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history.txt 176 KiB
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zzz's avatar
zzz committed
$Id: history.txt,v 1.570 2007-06-27 20:51:16 jrandom Exp $

2007-07-01  zzz
    * Replace broken option i2np.udp.alwaysPreferred with
      i2np.udp.preferred and adjust UDP bids; possible settings are
      "false" (default), "true", and "always".
      Default setting results in same behavior as before
      (NTCP is preferred unless it isn't established and UDP is established).
      Use to compare NTCP and UDP transports.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-06-27  jrandom
    * fix for a streaming lib bug that could leave a thread waiting
      indefinitely (thanks Complication!)
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-06-16  Complication
    * First pass on EepGet and ReseedHandler improvements,
      please avoid use on routers which matter!
    * Give EepGet ability of downloading into an OutputStream,
      such as the ByteArrayOutputStream of ReseedHandler.
    * Detect failure to reseed better, report it persistently
      and more verbosely, provide a link to logs
      and suggest manual reseed.
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-05-06  Complication
    * Fix the build.xml file, so the preppkg build target won't try copying files
complication's avatar
complication committed
      which became deprecated with the old Syndie (thanks for alerting, itsu!)
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-31  zzz
    * Add trevorreznik jump server to the http proxy error page
    * Add anonymity to the trackers supporting details links in i2psnark
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-24  zzz
    * Remove Syndie from build targets and navbar
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-22  zzz
    * i2psnark tracker handling tweaks:
    -   Add link to tracker details page (Postman only for now, requires bytemonsoon patch)
    -   Add Base URL to tracker list configuration
    -   Web page links built from tracker list Base URLs
    -   Only build and sort tracker list once
    -   Add anonymityWeb tracker to default list
    -   Add tooltip info for TrackerErrs
    -   Stop torrent if not registered with tracker
    -   Mark temp files as delete on exit
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-18  zzz
    * i2psnark: Cleanup some handling of saved partial pieces
    * i2psnark: Put bit counting in Bitfield.java for efficiency
    * i2psnark: Save torrent completion state in i2psnark.config
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
* 2007-03-17 released
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-13  zzz
    * i2psnark: Make max total uploaders configurable (thanks Amiga4000!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-03-12  jrandom
    * dodge a race on startup (thanks zzz!)
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-10  zzz
    * Streaming lib: Change initial RTT deviation from RTT to RTT/2
      (RFC 2988) to reduce early RTO values
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-08  zzz
    * i2psnark changes to improve upload performance:
    *  Implement total uploader limit (10)
    *  Don't timeout non-piece messages out
    *  Change chunk size to 32K (was 64K)
    *  Change request limit to 64K (was 256K)
    * i2psnark: Disconnect from seeds when complete

2007-03-07  zzz
    * Remove dynamic router keys from config.jsp
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-07  zzz
    * Streaming lib changes to improve upstream performance during congestion:
    *   Change min window size from 12 to 1
    *   Change max timeout from 10 to 45 sec
    *   Change initial timeout from 10 to 15 sec
    *   Change intial window size for i2psnark from 12 to 1
    *   Change slow start growth rate for i2psnark from 1/2 to 1

2007-03-04  zzz
    * Update eepsite_index.html
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-03  zzz
    * Upgrade from Jetty 5.1.6 to 5.1.12 which fixes spaces in URL
    * Add a updaterWithJetty build target
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-03-03  zzz
    * Implement priority sending for NTCP
    * Disable trimForOverload() in tunnel BuildExecutor which
      was preventing tunnel builds when outbound traffic was high
      (i.e. most of the time when running i2psnark)

2007-02-28  zzz
    * i2psnark: File reopen cleanup

2007-02-28  zzz
    * i2psnark: Add peer details to web page
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2007-02-15 released

2007-02-15  jrandom
    * Limit the whispering floodfill sends to at most 3 randomly
      chosen from the known floodfill peers
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-02-14  jrandom
    * Don't filter out KICK and H(ide oper status) IRC messages
      (thanks Takk and postman!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-02-13  jrandom
    * Tell our peers about who we know in the floodfill netDb every
      6 hours or so, mitigating the situation where peers lose track
      of floodfill routers.
    * Disable the Syndie updater (people should use the new Syndie,
      not this one)
    * Disable the eepsite tunnel by default
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-30  zzz
    * i2psnark: Don't hold _snarks lock while checking a snark,
      so web page is responsive at startup
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-29  zzz
    * i2psnark: Add NickyB tracker
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-28  zzz
    * i2psnark: Don't hold sendQueue lock while flushing output,
      to make everything run smoother
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-27  zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix orphaned Snark reader tasks leading to OOMs
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-01-20  Complication
    * Drop overlooked comment
complication's avatar
complication committed

2007-01-20  Complication
    * Modify ReseedHandler to query the "i2p.reseedURL" property from I2PAppContext
      instead of System, so setting a reseed URL in advanced configuration has effect.
    * Clean out obsolete reseed code from ConfigNetHandler.
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-20  zzz
    * i2psnark: More choking rotation tweaks
    * Improve performance by not reading in the whole
      piece from disk for each request. A huge memory savings
      on 1MB torrents with many peers.

2007-01-17  zzz
    * Add new HTTP Proxy error message for non-http protocols
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-17  zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Add note on Syndie index.html steering people to new Syndie

2007-01-16  zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * i2psnark: Fix crash when autostart off and
      tcrrent started manually
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-16  zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix bug caused by last i2psnark checkin
      (ConnectionAcceptor not started)
    * Don't start PeerCoordinator, ConnectionAcceptor,
      and TrackerClient unless starting torrent
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2007-01-15  jrandom
    * small guard against unnecessary streaming lib reset packets
      (thanks Complication!)
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-15  zzz
    * i2psnark: Add 'Stop All' link on web page
    * Add some links to trackers and forum on web page
    * Don't start tunnel if 'Autostart' unchecked
    * Fix torrent restart bug by reopening file descriptors
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2007-01-14  zzz
    * i2psnark: Improvements for torrents with > 4 leechers:
      choke based on upload rate when seeding, and
      be smarter and fairer about rotating choked peers.
    * Handle two common i2psnark OOM situations rather
      than shutting down the whole thing.
    * Fix reporting to tracker of remaining bytes for
      torrents > 4GB (but ByteMonsoon still has a bug)
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2006-10-29  zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix and enable generation of multifile torrents,
      print error if no tracker selected at create-torrent,
      fix stopping a torrent that hasn't started successfully,
      add eBook and GayTorrents trackers to form,
      web page formatting tweaks
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2006-10-10 released

complication's avatar
complication committed
2006-10-29  Complication
    * Ensure we get NTP samples from more diverse sources
      (0.pool.ntp.org, 1.pool.ntp.org, etc)
    * Discard median-based peer skew calculator as framed average works,
      and adjusting its percentage can make it behave median-like
    * Require more data points (from at least 20 peers)
      before considering a peer skew measurement reliable

jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
2006-10-10  jrandom
    * Removed the status display from the console, as its more confusing
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