* Add a updaterWithJetty build target
2007-03-03 zzz
* Implement priority sending for NTCP
* Disable trimForOverload() in tunnel BuildExecutor which
was preventing tunnel builds when outbound traffic was high
(i.e. most of the time when running i2psnark)
2007-02-28 zzz
* i2psnark: File reopen cleanup
2007-02-28 zzz
* i2psnark: Add peer details to web page
* 2007-02-15 released
2007-02-15 jrandom
* Limit the whispering floodfill sends to at most 3 randomly
chosen from the known floodfill peers
2007-02-14 jrandom
* Don't filter out KICK and H(ide oper status) IRC messages
(thanks Takk and postman!)
2007-02-13 jrandom
* Tell our peers about who we know in the floodfill netDb every
6 hours or so, mitigating the situation where peers lose track
of floodfill routers.
* Disable the Syndie updater (people should use the new Syndie,
not this one)
* Disable the eepsite tunnel by default
2007-01-30 zzz
* i2psnark: Don't hold _snarks lock while checking a snark,
so web page is responsive at startup
2007-01-28 zzz
* i2psnark: Don't hold sendQueue lock while flushing output,
to make everything run smoother
2007-01-27 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix orphaned Snark reader tasks leading to OOMs
2007-01-20 Complication
* Drop overlooked comment
2007-01-20 Complication
* Modify ReseedHandler to query the "i2p.reseedURL" property from I2PAppContext
instead of System, so setting a reseed URL in advanced configuration has effect.
* Clean out obsolete reseed code from ConfigNetHandler.
2007-01-20 zzz
* i2psnark: More choking rotation tweaks
* Improve performance by not reading in the whole
piece from disk for each request. A huge memory savings
on 1MB torrents with many peers.
2007-01-17 zzz
* Add new HTTP Proxy error message for non-http protocols
* Add note on Syndie index.html steering people to new Syndie
2007-01-16 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix crash when autostart off and
tcrrent started manually
2007-01-16 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix bug caused by last i2psnark checkin
(ConnectionAcceptor not started)
* Don't start PeerCoordinator, ConnectionAcceptor,
and TrackerClient unless starting torrent
2007-01-15 jrandom
* small guard against unnecessary streaming lib reset packets
(thanks Complication!)
2007-01-15 zzz
* i2psnark: Add 'Stop All' link on web page
* Add some links to trackers and forum on web page
* Don't start tunnel if 'Autostart' unchecked
* Fix torrent restart bug by reopening file descriptors
2007-01-14 zzz
* i2psnark: Improvements for torrents with > 4 leechers:
choke based on upload rate when seeding, and
be smarter and fairer about rotating choked peers.
* Handle two common i2psnark OOM situations rather
than shutting down the whole thing.
* Fix reporting to tracker of remaining bytes for
torrents > 4GB (but ByteMonsoon still has a bug)
2006-10-29 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix and enable generation of multifile torrents,
print error if no tracker selected at create-torrent,
fix stopping a torrent that hasn't started successfully,
add eBook and GayTorrents trackers to form,
web page formatting tweaks
2006-10-29 Complication
* Ensure we get NTP samples from more diverse sources
(,, etc)
* Discard median-based peer skew calculator as framed average works,
and adjusting its percentage can make it behave median-like
* Require more data points (from at least 20 peers)
before considering a peer skew measurement reliable
2006-10-10 jrandom
* Removed the status display from the console, as its more confusing
than informative (though the content is still displayed in the HTML)
2006-10-08 Complication
* Add a framed average peer clock skew calculator
* Add config property "router.clockOffsetSanityCheck" to determine
if NTP-suggested clock offsets get sanity checked (default "true")
* Reject NTP-suggested clock offsets if they'd increase peer clock skew
by more than 5 seconds, or make it more than 20 seconds total
* Decrease log level in getMedianPeerClockSkew()
2006-09-29 zzz
* i2psnark: Second try at synchronization fix - synch addRequest()
completely rather than just portions of it and requestNextPiece()
2006-09-27 jrandom
* added HMAC-SHA256
* properly use CRLF with EepPost
* suppress jbigi/jcpuid messages if jbigi.dontLog/jcpuid.dontLog is set
* PBE session key generation (with 1000 rounds of SHA256)
* misc SDK helper functions
2006-09-26 Complication
* Take back another inadverent logging change in NTCPConnection
2006-09-26 Complication
* Take back an accidental log level change
2006-09-26 Complication
* Subclass from Clock a RouterClock which can access router transports,
with the goal of developing it to second-guess NTP results
* Make transports report clock skew in seconds
* Adjust renderStatusHTML() methods accordingly
* Show average for NTCP clock skews too
* Give transports a getClockSkews() method to report clock skews
* Give transport manager a getClockSkews() method to aggregate results
* Give comm system facade a getMedianPeerClockSkew() method which RouterClock calls
(to observe results, add "net.i2p.router.transport.CommSystemFacadeImpl=WARN" to logging)
* Extra explicitness in NTCP classes to denote unit of time.
* Fix some places in NTCPConnection where milliseconds and seconds were confused
2006-09-25 zzz
* i2psnark: Paranoid copy before writing pieces,
recheck files on completion, redownload bad pieces
* i2psnark: Don't contact tracker as often when seeding
2006-09-24 zzz
* i2psnark: Add some synchronization to prevent rare problem
after restoring orphan piece
2006-09-20 zzz
* i2psnark: Eliminate duplicate requests caused by i2p-bt's
rapid choke/unchokes
* i2psnark: Truncate long TrackerErr messages on web page
2006-09-16 zzz
* i2psnark: Implement retransmission of requests. This
eliminates one cause of complete stalls with a peer.
This problem is common on torrents with a small number of
active peers where there are no choke/unchokes to kickstart things.
2006-09-13 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix restoral of partial pieces broken by last patch
* i2psnark: Mark a peer's requests as unrequested on disconnect,
preventing premature end game
* i2psnark: Randomize selection of next piece during end game
* i2psnark: Don't restore a partial piece to a peer that is already working on it
* i2psnark: strip ".torrent" on web page
* i2psnark: Limit piece size in generated torrent to 1MB max
2006-09-09 zzz
* i2psnark: Add "Stalled" indication and stat totals on web page
2006-09-09 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix bug where new peers would always be sent an "interested"
regardless of actual interest
* i2psnark: Reduce max piece size from 10MB to 1MB; larger may have severe
memory and efficiency problems
2006-09-08 jrandom
* Tweak the PRNG logging so it only displays error messages if there are
* Disable dynamic router keys for the time being, as they don't offer
meaningful security, may hurt the router, and makes it harder to
determine the network health. The code to restart on SSU IP change is
still enabled however.
* Disable tunnel load testing, leaning back on the tiered selection for
the time being.
* Spattering of bugfixes
2006-09-07 zzz
* i2psnark: Increase output timeout from 2 min to 4 min
* i2psnark: Orphan debug msg cleanup
* i2psnark: More web rate report cleanup
2006-09-05 zzz
* i2psnark: Implement basic partial-piece saves across connections
* i2psnark: Implement keep-alive sending. This will keep non-i2psnark clients
from dropping us for inactivity but also renders the 2-minute transmit-inactivity
code in i2psnark ineffective. Will have to research why there is transmit but
not receive inactivity code. With the current connection limit of 24 peers
we aren't in any danger of keeping out new peers by keeping inactive ones.
* i2psnark: Increase CHECK_PERIOD from 20 to 40 since nothing happens in 20 seconds
* i2psnark: Fix dropped chunk handling
* i2psnark: Web rate report cleanup
2006-09-04 zzz
* i2psnark: Report cleared trackerErr immediately
* i2psnark: Add trackerErr reporting after previous success; retry more quickly
* i2psnark: Set up new connections more quickly
* i2psnark: Don't delay tracker fetch when setting up lots of connections
* i2psnark: Reduce MAX_UPLOADERS from 12 to 4
2006-09-04 zzz
* Enable pipelining in i2psnark
* Make i2psnark tunnel default be 1 + 0-1
2006-09-03 zzz
* Add rate reporting to i2psnark
2006-09-03 Complication
* Limit form size in SusiDNS to avoid exceeding a POST size limit on postback
* Print messages about addressbook size to give better overview
* Enable delete function in published addressbook
2006-08-21 Complication
* Fix error reporting discrepancy (thanks for helping notice, yojoe!)
2006-08-03 jrandom
* Decrease the recently modified tunnel building timeout, though keep
the scaling on their processing
2006-07-31 jrandom
* Increase the tunnel building timeout
* Avoid a rare race (thanks bar!)
* Fix the bandwidth capacity publishing code to factor in share percentage
and outbound throttling (oops)
2006-07-29 Complication
* Treat NTP responses from unexpected stratums like failures
2006-07-28 jrandom
* Don't try to reverify too many netDb entries at once (thanks
cervantes and Complication!)
2006-07-28 jrandom
* Actually fix the threading deadlock issue in the netDb (removing
the synchronized access to individual kbuckets while validating
individual entries) (thanks cervantes, postman, frosk, et al!)
2006-07-27 jrandom
* Cut down NTCP connection establishments once we know the peer is skewed
(rather than wait for full establishment before verifying)
* Removed a lock on the stats framework when accessing rates, which
shouldn't be a problem, assuming rates are created (pretty much) all at
once and merely updated during the lifetime of the jvm.
2006-07-27 jrandom
* Further NTCP write status cleanup
* Handle more oddly-timed NTCP disconnections (thanks bar!)
2006-07-26 jrandom
* When dropping a netDb router reference, only accept newer
references as part of the update check
* If we have been up for a while, don't accept really old
router references (published 2 or more days ago)
* Drop router references once they are no longer valid, even if
they were allowed in due to the lax restrictions on startup
2006-07-26 jrandom
* Every time we create a new router identity, add an entry to the
new "identlog.txt" text file in the I2P install directory. For
debugging purposes, publish the count of how many identities the
router has cycled through, though not the identities itself.
* Cleaned up the way the multitransport shitlisting worked, and
added per-transport shitlists
* When dropping a router reference locally, first fire a netDb
lookup for the entry
* Take the peer selection filters into account when organizing the
profiles (thanks Complication!)
* Avoid some obvious configuration errors for the NTCP transport
(invalid ports, "null" ip, etc)
* Deal with some small NTCP bugs found in the wild (unresolveable
hosts, strange network discons, etc)
* Send our netDb info to peers we have direct NTCP connections to
after each 6-12 hours of connection uptime
* Clean up the NTCP reading and writing queue logic to avoid some
potential delays
* Allow people to specify the IP that the SSU transport binds on
locally, via the advanced config "i2np.udp.bindInterface="
* 2006-07-18 released
2006-07-18 jrandom
* Add a failsafe to the NTCP transport to make sure we keep
pumping writes when we should.
* Properly reallow 16-32KBps routers in the default config
(thanks Complication!)
2006-07-16 Complication
* Collect tunnel build agree/reject/expire statistics
for each bandwidth tier of peers (and peers of unknown tiers,
even if those shouldn't exist)
2006-07-14 jrandom
* Improve the multitransport shitlisting (thanks Complication!)
* Allow routers with a capacity of 16-32KBps to be used in tunnels under
the default configuration (thanks for the stats Complication!)
* Properly allow older router references to load on startup
(thanks bar, Complication, et al!)
* Add a new "i2p.alwaysAllowReseed" advanced config property, though
hopefully today's changes should make this unnecessary (thanks void!)
* Improved NTCP buffering
* Close NTCP connections if we are too backlogged when writing to them
2006-07-04 jrandom
* New NIO-based tcp transport (NTCP), enabled by default for outbound
connections only. Those who configure their NAT/firewall to allow
inbound connections and specify the external host and port
(dyndns/etc is ok) on /config.jsp can receive inbound connections.
SSU is still enabled for use by default for all users as a fallback.
* Substantial bugfix to the tunnel gateway processing to transfer
messages sequentially instead of interleaved
* Renamed GNU/crypto classes to avoid name clashes with kaffe and other
GNU/Classpath based JVMs
* Adjust the Fortuna PRNG's pooling system to reduce contention on
refill with a background thread to refill the output buffer
* Add per-transport support for the shitlist
* Add a new async pumped tunnel gateway to reduce tunnel dispatcher
2006-07-01 Complication
* Ensure that the I2PTunnel web interface won't update tunnel settings
for shared clients when a non-shared client is modified
(thanks for spotting, BarkerJr!)
2006-06-14 cervantes
* Small tweak to I2PTunnel CSS, so it looks better with desktops
that use Bitstream Vera fonts @ 96 dpi
2006-06-13 jrandom
* Use a minimum uptime of 2 hours, not 4 (oops)
2006-06-13 jrandom
* Cut down the proactive rejections due to queue size - if we are
at the point of having decrypted the request off the queue, might
as well let it through, rather than waste that decryption
2006-06-11 Kloug
* Bugfix to the I2PTunnel IRC filter to support multiple concurrent
outstanding pings/pongs
2006-06-10 jrandom
* Further reduction in proactive rejections
2006-06-09 jrandom
* Don't let the pending tunnel request queue grow beyond reason
(letting things sit for up to 30s when they fail after 10s
seems a bit... off)
2006-06-08 jrandom
* Be more conservative in the proactive rejections
2006-06-04 Complication
* Trim out sending a blank line before USER in susimail.
Seemed to break in rare cases, thanks for reporting, Brachtus!
* 2006-06-04 released
2006-06-04 jrandom
* Reduce the SSU ack frequency
* Tweaked the tunnel rejection settings to reject less aggressively
2006-05-31 jrandom
* Only send netDb searches to the floodfill peers for the time being
* Add some proof of concept filters for tunnel participation. By default,
it will skip peers with an advertised bandwith of less than 32KBps or
an advertised uptime of less than 2 hours. If this is sufficient, a
safer implementation of these filters will be implemented.
* 2006-05-18 released
2006-05-18 jrandom
* Made the SSU ACKs less frequent when possible
2006-05-17 Complication
* Fix some oversights in my previous changes:
adjust some loglevels, make a few statements less wasteful,
make one comparison less confusing and more likely to log unexpected values
2006-05-17 jrandom
* Make the peer page sortable
* SSU modifications to cut down on unnecessary connection failures
2006-05-16 jrandom
* Further shitlist randomizations
* Adjust the stats monitored for detecting cpu overload when dropping new
tunnel requests
2006-05-15 jrandom
* Add a load dependent throttle on the pending inbound tunnel request
* Increased the tunnel test failure slack before killing a tunnel
2006-05-13 Complication
* Separate growth factors for tunnel count and tunnel test time
* Reduce growth factors, so probabalistic throttle would activate
* Square probAccept values to decelerate stronger when far from average
* Create a bandwidth stat with approximately 15-second half life
* Make allowTunnel() check the 1-second bandwidth for overload
before doing allowance calculations using 15-second bandwidth
* Tweak the overload detector in BuildExecutor to be more sensitive
for rising edges, add ability to initiate tunnel drops
* Add a function to seek and drop the highest-rate participating tunnel,
keeping a fixed+random grace period between such drops.
It doesn't seem very effective, so disabled by default
("router.dropTunnelsOnOverload=true" to enable)
2006-05-11 jrandom
* PRNG bugfix (thanks cervantes and Complication!)
* 2006-05-09 released
2006-05-09 jrandom
* Further tunnel creation timeout revamp
2006-05-07 Complication
* Fix problem whereby repeated calls to allowed() would make
the 1-tunnel exception permit more than one concurrent build
2006-05-06 jrandom
* Readjust the tunnel creation timeouts to reject less but fail earlier,
while tracking the extended timeout events.
2006-05-04 jrandom
* Short circuit a highly congested part of the stat logging unless its
required (may or may not help with a synchronization issue reported by
2006-05-03 Complication
* Allow a single build attempt to proceed despite 1-minute overload
only if the 1-second rate shows enough spare bandwidth
(e.g. overload has already eased)
2006-05-02 Complication
* Correct a misnamed property in
to avoid confusion
* Make the maximum allowance of our own concurrent
tunnel builds slightly adaptive: one concurrent build per 6 KB/s
within the fixed range 2..10
* While overloaded, try to avoid completely choking our own build attempts,
instead prefer limiting them to 1
2006-05-01 jrandom
* Adjust the tunnel build timeouts to cut down on expirations, and
increased the SSU connection establishment retransmission rate to
something less glacial.
* For the first 5 minutes of uptime, be less aggressive with tunnel
exploration, opting for more reliable peers to start with.
2006-05-01 jrandom
* Fix for a netDb lookup race (thanks cervantes!)
2006-04-27 jrandom
* Avoid a race in the message reply registry (thanks cervantes!)
2006-04-27 jrandom
* Fixed the tunnel expiration desync code (thanks Complication!)
2006-04-19 jrandom
* Adjust how we pick high capacity peers to allow the inclusion of fast
peers (the previous filter assumed an old usage pattern)
* New set of stats to help track per-packet-type bandwidth usage better
* Cut out the proactive tail drop from the SSU transport, for now
* Reduce the frequency of tunnel build attempts while we're saturated
* Don't drop tunnel requests as easily - prefer to explicitly reject them
2006-04-15 jrandom
* Adjust the proactive tunnel request dropping so we will reject what we
can instead of dropping so much (but still dropping if we get too far
2006-04-14 jrandom
* 0 isn't very random
* Adjust the tunnel drop to be more reasonable
2006-04-14 jrandom
* -28.00230115311259 is not between 0 and 1 in any universe I know.
* Made the bw-related tunnel join throttle much simpler
2006-04-14 jrandom
* Make some more stats graphable, and allow some internal tweaking on the
tunnel pairing for creation and testing.
2006-04-12 jrandom
* Added a further failsafe against trying to queue up too many messages to
a peer.
2006-04-12 jrandom
* Watch out for failed syndie index fetches (thanks bar!)
2006-04-11 jrandom
* Throttling improvements on SSU - throttle all transmissions to a peer
when we are retransmitting, not just retransmissions. Also, if
we're already retransmitting to a peer, probabalistically tail drop new
messages targetting that peer, based on the estimated wait time before
* Fixed the rounding error in the inbound tunnel drop probability.
2006-04-10 jrandom
* Include a combined send/receive graph (good idea cervantes!)
* Proactively drop inbound tunnel requests probabalistically as the
estimated queue time approaches our limit, rather than letting them all
through up to that limit.
2006-04-08 jrandom
* Stat summarization fix (removing the occational holes in the jrobin
2006-04-08 jrandom
* Process inbound tunnel requests more efficiently
* Proactively drop inbound tunnel requests if the queue before we'd
process it in is too long (dynamically adjusted by cpu load)
* Adjust the tunnel rejection throttle to reject requeusts when we have to
proactively drop too many requests.
* Display the number of pending inbound tunnel join requests on the router
console (as the "handle backlog")
* Include a few more stats in the default set of graphs
2006-04-06 jrandom
* Fix for a bug in the new irc ping/pong filter (thanks Complication!)
2006-04-06 jrandom
* Fixed a typo in the reply cleanup code
2006-04-05 jrandom
* Cut down on the time that we allow a tunnel creation request to sit by
without response, and reject tunnel creation requests that are lagged
locally. Also switch to a bounded FIFO instead of a LIFO
* Threading tweaks for the message handling (thanks bar!)
* Don't add addresses to syndie with blank names (thanks Complication!)
* Further ban clearance
2006-04-05 jrandom
* Fix during the ssu handshake to avoid an unnecessary failure on
packet retransmission (thanks ripple!)
* Fix during the SSU handshake to use the negotiated session key asap,
rather than using the intro key for more than we should (thanks ripple!)
* Fixes to the message reply registry (thanks Complication!)
* More comprehensive syndie banning (for repeated pushes)
* Publish the router's ballpark bandwidth limit (w/in a power of 2), for
testing purposes
* Put a floor back on the capacity threshold, so too many failing peers
won't cause us to pick very bad peers (unless we have very few good
* Bugfix to cut down on peers using introducers unneessarily (thanks
* Reduced the default streaming lib message size to fit into a single
tunnel message, rather than require 5 tunnel messages to be transferred
without loss before recomposition. This reduces throughput, but should
increase reliability, at least for the time being.
* Misc small bugfixes in the router (thanks all!)
* More tweaking for Syndie's CSS (thanks Doubtful Salmon!)
2006-04-01 jrandom
* Take out the router watchdog's teeth (don't restart on leaseset failure)
* Filter the IRC ping/pong messages, as some clients send unsafe
information in them (thanks aardvax and dust!)
2006-03-30 jrandom
* Substantially reduced the lock contention in the message registry (a
major hotspot that can choke most threads). Also reworked the locking
so we don't need per-message timer events
* No need to have additional per-peer message clearing, as they are
either unregistered individually or expired.
* Include some of the more transient tunnel throttling
2006-03-25 jrandom
* Added a simple purge and ban of syndie authors, shown as the
"Purge and ban" button on the addressbook for authors that are already
on the ignore list. All of their entries and metadata are deleted from
the archive, and the are transparently filtered from any remote
syndication (so no user on the syndie instance will pull any new posts
from them)
* More strict tunnel join throtting when congested
2006-03-24 jrandom
* Try to desync tunnel building near startup (thanks Complication!)
* If we are highly congested, fall back on only querying the floodfill
netDb peers, and only storing to those peers too
* Cleaned up the floodfill-only queries
2006-03-21 jrandom
* Avoid a very strange (unconfirmed) bug that people using the systray's
browser picker dialog could cause by disabling the GUI-based browser
* Cut down on subsequent streaming lib reset packets transmitted
* Use a larger MTU more often
* Allow netDb searches to query shitlisted peers, as the queries are
* Add an option to disable non-floodfill netDb searches (non-floodfill
searches are used by default, but can be disabled by adding
netDb.floodfillOnly=true to the advanced config)
2006-03-20 jrandom
* Fix to allow for some slack when coalescing stats
* Workaround some oddball errors
2006-03-18 jrandom
* Added a new graphs.jsp page to show all of the stats being harvested
2006-03-18 jrandom
* Made the netDb search load limitations a little less stringent
* Add support for specifying the number of periods to be plotted on the
graphs - e.g. to plot only the last hour of a stat that is averaged at
the 60 second period, add &periodCount=60
2006-03-17 jrandom
* Add support for graphing the event count as well as the average stat
value (done by adding &showEvents=true to the URL). Also supports
hiding the legend (&hideLegend=true), the grid (&hideGrid=true), and
the title (&hideTitle=true).
* Removed an unnecessary arbitrary filter on the profile organizer so we
can pick high capacity and fast peers more appropriately
2006-03-16 jrandom
* Integrate basic hooks for jrobin ( into the router
console. Selected stats can be harvested automatically and fed into
in-memory RRD databases, and those databases can be served up either as
PNG images or as RRDtool compatible XML dumps (see oldstats.jsp for
details). A base set of stats are harvested by default, but an
alternate list can be specified by setting the 'stat.summaries' list on
the advanced config. For instance:
* HTML tweaking for the general config page (thanks void!)
* Odd NPE fix (thanks Complication!)
2006-03-15 Complication
* Trim out an old, inactive IP second-guessing method
(thanks for spotting, Anonymous!)
2006-03-15 jrandom
* Further stat cleanup
* Keep track of how many peers we are actively trying to communicate with,
beyond those who are just trying to communicate with us.
* Further router tunnel participation throttle revisions to avoid spurious
* Rate stat display cleanup (thanks ripple!)
* Don't even try to send messages that have been queued too long
2006-03-05 zzz
* Remove the +++--- from the logs on i2psnark startup
2006-03-05 jrandom
* HTML fixes in Syndie to work better with opera (thanks shaklen!)
* Give netDb lookups to floodfill peers more time, as they are much more
likely to succeed (thereby cutting down on the unnecessary netDb
searches outside the floodfill set)
* Fix to the SSU IP detection code so we won't use introducers when we
don't need them (thanks Complication!)
* Add a brief shitlist to i2psnark so it doesn't keep on trying to reach
peers given to it
* Don't let netDb searches wander across too many peers
* Don't use the 1s bandwidth usage in the tunnel participation throttle,
as its too volatile to have much meaning.
* Don't bork if a Syndie post is missing an entry.sml
2006-03-05 Complication
* Reduce exposed statistical information,
to make build and uptime tracking more expensive
2006-03-04 Complication
* Fix the announce URL of orion's tracker in Snark sources
2006-03-03 Complication
* Explicit check for an index out of bounds exception while parsing
an inbound IRC command (implicit check was there already)
2006-03-01 jrandom
* More aggressive tunnel throttling as we approach our bandwidth limit,
and throttle based off periods wider than 1 second.
* Included Doubtful Salmon's syndie stylings (thanks!)
2006-02-27 zzz
* Update error page templates to add \r, Connection: close, and
Proxy-connection: close to headers.
* 2006-02-27 released
2006-02-27 jrandom
* Adjust the jbigi.jar to use the athlon-optimized jbigi on windows/amd64
machines, rather than the generic jbigi (until we have an athlon64
optimized version)
2006-02-26 jrandom
* Switch from the bouncycastle to the gnu-crypto implementation for
SHA256, as benchmarks show a 10-30% speedup.
* Removed some unnecessary object caches
* Don't close i2psnark streams prematurely
2006-02-25 jrandom
* Made the Syndie permalinks in the thread view point to the blog view
* Disabled TCP again (since the live net seems to be doing well w/out it)
* Fix the message time on inbound SSU establishment (thanks zzz!)
* Don't be so aggressive with parallel tunnel creation when a tunnel pool
just starts up
2006-02-24 jrandom
* Rounding calculation cleanup in the stats, and avoid an uncontested
mutex (thanks ripple!)
* SSU handshake cleanup to help force incompatible peers to stop nagging
us by both not giving them an updated reference to us and by dropping
future handshake packets from them.
2006-02-23 jrandom
* Increase the SSU retransmit ceiling (for slow links)
* Estimate the sender's SSU MTU (to help see if we agree)
2006-02-22 jrandom
* Fix to properly profile tunnel joins (thanks Ragnarok, frosk, et al!)
* More aggressive poor-man's PMTU, allowing larger MTUs on less reliable
* Further class validator refactorings
2006-02-22 jrandom
* Handle a rare race under high bandwidth situations in the SSU transport
* Minor refactoring so we don't confuse sun's 1.6.0-b2 validator
2006-02-21 Complication
* Reactivate TCP tranport by default, in addition to re-allowing
* Throttle the outbound SSU establishment queue, so it doesn't fill up the
heap when backlogged (and so that the messages queued up on it don't sit
there forever)
* Further SSU memory cleanup
* Clean up the address regeneration code so it knows when to rebuild the
local info more precisely.
2006-02-20 jrandom
* Properly enable TCP this time (oops)
* Deal with multiple form handlers on the same page in the console without
being too annoying (thanks blubb and bd_!)
2006-02-20 jrandom
* Reenable the TCP transport as a fallback (we'll continue to muck with
debugging SSU-only elsewhere)
2006-02-20 jrandom
* Major SSU and router tuning to reduce contention, memory usage, and GC
churn. There are still issues to be worked out, but this should be a
substantial improvement.
* Modified the optional netDb harvester task to support choosing whether
to use (non-anonymous) direct connections or (anonymous) exploratory
tunnels to do the harvesting. Harvesting itself is enabled via the
advanced config "netDb.shouldHarvest=true" (default is false) and the
connection type can be chosen via "netDb.harvestDirectly=false" (default
is false).
2006-02-19 dust
* Added pruning of suckers history (it used to grow indefinitely).
2006-02-19 jrandom
* Moved the current net's reseed URL to a different location than where
the old net looks ( vs .../i2pdb/)
* More aggressively expire inbound messages (on receive, not just on send)
* Add in a hook for breaking backwards compatibility in the SSU wire
protocol directly by including a version as part of the handshake. The
version is currently set to 0, however, so the wire protocol from this
build is compatible with all earlier SSU implementations.
* Increased the number of complete message readers, cutting down
substantially on the delay processing inbound messages.
* Delete the message history file on startup
* Reworked the restart/shutdown display on the console (thanks bd_!)
2006-02-18 jrandom
* Migrate the outbound packets from a central component to the individual
per-peer components, substantially cutting down on lock contention when
dealing with higher degrees.
* Load balance the outbound SSU transfers evenly across peers, rather than
across messages (so peers with few messages won't be starved by peers
with many).
* Reduce the frequency of router info rebuilds (thanks bar!)
2006-02-18 jrandom
* Add a new AIMD throttle in SSU to control the number of concurrent
messages being sent to a given peer, in addition to the throttle on the
number of concurrent bytes to that peer.
* Adjust the existing SSU outbound queue to throttle based on the queue's
lag, not an arbitrary number of packets.
2006-02-17 jrandom
* Properly fix the build request queue throttling, using queue age to
detect congestion, rather than queue size.
2006-02-17 jrandom
* Disable the message history log file by default (duh - feel free to
delete messageHistory.txt after upgrading. thanks deathfatty!)
* Limit the size of the inbound tunnel build request queue so we don't
get an insane backlog of requests that we're bound to reject, and adjust
the queue processing so we keep on churning through them when we've got
a backlog.
* Small fixes for the multiuser syndie operation (thanks Complication!)
* Renamed modified PRNG classes that were imported from gnu-crypto so we
don't conflict with JVMs using that as a JCE provider (thanks blx!)
2006-02-16 jrandom
* Add a new toggle to the web config to enable/disable the load testing
2006-02-16 jrandom
* Dropped much of the abandonware from the apps/ directory
2006-02-16 jrandom
* Bugfix to the I2PTunnel web config to properly accept i2cp port settings
* Initial sucker refactoring to simplify reuse of the html parsing
* Beginnings of hooks to push imported rss/atom out to remote syndie
archives automatically (though not enabled currently)
* Further SSU peer test cleanup
2006-02-15 jrandom
* Add in per-blog RSS feeds to Syndie
* Upgraded sucker's ROME dependency to 0.8, bundling sucked enclosures
with the posts, marking additional attachments as Media RSS enclosures
(, since RSS only supports one enclosure
per item.
* Don't allow the default syndie user to be set to something invalid if
its in single user mode.
2006-02-15 jrandom
* Merged in the i2p_0_6_1_10_PRE branch to the trunk, so CVS HEAD is no
longer backwards compatible (and should not be used until is
2006-02-14 jrandom
* Syndie ui bugfixes (thanks all!)
2006-02-13 jrandom
* Use the current directory for some temporary I2PSnark files, rather than
the OS default temp dir (thanks anon!)
* Increase the base streaming lib window size (still shrinks to 1 on
retransmission though, of course)
* Fixed the I2PTunnel newlines to work with lighthttpd (thanks all!)
* Implement fast retransmit in the streaming lib (fires at most once per
packet), and increased the default ack delay to 2 seconds (from .5s)
* Don't ask for garlic level message acks for end to end messages unless
they're useful (e.g. to ack session tags)
2006-02-12 cervantes
* Use a different santisation method for some SML attributes
* Make router console update config save button actually save.
* Fix console bandwidth limiter burst rate dropdowns, so the display
relates to what is saved in the config.
2006-02-12 cervantes
* SML is now stricter in it's formatting (attributes should only use