2012-02-02 kytv
* Ukrainian and Polish translation updates from Transifex
2012-01-30 zzz
* i2psnark: More illegal chars
* LogWriter: Don't rotate and open file until first message
* SusiDNS: Reduce listings to 50/page
2012-01-27 zzz
* Build: Repack release jars with pack200 -r, saves about 1% and
might save a little memory at runtime too
* confignet: Add UDP disable option
* SAM: Remove client demo classes from sam.jar
2012-01-26 zzz
* configclients: Fix form action default
* NetDB: Increase min ff to 200
* Plugins: Fix updated count
* SusiDNS: Make UI 1-based
2012-01-24 zzz
* Addresses: Fix NPE if no interfaces found http://forum.i2p/viewtopic.php?t=6365
* i2ptunnel: Fix white-on-white buttons on hover
* Plugins: Add completion message after all-update check
* susidns, susimail: Add icons to buttons
2012-01-22 zzz
* Transports: Bind only to a single interface if specified
as the host address and it's available (ticket #591)
* VMCommSystem: Move to dummy directory
2012-01-21 zzz
* Build: Fix Windows build, version checking for release
* Console summary bar: Move some code around

2012-01-20 sponge
* Fix too short of delay for http. It is up to the browser to time out
in a shorter time, not the proxy. This is wreaking havoc on large
downloads, similar to the issues that we had in the distant past with
jetty's default timeout being too short.
2012-01-18 zzz
* I2PTunnel: Register ports with the PortMapper
* Router:
- Use new synchronized change-and-save-config methods
to eliminate races with ReadConfigJob
* Tunnels:
- When a peer is shitlisted, fail all our tunnels where
that peer is the adjacent hop. In particular this
will remove outbound tunnels when we can't contact
the first hop, and enable quicker recovery.
* Update: Find the proxy port in the PortMapper
2012-01-16 hottuna
* Router:
- Don't throttle tunnel creation if using a higher
- than default router.maxParticipatingTunnels setting.
2012-01-16 zzz
* Build: Put Implementation-Version in manifests
* NetDB: Hopefully fix rare NPE (ticket #589)
* Plugins:
- Only stop a plugin before update if it was running
- Only stop a plugin at shutdown if it was running
- Don't start a plugin after update if it was disabled
- Disable plugin if it fails version checks at startup
- Auto-update plugins after a router update
- Add update-all button and more cancel buttons
* Router:
- Add synchronized change-and-save-config methods to avoid races
- Save previous version in config so we know when we updated
* Transport: Revert change from -2, put addresses back in RouterInfo
when hidden, broke inbound tunnel building
2012-01-14 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Partial fix for dest formatting (ticket #581)
* jars.jsp: New debug page
* logs.jsp: Use wrapper method to find wrapper log if available
* Stats:
- Cleanups
- Remove some locking
- Change some longs to ints to save space
- Remove static logs
2012-01-13 zzz
* i2prouter: Add translation infrastructure
2012-01-10 zzz
* Console:
- Add info to error 500 page
- Add indication on summary bar when in VM comm system
- Make graceful the default for HUP (ticket #580)
- Fix class error on wrapper 3.1.1
* i2prouter: Don't attempt to translate strings from script
* Router:
- Auto-hidden mode for bad countries
- Don't put addresses in our RouterInfo when hidden
2012-01-08 zzz
* Plugins:
- Enforce min and max Jetty versions at plugin installation
- Enforce I2P, Java, and Jetty versions at plugin startup too
* Router:
- No longer check for updates or start any threads in the Router constructor,
- for ease in building multiple routers in the JVM,
- and also because starting threads in a constructor is bad practice.
- All threads now start in runRouter().
- Installation of updates now only happens via Router.main().
* RouterInfo, RouterAddress: Optimizations and integrity checks
- Remove synchronization
- Do not allow contents to change after being set, throw IllegalStateException
- Do not copy contents out in getters
- Make options final
- Add getOption() and getOptionsMap() methods
* Router shutdown:
- Fix failsafe shutdown hook broken in 0.8.8;
HUP, INT, and TERM signals should now shut down cleanly.
- Shutdown hook no longer prevents other hooks from running
- Trap HUP, if router.gracefulHUP=true, and do graceful shutdown.
Only under wrapper, non-Windows.
- i2prouter stop now uses SIGTERM
- Implement i2prouter graceful using SIGHUP (ticket #580)
- Configure wrapper to ignore SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 as they will shut down
or crash the JVM
* Update geoip.txt based on Maxmind GeoLite Country database from 2011-12-08
* Fix webapp PortMapper lookup for SSL-only console
* Wrapper 3.5.13 for arm v7

2011-12-31 zzz

(backport from jetty6 branch)
2011-12-30 zzz

2011-12-23 zzz
* Logging: Eliminate LogWriter/LogManager deadlock
2011-12-18 zzz
* Addresses: Add utility toString() methods
* Blocklist: Buffer input to speed lookup
* PersistentDataStore: Buffer file writes and reads
* Router: Cleanup startup jobs and router.config reading; javadocs
* Transport: Log tweaks
2011-12-17 kytv
* Ukrainian translation updates from Transifex
2011-12-17 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Replace file name characters not supported in default charset
- Add torrent file name to local details page
* GeoIP: Reduce thread priority during lookup
* ProfileManager: Make some methods non-blocking to reduce
lock contention in transports
2011-12-15 kytv
* Swedish translation updates from Transifex
2011-12-14 zzz
* BuildHandler: Increase next hop timeout again
* DataHelper:
- Speed up heavily used long/byte[] converters
- Add little endian versions of the converters
- Cache common properties keys
* GarlicMessageParser: Use cached cert
* GeoIP: Buffer input to speed lookup by 10x
* I2NP: Disable pass-through checksum debugging
* MessageHistory:
- Flush at shutdown
- Fix file location, only delete if enabled
- Cleanups, concurrent
* ResettableGZIPInputStream: Better footer log errors
* RouterAddress: Cache transport names
* TransportBid: Remove unused stuff
2011-12-13 kytv
* Don't require that full stats are enabled to be able to graph
router.highCapacityPeers. (closes #450)
2011-12-12 kytv
* German and Spanish translation updates from Transifex
2011-12-12 zzz
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