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jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
$Id: history.txt,v 1.329 2005/11/25 06:06:03 jrandom Exp $

2005-11-25  jrandom
    * Further Syndie UI cleanups
    * Logging cleanup
    * Fixed link to fproxy.tino.i2p (thanks zzz!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-25  jrandom
    * Don't publish stats for periods we haven't reached yet (thanks zzz!)
    * Cleaned up the syndie threaded display to show the last updated date for
      a subthread, and to highlight threads updated in the last two days.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-24  jrandom
    * Fix to save syndication settings in Syndie (thanks spaetz!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-23  jrandom
    * Removed spurious streaming lib RTO increase (it wasn't helpful)
    * Streamlined the tunnel batching to schedule batch transmissions more
    * Default tunnel pool variance to 2 +0-1 hops
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-21  jrandom
    * IE doesn't strip SPAN from <button> form fields, so add in a workaround
      within I2PTunnel.
    * Increase the maximum SSU retransmission timeout to accomodate slower or
      more congested links (though SSU's RTO calculation will usually use a
      much lower timeout)
    * Moved the streaming lib timed events off the main timer queues and onto
      a streaming lib specific set of timer queues.  Streaming lib timed
      events are more likely to have lock contention on the I2CP socket while
      other timed events in the router are (largely) independent.
    * Fixed a case sensitive lookup bug (thanks tino!)
    * Syndie cleanup - new edit form on the preview page, and fixed some blog
      links (thanks tino!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-19  jrandom
    * Implemented a trivial pure java PMTU backoff strategy, switching between
      a 608 byte MTU and a 1350 byte MTU, depending upon retransmission rates.
    * Fixed new user registration in Syndie (thanks Complication!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-17  jrandom
    * More cautious file handling in Syndie
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-16  jrandom
    * More aggressive I2PTunnel content encoding munging to work around some
      rare HTTP behavior (ignoring q values on Accept-encoding, using gzip
      even when only identity is specified, etc).  I2PTunnelHTTPServer now
      sends "Accept-encoding: \r\n" plus "X-Accept-encoding: x-i2p-gzip\r\n",
      and I2PTunnelHTTPServer handles x-i2p-gzip in either the Accept-encoding
      or X-Accept-encoding headers.  Eepsite operators who do not know to
      check for X-Accept-encoding will simply use the identity encoding.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2005-11-15 released
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-14  jrandom
    * Migrate to the new Syndie interface
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-11  jrandom
    * Add filtering threads by author to Syndie, populated with authors in the
      user's addressbook
    * When creating the default user, add
      "http://syndiemedia.i2p/archive/archive.txt" to their addressbook,
      configured to automatically pull updates.  (what other archives should
      be included?)
    * Tiny servlet to help dole out the new routerconsole themes, and bundle
      the installer/resources/themes/** into ./docs/themes/** on both install
      and update.
cervantes's avatar
cervantes committed

2005-11-11  cervantes
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
    * Initial pass of the routerconsole revamp, starting with I2PTunnel and
      being progressively rolled out to other sections at later dates.
      Featuring abstracted W3C strict XHTML1.0 markup, with CSS providing
      layout and styling.
    * Implemented console themes. Users can create their own themes by
      creating css files in: {i2pdir}/docs/themes/console/{themename}/
      and activating it using the routerconsole.theme={themename} advanced
      config property. Look at the example incomplete "defCon1" theme.
      Note: This is very much a work in progress. Folks might want to hold-off
      creating their own skins until the markup has solidified.
    * Added "routerconsole.javascript.disabled=true" to disable console
      client-side scripting and "routerconsole.css.disabled=true" to remove 
      css styling (only rolled out in the i2ptunnel interface currently)
    * Fixed long standing bug with i2ptunnel client and server edit screens
      where tunnel count and depth properties would fail to save. Added
      backup quantity and variance configuration options.
    * Added basic accessibility support (key shortcuts, linear markup, alt and 
      title information and form labels).
    * So far only tested on IE6, Firefox 1.0.6, Opera 8 and lynx.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-11  jrandom
    * Default Syndie to single user mode, and automatically log into a default
      user account (additional accounts can be logged into with the 'switch'
      or login pages, and new accounts can be created with the register page).
    * Disable the 'automated' column on the Syndie addressbook unless the user
      is appropriately authorized (good idea Polecat!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-10  jrandom
    * First pass to a new threaded Syndie interface, which isn't enabled by
      default, as its not done yet.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-06  jrandom
    * Include SSU establishment failure in the peer profile as a commError,
      as we do for TCP establishment failures.
    * Don't throttle the initial transmission of a message because of ongoing
      retransmissions to a peer, since the initial transmission of a message
      is more valuable than a retransmission (since it has less latency).
    * Cleaned up links to SusiDNS and I2PTunnel (thanks zzz!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-05  jrandom
    * Include the most recent ACKs with packets, rather than only sending an
      ack exactly once.  SSU differs from TCP in this regard, as TCP has ever
      increasing sequence numbers, while each message ID in SSU is random, so
      we don't get the benefit of later ACKs implicitly ACKing earlier
    * Reduced the max retransmission timeout for SSU
    * Don't try to send messages queued up for a long time waiting for
dust's avatar
dust committed

2005-11-05  dust
    * Fix sucker to delete its temporary files.
    * Improve sucker's sml output some.
    * Fix Exception in SMLParser for weird sml.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-03  zzz
    * Added a new error page to the eepproxy to differentiate the full 60
      second timeout from the immediate "I don't know this base64" failure.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-11-01  jrandom
    * Added a few more css elements (thanks identiguy!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-31  jrandom
    * Fix for some syndie reply scenarios (thanks identiguy and CofE!)
    * Removed a potentially infinitely recursive call (oops)
dust's avatar
dust committed

2005-10-30  dust
    * Merge sucker into syndie with a rssimport.jsp page.
    * Add getContentType() to EepGet.
    * Make chunked transfer work (better) with EepGet.
    * Do replaceAll("<","&lt;") for logs.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2005-10-29 released
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-29  jrandom
    * Improved the bandwidth throtting on tunnel participation, especially for
      low bandwidth peers.
    * Improved failure handling in SSU with proactive reestablishment of
      failing idle peers, and rather than shitlisting a peer who failed too
      much, drop the SSU session and allow a new attempt (which, if it fails,
      will cause a shitlisting)
    * Clarify the cause of the shitlist on the profiles page, and include
      bandwidth limiter info at the bottom of the peers page.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-26  jrandom
    * In Syndie, propogate the subject and tags in a reply, and show the parent
      post on the edit page for easy quoting.  (thanks identiguy and CofE!)
    * Streamline some netDb query handling to run outside the jobqueue -
      which means they'll run on the particular SSU thread that handles the
      message.  This should help out heavily loaded netDb peers.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-25  jrandom
    * Defer netDb searches for newly referenced peers until we actually want
    * Ignore netDb references to peers on our shitlist
    * Set the timeout for end to end client messages to the max delay after
      finding the leaseSet, so we don't have as many expired messages floating
    * Add a floor to the streaming lib window size
    * When we need to send a streaming lib ACK, try to retransmit one of the
      unacked packets instead (with updated ACK/NACK fields, of course).  The
      bandwidth cost of an unnecessary retransmission should be minor as
      compared to both an ACK packet (rounded up to 1KB in the tunnels) and
      the probability of a necessary retransmission.
    * Adjust the streaming lib cwin algorithm to allow growth after a full
      cwin messages if the rtt is trending downwards.  If it is not, use the
      existing algorithm.
    * Increased the maximum rto size in the streaming lib.
    * Load balancing bugfix on end to end messages to distribute across
      tunnels more evenly.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-22  jrandom
    * Integrated GNU-Crypto's Fortuna PRNG, seeding it off /dev/urandom and
      ./prngseed.rnd (if they exist), and reseeding it with data out of
      various crypto operations (unused bits in a DH exchange, intermediary
      bits in a DSA signature generation, extra bits in an ElGamal decrypt).
      The Fortuna implementation under gnu.crypto.prng has been modified to
      use BouncyCastle's SHA256 and Cryptix's AES (since those are the ones
      I2P uses), and the resulting gnu.crypto.prng.* are therefor available
      under GPL+Classpath's linking exception (~= LGPL).  I2P's SecureRandom
      wrapper around it is, of course, public domain.
dust's avatar
dust committed

2005-10-20  dust
    * Fix bug in ircclient that prevented it to use its own dest (i.e. was
      always shared. (thx for info Ragnarok)
    * Fix crash in Sucker with some bad html.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-10-20  jrandom
    * Workaround a bug in GCJ's Calendar implementation
    * Propery throw an exception in the streaming lib if we try to write to a
      closed stream.  This will hopefully help clear some I2Phex bugs (thanks
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