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jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed
$Id: history.txt,v 1.137 2005/02/03 08:39:47 smeghead Exp $

2005-02-06  Sugadude
    * Added a filter to the addressbook to remove entries that dont end in ".i2p"
smeghead's avatar
smeghead committed

2005-02-03  smeghead
    * Added Ant buildfile in apps/fortuna for creating a custom Fortuna PRNG jar
      library from GNU Crypto's CVS HEAD sources.
smeghead's avatar
smeghead committed

2005-01-26  smeghead
    * i2pProxy.pac, i2pbench.sh, and i2ptest.sh are now shipped with the dist
      packages and installed to $i2pinstalldir/scripts.
    * Added command line params to i2ptest.sh and i2pbench.sh: --gij to run them
      using gij + libgcj, and --sourcedir to run them from the source tree
      instead of the installation directory.
    * Fixed unreachable for() statement clause in the KBucketImpl class that was
      causing gcj to toss a compilation warning (jrandom++).
smeghead's avatar
smeghead committed

2005-01-26  smeghead
    * Added a couple of scripts, i2ptest.sh and i2pbench.sh, to manage the core
      tests and benchmarks.
    * Routerconsole now builds under gcj 3.4.3.
    * Corrected divide by zero error in TunnelId class under gcj (jrandom++).
smeghead's avatar
smeghead committed

2005-01-25  smeghead
    * Tweaked some classes to enable gcj 3.4.3 to compile the router and
      supporting apps (except for the routerconsole which is still being
smeghead's avatar
smeghead committed

2005-01-24  smeghead
    * C#-ification of sam-sharp: interface greatly simplified using delegates
      and events; SamBaseEventHandler provides basic implementation and helper
      methods but is now optional.
    * NAnt buildfile and README added for sam-sharp.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-01-23  smeghead
    * Port the java SAM client library to mono/C# and released into the 
      public domain.  The 0.1 version of this port is available in CVS as
      i2p/apps/sam/csharp/src/I2P.SAM.Client.  The other nonfunctional C#
      library has been removed.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-01-21  Jhor
    * Updated jbigi build scripts for OSX.

2005-01-21  jrandom
    * Added support for OSX to the NativeBigInteger code so that it will look
      in the classpath for libjbigi-osx-none.jnilib.  At the moment, that file
      is not bundled with the shipped jbigi.jar yet though.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-01-18  jrandom
    * Increased the max # session tags maintained and decreased slightly the
      period over which they are gathered.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-01-17  jrandom
    * Added meaningful support for adjusting the preferred message size in the
      streaming lib by setting the i2p.streaming.maxMessageSize=32768 (or 
      whatever).  The other side will mimic a reduction (but never an increase).
    * Always make sure to use distinct ConnectionOption objects for each 
      connection (duh)
    * Reduced the default ACK delay to 500ms on in the streaming lib
    * Only shrink the streaming window once per window
    * Don't bundle a new jetty.xml with updates
    * Catch another local routerInfo corruption issue on startup.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-01-15  cervantes
    * Added support to the eepproxy for URLs such as 
      http://localhost:4444/eepproxy/foo.i2p/bar/baz or even
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-01-15  jrandom
    * Caught a series of (previously unhandled) errors caused by requeueing 
      messages that had timed out on the TCP transport (thanks mae^!)
    * Reduce the barrier to dropping session tags on streaming lib resends -
      every fourth send should drop the tags, forcing ElGamal encryption.  This
      will help speed up the recovery after a disconnect, rather than the drop
      every fifth send.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2005-01-06 released

2005-01-06  jrandom
    * Added a startup message to the addressbook, printing its version number
      to stdout (which is sent to wrapper.config) when it loads.
    * Updated the addressbook to reread the config file periodically
    * Added orion.i2p to the list of eepsites on the default homepage
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2005-01-05  jrandom
    * Handle unexpected network read errors more carefully (thanks parg!)
    * Added more methods to partially compare (DataHelper) and display 
      arrays (Base64.encode).
    * Exposed the AES encryptBlock/decryptBlock on the context.aes()
    * Be more generous on the throttle when just starting up the router
    * Fix a missing scheduled event in the streaming lib (caused after reset)
    * Add a new DisconnectListener on the I2PSocketManager to allow 
      notification of session destruction.
    * Make sure our own router identity is valid, and if it isn't, build a new
      one and restart the router.  Alternately, you can run the Router with 
      the single command line argument "rebuild" and it will do the same.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-31  ragnarok
    * Integrated latest addressbook changes (2.0.3) which include support for 
      deploying as a .war file with no existing addressbook configuration.
    * Updated main build process to bundle the addressbook.war in the 
      i2pinstall.jar and i2pupdate.zip.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-31  jrandom
    * Speling fxi (thanks digum!)
    * Bugfix for the I2PTunnel web interface so that it now properly launches
      newly added tunnels that are defined to be run on startup (thanks ugha!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-30  jrandom
    * Revised the I2PTunnel client and httpclient connection establishment 
      throttles.  There is now a pool of threads that build the I2PSocket
      connections with a default size of 5, configurable via the I2PTunnel 
      client option 'i2ptunnel.numConnectionBuilders' (if set to 0, it will
      not throttle the number of concurrent builders, but will launch a thread
      per socket during establishment).  In addition, sockets accepted but
      not yet allocated to one of the connection builders will be destroyed
      after 30 seconds, configurable via 'i2ptunnel.maxWaitTime' (if set to
      0, it will wait indefinitely).
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-29  jrandom
    * Imported Ragnarok's addressbook source (2.0.2) which is built but not
      deployed in the i2pinstall.jar/i2pupdate.zip (yet).
    * Don't treat connection inactivity closure as a connection error.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-29  jrandom
    * Add in a new keepalive event on each TCP connection, proactively sending
      a (tiny) time message every minute or two, as well as killing the 
      connection if no message has been fully sent within 5 minutes or so.  
      This should help deal with hung connections from IP address changes.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-28  jrandom
    * Cleaned up the resending and choking algorithm in the streaming lib.
    * Removed the read timeout override for I2PTunnel's httpclient, allowing
      it to use the default for the streaming lib.
    * Revised ack triggers in the streaming lib.
    * Logging.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2004-12-21 released

2004-12-21  jrandom
    * Track a new stat for expired client leases (client.leaseSetExpired).
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-21  jrandom
    * Cleaned up the postinstall/startup scripts a bit more to handle winME,
      and added windows info to the headless docs. (thanks ardvark!)
    * Fixed a harmless (yet NPE inspiring) race during the final shutdown of 
      a stream (thanks frosk!)
    * Add a pair of new stats for monitoring tunnel participation - 
      tunnel.participatingBytesProcessed (total # bytes transferred) and
      tunnel.participatingBytesProcessedActive (total # bytes transferred for
      tunnels whose byte count exceed the 10m average).  This should help 
      further monitor congestion issues.
    * Made the NamingService factory property public (thanks susi!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-20  jrandom
    * No longer do a blocking DNS lookup within the jobqueue (thanks mule!)
    * Set a 60s dns cache TTL, instead of 0s.  Most users who used to use
      dyndns/etc now just use IP autodetection, so the old "we need ttl=0"
      reasoning is gone.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-19  jrandom
    * Fix for a race on startup wrt the new stats (thanks susi!)
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-19  jrandom
    * Added three new stats - router.activePeers, router.fastPeers, and 
      router.highCapacityPeers, updated every minute
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-19  jrandom
    * Added a new i2ptunnel type: 'httpserver', allowing you to specify what
      hostname should be sent to the webserver.  By default, new installs will
      have an httpserver pointing at their jetty instance with the spoofed 
      name 'mysite.i2p' (editable on the /i2ptunnel/edit.jsp page).

2004-12-19  scintilla
    * Convert native jcpuid code from C++ to C. This should alleviate build
      problems experienced by some users.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

* 2004-12-18 released
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-16  jrandom
    * Catch another oddball case for a reset connection in the streaming lib.
    * Add a dumpprofile.jsp page, called with ?peer=base64OfPeerHash, which
      dumps the current state of that peer's profile.  Instead of the full 
      base64, you can pass in however many characters you have and it will
      return the first match found.
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-16  jrandom
    * Remove the randomized factor in the tunnel rejection by bandwidth -
      we now accept the request if we've allocated less than our limit
      and reject it if we've allocated more.
    * Stick to the standard capacity scale on tunnel rejection, even for 
      the 10m period.
    * Build the time message at the very last possible moment
jrandom's avatar
jrandom committed

2004-12-15  jrandom
    * Handle hard disconnects more gracefully within the streaming lib, and
      log unmonitored events more aggressively.
    * If we drop a peer after connection due to clock skew, log it to the
      /logs.jsp#connectionlogs with relevent info.  In addition, toss it in
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