2009-06-08 sponge
* Fixed NPE and some other goofups in BOB.
* BOB bump version
2009-06-07 zzz
* Build file:
- Add updaterWithJettyFixesAndGeoIP, use it in pkg for one release
- Cleanups
* Console:
- netdb.jsp cleanup
- tunnels.jsp cleanup
* ExploratoryPeerSelector:
- Limit to connected peers when near connection limit
* Timestamper:
- Use locale country if geoip unavailable
* Transport:
- Lower min NTCP idle time to 3m (was 5m)
- Increase SSU conn limit by 33%
* UPnP: Fix deprecation warning
* Watchdog:
- Defang him again
2009-06-05 sponge
* BOB now cleans up tunnels, although they can take up to 5 minutes to
disapear. This is due to the fact that the streaming lib doesn't
actually remove the connections properly and kill them off when the
manager is destroyed. I'm not certain if this is a bug, or a feature,
but it sure is annoying, and you have to wait for the connections to
time out. What should happen is the streaming lib should cause an IO
error to the pending read or write.
2009-06-05 zzz
* Build file:
- Add license info for launch4j includes
* Console:
- 16x11 transparent flags for ch and np, thanks anonim!
- Hide some controls if no wrapper on configservice.jsp
* I2PTunnel:
- Fix bug where delayed-open and close-on-idle tunnels would
use a different tunnel pool instead of building their own
- Add standby indication to web page
* NetDb:
- Try to talk directly to a floodfill if we don't know enough,
to help integrate more quickly
- Change a no-floodfill error to a warn
* NetDb Stats:
- Average TX and RX bw stats for additional anonymity,
effective in next release
* Reseed:
- Limit to 200 pulled randomly from the full fetched list
* Transport:
- Increase default bw for new installs to 96/40
(was 64/32). This is as high as we can go upstream
without making the default class M.
* Watchdog:
- Allow disabling by property again
- Logging tweaks
2009-05-30 zzz
* Console:
- config.jsp now cause graceful restart
- More peers.jsp and profiles.jsp cleanup
- tunnels.jsp improvements
- Use CSS for form messages
- Goodbye nonce spoof messages (sorry jr)
- config.jsp: Comment out unused burst config code
- Don't forget Serbia!
- configadvanced.jsp cleanup
* LoadTestManager: Delete, unused
* Peer Selector: Make strict order opaque to hash value
* SendGarlicMessageJob: Delete, unused
* Session Keys:
- Don't instantiate unused SessionKeyPersistenceHelper
- Use TransientSessionKeyManager instead of PersistentSessionKeyManager
- Add generics to TransientSessionKeyManager to help understand it
- Change initial session map size to 64 (was 1024)
- Prepare for per-destination SessionKeyManagers in ElGamalAESEngine
- More stubs for per-destination managers in the client manager
* Transports:
- Adjust bids when near conn capacity
* UDP:
- Remove unused stats and test code
- Only save IP when it changes
* UPnP:
- Prevent NPE after ParserException
- Tweak to help startup problems?
- Retry port forward if it fails
- Make peers.jsp display faster
- Lengthen POST timeout
- More comments
2009-05-29 sponge
* added big fat start/stop lock into BOB
* added zap command to shut down BOB... now we need a way to start it
after it stops. :-)
2009-05-27 Mathiasdm
* Increase sendProcessingTime some more, add a property to configure.
Configure with 'router.defaultProcessingTimeThrottle'.
2009-05-27 Mathiasdm
* Increased sendProcessingTime limits and added testSuccessTime
to avoid unwanted throttling
2009-05-26 Mathiasdm
* Throttling extension by looking at sendProcessingTime
2009-05-26 zzz
* Console:
- configlogging.jsp cleanup
- Flags tweak
* NetDb:
- Don't send our own hash in the don't-include list when exploring
- Remove any pending write when removing a RouterInfo
- Cleanup to use routerHash()
* Streaming: Hopefuly fix infinite loop in the SYN queue handler
2009-05-25 zzz
* GeoIP:
- Save our own location in the config
- Check whole netDb at startup (last try didn't work)
- Don't send 3 floodfill infos at startup or with routerinfo
* Profile Organizer: Increase min fast peers based on
number of local destinations
* Timestamper:
- Use GeoIP to query a closer ntp source if available
- Lengthen query time if well-synced
- Cleanup
2009-05-24 mkvore
* SAM: logging some exceptions at INFO level instead of ERROR
2009-05-24 zzz
* Connection limits / throttle:
- Better limits when no inbound TCP
(limit inbound and outbound separately)
- Don't offer to SSU introduce when near connection limit
* Console:
- Move flags from icons/ to docs/icons
- peers.jsp cleanup
- Add readme_zh.html
* GeoIP:
- Check netDb SSU IP too
- Check whole netDb at startup
* NTCP: Log who is sending us big messages
* UPnP: Move logging from wrapper log to router log
2009-05-23 Mathiasdm
* Router netDB:
- Added flags to the netDB page
2009-05-22 Mathiasdm
* desktopgui:
- Updating works in general config
- Switched to Swingworker threads for improved responsiveness
2009-05-21 zzz
* Router Watchdog:
- Log memory stats
- Dump threads on linux
- Restart after 20 minutes (give the dog his teeth back)
2009-05-21 zzz
* DataStore:
- Adjust interface to have persistent and non-persistent methods,
to prepare for partial storage in RAM
* ExpireRoutersJob:
- Rewrite, not enabled yet
* I2Punnel:
- Increase eepsite default to 3+0 for new installs
* PersistentDataStore:
- Cleanup, simplify, and concurrentify
- Tweak stats
- Remove write limit
- Flush to disk on shutdown
- Don't write out what we just read in
* Router and console:
- Bundle geoIP files and flags in new installs,
spiff up tunnels.jsp and profiles.jsp.
Existing installs can get files with 'ant updaterWIthGeoIP'
or in the console docs bundle 'ant consoleDocs'
- Use flags for shitlist and peers.jsp too
- Tweak tunnels.jsp to show class letters
- Hide in-progress details on tunnels.jsp
- Add a little color to confignav
- Remove 'no skew' message
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