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2008-06-17 zzz
    * Comm System: Add new STATUS_HOSED for use when UDP bind fails
    * Summary bar: Display helpful errror message when UDP bind fails
    * UDP: Don't bid when UDP bind fails
    * configclients.jsp: Implement saves for clients and webapps.

2008-06-16 zzz
    * UDP: Prevent 100% CPU when UDP bind fails;
      change bind fail message from ERROR to CRIT
    * Refactor LoadClientAppsJob.java, move some functions to new
      ClientAppConfig.java, to make them easily available to
      new configclients.jsp
    * RouterConsoleRunner: Use a new config file, webapps.config,
      to control which .wars in webapps/ get run. Apps are enabled
      by default; disable by (e.g.) webapps.syndie.startOnLoad=false
      Config file is written if it does not exist.
      Implement methods for use by new configclients.jsp.
    * configclients.jsp: New. For both clients and webapps.
      Saves are not yet implemented.

2008-06-10 zzz
    * Floodfill: Add new FloodfillMonitorJob, which tracks active
      floodfills, and automatically enables/disables floodfill on
      Class O routers to maintain 5-7 total active floodfills
    * NetDb Stats:
      - Remove several more stats
      - Don't publish bw stats in first hour of uptime
      - Publish floodfill stats even if other stats are disabled
      - Changes not effective until to provide cover.
    * Throttle: Use BANDWIDTH rather than CRIT as the rejection reason at
      startup, so peers don't list us as failing.
    * graphs.jsp: Fix a bug where it tries to display the combined
      bandwidth graph when it isn't available

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-09 zzz
    * Propagate i2.i2p.i2p- branch to i2p.i2p

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-09 zzz
    * Reachability: Restrict peers with no SSU address at all from inbound tunnels
    * News:
      - Add display of last updated and last checked time
        on index.jsp and configupdate.jsp
      - Add a function to get update version (unused for now)
    * config.jsp: Add another warning

2008-06-07 zzz
    * NetDb: Tweak some logging on lease problems
    * Shitlist:
      - Add shitlistForever() and isShitlistedForever(), unused for now
      - Sort the HTML output by router hash
    * netdb.jsp:
      - Sort the lease HTML output by dest hash, local first
      - Sort the router HTML output by router hash

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-06 zzz
    * LeaseSet:
      - Sort the leases by expiration date in TunnelPool.locked_buildNewLeaseSet()
        to make later LeaseSet comparisons reliable. This cleans up the code too.
      - Fix broken old vs. new LeaseSet comparison
        in ClientConnectionRunner.requestLeaseSet(),
        so that we only sign and publish a new LeaseSet when it's really new.
        Should reduce outbound overhead both in LeaseSet publishing and LeaseSet bundling,
        and floodfill router load, since locked_buildNewLeaseSet() generates
        the same LeaseSet as before quite frequently, often just seconds apart.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-05 zzz
    * LeaseSet - code cleanup:
      - Add exception to enforce max # of leases = 6, should be plenty
      - Rewrite TunnelPool.locked_buildNewLeaseSet() so it doesn't add lots of
        leases and then immediately remove them again, triggering
        the new leaseSet size exception
      - Remove the now unused LeaseSet.removeLease(lease) and
      - Store first and last expiration for efficiency
    * Peer Profiles - Preparation for using bonuses:
      - Use CapacityBonus rather than ReachablilityBonus in the Capacity calculation
      - Persist CapacityBonus rather than ReachabilityBonus
      - Include SpeedBonus in the Speed calculation
      - Prevent negative values in Speed and Capacity when using bonuses
      - Clean up SpeedCalculator.java
    * HTTP Proxy error pages: Don't say eepsites are 'temporarily' down since we don't know
    * Add some config files for a future small distribution
    * configtunnels.jsp: Add warnings for <= 0 and >= 4 hop configurations

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-01 zzz
    * Client Apps: Add new parameter for clients.config,
        clientApp.x.startOnLoad=false, to disable loading
        (for SAM for example). Defaults to true of course.
    * Logging: Move common WARN output to DEBUG so we can ask users to
        set the default log level to WARN without massive spewage
    * ProfileOrganizer: Restrict !isSelectable() (i.e. shitlisted) peers from the High Capacity tier,
      not just the Fast tier, since we don't use them for tunnels anyway
    * SAM: Add some compiler flexibility to two obscure makefiles
    * i2psnark: Change displayed peer idents to match that shown by bytemonsoon
      (sponge's suggestion)
    * summary bar:
      - Hide ident, provide a tooltip and a link
      - Add a warning if you are firewalled and class O

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-07 Complication
    * Fix version in news.xml so it could be published

* 2008-06-07  0.6.2 released

2008-06-07 Complication
    * Write announcement and prepare for release

2008-05-29 zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Fix up initialNews.xml

2008-05-27 zzz
    * Transport:
      - NTCP and UDP: Don't bid to connect to private IP addresses, mark unreachable
      - UDP: Don't bid when IP address missing, mark unreachable

2008-05-26 zzz
    * Throttle: Set a default router.maxParticipatingTunnels = 3000 (was none)
    * Stats: Add a fake uptime if not publishing stats, to get participating tunnels
    * build.xml:
      - Add an updaterSmall target which includes only the essentials
      - Add an updaterRouter target which includes only i2p.jar and router.jar
      - Clean up the build file some 
      - Remove empty eepsite/ and subdirs from i2pupdate.zip
    * configtunnels.jsp: Add warning
    * i2psnark: Catch a bencode exception (bad peer from tracker) earlier
    * i2psnark-standalone: Fix exception http://forum.i2p/viewtopic.php?p=12217

2008-05-22 welterde
    * Change jetty download location in build script

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-05-20 zzz
    * Reachability:
      - Call the previously unused profile.tunnelTestFailed()
        (redefined to include a probability argument)
        and severely downgrade a peer's capacity upon failures,
        depending on tunnel length and direction.
        This will help push unreachable and malicious peers
        out of the High Capacity tier.
      - Put recent fail rate on profiles.jsp
    * ProfileOrganizer: Logging cleanup
    * eepsite_index.html: Update add-host and jump links
    * HTTP Proxy: Remove trevorreznik jump server from list

dev's avatar
dev committed
2008-05-20 welterde
    * implemented PrivateKeyFile

2008-05-18 zzz
    * Throttle: Reject tunnels for first 20m uptime (was 10m)
    * TunnelPeerSelectors:
       - Re-enable strict ordering of peers,
         based on XOR distance from a random hash
       - Restrict peers with uptime < 90m from tunnels (was 2h),
         which is really 60m due to rounding in netDb publishing.
    * i2psnark:
       - Limit max pipelined requests from a single peer to 128KB
         (was unlimited; i2p-bt default is 5 * 64KB)
       - Increase max uploaders per torrent to 6 (was 4)
       - Reduce max connections per torrent to 16 (was 24) to increase
         unchoke time and reduce memory consumption
       - Strictly enforce max connections per torrent
       - Choke more gradually when over BW limit
    * help.jsp: Add a link to the FAQ
    * peers.jsp: Fix UDP direction indicators
    * hosts.txt: Add update.postman.i2p

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-05-12 zzz
    * Outbound message:
      - Tweak the cache key for efficiency
    * Stats:
      - Require two udp stats when stats.full=false, caused NPE on peers.jsp
    * Summary bar:
      - Add messages when dropping tunnel requests due to load
    * Update Handler:
      - Add postman to the list
    * i2psnark:
      - Randomize the PeerCheckerTask start times to make global limiting
        work better
      - Calculate bw limits using 40s rather than 4m averages to make
        bw limiting work better
      - Change default bw limit from uplimit/3 to uplimit/2 due to
        overhead reduction from the leaseset bundling change
    * libjbigi:
      - Add documentation on dynamic build option
      - Add two speed tests to the build script
      - Clean up the build script, make it easier to build dynamic

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-05-10 zzz
    * NetDb: Don't write the my.info file to disk, it isn't used for anything
    * Stats:
      - Simplify oldstats.jsp if no events in a stat
      - Fix the hosed inNetPool.droppedDeliveryStatusDelay stat
        (caused by an SSU hack)
    * Update Handler:
      - Add option to download and verify only
      - Add distinct error message if version check fails

2008-05-09 welterde
    * Add an update URL to the list

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-05-07 zzz
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