2009-04-13 Mathiasdm
* Bugfix on tray icon updating
* Some more work on the general configuration menu
(currently not added to the tray icon menu yet, needs more work)
* Tweaked the desktopgui logo
2009-04-13 Mathiasdm
* Added I2P version and GUI version to desktopgui
* Tweaks to the tray icon menu
* Some starting work on a GUI general configuration menu
* Bugfix allowing spaces in directory structure
2009-04-11 sponge
* i2ptunnel janitorial work and fixes on most locks.
Some locks still need work, and are marked with LINT in the comment.
Just grep for "LINT" to see where the remaining places are.
2009-04-10 sponge
* More BOB threadgroup fixes, plus debug dump when things go wrong.
* Fixes to streaminglib, I2CP, which are related to the TG problem.
* JavaDocs fixups.
2009-04-08 sponge
* More hopeful fixups to the infamous orpahned tunnel problem. *Sigh*
2009-04-08 zzz
* IPV6/localhost:
- Enable IPv6 stack in the JVM, hopefully won't break anything
- Patch Jetty to support binding to IPv6 addresses
- Allow multiple bind addresses for the router console
in the clients.config file; for new installs the
default is now ",::1"
- Change most instances of "localhost" to ""
throughout the code
* Router:
- Move some classes to private static inner
2009-04-07 sponge
* BOB prevent jvac from optimizing out thread-group code from -10
2009-04-07 zzz
* NTCP: Prevent occasional NPE introduced in -4
* streamr: Synchronize DatagramMaker
2009-04-07 sponge
* SimpleTimer2, SimpleScheduler fixed so that the threads all run from
The main threadgroup, not in the current possible child threadgroup.
So long as any SimpleTimer2/SimpleScheduler is started *BEFORE* any
child threadgroups, the constructors are threadgroup safe. What would
be super cool is if they were to be all jailed within thier very own
threadgroup too, but, I2P isn't up to the task of this yet.
* Fixes to BOB to ensure the above is true.
2009-04-06 sponge
* Debugging to make SimpleTimer2 and SimpleScheduler easier to debug.
* Fix for the config files in the GUI from mathiasdm
2009-04-04 sponge
* Hopeful fixups to the infamous orpahned tunnel problem.
* BOB now 0.0.5
2009-04-03 zzz
* Console:
- Fix bug with IE buttons not working,
because it sends the label instead of the value
- Display version of downloaded update
* Update:
- Change default to "Download and verify"
- Change news fetch default to 24h (was 12h)
2009-04-02 zzz
* Profiles:
- Remove unused calculators and RateStats:
CapacityCalculator, StrictSpeedCalculator, IsFailingCalculator;
sendFailureSize, processSuccessRate, processfailureRate, commErrorRate,
- Reduced number of Rates in these RateStats:
sendSuccessSize, receiveSize, rejectRate, failRate
- ~5KB/profile savings total
- Deflate speed calculation once an hour instead of once a day,
to improve fast tier selection
- Remove dup comment in persisted files
* StatisticsManager - effective in 0.7.2:
- Spoof uptime to 90m for all
- Change tunnel stats from 10m to 60m
* Transport:
- Maintain a router hash -> IP map in transport,
to support additional IP checks (unused for now)
- Catch error on pre-2.6 kernels
- Some concurrent conversion
- Fix an HTML error on peers.jsp
2009-04-01 zzz
* I2PTunnel: Fix tunnel close
2009-03-30 zzz
* I2CP:
- Implement BandwidthLimitsMessage
- Have i2psnark use new message, remove
build dependency on router
* Peer Selection:
- Limit peers to a max % of all tunnels with
router.maxTunnelPercentage=nn, default 33
- Add chart to tunnels.jsp to see results
* 2009-03-29 0.7.1 released
2009-03-29 Complication
* Update versions, package release
2009-03-27 zzz
* Add readme_fr.html
* License splash update
* Catch rare TunnelGatewayMessage AIOOB, root cause unknown
2009-03-24 zzz
* I2PTunnel:
- Add some warnings about new features
- Fix encrypted leasesets broken in about -4
- Suppress log error on manual stop
- Fix NPE on close of a tunnel not open yet
* Transport:
- Increase default bw to 64/32, burst 80/40
* Tunnels: Change some fragmentation errors to warns
2009-03-16 zzz
* help.jsp: Add some
* I2PTunnel: Cleanup
* I2PTunnelHTTPClient: Fix NPE on delayed open
* I2PTunnelHTTPServer: Maybe catch an NPE
* SOCKS: Allow .onion addresses for onioncat testing
* Tunnel: Catch a rare AIOOB
2009-03-09 zzz
* Client:
- Clean up retry code
- Bring I2CP listen error to the summary bar
* I2PSnark: Remove the http from the add torrent box
* I2PTunnel:
- Add persistent key option for standard and IRC clients
- Add delay-open option for clients
- Get regenerate-dest-on-reconnect working
- Add default key file name
- Add link to addressbook
- I2PSink: Send protocol byte
- Change from 5% reply requests to at least
once per minute, in hopes of reducing IRC drops
- More clean up of the cache cleaning
* Routerconsole: Don't OOM configpeer.jsp on huge blocklists
2009-02-26 zzz
* I2CP Client: Add support for muxing
* I2PTunnel:
- Add new IRCServer tunnel type
- Add SOCKS 4/4a support
- Catch OOMs in HTTPServer
- Name the IRCClient filter threads
- Port Streamr to I2PTunnel
- The beginnings of SOCKS UDP support
* Naming: Add reverse lookup by hash
* OCMOSJ: Clean up the cache cleaning
* Router: Move addShutdownTask from Router to I2PAppContext
so that apps can register more easily
* Routerconsole:
- Thread hard shutdown and restart requests from the routerconsole,
and add a delay even if no tunnels, to allow time for a UI response
- Sort the summary bar destinations
- Move dest-to-hash converter to new helper class so we can
use it in i2ptunnel
2009-02-22 sponge
* BOB: Orphan tunnel issue fix, bump BOB version
* bump to Build 6
2009-02-16 zzz
* Streaming lib: Plug timer leak, don't send keepalives
after close, don't disconnect hard after close
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