# These properties can be set to alter the build process.
# This file contains default values that are used by official I2P installers.
# End-users *should not* edit this file. If you want to change the values, make a
# copy, call it, and make the desired changes to that.
# Javadocs
# Note: Include the trailing slash! Don't surround the URL in quotes!
# The following link is dead, perhaps temporarily,
# perhaps not, as they move 7 and 8 to unsupported status.
# these are only for unit test javadocs
# This will go in the jar manifests
# filename of the sloccount report
# Uncomment the next line to prevent "ant debian" from automatically
# updating the changelog
# Building EXEs in x64 Linux requires that 32bit libraries are installed. In Debian,
# for example, installing the libc6-i386 package will satisfy this requirement.
# Uncomment the next line to prevent building EXEs (changing it to false will have no impact)
# Change this to false if you don't have gettext or you want to prevent it from running during the build
# Additional classpath if required
# Optional compiler args
# This one keeps gcj a lot quieter
# This one is for subsystems requiring Java 7
# Note to packagers, embedders, distributors:
# Strictly speaking, you must either use the compiler for the minimum Java version you are
# targeting (default 1.6, see above), or specify a bootclasspath, which means you need
# the JRE for the target version installed as well.
# However, in practice, you can compile with 1.7 and target 1.6 without specifying a bootclasspath,
# and it all works fine.
# But you cannot compile with 1.8 and target 1.6 or 1.7 without bootclasspath,
# or your users will get runtime errors.
# Below is an example of a bootclasspath that works on Ubuntu.
# For more info:
# http://zzz.i2p/topics/1668
#javac.compilerargs=-bootclasspath /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/rt.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/jce.jar
# Uncomment the next line to enable integration tests.
# These require a running router with I2CP available on
# Location of the libraries required for the ScalaTest tests.
# Define this in or pass in on the command line.
# The directory must contain the following library names:
# mockito-all.jar
# scala-compiler.jar
# scala-library.jar
# scalatest.jar
# Location of the junit libraries
# Defaults to the ant library path if not set.
# If set, this must point to a directory that contains the file junit4.jar
# Location of the hamcrest libraries
# Defaults to the ant library path if not set
# If set, this must point to a directory containing the files
# hamcrest-core.jar, hamcrest-library.jar, and hamcrest-integration.jar
# Location of the mockito libraries
# Defaults to the ant library path if not set
# If set, this must point to a directory containing the files
# mockito-core.jar, byte-buddy.jar, objenesis.jar
# Optional properties used in tests to enable additional tools.
### Bundle router infos ###
# Set to bundle router infos from your local I2P install in the package
### Debian/Ubuntu packages ###
# Don't include geoip files, we will use geoip-database package
# Don't include jetty files, we will use libjetty8-java package
# Don't include tomcat files, we will use libservlet2.5-java package
# Don't include tomcat juli files, we will use libtomcat6-java package
# Don't build with bundled tomcat 6, we will use libtomcat7-java package
# Don't include standard.jar, we will use libjakarta-taglibs-standard-java package
# Don't include jstl.jar, we will use libjstl1.1-java package