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zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-06 zzz
    * LeaseSet:
      - Sort the leases by expiration date in TunnelPool.locked_buildNewLeaseSet()
        to make later LeaseSet comparisons reliable. This cleans up the code too.
      - Fix broken old vs. new LeaseSet comparison
        in ClientConnectionRunner.requestLeaseSet(),
        so that we only sign and publish a new LeaseSet when it's really new.
        Should reduce outbound overhead both in LeaseSet publishing and LeaseSet bundling,
        and floodfill router load, since locked_buildNewLeaseSet() generates
        the same LeaseSet as before quite frequently, often just seconds apart.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-05 zzz
    * LeaseSet - code cleanup:
      - Add exception to enforce max # of leases = 6, should be plenty
      - Rewrite TunnelPool.locked_buildNewLeaseSet() so it doesn't add lots of
        leases and then immediately remove them again, triggering
        the new leaseSet size exception
      - Remove the now unused LeaseSet.removeLease(lease) and
      - Store first and last expiration for efficiency
    * Peer Profiles - Preparation for using bonuses:
      - Use CapacityBonus rather than ReachablilityBonus in the Capacity calculation
      - Persist CapacityBonus rather than ReachabilityBonus
      - Include SpeedBonus in the Speed calculation
      - Prevent negative values in Speed and Capacity when using bonuses
      - Clean up SpeedCalculator.java
    * HTTP Proxy error pages: Don't say eepsites are 'temporarily' down since we don't know
    * Add some config files for a future small distribution
    * configtunnels.jsp: Add warnings for <= 0 and >= 4 hop configurations

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-01 zzz
    * Client Apps: Add new parameter for clients.config,
        clientApp.x.startOnLoad=false, to disable loading
        (for SAM for example). Defaults to true of course.
    * Logging: Move common WARN output to DEBUG so we can ask users to
        set the default log level to WARN without massive spewage
    * ProfileOrganizer: Restrict !isSelectable() (i.e. shitlisted) peers from the High Capacity tier,
      not just the Fast tier, since we don't use them for tunnels anyway
    * SAM: Add some compiler flexibility to two obscure makefiles
    * i2psnark: Change displayed peer idents to match that shown by bytemonsoon
      (sponge's suggestion)
    * summary bar:
      - Hide ident, provide a tooltip and a link
      - Add a warning if you are firewalled and class O

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-06-07 Complication
    * Fix version in news.xml so it could be published

* 2008-06-07  0.6.2 released

2008-06-07 Complication
    * Write announcement and prepare for release

2008-05-29 zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Fix up initialNews.xml

2008-05-27 zzz
    * Transport:
      - NTCP and UDP: Don't bid to connect to private IP addresses, mark unreachable
      - UDP: Don't bid when IP address missing, mark unreachable

2008-05-26 zzz
    * Throttle: Set a default router.maxParticipatingTunnels = 3000 (was none)
    * Stats: Add a fake uptime if not publishing stats, to get participating tunnels
    * build.xml:
      - Add an updaterSmall target which includes only the essentials
      - Add an updaterRouter target which includes only i2p.jar and router.jar
      - Clean up the build file some 
      - Remove empty eepsite/ and subdirs from i2pupdate.zip
    * configtunnels.jsp: Add warning
    * i2psnark: Catch a bencode exception (bad peer from tracker) earlier
    * i2psnark-standalone: Fix exception http://forum.i2p/viewtopic.php?p=12217

2008-05-22 welterde
    * Change jetty download location in build script

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-05-20 zzz
    * Reachability:
      - Call the previously unused profile.tunnelTestFailed()
        (redefined to include a probability argument)
        and severely downgrade a peer's capacity upon failures,
        depending on tunnel length and direction.
        This will help push unreachable and malicious peers
        out of the High Capacity tier.
      - Put recent fail rate on profiles.jsp
    * ProfileOrganizer: Logging cleanup
    * eepsite_index.html: Update add-host and jump links
    * HTTP Proxy: Remove trevorreznik jump server from list

dev's avatar
dev committed
2008-05-20 welterde
    * implemented PrivateKeyFile

2008-05-18 zzz
    * Throttle: Reject tunnels for first 20m uptime (was 10m)
    * TunnelPeerSelectors:
       - Re-enable strict ordering of peers,
         based on XOR distance from a random hash
       - Restrict peers with uptime < 90m from tunnels (was 2h),
         which is really 60m due to rounding in netDb publishing.
    * i2psnark:
       - Limit max pipelined requests from a single peer to 128KB
         (was unlimited; i2p-bt default is 5 * 64KB)
       - Increase max uploaders per torrent to 6 (was 4)
       - Reduce max connections per torrent to 16 (was 24) to increase
         unchoke time and reduce memory consumption
       - Strictly enforce max connections per torrent
       - Choke more gradually when over BW limit
    * help.jsp: Add a link to the FAQ
    * peers.jsp: Fix UDP direction indicators
    * hosts.txt: Add update.postman.i2p

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-05-12 zzz
    * Outbound message:
      - Tweak the cache key for efficiency
    * Stats:
      - Require two udp stats when stats.full=false, caused NPE on peers.jsp
    * Summary bar:
      - Add messages when dropping tunnel requests due to load
    * Update Handler:
      - Add postman to the list
    * i2psnark:
      - Randomize the PeerCheckerTask start times to make global limiting
        work better
      - Calculate bw limits using 40s rather than 4m averages to make
        bw limiting work better
      - Change default bw limit from uplimit/3 to uplimit/2 due to
        overhead reduction from the leaseset bundling change
    * libjbigi:
      - Add documentation on dynamic build option
      - Add two speed tests to the build script
      - Clean up the build script, make it easier to build dynamic

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-05-10 zzz
    * NetDb: Don't write the my.info file to disk, it isn't used for anything
    * Stats:
      - Simplify oldstats.jsp if no events in a stat
      - Fix the hosed inNetPool.droppedDeliveryStatusDelay stat
        (caused by an SSU hack)
    * Update Handler:
      - Add option to download and verify only
      - Add distinct error message if version check fails

2008-05-09 welterde
    * Add an update URL to the list

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-05-07 zzz
    * Reachability:
      - Restrict peers requiring introducers from inbound tunnels,
        since it's slow and unreliable... and many of them advertise
        NTCP, which seems unlikely to work
      - Provide warning on summary bar if firewalled with inbound NTCP enabled
    * Stats: Remove the bw.[send,recv]Bps[1,15]s stats unless
      log level net.i2p.router.transport.FIFOBandwidthLimiter >= WARN
      at startup (you didn't get any data unless you set the log level anyway)
    * oldstats.jsp: Don't put 2 decimal places on integer event counts
    * Remove the Internals link from the menu bar
    * i2psnark: Extend startup delay from 1 to 3 minutes

2008-05-06 welterde
    * HTTP Proxy: Add i2jump.i2p jump service

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-05-05 zzz
    * NetDb Stats: Cleanup of commented out stats
    * Outbound message:
      - Fix a couple of tunnel cache cleaning bugs
      - Cache based on source+dest pairs rather than just dest
      - Send the reply leaseSet only when necessary,
        rather than all the time (big savings in overhead)
      - Enable persistent lease selection again
      - Logging tweaks
    * Reachability:
      - Restrict <= .32 SSU-only peers from inbound tunnels,
        since they don't know if they are unreachable
      - Have SSU bid aggressively when it has less than 3 peers, so
        we can determine our IP address and do peer testing.
        Otherwise a router may never determine its IP address or reachability status.
    * Summary bar:
      - Add reachability status
      - Add participating tunnel acceptance status
    * Throttle: Reject tunnels for first 10m uptime
    * I2PTunnel: Change default outproxy to false.i2p
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * profiles.jsp: Add router version
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2008-04-26 released

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-04-20 zzz
    * Outbound message/Reachability:
      - Fix a bug from -19 causing the persistent lease selection
        removed in -17 to be back again
      - Use netDb-listed-unreachable instead of detected-unreachable
        for exclusion of unreachable peers from selected leases,
        as there are potential anonymity problems with using
      - Tweak logging some more
    * NetDb stats: Remove a couple more including the inefficient stat_identities

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-04-17 zzz
    * Reachability:
      - Track unreachable peers persistently
        (i.e. separately from shitlist, and not cleared when they contact us)
      - Exclude detected unreachable peers from inbound tunnels
      - Exclude detected unreachable peers from selected leases
      - Exclude detected unreachable floodfill peers from lookups
      - Show unreachable status on profiles.jsp

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-04-16 zzz
    * SSU/Reachability:
      - Extend shitlist time from 4-8m to 40-60m
      - Add some shitlist logging
      - Don't shitlist twice when unreachable on all transports
      - Exclude netDb-listed unreachable peers from inbound tunnels;
        this won't help much since there are very few of these now
      - Remove 10s delay on inbound UDP connections used for the transition
      - Track and display UDP connection direction on peers.jsp
      - Show shitlist status in-line on profiles.jsp

2008-04-15 zzz
    * SSU Reachability/PeerTestManager:
      - Back out strict peer ordering until we fix SSU
      - Back out persistent lease selection until we fix SSU
      - Fix detection of UDP REJECT_UNSOLICITED by recording status on expiration
      - Increase known Charlie time to 10m; 3m wasn't enough
      - Don't continue retransmitting peer test if we know Charlie
      - Don't run multiple peer tests at once
      - Tighten test frequency range to 6.5-19.5m, was 0-26m

2008-04-12 zzz
    * Addressbook: Disallow '.-' and '-.' in host names
    * NTCP: Don't drop a connection unless both directions are idle;
            Fix idle time for outbound connections
    * Outbound message: Make sure cached lease is in current leaseSet
    * Stats: Put all NetworkDatabase stats in same group
    * TunnelPool: Stop building tunnels and leaseSets after client shutdown
    * i2psnark: Add locking to prevent two I2CP connections

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-04-07 zzz
    * i2psnark:
      - Implement upstream bandwidth limiting
      - Fix a rare NPE at startup/shutdown
      - Really increase retries for .torrent fetch
    * profiles.jsp: Minor cleanup
    * DataHelper: Only format < 5s as ms
    * Eepget: Fix percentage output on command line eepget retries
    * Lower partipating message priority from 400 to 200
    * NTCP: Add a debug message
    * Outbound message: Minor cleanup

2008-03-30 zzz
    * ExploratoryPeerSelector: Try NonFailing even more
    * HostsTxtNamingService: Add reverse lookup support
    * Outbound message: Minor cleanup
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * i2psnark TrackerClient: Minor cleanup
    * checklist.txt: Minor edit
    * hosts.txt: Add perv.i2p, false.i2p, mtn.i2p2.i2p
    * i2ptunnel.config: Change CVS client to mtn
    * netdb.jsp: Show leaseSet destinations using reverse lookup
    * profiles.jsp: First cut at showing floodfill data

2008-03-27 zzz
    * Send messages for the same destination to the same inbound
      lease to reduce out-of-order delivery.
    * ExploratoryPeerSelector: Back out the floodfill peer exclusion
      for now, as it prevents speed rating of those peers

2008-03-26 zzz
    * ReseedHandler: Support multiple urls,
      add netdb.i2p2.de as a 2nd default

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-03-25 zzz
    * i2psnark:
      - Add support for secondary open trackers
      - Refactor and simplify the TrackerClient code
      - Add welterde's tracker to the default list
      - Don't have eepget retry announces
      - Slow down tracker contacts if they've failed for a while
      - Add some debug support showing connections (?p=2)
    * hosts.txt: Add nickyb.i2p, tracker.welterde.i2p
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2008-03-22 zzz
    * NewsFetcher: Fix bug causing fetch every 10m

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-03-22 zzz
    * Tunnel Testing:
      - Fix counting so it really takes 4 consecutive failures
        rather than 4 total to remove a tunnel
      - Credit or blame goes to the exploratory tunnel as well
        as the tunnel being tested
      - Adjust tunnel test timeout based on tunnel length
    * ExploratoryPeerSelector: Tweak logging
    * ProfileOrganizer: Adjust integration calculation again
    * build.xml: Add to help
    * checklist.txt: Tweak
    * readme.html: Fix forum links
    * netDb: Remove tunnel.testFailedTime

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-03-19 zzz
    * ExploratoryPeerSelector:
      - Exclude floodfill peers
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
      - Tweak the HighCap vs. NonFailing decision; try NonFailing
        at least a minimum % of the time
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * i2psnark: Increase retries for .torrent fetch
    * IRC Proxy: Prevent mIRC from sending an alternate DCC request
      containing an IP
    * readme.html: Reorder some items
    * Stats: Add some more required stats
    * Streaming lib: Fix slow start to be exponential growth,
      fix congestion avoidance to be linear growth.
      Should speed up local connections a lot, and remote
      connections a little.

2008-03-14 zzz
    * Floodfill Search:
       - Prefer heard-from, unfailing, unshitlisted floodfill peers

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-03-14 zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * ProfileOrganizer:
       - Use more recent stats to calculate integration
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
       - Show that fast peers are also high-capacity on profiles.jsp
    * readme.html: Update Syndie link
    * TunnelPool: Update comments
    * netDb: Report 1-2h uptime as 90m to further frustrate tracking,
      get rid of the 60s tunnel stats
      (effective as of .33 to provide cover)

2008-03-13 zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Floodfill Search:
       - Fix a bug that caused a single FloodfillOnlySearchJob
         instance to be run multiple times, with unpredictable
       - Select ff peers randomly to improve reliability
       - Add some bulletproofing

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-03-11 zzz
    * ProfileOrganizer:
       - Don't require a peer to be high-capacity to be
         well-integrated (not used for anything right now,
         but want to get it right for possible floodfill verification)
       - Don't fall back to median for high-capacity threshold
         if the mean is higher than the median, this prevents
         frequent large high-capacity counts
       - Fix high-capacity selector that picked one too many
    * Console: put well-integrated count back in the summary

2008-03-10 zzz
    * EepGet: Fix byte count for bytesTransferred status listeners
      (fixes command line status)
    * UpdateHandler:
       - Fix byte count display
       - Display final status on router console
       - Don't allow multiple update jobs to queue up
       - Increase max retries
       - Code cleanup
       - Don't show 'check for update' button when update in progress
       - Enhance error messages
    * NetDb: Comment out published netDb stats disabled for .32

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-03-08 zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * TunnelPeerSelectors: Implement strict ordering of peers,
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
      based on XOR distance from a random hash
      separately generated for each tunnel pool

2008-03-07 zzz
    * Naming: Optimize lookups for a destkey
    * ProfileOrganizer, TunnelPoolSettings, ClientPeerSelector:
      - Prevent peers with matching IPs from joining same tunnel.
        Match 0-4 bytes of IP (0=off, 1=most restrictive, 4=least).
        Default is 2 (disallow routers in same /16).
        Set with router.defaultPool.IPRestriction=x
      - Comment out unused RebuildPeriod pool setting
      - Add random key to pool in preparation for XOR peer ordering
    * SusiMail: Add 'Create Account' link
    * TunnelDispatcher: Change a common wtf error to a warn

2008-03-05 zzz
    * Naming: Make HostsTxt the sole default NamingService
      (was Meta = PetName + HostsTxt)
    * Naming: Add two new experimental NamingServices, EepGet and Exec,
      not enabled by default -
      see source comments in core/java/src/net/i2p/client/naming
      for configuration instructions
    * i2psnark: Don't do a naming lookup for Base64 destkeys
    * i2psnark: Add a StartAll button
    * Stats: Add code to disable most stats to save memory.
      Set on configstats.jsp or set stat.full=false to disable the stats.
      (true by default for now)

complication's avatar
complication committed
2008-03-09 Complication
    * Give the Jetty build file ability to ask permission
      before downloading the Jetty archive from the web,
      and to verify its SHA1 + MD5 hashes. Adjust the main build file
      in accordance with this change.
    * Improve the release checklist.

* 2008-03-09 released

2008-03-07 zzz
    * Update news and version numbers

2008-03-01 zzz
    * Fix netdb.knownLeaseSets count reported by floodfill routers
      (was broken by -3)

2008-02-27 zzz
    * i2ptunnel: Add 3-hop option to edit.jsp to match configtunnels.jsp
    * i2psnark: Remove orion and gaytorrents from default tracker list
    * Remove orion from jump list and from eepsite_index.html
    * Jbigi: Change jbigi version to 4.2.2 in build scripts - tested by amiga
    * Capitalize OutboundMessageDistributor job name
    * TunnelPool: Add a warning if all tunnels are backlogged

2008-02-26 zzz
    * Reintroduce NTCP backlog pushback, with switch back to
      previous tunnel when no longer backlogged
    * Catch an nio exception in an NTCP logging statement if loglevel is WARN
    * IRC Proxy: terminate all messages with \r\n (thanks TrivialPursuit!)

2008-02-21 zzz
    * Raise inbound default bandwidth to 32KBps
    * Fix config.jsp that showed 0KBps share bandwidth by default

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-02-19 zzz
    * Addressbook: Disallow '--' in host names except in IDN,
      add some reserved host names
    * I2PTunnel: Clarify edit form
    * NetDb: Remove many stats from netDb, effective as of .32
    * profiles.jsp: Display capabilities
    * Tunnels: Enforce max tunnel length of 8, catch an index error

2008-02-16 zzz
    * Fix race in TunnelDispatcher which caused
      participating tunnel count to seesaw -
      should increase network capacity
    * Leave participating tunnels in 10s batches for efficiency
    * Update participating tunnel ratestat when leaving a tunnel too,
      to generate a smoother graph
    * Fix tunnel.participatingMessageCount stat to include all
      participating tunnels, not just outbound endpoints
    * Simplify Expire Tunnel job name

2008-02-13 zzz
    * PersistentDataStore: Write out 300 records every 10 min
      rather than 1 every 10 sec;
      Don't store leasesets to disk or read them in
    * Combine rates for pools with the same length setting
      in the new tunnel build algorithm
    * Clarify a log message in the UpdateHandler

2008-02-13 zzz
    * Make graphs clickable to get larger graphs
    * Change SimpleTimer CRIT to a WARN, increase threshold
    * Checklist update

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-02-11 welterde
    * Fix an NPE in UDP http://forum.i2p/viewtopic.php?t=2545

2008-02-10 zzz
    * Add new tunnel build algorithm (preliminary)
    * Change NTCP backlogged message from error to warning
    * Checklist updates

* 2008-02-10 released

2008-02-10 Complication
    * Update news and version numbers

2008-02-06 zzz
    * build.xml: Add some apps to javadoc
    * checklist.txt: Add some things
    * news.xml: make links relative
    * runplain.sh: Add some comments
    * wrapper.config: Add some comments

complication's avatar
complication committed
2008-02-05 Complication
    * Change the dates too (sorry for such forgetfulness!)

complication's avatar
complication committed
2008-02-04 Complication
    * Also use the new key for checking, and add it into news.xml
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

complication's avatar
complication committed
2008-02-04 Complication
    * Added my release signing key into TrustedUpdate.java

2008-01-31 zzz
    * NewsFetcher: Change fetch failed from error to warning
    * installer: Fix URL and "email"
    * checklist.txt: New release checklist

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-01-29 zzz
    * Addressbook: Change default subscription
    * ConfigUpdateHandler: Change default news URL
    * initialNews.xml: Update version to .31
    * news.xml: More updates
    * hosts.txt: Add i2p-projekt.i2p
    * readme.html: More URL updates
    * SusiDNS: Change references to default subscription

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-01-28 zzz
    * news.xml: Updates, still preliminary
    * ReseedHandler: Change default URL
    * i2ptunnel.config: Change default outproxies
    * readme.html: Change *.i2p.net URLs
    * help.jsp: Change *.i2p.net URLs
    * eepsite_index.html: Change stats.i2p addressbook subscription URL
    * hosts.txt: Add krabs.i2p, true.i2p, www.i2p2.i2p

* 2008-01-28 converted from CVS to MTN
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2008-01-08 zzz
    * addressbook: Limit size of subscribed hosts.txt,
        don't save old etag or last-modified data
    * EepGet: Add some logging,
        enforce size limits even when size not in returned header,
        don't return old etag or last-modified data,
        don't call transferFailed listener more than once
    * Sign my update signing key
    * NewsFetcher: add last-modified support, reduce number of retries
    * Error pages: add icon and logo,
        clarify 'destination not found' and 'proxy not found' pages

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2008-01-07 zzz
    * profiles.jsp formatting cleanup
    * NTCP: Reduce max idle time from 60m to 20m
    * NTCP: Fix idle time on connections with zero messages,
      correctly drop these connections
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2008-01-03 zzz
    * addressbook: Do basic validation of hostnames and destkeys
    * susidns: Add support for the private addressbook,
      update the text and links somewhat
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2008-01-02 zzz
    * Add stats.i2p to the jump list
    * Impose 20MB limit on POSTs and catch OOMs in POST
    * eepsite_index.html: add stats.i2p services
    * addressbook: log source of new keys; disallow dests > 516 bytes
    * addressbook: convert hostnames to lower case to prevent duplicates
    * susidns: generalize references to orion
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-12-29 zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Tweak IRC inbound PONG filtering to fix xchat/BitchX lagometers
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Allow commas in router.trustedUpdateKeys and router.updateURL again
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Change default news host from dev.i2p.net to dev.i2p
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Change jetty timeout from 30 to 60 sec (thanks sponge!)
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-12-28 zzz
    * Add zzz's update signing key
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-12-26 Complication
    * Improve reseed handler (less repetitive code,
      avoid reporting errors when less than 10% of fetches fail)
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-12-26 Complication
    * Escape both CR, LF and CR LF line breaks in Router.saveConfig()
      and unescape them in DataHelper.loadProps() to support
      saving and loading config properties with line breaks
    * Change the update URLs textbox into a textarea like keys have,
      so different URLs go on different lines
    * Modify TrustedUpdate to provide a method which supplies a key list
      delimited with CR LF line breaks
    * Modify DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL to supply a default URL list
      delimited with CR LF line breaks
    * Modify selectUpdateURL() to handle URL lists
      delimited by any kind of line breaks
    * Start saving trusted update keys
    * Improve formatting on configupdate.jsp
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-12-22 zzz
    * Add support for multiple update URLs
    * Change default for update to use i2p proxy,
      add several URLs as defaults
    * Enable trusted key form on configupdate.jsp
    * Clarify the 'destination not found' error page

2007-12-16 zzz
    * i2psnark: remove anonymitytracker from default list
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-12-10 zzz
    * Fix NPE in CLI TrustedUpdate keygen
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-12-02 Complication
    * Commit SAM v2 patch from mkvore (thank you!)
    * Minor reformatting to preserve consistent whitespace
      in old SAM classes (new classes unaltered)
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-12-01 Complication
    * Separate the checks "does Jetty .zip file need downloading"
      and "does Jetty .zip file need extracting" in the Jetty buildfile.
      First download (unless already done), then extract (unless done).
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-11-26 zzz
    * i2psnark: add timeout for receive inactivity
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-11-24 zzz
    * i2psnark: increase streaming lib write timeout to 240 sec and change
      timeout action from "ping" to "disconect", as the fix in .30 to
      honor options on outbound connections led to hung outbound connections
      (bitfield never transmitted, connection never dropped)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-11-06 jrandom
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * add i2host.i2p to the jump list
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-10-11 zzz
    * IRC Proxy: Fix several possible anonymity holes:
      - Block CTCP in NOTICE messages
      - Block CTCP anywhere in PRIVMSG and NOTICE, not just at first character
      - Check for lower case commands
    (Thanks sponge!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-10-07  jrandom
    * back out the NTCP backlog pushback, as it could be used to mount an
      active anonymity attack.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2007-10-07 released
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-10-07  Complication
    * Fix an issue in EepGet whereby sending of "etag" and "lastModified" headers
      broke retrying.
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-09-27  zzz
    * Implement pushback of NTCP transport backlog to the outbound tunnel selection code
    * Clean up the NTCP and UDP tables on peers.jsp to be consistent,
      fix some of the sorting
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-09-22  zzz
    * Send messages for the same destination out the same outbound
      tunnel to reduce out-of-order delivery.
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-09-19  zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix broken multifile torrent Delete;
        cleanup Storage resources in AddTorrent;
        don't autostart torrent after Create
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-09-18  zzz
    * eepsite_index.html: Add links to trevorreznik address book
    * streaming lib: Fix SocketManagerFactory to honor options on outbound connections
    * streaming lib: Fix setDefaultOptions() when called with a ConnectionOptions parameter
    * i2psnark: Don't make outbound connections to already-connected peers
    * i2psnark: Debug logging cleanup
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-09-14  zzz
    * eepget: Increase header timeout to 45s
    * HTTP proxy: Return a better error message for localhost requests
    * tunnels: Fix PooledTunnelCreatorConfig memory leak
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-09-09  zzz
    * eepget: Add support for Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since
    * addressbook: Finish incomplete support for Last-Modified

2007-09-08  zzz
    * eepget: Copy over SocketTimeout.java file from syndie

2007-09-07  jrandom
    * eepget: Merge timeout support from syndie
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2007-08-23 released
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-08-12  zzz
    * readme.html - Add inproxy.tino.i2p, replace search.i2p with eepsites.i2p,
      tweak the eepsite and troubleshooting sections
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-08-11  zzz
    * Add stats for individual tunnel rates (nice when graphed)
    * i2psnark: Fix outbound tunnel nickname
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-08-05  Complication
    * Update the sharing calculator on config.jsp
      and explain the trade-off even more thoroughly.
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-08-04  Complication
    * Lower the threshold between the K and L bandwidth class,
      so that K is now < 12 KB/s, instead of <= 16 KB/s.
      Hopefully this lets people with 128 kbit/s (16 KB/s) upload lines
      participate in routing, if they keep the default share percentage.
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-07-16  zzz
    * i2psnark: Add tooltip info for choked/uninterested
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-07-16  zzz
    * Make selection of graphed data configurable via configstats.jsp,
      remove most of the default graphs to save some memory
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-07-15  zzz
    * Add current values to graph legends
    * Fix up previous Rate fix to check for divide by zero
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-07-14  Complication
    * Take the post-download routerInfo size check back out of ReseedHandler,
      since it wasn't helpful, and a lower limit caused false warnings.
    * Give EepGet ability to enforce a min/max HTTP response size.
    * Enforce a maximum response size of 8 MB when ReseedHandler
      downloads into a ByteArrayOutputStream.
    * Refactor ReseedHandler/ReseedRunner from static to ordinary classes,
      change invocation from RouterConsoleRunner accordingly.
    * Add an EepGet status listener to ReseedHandler to log causes of reseed failure,
      provide status reports to indicate the progress of reseeding.
    * Enable icon for default eepsite, and the index page
      of the router console (more later).
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-07-14  zzz
    * Clean up graphs.jsp - set K=1024 where appropriate,
      output image sizes in html, catch ooms, other minor tweaks
    * Fix current event count truncation which fixes graphs with low
      60-sec event counts displaying high values
      (bw.* and router.* graphs for example were 1.5x too high)
      Affects all "events per period" (non-lifetime) counts.
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-07-09  zzz
    * i2psnark: give a better error message for a non-i2p torrent
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-07-07  zzz
    * Add auto-detect IP/Port to NTCP. When enabled on config.jsp,
      SSU will notify/restart NTCP when the external address changes.
      Now you can enable inbound TCP without a static IP or dyndns service.
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-07-04  zzz
    * Display calculated share bandwidth and remove load testing
      on config.jsp
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-07-01  zzz
    * Replace broken option i2np.udp.alwaysPreferred with
      i2np.udp.preferred and adjust UDP bids; possible settings are
      "false" (default), "true", and "always".
      Default setting results in same behavior as before
      (NTCP is preferred unless it isn't established and UDP is established).
      Use to compare NTCP and UDP transports.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-06-27  jrandom
    * fix for a streaming lib bug that could leave a thread waiting
      indefinitely (thanks Complication!)
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-06-16  Complication
    * First pass on EepGet and ReseedHandler improvements,
      please avoid use on routers which matter!
    * Give EepGet ability of downloading into an OutputStream,
      such as the ByteArrayOutputStream of ReseedHandler.
    * Detect failure to reseed better, report it persistently
      and more verbosely, provide a link to logs
      and suggest manual reseed.
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-05-06  Complication
    * Fix the build.xml file, so the preppkg build target won't try copying files
complication's avatar
complication committed
      which became deprecated with the old Syndie (thanks for alerting, itsu!)
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-31  zzz
    * Add trevorreznik jump server to the http proxy error page
    * Add anonymity to the trackers supporting details links in i2psnark
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-24  zzz
    * Remove Syndie from build targets and navbar
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-22  zzz
    * i2psnark tracker handling tweaks:
    -   Add link to tracker details page (Postman only for now, requires bytemonsoon patch)
    -   Add Base URL to tracker list configuration
    -   Web page links built from tracker list Base URLs
    -   Only build and sort tracker list once
    -   Add anonymityWeb tracker to default list
    -   Add tooltip info for TrackerErrs
    -   Stop torrent if not registered with tracker
    -   Mark temp files as delete on exit
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-18  zzz
    * i2psnark: Cleanup some handling of saved partial pieces
    * i2psnark: Put bit counting in Bitfield.java for efficiency
    * i2psnark: Save torrent completion state in i2psnark.config
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
* 2007-03-17 released
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-13  zzz
    * i2psnark: Make max total uploaders configurable (thanks Amiga4000!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-03-12  jrandom
    * dodge a race on startup (thanks zzz!)
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-10  zzz
    * Streaming lib: Change initial RTT deviation from RTT to RTT/2
      (RFC 2988) to reduce early RTO values
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-08  zzz
    * i2psnark changes to improve upload performance:
    *  Implement total uploader limit (10)
    *  Don't timeout non-piece messages out
    *  Change chunk size to 32K (was 64K)
    *  Change request limit to 64K (was 256K)
    * i2psnark: Disconnect from seeds when complete

2007-03-07  zzz
    * Remove dynamic router keys from config.jsp
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-07  zzz
    * Streaming lib changes to improve upstream performance during congestion:
    *   Change min window size from 12 to 1
    *   Change max timeout from 10 to 45 sec
    *   Change initial timeout from 10 to 15 sec
    *   Change intial window size for i2psnark from 12 to 1
    *   Change slow start growth rate for i2psnark from 1/2 to 1

2007-03-04  zzz
    * Update eepsite_index.html
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-03  zzz
    * Upgrade from Jetty 5.1.6 to 5.1.12 which fixes spaces in URL
    * Add a updaterWithJetty build target
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-03  zzz
    * Implement priority sending for NTCP
    * Disable trimForOverload() in tunnel BuildExecutor which
      was preventing tunnel builds when outbound traffic was high
      (i.e. most of the time when running i2psnark)

2007-02-28  zzz
    * i2psnark: File reopen cleanup

2007-02-28  zzz
    * i2psnark: Add peer details to web page
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2007-02-15 released

2007-02-15  jrandom
    * Limit the whispering floodfill sends to at most 3 randomly
      chosen from the known floodfill peers
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-02-14  jrandom
    * Don't filter out KICK and H(ide oper status) IRC messages
      (thanks Takk and postman!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-02-13  jrandom
    * Tell our peers about who we know in the floodfill netDb every
      6 hours or so, mitigating the situation where peers lose track
      of floodfill routers.
    * Disable the Syndie updater (people should use the new Syndie,
      not this one)
    * Disable the eepsite tunnel by default
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-30  zzz
    * i2psnark: Don't hold _snarks lock while checking a snark,
      so web page is responsive at startup
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-29  zzz
    * i2psnark: Add NickyB tracker
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-28  zzz
    * i2psnark: Don't hold sendQueue lock while flushing output,
      to make everything run smoother
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-27  zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix orphaned Snark reader tasks leading to OOMs
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-01-20  Complication
    * Drop overlooked comment
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-01-20  Complication
    * Modify ReseedHandler to query the "i2p.reseedURL" property from I2PAppContext
      instead of System, so setting a reseed URL in advanced configuration has effect.
    * Clean out obsolete reseed code from ConfigNetHandler.
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-20  zzz
    * i2psnark: More choking rotation tweaks
    * Improve performance by not reading in the whole
      piece from disk for each request. A huge memory savings
      on 1MB torrents with many peers.

2007-01-17  zzz
    * Add new HTTP Proxy error message for non-http protocols
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-17  zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Add note on Syndie index.html steering people to new Syndie

2007-01-16  zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * i2psnark: Fix crash when autostart off and
      tcrrent started manually
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-16  zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix bug caused by last i2psnark checkin
      (ConnectionAcceptor not started)
    * Don't start PeerCoordinator, ConnectionAcceptor,
      and TrackerClient unless starting torrent
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-01-15  jrandom
    * small guard against unnecessary streaming lib reset packets
      (thanks Complication!)
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-15  zzz
    * i2psnark: Add 'Stop All' link on web page
    * Add some links to trackers and forum on web page
    * Don't start tunnel if 'Autostart' unchecked
    * Fix torrent restart bug by reopening file descriptors
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-14  zzz
    * i2psnark: Improvements for torrents with > 4 leechers:
      choke based on upload rate when seeding, and
      be smarter and fairer about rotating choked peers.
    * Handle two common i2psnark OOM situations rather
      than shutting down the whole thing.
    * Fix reporting to tracker of remaining bytes for
      torrents > 4GB (but ByteMonsoon still has a bug)
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2006-10-29  zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix and enable generation of multifile torrents,
      print error if no tracker selected at create-torrent,
      fix stopping a torrent that hasn't started successfully,
      add eBook and GayTorrents trackers to form,
      web page formatting tweaks
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2006-10-10 released

complication's avatar
complication committed
2006-10-29  Complication
    * Ensure we get NTP samples from more diverse sources
      (0.pool.ntp.org, 1.pool.ntp.org, etc)
    * Discard median-based peer skew calculator as framed average works,
      and adjusting its percentage can make it behave median-like
    * Require more data points (from at least 20 peers)
      before considering a peer skew measurement reliable

jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
2006-10-10  jrandom
    * Removed the status display from the console, as its more confusing
      than informative (though the content is still displayed in the HTML)
complication's avatar
complication committed

2006-10-08  Complication
    * Add a framed average peer clock skew calculator
    * Add config property "router.clockOffsetSanityCheck" to determine
      if NTP-suggested clock offsets get sanity checked (default "true")
    * Reject NTP-suggested clock offsets if they'd increase peer clock skew
      by more than 5 seconds, or make it more than 20 seconds total
    * Decrease log level in getMedianPeerClockSkew()
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2006-09-29  zzz
    * i2psnark: Second try at synchronization fix - synch addRequest()
      completely rather than just portions of it and requestNextPiece()
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2006-09-27  jrandom
    * added HMAC-SHA256
    * properly use CRLF with EepPost
    * suppress jbigi/jcpuid messages if jbigi.dontLog/jcpuid.dontLog is set
    * PBE session key generation (with 1000 rounds of SHA256)
    * misc SDK helper functions
complication's avatar
complication committed

2006-09-26  Complication
    * Take back another inadverent logging change in NTCPConnection
complication's avatar
complication committed

2006-09-26  Complication
    * Take back an accidental log level change
complication's avatar
complication committed

2006-09-26  Complication
    * Subclass from Clock a RouterClock which can access router transports,
      with the goal of developing it to second-guess NTP results
    * Make transports report clock skew in seconds
    * Adjust renderStatusHTML() methods accordingly
    * Show average for NTCP clock skews too
    * Give transports a getClockSkews() method to report clock skews
    * Give transport manager a getClockSkews() method to aggregate results
    * Give comm system facade a getMedianPeerClockSkew() method which RouterClock calls
      (to observe results, add "net.i2p.router.transport.CommSystemFacadeImpl=WARN" to logging)
    * Extra explicitness in NTCP classes to denote unit of time.
    * Fix some places in NTCPConnection where milliseconds and seconds were confused
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2006-09-25  zzz
    * i2psnark: Paranoid copy before writing pieces,
      recheck files on completion, redownload bad pieces
    * i2psnark: Don't contact tracker as often when seeding
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2006-09-24  zzz
    * i2psnark: Add some synchronization to prevent rare problem
      after restoring orphan piece
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2006-09-20  zzz
    * i2psnark: Eliminate duplicate requests caused by i2p-bt's
      rapid choke/unchokes
    * i2psnark: Truncate long TrackerErr messages on web page
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2006-09-16  zzz
    * i2psnark: Implement retransmission of requests. This
      eliminates one cause of complete stalls with a peer.
      This problem is common on torrents with a small number of
      active peers where there are no choke/unchokes to kickstart things.
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2006-09-13  zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix restoral of partial pieces broken by last patch
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2006-09-13  zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * i2psnark: Mark a peer's requests as unrequested on disconnect,
      preventing premature end game
    * i2psnark: Randomize selection of next piece during end game
    * i2psnark: Don't restore a partial piece to a peer that is already working on it
    * i2psnark: strip ".torrent" on web page
    * i2psnark: Limit piece size in generated torrent to 1MB max
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2006-09-09  zzz
    * i2psnark: Add "Stalled" indication and stat totals on web page
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2006-09-09  zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix bug where new peers would always be sent an "interested"
      regardless of actual interest
    * i2psnark: Reduce max piece size from 10MB to 1MB; larger may have severe
      memory and efficiency problems
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2006-09-09 released
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed