- Fix slow start (ticket #2708)
- Reset retransmission timer after ack (ticket #2710)
2020-04-13 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Allow comments in CLI command files
2020-04-10 zzz
* Streaming: Fix retransmission time (ticket #2709)
2020-04-10 zzz
* Jetty: Add GzipHandler for eepsites on Jetty 9.3/9.4 (ticket #2599)
2020-04-08 zzz
* i2psnark: Give peers preference to get first pieces (ticket #2473)
* NetDB: Remove class M from auto-floodfill
* NTCP: Retain pending messages when replacing connection
* Ratchet: TagSet cleanups
2020-04-07 zzz
* Console: Fix disabling sidebar refresh
* Graphs:
- Reduce rrd4j sync thread pool size
- Disable pool if not persisting
- Stop pool on shutdown
2020-04-06 zzz
* Ratchet:
- Finish Next Key impl.
- Performance improvements and cleanups
- Debug page fixes
2020-04-03 zzz
* PrivateKeyFile: Add support for addsubdomain authentication strings
2020-04-01 zzz
* Ratchet:
- Next Key WIP
- Validate NS datetime block; add NS key bloom filter
2020-03-31 zzz
* NetDB:
- Add support for ratchet replies (proposal 154)
- Add support for ElG lookups and stores from ECIES-only destinations
- Variable timeout for MessageWrapper-generated tags
* Ratchet:
- Variable timeout for tagsets
- Expire tags too far behind current one
- Remove ID and DI from ACKREQ block
- Add timeout job in OCMOSJ
- Prep for next key support
- Add support for acks and callbacks
* Tunnels:
- Refactor TestJob to use MessageWrapper
- Add support for ratchet
* Blockfile: Add b32 to export output
* Graphs: Fix rrd4j deprecation warnings
* Profiles:
- Don't decay during first 90 minutes of uptime
- Change decay from .75 twice a day to .84 four times a day
* Tunnels: Make new tunnel selection round-robin
2020-03-20 zzz
* Tunnels: FragmentHandler cleanup (ticket #2699)
2020-03-17 zzz
* i2psnark: Hide non-i2p trackers on details page
2020-03-15 zzz
* Ratchet: Stub out ack and ack request blocks
2020-03-01 zzz
* Console:
- Disable browser launch on /configclients when a service
- Hide temporary IPv6 addresses from bind options
- Add security headers to XHR targets
- Fix wizard XHR initialization
2020-02-29 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Check for same interface before warning of dup port
* Profiles: Limit average speed calculation to max high cap peers
* SusiDNS: Support adding b32's (ticket #2101)
2020-02-28 zzz
* Console: Fix /viewlicense for Debian packages
* Debian: Remove fonts-dejavu as package recommendation
2020-02-27 zzz
* Systray: Don't attempt to launch browser when running as a service
2020-02-26 zzz
* Profiles: Fix bug causing persisted speed values to be
reduced when read back in
* Graphs: Replace jrobin with rrd4j 3.5 (ticket #2684)
* NetDB: Don't send 'fake hash' for exploration any more
2020-02-20 zzz
* Build: Add non-pack200 release targets (ticket #2693)
* GeoIP (ticket #2692):
- Add unknown and Kosovo country codes for
- Change GeoIP update script to use
- Prefer more recent of mmdb or Debian files if we have both
* Update: Don't require pack200 for in-net update (ticket #2693)
2020-02-18 zzz
* Util: Improve LookupDest CLI, add to CommandLine
2020-02-17 zzz
* Debian: Remove GzipFilter in base-context.xml,
does nothing with Jetty 9.4 (ticket #2599)
* Install: Remove commented-out GzipFilter in cgi-context.xml
* i2psnark: Revert API changes that broke i2psnark-rpc plugin
* Console: Fix jump-to-section on /stats
* NTCP: Remove closed connections from write queue (ticket #2686)
2020-02-12 zzz
* I2CP: Place ECIES first in LS2
* i2ptunnel: Change default sig type to Ed for non-shared HTTP client
2020-02-10 zzz
* Transport: Mark yggdrasil IPv6 prefix as not routable
2020-02-09 zzz
* Console: Show local tunnel status as green if any leases are valid
* I2CP: I2CPMessageHandlerMap cleanup
2020-02-05 zzz
* SSU: Skip down interfaces when looking for MTU
2020-02-03 zzz
* Graphs: Clean up font setting, fix bugs (ticket #2684)
2020-01-26 idk
* changed many icons on both light and dark themes out for Feather equivalents.
2020-01-26 zzz
* Tunnels: Don't test ECIES-only tunnels
2020-01-21 zzz
* SSU: Use same valid IP criteria for relay request and response
2020-01-21 zzz
* Ratchet: Randomize two high bits of Elligator2 encoding
2020-01-15 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Fix NPE if no config file
2020-01-11 zzz
* SSU: Extend timeout for msgs with multiple fragments (ticket #2640)
* i2psnark: Support "preview" HTML5 play for partial files
* Jetty 9.2.29.v20191105
* Tomcat 8.5.50
2020-01-03 zzz
* Console:
- Don't refresh bw graph unless enclosing sidebar refresh is longer
- Remove scroll-in-scroll for wrapper logs
- Refactor the configstats js
* i2psnark:
- CSS tweaks so the refresh isn't as glitchy
- Reduce default refresh to 15 sec
* Tests: Drop empty unit test files
2020-01-02 idk
* Dark Theme: Colors, borders, icons were simplified across the board
* Images: Checked in icons from Feather icons, which are under the MIT License
2020-01-02 zzz
* Util:
- Add https redirect support to EepGet and SSLEepGet
- Add https support to EepGet CLI
2019-12-25 zzz
* Console, webapps: CSP improvements
* Console: Remove onload and use nonce for inline scripts where able
2019-12-24 zzz
* Console: Don't show a temporary IP ban if it's permanently banned also
* i2ptunnel: Double default conn. and POST limits
2019-12-21 zzz
* Console:
- Don't show 'Unresolved TCP address' error
- Fix displayed name when installing new plugin
* i2psnark: Fix autostart for torrent files copied into the dir
2019-12-20 zzz
* I2CP: Don't throw exception on early internalConnect()
* SSU:
- Reduce log level on packet size error (ticket #2675)
- Move statement affecting debug stats (ticket #2676)
2019-12-18 zzz
* Proxy: Clean up links in error pages
* Router: Prep for a new router bundle
* Util: Move some from console to new core bundle
* NetDB: Fixes for hidden routers losing peers (ticket #2673)
2019-12-16 zzz
* Console: Partial az translation
2019-12-15 zzz
* Console:
- Hide services sidebar section if empty
- Fix Hebrew translation
2019-12-14 zzz
* Console:
- Add Content-Disposition header to graphs
- Stat group display names
* Router: Add new known peers stat
2019-12-03 zzz
* NDT: Numerous fixes (ticket #2672)
* OCMOSJ: Cancel timeout job on reply
2019-12-02 zzz
* Console:
- Move restart status up in summary bar
- Process restart status first regardless of display order
* NDT: Prevent NPE on JSON parse of bad/empty input (ticket #2672)
* Update manager: Notify GeoIP type and file version
2019-11-30 zzz
* Pull translations
2019-11-30 sadie
* Console, SusiDNS: CSS updates
2019-11-29 zzz
* Console, proxy, SusiDNS: Add partial Persian translations
2019-11-27 zzz
* GeoIP update
2019-11-24 zzz
* Debian: Add apparmor support for Java 11 (Github PR #19)
* i2psnark: File system error message improvements
2019-11-23 zzz
* Router:
- Don't count zero-hop tunnels as part of the pool when building
- Don't build more than one zero-hop tunnel in a pool
- Assume high build failure rate for new installs
- Reduce threshold for tunnel length override
2019-11-20 zzz
* I2CP:
- Prevent an uncaught OCMOSJ exception from killing the session
- Don't put ECIES first in LS2
2019-11-17 zzz
* SSU: Lower ACKSender log level (ticket #2651)
2019-11-16 zzz
* Transport: Save IPv6 firewalled state across restarts (ticket #2175)
2019-11-15 zzz
* Console: Fix plugin icon-code images
* i2psnark: Don't start tunnels when autostart enabled but no
torrents set to autostart (ticket #2662)
* SSU: Remove redundant field (ticket #2659)
2019-11-14 zzz
* Transport:
- Fixes for IPv6 firewalled logic (ticket #2175)
- Fix SSU log value (ticket #2652)
- Remove unused currentReceiveSecond (ticket #2661)
2019-11-13 zzz
* Console: Hide buttons on /configkeyring if no entries
* i2ptunnel: Don't delay after ConnectException if stopped
(fixes zzzot stop delay)
* i2psnark:
- Audio playlist support
- Restrict mime types for HTML5 players
2019-11-11 zzz
* KeyGenerator: Use new PrivateKey constructor
* Router: Set default sig type to EdDSA for Android (ticket #2643)
2019-11-08 zzz
* i2psnark: Add HTML5 players on details page

2019-11-06 idk
* Router: Use Local Application Data(%LOCALAPPDATA%)
instead of Roaming for config (ticket #1258)
* Console: Change home page organization and headers

2019-11-05 zzz
* Router: No longer check the clove ID in the Bloom filter
2019-11-02 zzz
* Router: NSR/ES fixes for proposal 144
2019-10-31 zzz
* Router: Updates for proposal 144
2019-10-27 zzz
* NetDB: Don't send encrypted lookup reply to ratchet dest
- Bundle unwrapped ack with LS for ratchet dest
- Keep bundling LS until acked
2019-10-25 zzz
* Router (proposal 144):
- Set client SKM based on configured encryption
- Select target key in LS based on local client's support
- Hook new SKMs and engines into Garlic Message encryption/decryption
* Transport: Publish IPv6 address on transition to non-firewalled
(ticket #2175)
2019-10-24 zzz
* Router: New SKMs and Engines for Ratchet (proposal 144)
* Build:
- Recognize gettext 0.20
- Make 3 release targets, with jbigi/geoip/neither
* Crypto:
- New KeyFactory interface
- Base classes for ECIES-Ratchet (proposal 144)
* Data:
- Reduce SessionTag size
- Cache public key in private key class
- Add LeaseSet methods to get encryption key by type
* I2CP:
- Fix error message for config errors (ticket #2639)
- Add config to disable loopback for testing
* i2ptunnel: Add encrytion type selection to form (proposal 144)
* NetDb: Don't garlic encrypt netdb messages with a ECIES key
* Router (proposal 144):
- Add KeyManager support for multiple leaseset private keys
- Fix logic error in check for local destinations
- Register all LS2 keys with KeyManager
* Startup: clients.config.d files must end in ".config"
2019-10-18 zzz
* Translation updates
* GeoIP update
2019-10-12 zzz
* NTCP: Performance improvement (tickets #2619, #2620)
2019-10-11 zzz
* Console: Fix mime type and encoding on javadoc pages
2019-10-06 zzz
* I2NP: Remove unused I2NPMessageHandler methods
2019-10-03 zzz
* i2psnark: Start with minimum tunnel count (ticket #2623)
2019-10-03 idk
* Console: Wizard updates (ticket #2415)
2019-10-01 zzz
* Console: Remove i2pwiki.i2p (ticket #2626)
* PortMapper: Fix URL generation for IPv6 hosts
2019-09-21 zzz
* Tomcat 8.5.46
2019-09-19 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Support quoting for custom options (ticket #2603)
2019-09-18 zzz
* I2CP:
- More BlindingInfo serialization fixes
- Shorten lookup timeout on router side
2019-09-17 zzz
* I2CP: Fix BlindingInfo serialization
* i2ptunnel:
- Remove streamr, connect, and httpbidir from wizard
- B32 auth form improvements
- Improve query parsing in local HTTP server
- New CLI BlindingInfo test
* Router: Implement expiration for BlindData entries
2019-09-14 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Fix SSL wizard for split config (ticket #2610)
* Reseed: Fix adding netid param (ticket #2621)
* Util: Don't attempt to load hidden cert files (ticket #2622)
2019-09-12 zzz
* I2CP: BlindingInfo fixes
* i2ptunnel: New form for blinding info
2019-09-10 zzz
* I2CP: New Blinding Info message (proposal 123)
* i2ptunnel: New b32 error page
* Util: Fix AIOOBE on bad input to base 32 decode
2019-09-08 zzz
* Transport:
- Don't automatically transition from firewalled
to non-firewalled when IPv6 address changes
- Prefer temporary IPv6 addresses when in laptop mode
- Also use saved IPv6 address for local router GeoIP lookup
2019-09-07 zzz
* Console: Fix first row of version info not selectable (ticket #2615)
* Jetty: Support annotation scanning of plugins for Servlet 3.0 @WebServlet
* Transport: Detect IPv6 address changes (ticket #2175)
2019-09-06 zzz
* Transports: Remove IPv6 addresses on transition to IPv6 firewalled
2019-09-04 zzz
* SSU: Don't mark peer unreachable if it reports
we have a bad port (ticket #2467)
* SusiMail:
- Show "to" rather than "from" in sent and drafts folder (ticket #2571)
- Fix sort links going to wrong folder
* SSU: Fix IPv6 peer test not firing
* Tunnels: Use context AES for hop processing
* Utils:
- Fix SAN verification for IPv6 hostnames
- Add Quad9 DoH servers
2019-09-02 zzz
* Unit test fixes
2019-08-30 zzz
* Util: Consolidate and standardize date/time formatting (ticket #2016)
2019-08-29 zzz
* Router: Job Queue cleanups and javadocs (ticket #2590)
* Transport:
- Move I2PHMac to udp package
- UPnP HTML output fix
2019-08-19 zzz
* SSU: Increase initial concurrent messages limit (ticket #2576)
2019-08-18 zzz
* Jetty: Log stack trace if 2nd arg is a Throwable (ticket #2592)
2019-08-15 zzz
* SSU: Reduce ACK time to 150 (ticket #2574)
2019-08-14 zzz
* Console: Clean up help text, tag for translation (ticket #2298)
2019-08-10 str4d
* EdDSA: Reduce diff between vendored code and upstream
* Tests:
- Fix compilation bug after SSU HMAC implementation move

- Temporarily mitigate discrepancy between Ant and Gradle in
- Unify core test resources across JUnit and ScalaTest
- Fix streaming integration tests after access filtering changes
2019-08-05 zzz
* i2ptunnel:
- Add configs to override user agent
- Add failsafe timeouts for local sockets (ticket #2568)
* Reseed: Send network ID in query string (proposal 147)
* Transports: Implement cross-network detection (proposal 147)
2019-08-04 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Add checks for dup data dirs (ticket #2291)
- Fix autostart to only start torrents running previously (ticket #2120)
* SSU: Fix stall when higher-priority message is queued (ticket #2582)
* Streaming: Reduce immediate ack delay (ticket #2584)
2019-08-03 zzz
* Transport: Allow local addresses when configured
2019-08-02 zzz
* Router: Fix Bloom filter false positives
2019-08-01 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Fix announce hosts of the form b64dest[.i2p]
- Add last activity stat
- Disallow illegal filenames on Windows
2019-07-27 zzz
* JBigI: GMP 6.1.2 for linux 64 bit (ticket #1869)
2019-07-26 zzz
* Debian: Change debian files from stretch (Jetty 9.2, Tomcat 8, Java 8)
to buster (Jetty 9.4, Tomcat 9, Java 11)
* Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.confsplit:
Split clients.config and i2ptunnel.config into individual files
for each client and tunnel, except on android and portable.
2019-07-23 zzz
* Data: Initial support for enc types
* Router: Checks for new enc types
2019-07-22 zzz
* NetDB: Handle LS2 blinded flag bit
2019-07-19 zzz
* Console: Split up /help page, prep for translation (ticket #2298)
2019-07-18 zzz
* Data: Set LS2 flag bit when blinded
2019-07-12 zzz
* Build: Move SSU HMAC implementation from core to router
* Test: Fix broken unit test build
2019-07-11 zzz
* imagegen: Improve QR font rendering
2019-07-09 zzz
* NetDb:
- Fix NPE on store of Encrypted LS (ticket #2563)
- Pick alternate reply GW for netdb store reply
if connected, to reduce connections
2019-07-04 zzz
* Console: Hide netdb RI and LS tabs (ticket #2558)
2019-06-26 zzz
* Transport: Fix issues with leaving hidden mode (ticket #2557)
2019-06-25 zzz
* I2CP: Prevent sending message to a local meta destination
* imagegen: Catch render error (ticket #2507)
* Router: Disable MessageHistory job on Android
* Streaming:
- Check that destinations match in signatures
- Increase size of recently-closed cache
2019-06-22 zzz
* Console: New logo
* I2CP: Ensure that callbacks are called on abnormal close
2019-06-21 zzz
* Transport: Update hidden mode country list
2019-06-18 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Improve logging when no outproxy configured (ticket #2338)
* Reseed: Remove atomike
2019-06-17 zzz
* Console: Hide news section in summary bar if
news fetching is disabled (ticket #2301)
* Router: Don't check for ping file at startup on Android
2019-06-16 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Increase DHT blacklist time (ticket #2275)
- Fix QupZilla detection (ticket #2026)
2019-06-15 zzz
* Console: Fix stopping webapps at shutdown (ticket #2508)
2019-06-09 zzz
* Eepsite Help page: Add links to Arabic, Hungarian, Indonesian.
fix link to Italian
* SusiMail: Add Farsi translation
* Tests: Fix some bashisms, add more files to bashisms check
* UPnP: Set lease duration of 3 hours, always refresh the lease
2019-06-08 zzz
* NetDB:
- Fix Deliv. Status msg sent direct to tunnel
- Faster startup for non-Android
2019-06-07 zzz
* NetDB: Fix NPE on failed decrypt of enc. ls2
2019-06-06 zzz
- Add Skylake support (ticket #1869)
- Recognize more Intel "Lake" processors
2019-06-05 zzz
* NetDb: Fix to set netDb ready immediately after reseed
* Util: Add EKU to selfsigned certs
2019-06-03 zzz
* Transport: Fix large messages in SSU (ticket #2505)
2019-06-02 zzz
* Build: Fix Debian (ticket #2517)
* i2ptunnel: Add new getInstance() method for Android
* Update PAC file for additional security
2019-06-01 zzz
* NetDB: Don't wait for all RIs to be read in on Android
* Tunnels: Ensure GW Pumper threads stop on Android
2019-05-31 zzz
* Blinding: Bug fixes
* Transport: UPnP fixes for Android (ticket #2499)
2019-05-30 zzz
* Console: Support deleting blinded entries on /configkeyring
2019-05-29 zzz
* I2CP: Fix bugs with lookup password
* Util: Store save time in config files
2019-05-28 zzz
* Console: Form handling on /configkeyring for LS2
2019-05-27 zzz
* Console: Start rework of /configkeyring for LS2
2019-05-26 zzz
* I2CP: Add per-client auth to generated leaseset
2019-05-24 zzz
* i2ptunnel:
- Per-client auth config
- Hide encryption key for per-client auth
- User-select: all for key fields
2019-05-23 zzz
* i2ptunnel:
- Rework server encryption key UI in prep for blinded keys
- Remove generate button, automatically generate when required
- Refactor auto configuration
- Add LS2 option, change to select box
- Select box for sig type
2019-05-22 zzz
* Crypto: Add X25519 DH class
* Data: Per-client auth for enc. LS2 (proposal 123)
* Transport: Use KeyGenerator for X25519 keys
2019-05-21 zzz
* Profiles: Omit comments from stored profiles
2019-05-20 zzz
* Console: Hide some columns on /peers SSU tab unless advanced
* Installer:
- Fix -console install for Izpack 5 (ticket #2492)
- Switch to Izpack 5 for non-windows release installer
* Sybil:
- Escape % in stored reasons
- Improve error handling when loading files
- Skip comment lines in stored files
* Tunnels: Increase tunnel reuse probability
* Build: Remove dependencies on Nashorn (ticket #2367)
* Sybil:
- Run IP and family tests on all routers
- Delete old stored analysis if configured
2019-05-18 zzz
* Javadoc: fixes from FreeBSD ports
* Sybil:
- Option to run on non-floodfills too
- Show routers in analysis even if no RI available
- Date format and reason text fixes
- Add link to banlist
2019-05-15 zzz
* EepGet: Don't continue when requested a partial but didn't
get it, and the output is to a stream
* Streaming: Fix NPE in debug logging (ticket #2504)
2019-05-14 zzz
* Util: Don't set restrictive permissions on exported certs
* Console:
- Hide transport table unless advanced
- Prevent editing a client while it's starting
* Sybil: Add support for auto-blocking
* Tunnels: Fix connection checker for NTCP2
2019-05-12 zzz
* Jetty: Fix webapps in eepsite (ticket #2477)
* Util: Consolidate Java version checking code, fix bugs
2019-05-11 zzz
* Utils: Allow absolute path to certs in I2PSSLSocketFactory
2019-05-10 zzz
* NetDB: Store Meta LS2 to floodfills (proposal #123)
2019-05-09 zzz
* Console:
- Delay plugin update check until router is ready
- Remove plugin install success message (ticket #2494)
* Transport: Start first GeoIP lookup when netdb is ready
* Wrapper:
- Add support for armv7 and aarch64 (ticket #2308)
- Update to 3.5.39
2019-05-08 zzz
* Utils: Auto-generate su3 output file for extract if not specified
* Android: Catch ISE from PRNG at shutdown (ticket #2077)
* GeoIP Maxmind 2019-04-29
* NTCP: Rare EventPumper 100% CPU fix (ticket #2476)
* UPnP: Remove finalize() in HTTPSocket (ticket #2490)
* Build: Drop unmaintained sample apparmor script (ticket #2319)
* i2ptunnel: Force connect delay and bulk profile for most
client tunnel types, and hide from UI
* Transport: Disable NTCP 1 by default
2019-04-24 zzz
* Crypto: Catch ProviderException in KeyStoreUtil (ticket #2479)
2019-04-22 zzz
* Build:
- Switch to IzPack 5.1.3 for building releases (ticket #1864)
- Use izpack2exe for Windows installer (ticket #2403)
2019-04-21 str4d
* Gradle:
- Adjust dependencies to match Tomcat and Jetty updates
- Generate reproducible archives
- Generate attributes for JAR manifests
* Tests: Fix ministreaming tests after access filtering changes
2019-04-20 zzz
* Console, SusiDNS: New icons
* Debian: Update Bionic/Cosmic to include patch for Jetty 9.4
* Router:
- Update NTCP checks for NTCP2
- Remove old check for and earlier routers
2019-04-18 zzz
* Console: Improve error message when graphs disabled (ticket #2452)
* Utils: CoDel minor speedup (ticket #2398)
2019-04-17 zzz
* Transport: More fixes for NTCP when SSU disabled (ticket #1417)
* Console: Don't display I2CP error during soft restart (ticket #2468)
* NamingService: Fix class selection in app context (ticket #2469)
* Tomcat 8.5.40
2019-04-13 zzz
* i2ptunnel:
- Config UI for encrypted ls2
- Display encrypted b32
- Disable registration authentication when encrypted
- Hide I2CP config in router context
- Disallow any encrypted LS for offline keys
- Fix NPE creating server tunnel
- Add Red25519 sigtype option for servers
2019-04-10 zzz
* Jetty: Hide sizes and dates of directories in listings
* NTCP2: Allow longer padding in msg 1 if NTCP1 disabled
2019-04-08 zzz
* Util: Fix memory leak in compressor (ticket #2471)
2019-04-03 zzz
* I2PTunnel: Start/stop POST throttle timer
* I2PTunnel: Implement access filtering (ticket #2464)
2019-03-31 zzz
* Data: Implement Destroyable for private keys (ticket #2462)
2019-03-29 zzz
* Crypto: SigContext (WIP) (proposal #148)
* NetDB: Persist cached blinding data (proposal #123)
2019-03-27 zzz
* NetDB: Cache blinding data for lookups and decryption (proposal #123)
2019-03-23 zzz
* Data: Preliminary work on new b32 format (proposal #149)
* SelfSignedGenerator:
- Fix generation with Ed25519ph keys (ticket #2465)
- Increase serial number from 63 to 71 bits
* SusiDNS: Add import feature (ticket #2447)
2019-03-22 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Escape {} in URLs (ticket #2130)
2019-03-16 zzz
* Fix Debian builds with Jetty 9.4.15 (ticket #2457)
2019-03-11 zab

* Startup: make negative client app delay value mean waiting
for router to be RUNNING (ticket #2377)
* I2PTunnel: make I2PTunnel default to negative startup delay value
(ticket #2377)
2019-03-11 zzz
* Console: New home page icons
2019-03-09 zzz
* Data: Consolidate offline key check
* I2CP: Add support for blinding secret
* i2ptunnel: Prevent registration auth if key offline
2019-03-07 zzz
* NetDB: Minor performance improvement in selectors
2019-03-06 zzz
* NetDB: Fix flood version check, add version check for RedDSA
2019-03-05 zzz
* Data: Update Encrypted LS2 blinding and encryption
2019-03-04 zzz
* Console: Fix NPEs displaying encrypted LS2
* Data: Fix NPE in debug logging
* I2CP, NetDB: More fixes for encrypted LS2 (proposal 123)
* NetDB: Call fail callback when lookup is negative cached (thx zab)
2019-03-02 zzz
* I2CP, NetDB: Fixes for encrypted LS2 (proposal 123)
* Streaming: Fix sending messages with expired times (ticket #2451)
2019-02-28 zzz
* Console:
- Fix router logs not shown if first msg is a dup
- Change fallback client names to use b32
2019-02-26 zzz
* SSU:
- Fix scheduling of peer test at startup (ticket #2441)
- Fix RTT/RTO calculations (ticket #2443)
2019-02-25 zzz
* NetDB: Fix dup publish of RI at startup
* NTCP: Fix number of SendFinisher threads (ticket #2438)
2019-02-23 zzz
* NetDB:
- Use published date, not earliest lease expiration, for LS2 comparisons
- Fix earliest LS expiration adjustment when publishing for LS2
- Increase flood candidates for LS2
- Don't start new store after verify fail if we've already done so
- Version checks for encrypted LS2
* NTCP: Loop in pumper if more to write (ticket #2440)
2019-02-21 zzz
* Crypto: Keygen for RedDSA, allow RedDSA for unblinded keys (Enc LS2)
* Data: Always set unpublished flag for inner LS (Enc LS2)
* I2CP: Force i2cp.leaseSetType option for offline keys
2019-02-20 zzz
* Crypto: ChaCha20 and RedDSA for Encrypted LS2 (proposal #123)
* Data: Encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify for Encrypted LS2 (proposal #123)
2019-02-19 zzz
* Crypto: Implement blinding, add sig type 11 (proposal 123)
* Console: Drop midnight and classic themes (ticket #2272)
* Tomcat 8.5.38
* Transport:
- Fixes for NTCP when SSU disabled (ticket #1417)
- Delay port forwarding until after UPnP rescan complete
2019-02-08 zzz
* Console: Hide disabled transports on /peers
* SSU: EstablishmentManager fixes (ticket #2397)
2019-02-07 zzz
- Add option to disable NTCP1 (ticket #2328)
- Don't bid for outbound-only NTCP2 addresses
- Fix NTCP2 cost when transitioning to inbound
* SAM: Support offline keys
* Streaming: Fix exception after sig verify fail
2019-02-06 zzz
* Build: Add targets for alternate debian distros (ticket #2410)
* Crypto: Shortcut GroupElement representation conversion
* I2CP: Prevent use of repliable datagrams with offline keys
2019-02-05 zzz
* Transport:
- Clean up unreachable() methods (ticket #2382)
- Speed up NTCP allowConnection() (ticket #2381)
- OutNetMessage cleanup (ticket #2386)
- SSU PacketHandler cleanup (ticket #2383)
2019-02-04 zzz
* I2CP: Change format and message type of CreateLeaseSet2 message
2019-02-03 zzz
* I2CP:
- Remove revocation private key from CreateLeaseset2 message
- Use correct key to sign SessionConfig with offline keys
* i2ptunnel: Fix HTTP websockets by passing through
Connection headers containing "upgrade" (ticket #2422)
* Streaming:
- Support offline signatures (proposal 123)
- Don't send FROM in RESET, not required since 0.9.20
- Send RESET when SYN signature verification fails
- Use cached buffers for signature verification
- Always verify packets with signatures, even if not required
* Test: Disable NTP in LocalClientManager
2019-02-02 zzz
* Debian: Fix build of i2pcontrol
2019-02-01 zzz
* Debian: AppArmor fix for Oracle JVM (ticket #2319)
* i2ptunnel:
- Caching of outproxy selection, avoid last-failed outproxy
- More localhost checks
- Handle PUT like POST
2019-01-31 zzz
* Debian: Fix version detection of Tomcat 9 required
for reproducible builds (ticket #2279)
2019-01-30 zzz
* Build: Fix javac.classpath in junit.compileTest targets (ticket #2333)
* I2CP: Fixes for CreateLeaseset2 message with multiple keys
* EdDSA: Make more classes serializable (Github PR #68)
2019-01-27 zzz
* NDT:
- Catch exception on DNS lookup failure (ticket #2399)
- Add support for specifying server in CLI (ticket #2413)
2019-01-24 zzz
* Debian:
- Fix Debian control files (ticket #2401)
- Add build option for libtomcat9 (ticket #2364)
- Fix PPA builds for precise and trusty (ticket #2408)
* 2019-01-22 0.9.38 released
2019-01-21 zzz
* Debian:
- Add source param to javadoc target (ticket #2394)
- Replace ttf-dejavu with fonts-dejavu (ticket #2395)
* Reseed: Update SSL cert
* NTCP: Stop X25519KeyFactory on shutdown (ticket #2388)
* Plugins: Fix loading of webapp configuration classes (ticket #2385)
* Debian: AppArmor updates (ticket #2319)
* SusiMail:
- Fix sending mail with attachments (ticket #2373)