2010-01-09 zzz
* Include new eepsite indexes in pkg
2010-01-06 zzz
* Summary bar tweaks
2010-01-02 sponge
* Fix one last stupid mistake in build.xml, my fault.
2010-01-02 sponge
* Fix NB 6.8 goofyness... 'till ant 1.7.1 or > is needed, stay with NB
6.5, as the newer ones place a check for 1.7.1. We require 1.7.0
2010-01-02 sponge
* Fix build.xml target for justBOB
* Fix Main build.xml so that it actually deletes backup files and add a
few extra types that should be commonly needed... atleast by me.
2010-01-02 zzz
* Console: Save refresh setting
* i2psnark:
- Don't URL-encode chars we don't have to
- CSS tweaks
* Transport: Implement 'laptop mode' to change ident and port
when the IP changes
2010-01-01 sponge
* Happy New year everyone!
* Added a target to generate a stand-alone BOB jar file.
2009-12-31 zzz
* BuildResponseRecord: Make static
* i2np: Remove unused logs
* i2psnark: Fix message box, was a little too small
* InternalSocket: Fallback to external socket on fail
* NetDb: Fix exploration by adding a null hash to mean
"don't give me floodfills"
* PeerSelector: Downgrade floodfills with high fail rate
2009-12-26 zzz
* Console:
- Tag the rest of logs.jsp
* Tunnels, Transports:
- Lots of code to detect improper reuse of cached objects
after release
- Prevent release of TunnelDataMessage cached ByteArray,
as it may be reused if retried in another transport;
a nasty bug causing corrupt messages
- Prevent race with released resources in UDP OutboundMessageState;
a nasty bug causing corrupt messages
- More cleanups and comments
* UDP: Bid lower than NTCP when we need introducers and don't
have enough
2009-12-22 zzz
* Tunnels:
- Do RED dropping before the IBGW fragmenter, not after
- Change batch time to 250ms for IBGWs (was 100ms)
- Change batch time to 150ms for exploratory OBGWs (was 100ms)
- Start a new message in the fragmenter if almost full
- Fix a major, longstanding synchronization bug in the FragmentHandler
which led to corrupt messages at the endpoints
- More cleanups and comments
2009-12-20 zzz
* Console:
- Fix status to show a disconnected network error rather than
clock skew or UDP error when disconnected
- Use peer clock skew rather than clock offset for determining
whether to display clock skew error
- tunnels.jsp: Clarify tunnel table headings
* Contexts: Add isRouterContext() method
* Profile, DBHistory:
- Tweak the rate periods
- Add a global fail rate stat
- Increase the HashMap sizes
* Router: Move some more threads to I2PAppThread so an OOM won't
crash the router
* Timestamper: Reduce delays (cuts 10s out of router startup)
* Transport: Rework peer clock skew method to always return a value
* Tunnels:
- Reduce the drop probability for TunnelBuildMessages at the OBEP
- Schedule outbound startup instead of hanging the thread for 3s
- Cleanup preprocessor code, add comments
2009-12-18 zzz
* Console: Fix spacing in update section
* I2CP:
- Move client-side writes to their own thread
- Reenable InternalSockets
* i2ptunnel: Fix bundle script
* InNetMessagePool: Cleanup
* SusiDNS:
- Remove untranslatable button images (-15KB)
- Tag buttons and messages
- Add some button CSS
* Tunnel building:
- Increase timeout to 13s (was 10s)
- Fix tunnel.buildReplyTooSlow stat
- Tweak logging
- Prioritize expl. builds over client builds
- Code cleanups
* TunnelSettings: Drop, unused
2009-12-15 zzz
* HTTP Proxy: Make jump server list configurable
* i2psnark: Fix stop/start, cleanups
* i2ptunnel: Fix bundle location
* SusiDNS:
- Rewrite and correct a lot of the text, tag jsps
- UTF-8 fixes
* TunnelManager: Fix a locking bug
* Update: Improve error message
2009-12-13 zzz
* Find ResourceBundles in wars
* Fix restart from config.jsp if no wrapper
* i2psnark: Elaborate popups
2009-12-12 welterde
2009-12-12 zzz
* Disable InternalSockets until it's fixed
2009-12-11 zzz
* Addressbook, susidns: Rework addressbook into a
HttpServlet, so susidns can kick it when the subscription
list changes
* Build: Truncate the history in the updater (-80KB)
* Console:
- Add a nicer handler for missing webapps
- Restore the restart message
- Change "depth" to "length"
* Data: Cache the Hash hashcode
* EepGet: Use InternalSocket if available
* Fragmenter: Pull the new comments, new stats, and
debug log fix from i2p.i2p.zzz.batch in - but not the
batching mods, which need a fresh look.
* I2CP: Implement an internal "socket" class that
allows clients in the same JVM to connect to the
router without going through the kernel
* I2NP: Drop unused classes
* i2psnark:
- Translation support
- Tweak torrent name popup
* I2PTunnel:
- Translation support
- Switch all I2PThreads to I2PAppThreads
- Run an InternalSocket as well for the HTTP Proxy
* Naming Services:
- New EepGetAndAddNamingService that appends new
hosts to hosts.txt
- Move default reverseLookup to base class
- Deprecate unused services
* NetDb:
- Switch from ArrayList to ConcurrentHashSet in
KBucketImpl to reduce chance of deadlock;
remove periodic shuffling of the bucket,
needs to be addressed elsewhere
* SusiDNS:
- Translation support
- Remove jsp's from the war
* Translation: Move code from routerconsole to core,
to support translation of other webapps
* 2009-12-08 0.7.8 released
2009-12-08 zzz
* Misc. cleanups after review, prep for release
2009-12-06 zzz
* netdb.jsp: Fix bug caused by XSS fix
* Translations: drop ru until after release
2009-12-05 zzz
* Build: Fix poupdate dependency
* Console: Add Russian option
2009-12-05 sponge
* BOB: fix a critical bug causing ghosts on probes
and remove unused code.
2009-12-04 zzz
* Console: Close up some possible XSS (thanks Pragmatk)
* i2psnark: Config cleanup, more HTML transitional fixes
* readme*.html: Point to translated pages on www.i2p2.i2p
2009-11-29 zzz
* config.jsp: Comment out unused stuff better
* profiles.jsp: Hide non-ff from ff table
* HTTP Proxy: Don't send proxy.i2p to the naming service,
it was making the error pages load slowly
* SOCKS Proxy: Fix an error message
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