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build.xml 8.65 KiB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project basedir="." default="all" name="i2p">
    <available property="jettylib.available" file="apps/jetty/jettylib" />
    <target name="all" >
        <echo message="Useful targets: " />
        <echo message="  build:     build existing code into ./build/, but dont clean" />
        <echo message="  javadoc:   generate javadoc for the entire project into ./build/javadoc" />
        <echo message="  clean:     clean up the ./build/ dir" />
        <echo message="  distclean: clean up all derived files" />
        <echo message="  dist:      distclean, then build and javadoc (including the web app and associated libs)" />
        <echo message="  prepGUI:   pull the LGPL and APL code for JFreeChart that we use in the GUIs" />
        <echo message="  buildGUI:  build the heartbeat and netmonitor GUIs (must have run prepGUI already)" />
        <echo message="  prepWEB:   pull down the Jetty libraries and whatever they depend on for the router console web application" />
        <echo message="  buildWEB:  build the router console web application (depends upon prepWEB)" />
    <target name="dist" depends="distclean, build, buildWEB, javadoc" />
    <target name="build" depends="builddep, jar" />
    <target name="buildclean" depends="distclean, build" />
    <target name="builddep">
mihi's avatar
mihi committed
	<!-- build *everything* here, but only once -->
        <ant dir="core/java/" target="jar" />
        <ant dir="router/java/" target="jar" />
        <ant dir="apps/ministreaming/java/" target="jar" />
        <ant dir="apps/i2ptunnel/java/" target="jar" />
        <ant dir="apps/httptunnel/java/" target="jar" />
        <ant dir="apps/phttprelay/java/" target="jar" />
        <ant dir="apps/sam/java/" target="jar" />
        <ant dir="apps/heartbeat/java/" target="jar" />
        <ant dir="apps/netmonitor/java/" target="jar" />
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
        <ant dir="apps/time/java/" target="jar" />
        <ant dir="apps/routerconsole/java/" target="jar" />
mihi's avatar
mihi committed
        <ant dir="installer/java/" target="jar" />
    <target name="compile" />
    <target name="jar" depends="compile" >
        <copy file="core/java/build/i2p.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="router/java/build/router.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/ministreaming/java/build/mstreaming.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/i2ptunnel/java/build/i2ptunnel.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/httptunnel/java/build/httptunnel.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/phttprelay/java/build/phttprelay.war" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/sam/java/build/sam.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/heartbeat/java/build/heartbeat.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/netmonitor/java/build/netmonitor.jar" todir="build/" />
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
        <copy file="apps/time/java/build/timestamper.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="installer/java/build/install.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="installer/java/build/guiinstall.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="installer/java/build/fetchseeds.jar" todir="build/" />
    <target name="javadoc">
        <mkdir dir="./build" />
        <mkdir dir="./build/javadoc" />
            windowtitle="I2P" />
    <target name="clean">
        <delete dir="./build" />
    <target name="distclean" depends="clean">
        <ant dir="core/java/" target="distclean" />
        <ant dir="router/java/" target="distclean" />
        <ant dir="apps/ministreaming/java/" target="distclean" />
        <ant dir="apps/i2ptunnel/java/" target="distclean" />
        <ant dir="apps/httptunnel/java/" target="distclean" />
        <ant dir="apps/phttprelay/java/" target="distclean" />
        <ant dir="apps/sam/java/" target="distclean" />
        <ant dir="apps/heartbeat/java/" target="distclean" />
        <ant dir="apps/netmonitor/java/" target="distclean" />
        <ant dir="apps/routerconsole/java/" target="distclean" />
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
        <ant dir="apps/time/java/" target="distclean" />
        <ant dir="installer/java/" target="distclean" />
            <fileset dir="." includes="**/*.class" />
            <fileset dir="." includes="**/*.java~" />
    <target name="distGUI" depends="clean, buildGUI">
        <mkdir dir="build/lib" />
        <copy file="apps/jfreechart/jfreechart-0.9.17/jfreechart-0.9.17.jar" todir="build/lib" />
        <copy file="apps/jfreechart/jfreechart-0.9.17/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar" todir="build/lib" />
        <copy file="apps/jfreechart/jfreechart-0.9.17/lib/jcommon-0.9.2.jar" todir="build/lib" />
        <copy file="apps/jfreechart/GUI-licenses.txt" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/netmonitor/java/build/netviewer.jar" todir="build/lib" />
        <copy file="apps/heartbeat/java/build/heartbeatGUI.jar" todir="build/lib" />
        <zip destfile="build/gui.zip" basedir="build/" includes="GUI-licenses.txt lib/*.jar" />
    <target name="prepGUI">
        <echo message="The code being fetched comes from http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/" />
        <echo message="It includes code licensed under the LGPL and the APL - please see" />
        <echo message="the JFreeChart site (or the info downloaded) for source and details" />
        <ant dir="apps/jfreechart/" target="fetchJfreechart" />
        <ant dir="apps/jfreechart/" target="build" />
    <target name="buildGUI">
        <echo message="Building the GUIs for the heartbeat and netmonitor apps, which depend upon" />
        <echo message="the JFreeChart and related packages.  The following will fail if you haven't" />
        <echo message="already run 'ant prepGUI' to fetch the LGPL/APL'ed code" />
        <ant dir="apps/heartbeat/java" target="buildGUI" />
        <ant dir="apps/netmonitor/java" target="buildGUI" />
        <copy file="apps/jfreechart/jfreechart-0.9.17/jfreechart-0.9.17.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jfreechart/jfreechart-0.9.17/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jfreechart/jfreechart-0.9.17/lib/jcommon-0.9.2.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jfreechart/GUI-licenses.txt" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/netmonitor/java/build/netviewer.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/heartbeat/java/build/heartbeatGUI.jar" todir="build/" />
        <echo message="GUIs created.  You will need the following files to run them: " />
        <echo message="jfreechart-0.9.17.jar log4j-1.2.8.jar jcommon-0.9.2.jar" />
        <echo message="To run the netmonitor GUI: java -cp jfreechart-0.9.17.jar:log4j-1.2.8.jar:jcommon-0.9.2.jar -jar netviewer.jar" />
        <echo message="To run the heartbeat GUI: java -cp jfreechart-0.9.17.jar:log4j-1.2.8.jar:jcommon-0.9.2.jar -jar heartbeatGUI.jar" />
    <target name="prepWEB">
        <ant dir="apps/jetty" target="fetchJettylib" />
    <target name="buildWEB" if="jettylib.available">
        <ant dir="apps/routerconsole/java" target="build" />
        <copy file="apps/routerconsole/java/build/routerconsole.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/routerconsole/java/build/routerconsole.war" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jetty/jettylib/org.mortbay.jetty.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jetty/jettylib/org.mortbay.jetty-jdk1.2.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jetty/jettylib/ant.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jetty/jettylib/jasper-compiler.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jetty/jettylib/jasper-runtime.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jetty/jettylib/jnet.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jetty/jettylib/xercesImpl.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jetty/jettylib/xml-apis.jar" todir="build/" />
        <copy file="apps/jetty/jettylib/javax.servlet.jar" todir="build/" />
        <echo message="You will need the org.*, ant.jar, jasper-*.jar, jnet.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xml-apis.jar, " />
        <echo message="and routerconsole.jar in your router's classpath.  In addition, you will need to place the " />
        <echo message="routerconsole.war file under your i2p install dir as webapps/routerconsole.war and will want " />
        <echo message="to add the RouterConsoleRunner to the router's clientApp list (it must be in the router's JVM)" />