2012-10-25 zzz
* BuildHandler: Fix "too slow" rejections due to internal clock skew
2012-10-24 zzz
* I2PSnark:
- Fix several partial piece (temp file) leaks
- Don't lose all DHT peers if we stop quickly
- Explore a kbucket if it's less than 3/4 full
2012-10-24 str4d
* i2ptunnel: Truncate long client destinations (ticket #581)
2012-10-21 zzz
* Watchdog: Don't dump threads too often (ticket #519)
2012-10-20 zzz
* Transport: Back out CoDel for SSU PeerState and NTCP
2012-10-19 zzz
* UDP: Fix peer test NPE (ticket # 748)
2012-10-18 kytv
* Portuguese and Spanish updates from Transifex
* Update geoip.txt based on Maxmind GeoLite Country database from 2012-10-02
2012-10-15 kytv
* Italian and Swedish updates from Transifex
2012-10-14 zzz
* Console: Use non-nio connector for Java 5 and JamVM/gij
(tickets #715 and #743)
* i2psnark: Fix request tracking bug preventing piece requests
2012-10-11 kytv
* Italian translation updates from Transifex
* i2prouter:
- Support for installing as a daemon with systemd on Arch Linux and Suse
- Support installing as a daemon on Slackware
2012-10-10 zzz
* ShellCommand: Fix launching all browsers at startup (ticket #453)
* stats.jsp: Sort groups by translated name
* EventLog: Add more events
* NetDB: Increase floodfills again
* RouterInfo: Exit 1 on error in main()
* SSU:
- Add peer test throttling
- Peer test packet count fixes
- Adjust peer test timeouts and add backoff
- Reject relays and peer tests from same /16
- More peer test cleanup and log tweaks
* Transports:
- Enforce minimum peer port
- Warn on low router ports
2012-10-08 zzz
* SSU:
- Fix relay request handling bug from -10
- Fix peer test reply handling bug from -10
- Fix NPE from -6
2012-10-07 zzz
* I2PAppContext: Improved synching in constructor
* i2ptunnel:
- Set default read timeout in standard server
- Reduce header timeout, enforce total header timeout
in IRC and HTTP servers (ticket #723)
* Logs:
- Flush buffers in logs.jsp
- Add dup message to buffers, was in file only
* Streaming: Don't ignore option or force connect timeout to 5 minutes
* UPnP: Workaround NPE (ticket #728)
2012-10-06 zzz
* configlogging.jsp: Fix IAE
* error500.jsp: Fix whitespace
* i2psnark:
- Add allocating and checking indications
- Add bandwidth message at startup
- More checks at torrent creation
* SSU:
- Throttle outbound destroys on shutdown
- Limit outbound introduction offers
2012-10-05 zzz
* configservice.jsp: Add GC button
* DataHelper: Sanity checks in storeProps(), use
storeProps() for router config again
* SSU:
- More synchronization fixes
- Reduce chance of dup acks in a single message
- Reduce max unsent acks to 50
- Use last ack time in ping decision too
- Reduce ack delay
* TunnelPoolManager: Fix early NPE (ticket #724)
2012-10-03 zzz
* NTCP: Reduce conLock contention
* SSU:
- Increase max outbound establishments based on bandwidth
- Synchronization fix for Java 5
- Use multiple buffer sizes in OutboundMessageState to
reduce memory usage
- Adjust skew calculation, synchronize too
- Ping loop improvements
2012-10-02 zzz
* I2CP: Delay after sending disconnect message to
help it get through
* i2psnark: Fix delete download message
* i2ptunnel: Fix log message
* NTCP: Only set keepalive if firewalled
* OOMListener: Dump threads on OOM
* PRNG, LogWriter: Use I2PThread to catch OOM
* SimpleByteCache: Fix ABQ/LBQ selection
* SSU:
- Fix memory leak in _peersByRemoteHost map caused by not
removing peers that change IP or port
- Send keepalives if firewalled
- Handle peers that change ports on an established session
- Synchronize adds and drops
- Don't use peers with high RTTs in clock skew calculation
- Reduce initial RTT/RTO
2012-09-28 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Fix bugs in rarest-first tracking
- Fix requesting of partial piece when there are multiple seeds
- Synch fix in BitField
* i2ptunnel: Fix wrong server IP in log message
* peers.jsp: Remove SSU "Dev" column
* SessionKeyManager: Store original tagset size for debugging
* Streaming: Don't send RST on globally-blackisted conns
* Addresses: Reject numeric IPs of the form n, n.n, and n.n.n
* Console, i2ptunnel: More validation of address and port in forms
* ConvertToHash:
- Add support for b64hash.i2p
- Cleanup and use cache
* i2psnark: Enable DHT by default
* RFC822Date: Synchronization fix
* Streaming:
- Implement changing connection limits on a running session
- Implement global blacklist
2012-09-25 zzz
* Context: Make files final
* EventLog: Fix IAE on portable
* Jetty: Add non-NIO selector option (ticket #715)
* OutboundEstablishState: Cleanup (ticket #671)
* SimpleByteCache: Concurrent fix
* UPnP: Cleanup & final
2012-09-21 zzz
* BuildHandler: Use CoDel for inbound queue
* ByteCache:
- Prevent release of wrong size
- Move all 16/32 byte users to SimpleByteCache
- Increase SimpleByteCache default size.
* ClientConnectionRunner:
- Run HandleJob and MessageReceivedJob inline for speed
- Remove payload from message map if availability announce fails
- Cleanups
* ClientManager:
- Concurrent client map for faster lookup
- Add by-hash client map for faster lookup by hash
* ClientWriterRunner: Limit queue size
* Clock: Synchronization, log large shifts to event log
* Console: Mark all restarts on graphs using the event log.
* FortunaRandomSource:
- Fix bug that wasted entropy in nextInt()
- Improved synchronization
* GarlicMessage:
- Add notes about GarlicMessageHandler and HandleGarlicMessageJob
being unused in practice
* I2CP:
- Limit router/client queue sizes and queue wait times
- Buffer output streams
* i2psnark:
- Implement blacklist for unreachable DHT peers
- Reduce threshold for unreachable
- Use ByteCache for chunks in/out
* IP Lookup:
- Add caching in RouterAddress with secondary caching
in Addresses; use caches to speed up transport bids,
blocklist checks, geoip lookups, and profile organizer
checks (ticket #707)
- Limit IP cache size in TransportImpl
- Clear caches at shutdown
* JobQueue: Reduce lock contention
* LHMCache: New util, replacing several private versions
* LogWriter:
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