* Minor tweak on stream shutdown.
2004-11-30 jrandom
* Render the burst rate fields on /config.jsp properly (thanks ugha!)
* Build in a simple timeout to flush data queued into the I2PSocket but
not yet flushed.
* Don't explicitly flush after each SAM stream write, but leave it up to
the [nonblocking] passive flush.
* Don't whine about 10-99 connection events occurring in a second
* Don't wait for completion of packets that will not be ACKed (duh)
* Adjust the congestion window, even if the packet was resent (duh)
* Make sure to wake up any blocking read()'s when the MessageInputStream
is close()ed (duh)
* Never wait more than the disconnect timeout for a write to complete
2004-11-29 jrandom
* Minor fixes to avoid unnecessary errors on shutdown (thanks susi!)
2004-11-29 jrandom
* Reduced contention for local client delivery
* Drop the new code that munges the wrapper.config. Instead, updates that
need to change it will include their own wrapper.config in the, overwriting the existing file. If the file
"wrapper.config.updated" is included, it is deleted at first opportunity
and the router shut down, displaying a notice that the router must be
started again cleanly to allow the changes to the wrapper.config to take
* Properly stop accept()ing I2PSocket connections if we close down the
session (duh).
* Make sure we cancel any outstanding Packets in flight when a connection
is terminated (thanks susi!)
* Split up the I2PTunnel closing a little further.
2004-11-28 jrandom
* Accept IP address detection changes with a 2-out-of-3 minimum.
* As long as the router is up, keep retrying to bind the I2CP listener.
* Decrease the java service wrapper ping frequency to once every 10
minutes, rather than once every 5 seconds.
2004-11-27 jrandom
* Some cleanup and bugfixes for the IP address detection code where we
only consider connections that have actually sent and received messages
recently as active, rather than the mere presence of a TCP socket as
2004-11-27 jrandom
* Removed the I2PTunnel inactivity timeout thread, since the new streaming
lib can do that (without an additional per-connection thread).
* Close the I2PTunnel forwarder threads more aggressively
2004-11-27 jrandom
* Fix for a fast loop caused by a race in the new streaming library (thanks
DrWoo, frontier, pwk_, and thetower!)
* Minor updates to the SimpleTimer and Connection to help track down a
high CPU usage problem (dumping debug info to stdout/wrapper.log if too
many events/tasks fire in a second)
* Minor fixes for races on client disconnects (causing NPEs)
* 2004-11-26 0.4.2 released
2004-11-26 jrandom
* Enable the new streaming lib as the default. That means, for any
substantial definition, it is NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE.
2004-11-25 jrandom
* Revised the installer to include start menu and desktop shortcuts for
windows platforms, including pretty icons (thanks DrWoo!)
* Allow clients specified in clients.config to have an explicit startup
* Update the default install to launch a browser pointing at the console
whenever I2P starts up, rather than only the first time it starts up
(configurable on /configservice.jsp, or in clients.config)
* Bugfix to the clock skew checking code to monitor the delta between
offsets, not the offset itself (duh)
* Router console html update
* New (and uuuuugly) code to verify that the wrapper.config contains
the necessary classpath entries on update. If it has to update the
wrapper.config, it will stop the JVM and service completely, since the
java service wrapper doesn't reread the wrapper.config on JVM restart -
requiring the user to manually restart the service after an update.
* Increase the TCP connection timeout to 30s (which is obscenely long)
2004-11-22 jrandom
* Update to the SAM bridge to reduce some unnecessary memory allocation.
* New stat to keep track of slow jobs (ones that take more than a second
to excute). This is published in the netDb as jobQueue.jobRunSlow
2004-11-21 jrandom
* Update the I2PTunnel web interface to include an option for the new
streaming lib (which is ignored until the 0.4.2 release).
* Revised the I2PTunnel web interface to keep the I2CP options of client
and httpclient tunnels in sync, as they all share the same I2CP session.
2004-11-21 jrandom
* Only allow small clock skews after the first 10 minutes of operation
(to prevent later network lag bouncing us way off course - yes, we
really need an NTP impl to balance out the network burps...)
* Revamp the I2PTunnel web interface startup process so that everything
is shown immediately, so that different pieces hanging don't hang
the rest, and other minor bugfixes.
* Take note of SAM startup error (in case you're already running a SAM
* Increase the bandwidth limiter burst values available to 10-60s (or
whatever is placed in /configadvanced.jsp, of course)
2004-11-21 jrandom
* Allow end of line comments in the hosts.txt and other config files,
using '#' to begin the comments (thanks susi!)
* Add support to I2PTunnel's 'client' feature for picking between multiple
target destinations (e.g. 'client 6668,irc.baffled.i2p')
* Add a quick link on the left hand nav to reseed if there aren't enough
known peers, as well as link to the config page if there are no active
peers. Revised config page accordingly.
2004-11-21 jrandom
* Destroy ElGamal/AES+SessionTag keys after 15 minutes of inactivity
rather that every 15 minutes, and increase the warning period in which
we refresh tags from 30s to 2 minutes.
* Bugfix for a rare problem closing an I2PTunnel stream where we'd fail
to close the I2PSocket (leaving it to timeout).
2004-11-19 jrandom
* Off-by-one fix to the tunnel pool management code, along side some
explicit initialization. This can affect clients whose lengths are
shorter than the router's default (thanks duck!)
2004-11-17 jrandom
* Fix to propogate i2psocket options into the SAM bridge correctly (thanks
2004-11-16 jrandom
* Clean up the propogation of i2psocket options so that various streaming
libs can honor them more precisely
2004-11-14 jrandom
* Fix a long standing leak in I2PTunnel (hanging on to i2psocket objects)
* Fix a leak injected into the SimpleTimer
* Fix a race condition in the tunnel message handling
2004-11-13 jrandom
* Added throttles on how many I2PTunnel client connections we open at once
* Replaced some buffered streams in I2PTunnel with unbuffered streams, as
the streaming library used should take care of any buffering.
* Added a cache for some objects used in I2PTunnel, especially useful when
there are many short lived connections.
* Trimmed the SimpleTimer's processing a bit
2004-11-10 jrandom
* Allow loading the (mini)streaming connection options from the
* More defensive programming in the DSA implementation.
2004-11-08 jrandom
* Remove spurious flush calls from I2PTunnel, and work with the
I2PSocket's output stream directly (as the various implementations
do their own buffering).
* Another pass at a long standing JobQueue bug - dramatically simplify
the job management synchronization since we dont need to deal with
high contention (unlike last year when we had dozens of queue runners
going at once).
* Logging
2004-11-08 jrandom
* Make the SAM bridge more resiliant to bad handshakes (thanks duck!)
2004-11-06 jrandom
* Expose a drop down on the /configclients.jsp to enter the outbound
tunnel depth.
* Improved *hosts.txt loading
* Explicitly override the JVM's timezone settings to use GMT so that
any client applications which use timezones won't leak sensitive
data (thanks gott!)
* Bundle sam.jar in the update (thanks duck!)
2004-11-06 jrandom
* Fix for a long standing synchronization bug in the SDK that in rare
instances can add a few seconds of lag.
2004-11-05 jrandom
* Bugfixes and unit tests for the SAM bridge to handle quoted message
parameters, verify proper operation after multiple session lifetimes,
as well as some synchronization problems.
* New properties method on the DataHelper class.
* Address a race on fast disconnecting clients
2004-11-02 jrandom
* Fix for a long standing synchronization bug in the JobQueue (and added
some kooky flags to make sure it stays dead)
* Update the ministreaming lib to force mode=guaranteed if the default
lib is used, and mode=best_effort for all other libs.
2004-11-02 jrandom
* Fixed up the configuration overrides for the streaming socket lib
integration so that it properly honors env settings.
* More memory usage streamlining (last major revamp for now, i promise)
2004-11-01 jrandom
* Increase the tunnel test timeout rapidly if our tunnels are failing.
* Honor message expirations for some tunnel jobs that were prematurely
* Streamline memory usage with temporary object caches and more efficient
serialization for SHA256 calculation, logging, and both I2CP and I2NP
message handling.
* Fix some situations where we forward messages too eagerly. For a
request at the tunnel endpoint, if the tunnel is inbound and the target
is remote, honor the message by tunnel routing the data rather than
sending it directly to the requested location.
2004-10-30 jrandom
* Cache the temporary objects used in the AES encryption/decryption
process so that AES doesn't require any memory allocation to process
* Dramatically reduce memory usage within various crypto implementations
by avoiding unnecessary (though simplifying) buffers.
* If we specify some tags to be sent in an I2CP message explicitly, use
only those, not those plus a new set (otherwise we aren't sure on ACK
which set was delivered)
* Allow configuration for the partial send timeout (how long before
resending a message down a different tunnel in a lease). This can be
updated with the "router.clientPartialSendTimeout" router config prop.
* Logging
2004-10-29 jrandom
* Strip the Referer, Via, and From headers completely, rather than
inserting a bogus value ("i2p"). This should help with the use of
SnipSnap and Geeklog (thanks nickster and DrWoo!)
2004-10-27 jrandom
* Fix a strange race condition on i2cp client disconnect.
* win98 startup fixes (thanks tester-1 and ardvark!)
* include build scripts for the new streaming lib (which is NOT ready
for use yet, but you can hack around with it)
2004-10-24 jrandom
* Allow explicit inclusion of session tags in the SDK, enabling the
resending of tags bundled with messages that would not otherwise
be ACKed.
* Don't force mode=guaranteed for end to end delivery - if mode=bestEffort
no DeliveryStatusMessage will be bundled (and as such, client apps using
it will need to do their own session tag ack/nack).
* Handle client errors when notifying them of message availability.
* New StreamSinkSend which sends a file to a destination and disconnects.
* Update the I2PSocketManagerFactory to build the specific
I2PSocketManager instance based on the "i2p.streaming.manager" property,
containing the class name of the I2PSocketManager to instantiate.
2004-10-23 jrandom
* Minor ministreaming lib refactoring to simplify integration of the full
streaming lib.
* Minor bugfixes to data structure serialization.
* 2004-10-18 released
2004-10-18 jrandom
* Allow sending messages with a section of a byte array.
* Reduced stats published.
2004-10-17 jrandom
* Don't b0rk on whitespace in the router address.
* More aggressively reduce the capacity of peers if their tunnels are
failing so that we move off them quicker.
* Simplify some data structure serialization for reuse in the streaming
lib, as well as add support for signing and verifying partial byte
* Logging updates
2004-10-16 jrandom
* Increased the default minimum tunnel test time to 5 seconds, since we
still see the occational message processing time spike to 2 seconds.
* Update the SimpleTimer to allow rescheduling a task thats already
queued (useful for the new streaming lib).
2004-10-15 jrandom
* Replaced old minimum tunnel test timeout of 1s with a configurable
value (router.config property "router.tunnelTestMinimum", with the
default of 2s).
2004-10-14 jrandom
* Tunnel rejection is no longer a sign of an overwhelmingly loaded
peer, so don't use it as a key point of the IsFailing calculator.
We still use it as a key point of the Capacity calculator, however.
2004-10-14 jrandom
* Allow for a configurable tunnel "growth factor", rather than trying
to achieve a steady state. This will let us grow gradually when
the router is needed more, rather than blindly accepting the request
or arbitrarily choking it at an averaged value. Configure this with
"router.tunnelGrowthFactor" in the router.config (default "1.5").
* Adjust the tunnel test timeouts dynamically - rather than the old
flat 30s (!!!) timeout, we set the timeout to 2x the average tunnel
test time (the deviation factor can be adjusted by setting
"router.tunnelTestDeviation" to "3.0" or whatever). This should help
find the 'good' tunnels.
* Added some crazy debugging to try and track down an intermittent hang.
2004-10-13 jrandom
* Fix the probabalistic tunnel reject (we always accepted everything,
since the docs on java.util.Random.nextDouble() are wrong..)
* Fixed a race on startup (thanks Quadn!)
2004-10-12 jrandom
* Disable the probabalistic drop by default (enable via the router config
property "tcp.dropProbabalistically=true")
* Disable the actual watchdog shutdown by default, but keep track of more
variables and log a lot more when it occurs (enable via the router
config property "watchdog.haltOnHang=true")
* Implement some tunnel participation smoothing by refusing requests
probabalistically as our participating tunnel count exceeds the previous
hour's, or when the 10 minute average tunnel test time exceeds the 60
minute average tunnel test time. The probabilities in both cases are
oldAverage / #current, so if you're suddenly flooded with 200 tunnels
and you had previously only participated in 50, you'll have a 25% chance
of accepting a subsequent request.
2004-10-10 cervantes
* Update the I2PTunnel HTTP proxy to strip out the i2paddresshelper from
the request.
2004-10-09 jrandom
* Added a watchdog timer to do some baseline liveliness checking to help
debug some odd errors.
* Added a pair of summary stats for bandwidth usage, allowing easy export
with the other stats ("bw.sendBps" and "bw.receiveBps")
* Trimmed another memory allocation on message reception.
2004-10-08 jrandom
* Revamp the AESInputStream so it doesn't allocate any temporary objects
during its operation.
2004-10-08 jrandom
* Don't kill the establisher threads during a soft restart.
* Attempt to validate the peer's routerInfo earlier during handshaking.
* Revamp the AESOutputStream so it doesn't allocate any temporary objects
during its operation.
2004-10-07 jrandom
* Reimplement the I2NP reading with less temporary memory allocation.
There is still significant GC churn, especially under load, but this
should help.
* Catch some oddball errors in the transport (message timeout while
2004-10-07 jrandom
* Expire queued messages even when the writer is blocked.
* Reimplement most of the I2NP writing with less temporary memory
allocations (I2NP reading still gobbles memory).
2004-10-06 jrandom
* Implement an active queue management scheme on the TCP transports,
dropping messages probabalistically as the queue fills up. The
estimated queue capacity is determined by the rate at which messages
have been sent to the peer (averaged at 1, 5, and 60m periods). As
we exceed 1/2 of the estimated capacity, we drop messages throughout
the queue probabalistically with regards to their size. This is based
on RFC 2309's RED, with the minimum threshold set to 1/2 the
estimated connection capacity. We may want to consider using a send
rate and queue size measured across all connections, to deal with our
own local bandwidth saturation, but we'll try the per-con metrics first.
2004-10-06 jrandom
* Enable explicit disabling of the systray entirely for windows machines
with strange configurations: add -Dsystray.disable=true to the java
command line. (thanks mihi!)
2004-10-05 jrandom
* Allow peers on the same LAN to communicate with each other safely even
when they cannot talk to each other through the external address.
2004-10-05 jrandom
* Display how much time is left before the graceful shutdown is complete.
* Debug some improperly failed messages on timeout or disconnection.
2004-10-05 jrandom
* Don't go into a fast busy if an I2PTunnel 'server' is explicitly killed
(thanks mule!)
* Handle some more error conditions regarding abruptly closing sockets
(thanks Jonva!)
2004-10-04 jrandom
* Update the shitlist to reject a peer for an exponentially increasing
period of time (with an upper bounds of an hour).
* Various minor stat and debugging fixes
2004-10-03 jrandom
* Add a new stat logging component to optionally dump the raw stats to
disk as they are generated, rather than rely upon the summarized data.
By default, this is off, but the router property "stat.logFilters" can
be set to a comma delimited list of stats (e.g. "client.sendAckTime")
which will be written to the file "stats.log" (or whatever the property
"stat.logFile" is set to). This can also log profile related stats,
such as "dbResponseTime" or "tunnelTestResponseTime".
2004-10-02 jrandom
* Assure that we quickly fail messages bound for shitlisted peers.
* Address a race on startup where the first peer contacted could hang the
router (thanks Romster!)
* Only whine about an intermittent inability to query the time server once
2004-10-02 jrandom
* Command line utility to verify a peer's reachability - simply run
net.i2p.router.transport.tcp.ConnectionHandler hostname port# and it
will print out whether that peer is reachable or not (using a simple
verification handshake).
2004-10-01 jrandom
* Handle partial reseeds, caused by seeds going away before the download
completes (thanks Sugadude!)
2004-10-01 jrandom
* Explicitly refuse IPv6 addresses, since only some peers support
them and we want fully reachable peers.
2004-10-01 jrandom
* Additional error handling for a variety of transport layer errors.
* 2004-09-30 0.4.1 released (not backwards compatible)
2004-09-30 jrandom
* Bundle the configuration necessary to run an eepsite out of the box
with Jetty - simply edit ./eepsite/docroot/index.html and give people
the key listed on the I2PTunnel configuration page, and its up.
* Router console cleanup, and some (off by default) tunnels -
smtp.postman.i2p (port 7659), pop.postman.i2p (port 7660), and
irc.baffled.i2p (port 7661)
2004-09-29 jrandom
* Always wipe the Jetty work directory on startup, so that web updates
are reflected immediately (Jetty does not honor the cache across
multiple executions)
2004-09-27 jrandom
* Limit the number of connection tags saved to 10,000. This is a huge
limit, but consumes no more than 1MB of RAM. For now, we drop them
randomly after reaching that size, forcing those dropped peers to use
a full DH negotiation.
* HTML cleanup in the console.

2004-09-26 jrandom
* Complete rewrite of the TCP transport with IP autodetection and
low CPU overhead reconnections. More concise connectivity errors
are listed on the /oldconsole.jsp as well. The IP autodetection works
by listening to the first person who tells you what your IP address is
when you have not defined one yourself and you have no other TCP
* Update to the I2NP message format to add transparent verification at
the I2NP level (beyond standard TCP verification).
* Remove a potential weakness in our AESEngine's safeEncrypt and safeDecrypt
implementation (rather than verifying with E(H(key)), we now verify with
* The above changes are NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE.
* Removed all of the old unused PHTTP code.
* Refactor various methods and clean up some javadoc.
2004-09-21 jrandom
* Have two tiers of hosts.txt files - the standard "hosts.txt" and
the new "userhosts.txt". Updates to I2P will only overwrite the former,
but values stored in the later take precedence. Both are queried on
2004-09-16 jrandom
* Refactor the TCP transport to deal with changing identities gracefully,
and to prevent some wasted effort by keeping track of what host+port
combinations we are connected to (rather than just the identities). Also
catch a few configuration errors earlier.
* Removed no longer relevent methods from the Transport API that were
exposing ideas that probably shouldn't be exposed.
* Removed the specific files from (relating to script
2004-09-13 jrandom
* Update for the SDK reconnection to deal with overflow.
* Web improvements (@ not # on the /logs.jsp [thanks ugha!] and fixed the
rounding on lifetime bandwidth used [thanks gott!]).
* 2004-09-08 released
2004-09-08 jrandom
* Updated the "Active:" peer count to display the # of connections as well
as the number of recently active router identities.
* Implement some basic updating code - on startup, if there is a file named
"" in the I2P installation directory, extract it, delete it,
then restart.
* Added an ugly little script to allow launching the router on win9x
machines without a dos box (using javaw to run a .bat file).
* Logging updates.
* Updated VERSION constants to
* Bugfix: Running the installer as a non-privileged user on Red Hat (and
hopefully any other affected *nix systems) now properly discards non-
essential directories after installation.
* Support for Win9x in the installer and postinstall.bat.
* Changed the name of the default installation directory on all platforms
from "I2P" to "i2p" in the installer.
* Changed "wrapper.conf" to "wrapper.config" for naming consistency with the
other configuration files.
2004-09-07 cervantes:
* Proxy recursion disabled by default (strict)
* Password Authentication for session commands
* Support for http://path?i2paddresshelper=BASE64
* Support for http://i2p/BASE64/path syntax
2004-09-07 jrandom
* Make sure that peers placed in the 'fast' group are ones we both know
how to reach and have been able to reach recently. These peers may
still be placed in the 'high capacity' group however (though that group
is only queried if the 'fast' group is too small)
* Include some updates to the ProgileOrganizer's CLI.
2004-09-07 jrandom
* Disable the timestamper by default for all applications except the router
(enable via -Dtime.disabled=false)
* Simplify the retrieval of the full destination with text based browsers.
* Bundle the updated wrapper.config and hosts.txt in the i2pupdate.tar.bz2
2004-09-07 jrandom
* Write the native libraries to the current directory when they are loaded
from a resource, and load them from that file on subsequent runs (in
turn, we no longer *cough* delete the running libraries...)
* Added support for a graceful restart.
* Added new pseudo-shutdown hook specific to the router, allowing
applications to request tasks to be run when the router shuts down. We
use this for integration with the service manager, since otherwise a
graceful shutdown would cause a timeout, followed by a forced hard
* Made the capacity calculator a bit more dynamic by not outright ignoring
the otherwise valid capacity data for a period with a single rejected
tunnel (except for the 10 minute period). In addition, peers with an
equal capacity are ordered by speed rather than by their hashes.
* Cleaned up the SimpleTimer, addressing some threading and synchronization
* When an I2PTunnel client or httpclient is explicitly closed, destroy the
associated session (unless there are other clients using it), and deal
with a closed session when starting a new I2PTunnel instance.
* Refactoring and logging.
2004-09-06 jrandom
* Address a race condition in the key management code that would manifest
itself as a corrupt router identity.
* Properly clear old transport addresses from being displayed on the old
console after soft restarts.
* Properly refuse to load the client applications more than once in the
same JVM.
* Added support for a graceful restart (a graceful shutdown followed by a
full JVM restart - useful for restarting client apps).
* More defensive programming, HTML cleanup, logging
* wrapper.config cleanup of duplicate lines
2004-09-04 jrandom
* Added some basic guards to prevent multiple instances from running.
Specifically, a file "" in the install directory which is
written to once a minute - if that file exists and has been modified
within the last minute, refuse to start up. In turn, adjust the
service wrapper to wait a minute before restarting a crashed JVM.
* Create a "work" directory in the I2P install dir which Jetty will
use for all of its temporary files.
* Tell the browser not to cache most of the router console's pages.
2004-09-04 jrandom
* Update the SDK to automatically reconnect indefinitely with an
exponential delay on retries (capped at 5 minutes).
* 2004-09-03 0.4 released
2004-09-03 jrandom
* Updated default wrapper.config to deal with the hard restart option
* Include the history.txt in the /help.jsp page
* HTML updates (wrapper.log, and no more unix scripts)
* Updated VERSION constants to 0.4
2004-09-03 hypercubus
* Bugfix: Installer launches postinstall.bat on WinNT/2K properly.
* Temporarily removed install_i2p_service_unix and
uninstall_i2p_service_unix from distribution packages.
* postinstall.bat/ cleans installation directory of all files
not applicable to the host OS.
2004-09-03 oOo
* Added some filters to the HTTP request, replacing the User-Agent,
Referrer, Via, and From headers, which helps until we have a more
comprehensive filtering system.
2004-09-03 jrandom
* Disabled the old listener on port 7655.
2004-09-02 jrandom
* Cleaned up the base build.xml, adding a new target ("updater") which
builds the file i2pupdate.tar.bz2 which can be safely extracted over
existing installs.

2004-xx-xx jrandom
* Implemented the new web architecture and router console
* Implemented I2PTunnel web interface, and revamped startup process.
* Revamped peer selection code to address skew.
* Removed all temporary threads from the router and the SDK.
* Bugfix dealing with timeouts and resends.
* Integrated Iakin's jcpuid library and jbigi update, with modifications.
2004-xx-xx hypercubus
* Implemented the new installation process.
* Integrated systray
* Integrated service manager
2004-xx-xx oOo
* Implemented ?i2paddresshelper= hook
* Many small bugfixes to the web interface, router, i2ptunnel, and core.
2004-xx-xx Nightblade
* libSAM updates.
2004-xx-xx cervantes
* Imported i2pProxy.pac proxy script in with the build.
* 2004-08-20 released
* 2004-08-12 released
* 2004-08-08 released
* 2004-07-29 0.3.4 released
* 2004-07-23 0.3.3 released
* 2004-07-16 released
* 2004-07-14 released
* 2004-07-11 released
* 2004-07-07 0.3.2 released
* 2004-06-25 released
* 2004-05-23 released
* 2004-05-20 released
* 2004-05-13 released
* 2004-05-07 released
* 2004-04-30 0.3.1 released
* 2004-04-20 released
* 2004-04-04 released
* 2004-03-30 released
* 2004-03-25 released
* 2004-03-21 0.3.0 released
* 2004-03-10 released
* 2004-03-04 released
* 2004-02-28 released
* 2004-02-27 released
* 2004-02-25 0.2.5 released
* 2004-02-19 released
* 2004-02-15 released
* 2004-02-14 0.2.4 released
* 2004-01-27 released
* 2004-01-21 released
* 2004-01-14 released
* 2003-12-29 released
* 2003-12-27 released
* 2003-12-25 released
* 2003-12-13 0.2.3 released
* 2003-12-01 0.2.2 released
* 2003-11-18 released
* 2003-11-12 0.2.1 released
* 2003-11-09 released
* 2003-11-08 released
* 2003-11-03 released
* 2003-11-01 0.2 released