2011-03-20 zzz
* Console: Remove cache directives
* i2psnark: Fix peers stuck at uninteresting after metainfo fetch
* i2ptunnel: Change all clients to 3 hops by default (new installs only)
* Profiles:
- Nicer profile dump
- More efficient profile lookup for display
- Fix dumpprofile NPE
- Change file suffix from .dat to .txt.gz
- Set firstHeardAbout on creation
* Rate: Fix equals()
* Recognize links and links2 as text browsers
2011-03-12 zzz
* Blocklist: Add bogons since they won't change any more
* BuildHandler: Loop double-check
* Console:
- Fix HTML errors in form message box,
logs.jsp, netdb.jsp, profiles.jsp, stats.jsp,
configpeer.jsp, configtunnels.jsp, configupdate.jsp
- ngettext cleanups
* LogWriter: Prevent NPE after permissions fail
2011-03-11 duck
* Susimail: translation support, including dutch translation.
2011-03-10 zzz
* configclients.jsp: Split form up, fix HTML warnings
* configui.jsp: Fix lang setting broken by previous nonce change
* Console: Consolidate nonce handling
* eepget: Don't send X-Accept-Encoding header to proxy (ticket #422)
* logs.jsp: Fix NPE (ticket #430)
* netdb.jsp: Fix table alignment
* Tunnel Preprocessor: Use entropy for padding more efficiently
* Console:
- Parameterize download button tags (ticket #425)
- Clean up summary bar HTML warnings
- Just display a summary bar link for text browsers
- Move welcome div from the readme files to index.jsp
- Require a nonce to change language
* i2psnark:
- More efficient metainfo handling, reduce instantiations
- Improved handling of storage errors
- Improved handling of duplicate file names
- More metainfo sanity checks
- Metadata transfer error handling improvements
- Code cleanup, remove dead and duplicated code
2011-03-02 zzz
* BuildHandler:
- Limit request queue size
- Concurrent request queue
* OutNetMessage: Remove dead code
* Tunnel cleanups, final, javadoc
2011-02-27 zzz
* Console:
- Fix numerous readme HTML errors
- Fix flag locations in readmes
- desktopgui.enable now defaults to false; run systray if false
- Start icon app before console
- Restore systray form in configservice.jsp
- Only save lang when clicking on flags if desktopgui is running
- Only allow two-letter lang code from cgi parameter
* Reseed: Disable HTTPS until we have enough working hosts again
2011-02-24 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Fix delete and remove buttons for Opera and w3m
- Stop torrent if no valid trackers
- Fix war build dependencies
* BuildHandler:
- Lower participating throttler max limit
- Cleanups and loop checks
* Console: Fix summary bar HTML error
2011-02-22 zzz
* BuildHandler: Prelmiinary participating tunnel throttler
* I2PTunnel:
- Add spellcheck=false to textareas
- Fix HTML error in 503 error page
2011-02-19 zzz
* I2PTunnel: Fix standalone server tunnels
* Plugins: Fix signature verification if router.config specifies
trustedUpdateKeys (ticket #416)
2011-02-18 Mathiasdm
* Desktopgui now has an option to be disabled (desktopgui.enabled)
2011-02-17 zzz
* Build:
- Add includeAntRuntime=false to all javac targets
- Add build date, mtn rev, and changed file list to all manifests
- Add unless=uptodate to all jar and war targets
(bob and dtg still todo)
* Console: Add Arabic
* i2ptunnel: outproxy2 -> outproxyng (Ticket #394 take 2)
2011-02-15 zzz
* i2psnark: Details link shuffle, mostly restore 0.8.3 behavior
* Profiles: Punish rejections more, in an attempt to spread the
load more through the network
* Timers: Log cleanup
2011-02-14 Mathiasdm
* Fix headless issue without reboot
2011-02-13 zzz
* Connect Client: Minor NPE fix cleanup
* GeoIP: Prevent startup NPE (ticket #413, thanks RN)
* NetDB: Prevent ExpireLeaseJob NPE (thanks sponge)
2011-02-11 Mathiasdm
* routerconsole: fixed graphs using jrobin; and headless issue
in general: no more switches between headless and non-headless.
2011-02-11 sponge
* I2PTunnel: fix NPE in I2PTunnelConnectClient
2011-02-10 sponge
* I2CP: fix NPE in QueuedClientConnectionRunner
2011-02-10 zzz
* I2CP: Correctly close internal connections on the router side
when closed by the client, was causing massive memory leak
for internal clients using lots of sessions (thanks sponge)
* i2psnark:
- Improved magnet link parsing, use tr parameter if present
* i2ptunnel: Change shared clients default for new clients to false
* Streaming: Don't use iter.remove() on a COWAS
2011-02-09 sponge
* BOB: fixup delivery in config, adds config file versioning.
* I2CP: Fix most of the I2CP leaks. Two leaks remain, but they are small.
net.i2p.internal.QueuedI2CPMessageReader and
are the two remaining leaks.
2011-02-07 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Check for dup magnet torrent when adding torrent file
- Add exotrack.i2p (ticket #403)
- Disable spellcheck in textarea
* i2ptunnel: Generate error message when i2ptunnel.config save fails
(ticket #404)
2011-02-06 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix maggot links, and magnet links with trailing parameters (thx user)
2011-02-05 zzz
* .mtn-ignore: New, to make it harder to check in stuff you shouldn't
* BOB: Drop checked-in build dir
* i2psnark:
- Big refactor to support torrents where only the infohash is known
(i.e., added by magnet links)
- Big refactor to use accessors instead of public fields
- Add support for metadata transfer (BEP 9) via the
extension protocol (BEP 10)
- Add support for adding torrents via standard magnet links (BEP 9)
and "maggot" links (http://sponge.i2p/files/maggotspec.txt)
- Add support for peer exchange (i2p_pex)
- Add stubs for future DHT support (BEP 5)
- Add more information on torrent details page;
add details page for single-file torrents
- Make filename filtering consistent (ticket #368)
- Fix add-torrent locking (ticket #371)
- Fix opentracker configuration
- Add several connect-to-self checks
- Add support for using new I2CP bandwidth limiter
- Add support for using new in-session I2CP naming lookups
- Don't expire outbound Piece messages, since we now defer loading the
data from disk
* i2ptunnel:
- Change connect proxy default to outproxy2.h2ik.i2p (ticket #394)
- IRCClient: Use tunnel log instance
- Server: Full queue log tweak
* Build:
- Remove dup flag files (ticket #316)
- Remove BOB dependency on i2ptunnel
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