2011-02-11 Mathiasdm
* routerconsole: fixed graphs using jrobin; and headless issue
in general: no more switches between headless and non-headless.
2011-02-11 sponge
* I2PTunnel: fix NPE in I2PTunnelConnectClient
2011-02-10 sponge
* I2CP: fix NPE in QueuedClientConnectionRunner
2011-02-10 zzz
* I2CP: Correctly close internal connections on the router side
when closed by the client, was causing massive memory leak
for internal clients using lots of sessions (thanks sponge)
* i2psnark:
- Improved magnet link parsing, use tr parameter if present
* i2ptunnel: Change shared clients default for new clients to false
* Streaming: Don't use iter.remove() on a COWAS
2011-02-09 sponge
* BOB: fixup delivery in config, adds config file versioning.
* I2CP: Fix most of the I2CP leaks. Two leaks remain, but they are small.
net.i2p.internal.QueuedI2CPMessageReader and
are the two remaining leaks.
2011-02-07 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Check for dup magnet torrent when adding torrent file
- Add exotrack.i2p (ticket #403)
- Disable spellcheck in textarea
* i2ptunnel: Generate error message when i2ptunnel.config save fails
(ticket #404)
2011-02-06 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix maggot links, and magnet links with trailing parameters (thx user)
2011-02-05 zzz
* .mtn-ignore: New, to make it harder to check in stuff you shouldn't
* BOB: Drop checked-in build dir
* i2psnark:
- Big refactor to support torrents where only the infohash is known
(i.e., added by magnet links)
- Big refactor to use accessors instead of public fields
- Add support for metadata transfer (BEP 9) via the
extension protocol (BEP 10)
- Add support for adding torrents via standard magnet links (BEP 9)
and "maggot" links (http://sponge.i2p/files/maggotspec.txt)
- Add support for peer exchange (i2p_pex)
- Add stubs for future DHT support (BEP 5)
- Add more information on torrent details page;
add details page for single-file torrents
- Make filename filtering consistent (ticket #368)
- Fix add-torrent locking (ticket #371)
- Fix opentracker configuration
- Add several connect-to-self checks
- Add support for using new I2CP bandwidth limiter
- Add support for using new in-session I2CP naming lookups
- Don't expire outbound Piece messages, since we now defer loading the
data from disk
* i2ptunnel:
- Change connect proxy default to outproxy2.h2ik.i2p
- IRCClient: Use tunnel log instance
- Server: Full queue log tweak
* Build:
- Remove dup flag files (ticket #316)
- Remove BOB dependency on i2ptunnel
* Console: Add DTG to classpath for old installs
* I2PTunnel: Fix NPE
* RandomSource: Fix seeding from /dev/urandom
* Reseed: Limit time spent downloading from a single source
2011-01-31 zzz
* Console: Put all socket handlers in same thread pool,
set min/max threads and idle timeout
* Context: Fix properties init
* DataStructures:
- Cleanups
* DecayingBloomFilter, DecayingHashSet: Cleanups and speedups
* Findbugs: Lots of cleanups
* I2CP:
- Add experimental bandwidth limiter
- Add I2PSession API method to update tunnel and bandwidth
configuration on an existing session
- Filter more system properties before passing them to the router
- Start work on passing per-message flags to the router via I2CP
* I2PAppContext: New getProperties() method
* i2ptunnel:
- Use context properties as defaults
* NetDB, DatabaseStoreMessage:
- Convert everything from DataStructure to the
new DatabaseEntry superclass
- Optimizations made possible by DatabaseEntry
- Don't rescan netDb directory unless changed
- Don't send expired messages
- Clean up stat init
* PeerManager: Make calculators static, take out of router context
* Router:
- Add new RandomIterator, use in UDP, peer selector,
profile organizer
- Add a stat to monitor peer selector run time
* RouterContext: Clean up clock overrides
* Streaming:
- Add new real sockets for easier porting of apps.
See http://zzz.i2p/topics/792 for info. Untested.
- Case cleanups
- Javadoc
2011-01-16 zzz
* Console: Allow editing of console args
* UDP: Prevent rare startup NPE
* UPnP:
- Change all log errors to warns (tickets #76, #95, #120)
- Double socket soTimeout to 2 seconds
2011-01-15 zzz
* Console: Add some HTTP headers in the view servlets
2011-01-12 zzz
* Log: Fix rare initialization problem
* PrivateKey: Fix hashCode()
2011-01-09 zzz
* DataHelper: Speed up and annotate sortStructures()
* Data Structures: More caching improvements, don't cache where we shouldn't
* NetDB: Don't rescan netDb directory unless changed,
to reduce Hash cache thrash (backport from test4)
* RouterInfo:
- Don't cache byteified data by default, to save ~1.5 MB
- Don't create empty peers Set, to save ~100KB
2011-01-07 zzz
* Data Structures: More caching
* i2psnark: Improve request tracking to reduce memory usage
2011-01-05 zzz
* build.xml: Fix findbugs target
* Fix some miscellaneous findbugs bugs
* i2psnark: Refactor request tracking to prevent possible deadlocks
* OCMOSJ: Fix cache bug
* TrustedUpdate: Fix key store bug
2011-01-02 zzz
* Console: Disable spellcheck in textareas
* Data Structures: More tweaks
* I2CP: Fix BWLimits Message reply in standard session
2010-12-31 zzz
* Console:
- Make themes and history.txt return 403 on error,
not 500, to avoid the new error page
- Add logging, enable with routerconsole.log=filename
- Link to full history.txt on help page
* Data Structures: Caching cleanups
* Datagram Dissector: Fix RuntimeException caused by reuse,
preventing iMule from connecting on UDP
(thanks devzero)
* i2psnark:
- Send cache directive for in-war icons
* OCMOSJ: Refactor cache keys for efficiency
2010-12-30 zzz
* Data Structures:
- New SDSCache for SimpleDataStructures
- New SimpleByteCache for byte[]
- Cache Hash, PublicKey, and SigningPublicKey
- Remove global lock in ByteCache
* I2CP: Missing piece of parallel naming lookup
* i2psnark: Fix buttons on Firefox 4.0b
* i2ptunnel:
- Use dropdown box to select interface for clients
- Warn on index page if required fields not set
* DSAEngine: Restore variants of methods using a Hash argument,
required by Syndie, removed in 0.8.1
* Reseed:
- Add new configreseed page
- Add StartCom CA cert required for
2010-12-27 zzz
* Crypto: Cleanups and fixups
* Console:
- Add SSL support - To enable, change clients.config. Examples:
## Change to SSL only: just add a '-s'
clientApp.0.args=-s 7657 ::1, ./webapps/
## Use both non-SSL and SSL: add '-s port interface'
clientApp.0.args=7657 ::1, -s 7667 ::1, ./webapps/
## ...and change URLLauncher args further down for the browser to open https:// at startup if you like.
- Add a simple history.txt servlet
- Add form for I2CP options on configclients.jsp
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