2010-02-18 zzz
* Clock: Slew tweak
* i2psnark: Improve error message when finding HTML
* HTTP Proxy: Fix blank page instead of error page for eepsite unreachable
* Plugins:
- Fix plugin start button
- Change signer prop to match docs
- Tweaks
* Transport:
- Fix recognition of IP change when not firewalled
- Require consecutive identical results from two peers before changing IP
* TrustedUpdate: CLI exits 1 on failure for ease of use in scripts
2010-02-15 zzz
Propagate from 3 dev branches.
* Clock:
- getFramedAveragePeerClockSkew() now returns a long (ms);
was a Long (s)
- Implement NTP-style clock slewing so the clock is adjusted
- Implement clock strata so we prefer better clocks
- Implement a timestamper in the transport so we will periodically
update the clock even if NTP is not working.
This allows the router to converge the clock instead of simply
hoping the first connected peer is correct.
- Slow down NTP attempts after several consecutive failures
* Console: refactor and tag update messages
* Streaming: MessageOutputStream logging tweaks
* Transport:
- Prepare for using address costs
- Adjust bids based on address cost
- Increase cost if near transport capacity, disabled until 0.7.12
- Clear the geoip negative cache periodically
* Jrobin: Move from routerconsole.jar to its own jrobin.jar,
adjust classpath in routerconsole.jar manifest
* Plugins:
New plugin support, hidden for now, enable with router.enablePlugins=true
Configure and add plugins on configclients.jsp
Supports the following:
- Console webapps
- New translation bundles
- Link on console
- Anything that can be started in clients.config
- Additions to classpath for clients and webapps
* TrustedUpdate:
- Add method to check if we know about a key
- Add method to add a key
- Add method to extract without verifying
- Add method to get key signer name
* Webapps: Allow additions to a webapp classpath.
- Pull jstl.jar and standard.jar out of susidns.war
- Remove 100KB of duplicate classes from i2psnark.war
* I2NP: Add UnknownI2NPMessage so we can route unknown message types
* Tunnel Builds:
- Add getRecordCount() to TunnelBuildMessage and TunnelBuildReplyMessage so they can be extended.
- New I2NP Messages VariableTunnelBuildMessage and VariableTunnelBuildReplyMessage,
which contain the number of request slots in them.
- Convert all static assumptions of 8 slots to getRecordCount()
- Use the new VTBM if all hops in the tunnel and the OBEP or IBGW of the reply tunnel
support it, and the tunnel is 4 hops or shorter.
- Reply to a VTBM with a VTBRM of the same size
- Make BuildReplyHandler static
- Convert the currentlyBuilding List to a ConcurrentHashMap to speed reply lookups
and eliminate a global lock; don't put fallback tunnels in there
- Add new tunnel.corruptBuildReply stat
- Various cleanups and javadoc
- Fix first hop expiration for Build Messages, was way too long
- Randomize Build Message expiration to make it harder to guess hop position
- Save expired tunnel build configs for a while, so that we will still use the tunnel
and update peer stats if the reply comes in late
- Don't update our own profile for Tunnel Build Replies
2010-02-13 sponge
* Fix addWebApplications API goofup
* Bump BOB version, which I forgot to do.
2010-02-13 zzz
* Floodfills: Increase max to 28 (was 15) and min to 20 (was 10)
2010-02-12 sponge
* org.mortbay.jetty.Server modified method to accept attributes for
batch webapp launches via addWebApplications.
2010-02-10 zzz
* I2PTunnelRunner: Flush initial data, for some reason it wasn't
getting flushed ever in some cases.
2010-02-10 zzz
64-bit windows installer fixes. Still no 64-bit wrapper.
Thanks eche|on for testing!
* Izpack:
Add 64-bit windows dll so installer doesn't die trying to add shortcuts
* Launch4j:
Upgrade to launch4j 3.0.1 2008-07-20.
The license is BSD for launch4j and MIT for the wrapper code in head/
Changelog is in installer/lib/launch4j/web/changelog.html
Hopefully this will fix installs for 64-bit JRE on 64-bit windows.
The previous version was 2.0-RC3 2005-08-13.
The previous license was GPLv2 for launch4j and LGPLv2.1 for the wrapper code in head/
The bin/ld.exe and bin/windres.exe files were contributed by
i2p users in 2005 so the i2p installer could be built on windows.
They have not been updated for 3.0.1, so pkg builds on windows
will presumably still get 2.0-RC3.
2010-02-06 zzz
* Console: Fix saving update keys, was broken in 0.7.10
* i2psnark: Add transmission ID
* news.xml: Wrap i2p version tags in XML comment
* Transport: Try yet again to prevent two NTCP pumpers
2010-02-04 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix sending stopped events to the tracker
2010-02-03 zzz
* Console:
- Hide update buttons and update config if install dir is readonly or if configured
- Show yellow star if no outbound tunnels
* i2psnark: Don't prefer to opportunistically unchoke unchoking peers when not interested
* NetDb: Lower min RouterInfo expiration to 2.5h (was 3h)
2010-01-31 zzz
* i2psnark standalone: Fix CSS
* Jetty: Update to 5.1.15 to get ResourceHandler fix
2010-01-30 sponge
* Fix NPE in TCPtoI2P when a lookup fails, report the error to the stream.
* Fix setkeys bug in DoCMDS, forgot to create the object before calling
it's methods, which threw an NPE.
2010-01-29 zzz
* build.xml: Add a debian-source target
* Data structures:
- Speed up some hashcode() and equals()
- Cleanup and javadoc
* Jetty: Turn on checkAliases
* NetDb:
- Add basic DOS prevention for lookups
- Move flood throttle check so we don't throttle ourselves
- Don't store over client tunnels to pre-0.7.10 floodfills
- Don't update unused lease fail stats
* Startup: Disable browser launch for debian daemon
2010-01-28 welterde
* enhance support for multiple RouterAddresses' of the same style in RouterInfo
* Clock: Don't refuse to update because of peer skew the first time
* I2NP: Various cleanup and bulletproofing
* Log: Try to avoid complaints at shutdown
* Profiles: Fix lack of profiles at router startup, especially for new routers
* stats.jsp: Shrink the dropdown box
* ProfileOrganizerRenderer: Cleanups
* Reseed: Update welt's reseed hostname
* Transport clock skews:
- Store and report UDP clock skews even for large values, so
a badly skewed local clock will be reported to the console
- Don't shitlist for NTCP clock skew if we don't know what time it is
- If NTP hasn't worked yet, have NTCP or SSU update the clock one time
- Include failed clock skew in NTCP skew vector if there aren't many connections
- Don't include NTCP clock skews for non-established connections
- Fix framed clock skew frame size
- Report framed clock skew even if for only one peer, if NTP hasn't worked yet
- Don't log RRD errors after clock adjustment
- Reduce min skew for console warning to 30s (was 45s)
- More Java 5 cleanups
2010-01-24 zzz
* Clock:
- Don't let a client update the router clock
- Restore and enhance vanished clock error log message
* Graphs: Enforce max size to lessen chance of OOM from malicious link
* NetDb:
- Move stat initialization, reduce number of rates
- Add basic DOS prevention by not flooding if stores are too-frequent
* ProfileOrganizer:
- Limit High Cap to 75 max
- Reduce max lock wait time, change no lock error to warning
- More cleanup
* Startup:
- Enable multiple parallel job runners much sooner to speed startup
- Rearrange the startup order to get the long jobs started sooner
- Don't allow the netDb readin job to clog the job queue
2010-01-21 dr|z3d
* New eepsite structure and enhanced pages. Now with graphics and stuff!
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