2013-05-24 kytv
* Update geoip.txt based on Maxmind GeoLite Country database from 2013-05-08
2013-05-13 kytv
* Misc. fixes to i2prouter script
* German translation updates from Transifex
2013-05-13 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Adjust target piece size calculation
- Tweak to make it easier for new peers to connect
* NetDB: Increase floodfill count for good
* UPnP: Detect devices without port forwarding capability (ticket #930)
2013-05-07 zzz
* Streaming: Chain stored IOE to get correct location
2013-05-06 zzz
* Console: Fix Jetty thread pool policy and thread name
* Transports: Clean up internal/external port confusion (ticket #873)
- Bind SSU to configured internal, not external, port at startup
- Use only internal ports for UPnP (getRequestedPort() fixups)
- Don't have NTCP follow frequent SSU port changes
- Don't use external SSU port for internal NTCP port
- Display internal SSU port on /confignet
2013-05-01 zzz
* BuildRequestor: Slow down build loop if we have no exploratory tunnels
(ticket #926)
* IRC Server tunnel: Reject bad protocols immediately
2013-04-30 str4d
* Console: Updates to readme_ar and a CSS tweak from hamada (ticket #489)
2013-04-29 zzz
* Transports:
- Initial prep for multiple addresses per style
- Simplify NTCP send pool
2013-04-28 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Improve page nav
- Ensure current stats and correct event delivered in announce
- Only show lower section on first page
- Dir page CSS tweaks
- Parameter fixes
- Support HTTP request ranges
* Console: Show log location on /logs even if not opened yet (ticket #905)
* HTTP proxy: Verify nonce count in digest auth
* i2psnark: Use smaller piece size for small torrents
* installer: Fix DOS line endings on misc. files (ticket #872)
* Plugins: Track pending plugin clients better, don't hold references,
start delayed clients from SimpleTimer2 instead of Job queue (ticket #670)
* SusiDNS:
- Trim and sort config form data
- Fix DOS line endings on config files in Linux (ticket #872)
2013-04-25 kytv
* Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish translation updates from Transifex
2013-04-25 str4d
* i2ptunnel: Allow the "AUTHENTICATE" command in IRC tunnels to enable SASL
authentication (ticket #904)

2013-04-24 zzz
* Console, i2ptunnel: Don't register shutdown hook if ClientAppManager is present
* JettyStart: Fixes for use by plugins
* RouterAppManager: Add shutdown hook
2013-04-23 zzz
* Console: Fix Jetty digest auth bug causing repeated password requests
* i2ptunnel: Block b32.i2p supercookies
2013-04-21 zzz
* AppManager: Add HTML debug output
* Installer: Fix installations to a different drive on Windows
(prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.winfix095; ticket #912)
* Streaming: Pcap window size fixes
2013-04-21 str4d
* i2ptunnel: Return "Invalid Request URI" instead of "Non-HTTP Protocol" for
URIs with illegal characters (ticket #891)
2013-04-19 kytv
* Installer: Run fixperms.bat under any version of Windows that's not XP or
2003 to ensure it's run under Vista, 7, 8, and the upcoming "Blue"
2013-04-19 zzz
* AppManager: Register jetty, console, and SAM with manager
* i2psnark: Disable spellcheck in more form fields
* LogManager: Add support for saving properties added in recent releases
* Updates:
- Notify manager about all available update methods at once, so the priority
system works and it doesn't only update via HTTP
- Start router update download at startup if available
- Only check plugins when core version increases, not decreases, so we
don't update plugins when downgrading
- Limit length of URL shown on summary bar
* WorkingDir: Correctly strip DOS line endings while migrating,
to fix eepsite location on 0.9.5 Windows installs (ticket #919)
2013-04-18 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix params after P-R-G
* i2ptunnel: Set target=_top in all external links to break out of console iframe
* SusiMail: Fix loading of Jetty classes
2013-04-17 zzz
* Console: Better handling of missing font for graphing (ticket #915)
* Eepsite: Fix jetty.xml configuration of ThreadPool
* i2ptunnel: Fix default form action (ticket #882)
* SusiDNS: Set target=_top in all external links to break out of console iframe
* Systray: Better detection of 64-bit Windows (tickets #756, #912)
2013-04-16 zzz
* ClientAppManager: Add method to look up clients by class and args
* Console: Implement stopping of clients using the ClientApp interface
(ticket #347)
* SAM: Implement ClientApp interface (ticket #347)
2013-04-15 zzz
* Console: Move from deprecated Jetty SSL methods to SslContextFactory
* i2psnark:
- Add data directory configuration to GUI (ticket #768)
- Add page size configuration to GUI
- Multiple instance DHT file cleanup
- Mime type fixes
- Remove web classes from jar
2013-04-14 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Set unique tunnel nickname for additional instances
- Increase page size to 50
* Jetty logging: Fix logging using I2PLogger class;
log ignored messages at debug level
2013-04-13 zzz
* Console: Add /graph support for bw.combined, consolidate
rendering code (ticket #890)
* i2psnark:
- Limit number of torrents displayed; add previous/next page buttons
- Only register one instance with UpdateManager
2013-04-10 zzz
* Jetty: Upgrade to Jetty 7.6.10.v20130312
- Jetty build.xml improvements
- MigrateJetty improvements
- Lots of changes in RouterConsoleRunner and WebApp classes
- Lots of eepsite config file changes
- Changes to I2PLogger and I2PRequestLog
- Use JettyStart class to start Jetty from clients.config
* i2psnark: Eliminate Jetty dependencies in i2psnark for good.
Required due to webapp classloader changes in Jetty 7,
we can no longer access or extend Jetty classes.
- Extend javax HttpServlet instead of Jetty's DefaultServlet
- Implement BasicServlet to replace functions of DefaultServlet
- Add MimeTypes implementation to add to servlet's defaults
- Add local file, remove checks in I2PSnarkServlet for those
we were missing
- Eliminate all use of Jetty utility classes including MimeType, Resource,
Buffer, Cache, URIUtil, ...
- Use servlet path everywhere, so the war can be renamed
- Use servlet path as base for config file and data directory names,
so we may have multiple instances running together
- Don't override service(), use doGet() and doPost() instead
* I2NP: Ignore unused 7 bits of the Database Lookup Message,
so we can use them later
2013-03-03 zzz
* graphs.jsp: Fix saving settings (ticket #857)
2013-03-03 kytv
* Update geoip.txt based on Maxmind GeoLite Country database from 2013-02-19
2013-02-22 kytv
* French, German, Norwegian, and Portuguese translation updates from
2013-02-13 kytv
* Flag for Curaçao (CW), public domain
2013-02-12 zzz
* NetDB: Randomize delay before floodfill store verify
* Logs: Again fix setting log filename (ticket #805)
* Update: Bump torrent update to 3% of routers
* Wrapper: Update ARMv6 Java Service Wrapper to v3.5.17 (ticket #826).
2013-02-09 zzz
* NetDB:
- Encrypt DatabaseLookup messages out exploratory tunnels
when we already have the RI of the ff
- Don't use multiple routers from the same /16 in lookups or stores
2013-02-06 kytv
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