2014-01-20 kytv
* Update to Chinese translation
* Updates to geoip.txt and geoipv6.dat.gz based on Maxmind GeoLite Country
database from 2014-01-08.
2014-01-20 zzz
* Console: Change www.i2p2.i2p links to i2p-projekt.i2p
* Reseed: Remove
* NetDB: Fix handling of DSRM and DSM down client tunnels
2014-01-11 zzz
* NetDB:
- Reduce min part tunnels for ffs to 35
- Use client tunnels for LS lookups from OCMOSJ (ticket #1166)
2014-01-11 str4d
* BOB: Pass through I2CP host/port (ticket #827)
2014-01-10 str4d
* BOB: Implement ClientApp interface (ticket #347)
* Translations
- Updates to French, German, Romanian, and Russian
- New Brazilian Portuguese translation
- Mass pull of translations from Transifex
- Update of English strings
* susimail:
- Fixed pagination with zero entries (ticket #1168)
- UTF-8 support from wockenfuss (ticket #508)
2014-01-07 zzz
* Streaming: Fix StandardServerSocket.close() and isClosed()
2014-01-04 zzz
* Peermanager: Disable small same-country bonus
* Tunnels: Change client default to 3 hops in router;
change expl. default to 2+0 IB and 2 + 0-1 OB
2014-01-04 dg
* Streaming: Move streaming to new package (ticket #1135)
* Console: Change /configclients 'advanced warning' to include 'toopie, no red
* SOCKS5Server: Remove redundant, commented out line from my previous findbugs
2013-12-19 zzz
* NetDB: Fixes for ExpireRoutersJob
- Don't expire if too few routers
- Don't expire if net is disconnected
- Don't run in VMCommSystem
2013-12-15 zzz
* EepGet: Allow override of the User-Agent
* i2psnark: Set User-Agent
2013-12-14 zzz
* NetDB:
- Just before midnight, flood to new location too so lookups
don't fail after keyspace rotation (ticket #510)
- Refactor RoutingKeyGenerator and UpdateRoutingKeyModifierJob
in support of the above
2013-12-13 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Show destination for persistent client key only if available;
show b32 for the key as well
* NetDB:
- Increase new kad size to K=24, B=4
- Fix router count by counting in the data store, not the kbuckets
- Randomize the order we load router infos at startup so we
don't bias the kbuckets
2013-12-10 zzz
Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.test2:
* Config files: Allow empty values
* Data: Deprecate Signature.FAKE_SIGNATURE
* GeoIP: Thread the periodic lookup so it doesn't clog the timer queue
* I2CP router-side: Disconnect client on attempt to publish invalid leaseset
* i2psnark:
- Make a set of the default trackers so the config array
can be private and the lookup for the form is more efficient.
- Disable streaming pings (ticket #1142)
* i2ptunnel: Disable streaming pings for clients (ticket #1142)
* i2ptunnel IRC client: Do not filter server PING or client PONG (ticket #1141)
* Jetty 7.6.14.v20131031
* PeerManager: Thread the periodic reorg so it doesn't clog the timer queue
* PrivateKeyFile: Fix ISE (ticket #1145)
* Startup: Wait a while and recheck if a recent ping file is there,
so that a crashed router doesn't prevent a restart (ticket #633)
* Transport: Reduce target connections from 60% to 45% of limit
to improve network capacity. Apparent problems with lower limits were
actually due to unrelated bugs, fixed in
* Translations:
- Add support for country variants (ticket #1133)
- Refactor data in ConfigUIHelper
* UDP PeerState: findbugs volatile/atomic/synch
Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.netdbkad:
* NetDB:
- Move net.i2p.kademlia package from i2psnark to core, and convert
netdb to use it.
- Delete old implementation in netdb
- Fixups in netdb for generics
- Add debug output to /debug
* Kad unit tests:
- Move KBucketSetTest to new directory
- Fix testSelf() as new implementation will never include myself
- Delete KBucketImplTest, not applicable/useful now
- Port KBSTest from i2p.zzz.kademlia branch
- Fix RandomTrimmer so it always returns true, so it may be used
as the trimmer in the unit tests
2013-12-04 zzz
i2psnark: Fix ConnectionAcceptor not restarting after tunnel
restart, preventing incoming connections
2013-12-01 kytv
* Update geoip.txt based on Maxmind GeoLite Country database from 2013-11-05.
* French, Italian, Romanian, Spanish, and Swedish translation updates from transifex
2013-11-28 dg
* I2PTunnel: Don't send 'X-Powered-By' on HTTP server tunnels for anonymity reasons.
2013-11-25 str4d
* Reseed: Listen to "Require SSL" config option
2013-11-23 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Clean up old timer threads
2013-11-23 str4d
* susimail: Fix NPE when deleting last message (ticket #414)
2013-11-19 kytv
* Translation updates and start of Japanese translation pulled from Transifex
2013-11-14 kytv
* Update Java Service Wrapper to v3.5.22
- Windows: Self-compiled with VS2010 in Windows 7. The icon has been
changed from Tanuki's default to Itoopie.
- Linux ARMv6: Compiled on a RaspberryPi using gcc 4.6.3-14+rpi1,
Icedtea6 6b27-1.12.5-1+rpi1 and stripped
- All other binaries are from the "community edition" deltapack offered by
2013-11-14 zzz
* Tunnels: Fix reception of encrypted responses to LS lookups (ticket #1125)
2013-11-07 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix file links, broken in -12 (ticket #1114)
* Logging: Track duplicates across flush interval (ticket #1110)
* NetDB: Fix RI publish interval, broken in -7
2013-11-03 zzz
* NetDB: Allow store of leaseset as long as one lease has not expired
* Transport:
- Expire wasUnreachable entries, so inbound tunnel build failures
don't escalate
- Add network status to event log
2013-11-01 zzz
* Transport: Fix GeoIPv6 (ticket #1096)
2013-10-31 zzz
* i2psnark: Always verify file lengths at startup (ticket #1099)
* Transports: Increase threshold for idle timeout reduction
(partially back out change from -10)
2013-10-29 dg
* i2psnark: Start torrents by default (ticket #1072)
* i2psnark: Fix start and start-all buttons on text-mode browsers
and Opera (ticket #1093)
* InboundMessageDistributor:
- Don't discard an encrypted DSRM received
down a tunnel, just strip the hashes like we do for unencrypted
- Send a store of our own encrypted LS received down a tunnel to
the InNetMessagePool so the FloodfillVerifyStoreJob will see it.
* NetDB: Fix LS store verifies with encrypted replies
by storing the tagset with the correct SKM for the inbound tunnel used.
Broken since 0.9.7 when it was introduced.
* Tunnels:
- Build a new exploratory fallback tunnel in the BuildExecutor
loop if we run out.
- Don't use closest expl. tunnel as the paired tunnel for a build,
use a random one instead (partially back out change from -12)
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