2010-05-15 zzz
* Console:
- Tag text in graphs
- Move SummaryRenderer to its own file
* Eepsite: Set no-cache in redirecting page
* Hash: Move caching XOR methods only used by KBucket
into netdb
* i2psnark: CSS tweaks
* Log: Translate priority
2010-05-13 zzz
* netdb.jsp debug tweaks
* Plugins: Try to prevent ZipErrors after upgrade
2010-05-10 zzz
* Console:
- Summary bar tweaks
- Add monthly bw estimate
* DataHelper: Deprecate inefficient eq() methods
* i2psnark:
- Add tunnel config dropdowns
- Comment out old proxy stuff
* NetDB:
- Handle old and duplicate stores more efficiently
- Have DataStore put() return success
- Move getDistance() to its own class
* Router: Add router.forceBandwidthClass advanced config for testing
* Streaming: Add support for connection throttling
* TunnelPoolManager: Concurrent
* UDP: To help limit connections, don't offer to introduce
when floodfill
2010-05-10 sponge
* PluginStarter: If there is some delay, there may be a really good reason for it.
Loading a class would be one of them!
So we do a quick check first, If it bombs out, we delay and try again.
If it bombs after that, then we throw the ClassNotFoundException.
2010-05-05 zzz
* build.xml: Create packed sud in release
* Console:
- Print stack trace if exception on startup
- IllegalStateException rather than NPE if no context
* EepGet: Limit max times to fail completely even if numRetries is higher
* i2psnark: Skip 'the' when sorting snarks
* I2PTunnelHTTPClient: Reject 192.168.*
* Plugins:
- Set classpath for specific client only, not for the whole JVM
- Use ConfigDir() not AppDir()
* Replace size() <= 0 with isEmpty() everywhere, ditto > 0 -> !isEmpty()
* RouterInfo: Clean up use of sortStructures()
2010-05-02 zzz
* ByteCache:
- Add a per-cache stat
- Limit each cache based on max memory
- Disable in UDP MessageReceiver
- Add clearAll() method to be called when under
severe memory pressure; call from Router
* Plugins: Fix version checker bug
2010-04-27 zzz
* i2psnark: Serve downloaded files from the servlet rather
than with a file: link
* Jetty: Backport directory listing bugfix from jetty 6
* peers.jsp: Cleanup and tag
2010-04-21 zzz
* EepGet: Don't convert a MalformedURLException into
* ReusableGZIPStreams:
- Concurrent
- Workaround for Apache Harmony 5.0M13 Deflater bug
* TrustedUpdate: Increase buf size for extraction
2010-04-18 zzz
* configclients.jsp: Start button logic for clients was inverted
* Console: IRC links in readmes and initialNews
* I2PTunnelServer: Debug log incoming conns
* Transport: Reduce floodfill max NTCP conns to 425 (was 500)
2010-04-16 sponge
* BOB early session destroy to speed up tunnel tare-down.
2010-04-15 zzz
* DataHelper: Limit max length in readline()
* Floodfills: Increase max to 100 (was 60) and min to 60 (was 45)
* i2ptunnel: Log tweaks
* I2PTunnelHTTPServer: Limit max header lines
2010-04-15 sponge
* I2PTunnelHTTPClient: Test for "http://:/" and output error page.
This avoids an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, which can eventually
cause the eepproxy to stop functioning.
2010-04-12 zzz
* configstats.jsp: Fix full stats checkbox default
* i2psnark:
- Concurrent, limit, display, log tweaks
* i2ptunnel: Implement access lists for TCP servers.
Enter b32 or b64 hash or dest into list box, and
check enable for whitelist. Uncheck enable and enter
i2cp.enableBlackList=true in advanced i2cp options for
blacklist. Todo: make black/whitelists radio buttons.
* LogManager: Concurrent
2010-04-10 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Disconnect seeds that connect to a seed
- Lower per-torrent conn limits for large pieces
* Startup:
- Don't die horribly if there is a file
but no router.keys file
- Log tweaks
* Streaming:
- Fix the window size increment logic so it
does it much more often
2010-04-08 zzz
* Key Manager: Hopefully avoid some races at startup
- Increase min timeout
- Logging tweaks
* Streaming:
- Detect and drop dup SYNs rather than create
a duplicate connection - will hopefully fix
"Received a syn with the wrong IDs"
- Send reset for a SYN ACK with the wrong IDs
- Don't send a reset to a null dest
- Logging tweaks
- Cleanups
2010-04-05 zzz
* Console:
- Add tooltip support for plugin links
- Make target=_blank for plugin links
- More HTML transitional fixes
- Standardize on 'save' to the right of 'cancel'
2010-04-02 zzz
* FloodfillPeerSelector: Adjust rankings again
2010-03-31 zzz
* FloodfillPeerSelector: Adjust rankings to try to
improve LeaseSet lookups
* HostsTxtNamingService: Don't load the whole hosts.txt
into memory for every lookup
* configclients.jsp:
- Always show start button for webapps and plugins
* configclients.jsp, configupdate.jsp:
- Fix submission when entering CR in a text box
* EepGet: Don't retry after a MalformedURLException
* HTTPResponseOutputStream: More static
* Plugins:
- Stop all plugins at shutdown
- Log tweaks
* WebApps:
- Remove the WAC after stopping it
- Stop a WAC before starting it to prevent dups
- Implement destroy() in addressbook to prevent dups
- Implement destroy() in i2psnark to prevent dups
2010-03-25 zzz
* configclients.jsp: Fix dup anchor
* Console: Sort plugin links in summary bar
* i2psnark:
- Send numwant=0 if we don't need peers
- Report returned complete and incomplete counts
if higher than peer count
- Allow missing peer list
- Log tweaks
* netdb.jsp: Tag transport properties
* Plugins: Remove final check and install console
messages after a while
* PrivateKeyFile: Add b32 output
* Reseed: Add another host
2010-03-18 zzz
* Blocklist, CommSystem, FIFOBandwidth, TransportManager,
OutNetMessage, InNetMessagePool:
- Java 5 cleanup
* ByteCache:
- Replace some locks with concurrent
* Clients:
- Negative delay means run immediately and inline
- Add methods to test class and run inline,
to propagate errors to the console
- Use new methods for plugins
- Add javadoc for clients.config format
* config.jsp: Set burst to +10% for 20s by default,
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