$Id: history.txt,v 1.500 2006-07-27 22:34:59 jrandom Exp $
2006-07-28 jrandom
* Actually fix the threading deadlock issue in the netDb (removing
the synchronized access to individual kbuckets while validating
individual entries) (thanks cervantes, postman, frosk, et al!)
2006-07-27 jrandom
* Cut down NTCP connection establishments once we know the peer is skewed
(rather than wait for full establishment before verifying)
* Removed a lock on the stats framework when accessing rates, which
shouldn't be a problem, assuming rates are created (pretty much) all at
once and merely updated during the lifetime of the jvm.
2006-07-27 jrandom
* Further NTCP write status cleanup
* Handle more oddly-timed NTCP disconnections (thanks bar!)
2006-07-26 jrandom
* When dropping a netDb router reference, only accept newer
references as part of the update check
* If we have been up for a while, don't accept really old
router references (published 2 or more days ago)
* Drop router references once they are no longer valid, even if
they were allowed in due to the lax restrictions on startup
2006-07-26 jrandom
* Every time we create a new router identity, add an entry to the
new "identlog.txt" text file in the I2P install directory. For
debugging purposes, publish the count of how many identities the
router has cycled through, though not the identities itself.
* Cleaned up the way the multitransport shitlisting worked, and
added per-transport shitlists
* When dropping a router reference locally, first fire a netDb
lookup for the entry
* Take the peer selection filters into account when organizing the
profiles (thanks Complication!)
* Avoid some obvious configuration errors for the NTCP transport
(invalid ports, "null" ip, etc)
* Deal with some small NTCP bugs found in the wild (unresolveable
hosts, strange network discons, etc)
* Send our netDb info to peers we have direct NTCP connections to
after each 6-12 hours of connection uptime
* Clean up the NTCP reading and writing queue logic to avoid some
potential delays
* Allow people to specify the IP that the SSU transport binds on
locally, via the advanced config "i2np.udp.bindInterface="
* 2006-07-18 released
2006-07-18 jrandom
* Add a failsafe to the NTCP transport to make sure we keep
pumping writes when we should.
* Properly reallow 16-32KBps routers in the default config
(thanks Complication!)
2006-07-16 Complication
* Collect tunnel build agree/reject/expire statistics
for each bandwidth tier of peers (and peers of unknown tiers,
even if those shouldn't exist)
2006-07-14 jrandom
* Improve the multitransport shitlisting (thanks Complication!)
* Allow routers with a capacity of 16-32KBps to be used in tunnels under
the default configuration (thanks for the stats Complication!)
* Properly allow older router references to load on startup
(thanks bar, Complication, et al!)
* Add a new "i2p.alwaysAllowReseed" advanced config property, though
hopefully today's changes should make this unnecessary (thanks void!)
* Improved NTCP buffering
* Close NTCP connections if we are too backlogged when writing to them
2006-07-04 jrandom
* New NIO-based tcp transport (NTCP), enabled by default for outbound
connections only. Those who configure their NAT/firewall to allow
inbound connections and specify the external host and port
(dyndns/etc is ok) on /config.jsp can receive inbound connections.
SSU is still enabled for use by default for all users as a fallback.
* Substantial bugfix to the tunnel gateway processing to transfer
messages sequentially instead of interleaved
* Renamed GNU/crypto classes to avoid name clashes with kaffe and other
GNU/Classpath based JVMs
* Adjust the Fortuna PRNG's pooling system to reduce contention on
refill with a background thread to refill the output buffer
* Add per-transport support for the shitlist
* Add a new async pumped tunnel gateway to reduce tunnel dispatcher
2006-07-01 Complication
* Ensure that the I2PTunnel web interface won't update tunnel settings
for shared clients when a non-shared client is modified
(thanks for spotting, BarkerJr!)
2006-06-14 cervantes
* Small tweak to I2PTunnel CSS, so it looks better with desktops
that use Bitstream Vera fonts @ 96 dpi
2006-06-13 jrandom
* Use a minimum uptime of 2 hours, not 4 (oops)
2006-06-13 jrandom
* Cut down the proactive rejections due to queue size - if we are
at the point of having decrypted the request off the queue, might
as well let it through, rather than waste that decryption
2006-06-11 Kloug
* Bugfix to the I2PTunnel IRC filter to support multiple concurrent
outstanding pings/pongs
2006-06-10 jrandom
* Further reduction in proactive rejections
2006-06-09 jrandom
* Don't let the pending tunnel request queue grow beyond reason
(letting things sit for up to 30s when they fail after 10s
seems a bit... off)
2006-06-08 jrandom
* Be more conservative in the proactive rejections
2006-06-04 Complication
* Trim out sending a blank line before USER in susimail.
Seemed to break in rare cases, thanks for reporting, Brachtus!
* 2006-06-04 released
2006-06-04 jrandom
* Reduce the SSU ack frequency
* Tweaked the tunnel rejection settings to reject less aggressively
2006-05-31 jrandom
* Only send netDb searches to the floodfill peers for the time being
* Add some proof of concept filters for tunnel participation. By default,
it will skip peers with an advertised bandwith of less than 32KBps or
an advertised uptime of less than 2 hours. If this is sufficient, a
safer implementation of these filters will be implemented.
* 2006-05-18 released
2006-05-18 jrandom
* Made the SSU ACKs less frequent when possible
2006-05-17 Complication
* Fix some oversights in my previous changes:
adjust some loglevels, make a few statements less wasteful,
make one comparison less confusing and more likely to log unexpected values
2006-05-17 jrandom
* Make the peer page sortable
* SSU modifications to cut down on unnecessary connection failures
2006-05-16 jrandom
* Further shitlist randomizations
* Adjust the stats monitored for detecting cpu overload when dropping new
tunnel requests
2006-05-15 jrandom
* Add a load dependent throttle on the pending inbound tunnel request
* Increased the tunnel test failure slack before killing a tunnel
2006-05-13 Complication
* Separate growth factors for tunnel count and tunnel test time
* Reduce growth factors, so probabalistic throttle would activate
* Square probAccept values to decelerate stronger when far from average
* Create a bandwidth stat with approximately 15-second half life
* Make allowTunnel() check the 1-second bandwidth for overload
before doing allowance calculations using 15-second bandwidth
* Tweak the overload detector in BuildExecutor to be more sensitive
for rising edges, add ability to initiate tunnel drops
* Add a function to seek and drop the highest-rate participating tunnel,
keeping a fixed+random grace period between such drops.
It doesn't seem very effective, so disabled by default
("router.dropTunnelsOnOverload=true" to enable)
2006-05-11 jrandom
* PRNG bugfix (thanks cervantes and Complication!)
* 2006-05-09 released
2006-05-09 jrandom
* Further tunnel creation timeout revamp
2006-05-07 Complication
* Fix problem whereby repeated calls to allowed() would make
the 1-tunnel exception permit more than one concurrent build
2006-05-06 jrandom
* Readjust the tunnel creation timeouts to reject less but fail earlier,
while tracking the extended timeout events.
2006-05-04 jrandom
* Short circuit a highly congested part of the stat logging unless its
required (may or may not help with a synchronization issue reported by
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