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z3d's avatar
z3d committed
2010-12-06 dr|z3d
    * I2PSnark: 
      - Resolve table header wrapping issue.
      - Phase 2 of UI overhaul, now with 100% more universality!
      - Vanilla/Ubergine theme enhancements.
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-12-05 zzz
    * DataHelper: Have readLong() and readString() throw an
      EOFException instead of a DataFormatException on EOF,
      which should lower the log severity in I2CP and I2NP
      when a client or peer disconnects.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Console: Format console refresh time
    * I2NP: Allow message to be written more than once,
            instead of throwing an IllegalStateException
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * i2psnark: Fix extension messages
    * Streaming: Restore I2PSocketManagerFull as public
                 (broke jwebcahe ticket #345)
    * Transport: Hamachi address block 5/8 assigned by IANA

z3d's avatar
z3d committed
2010-12-01 dr|z3d
    * Console: 
      - Extensive reworking of ieshim.css for classic theme/Internet Explorer.
      - Additional console_big.css files for other themes to enhance doublebyte glyph support.
    * I2PSnark: 
      - Make show/hide peers and stop/start all torrent buttons more obvious.
      - Rework Vanilla icons to bring in line with color scheme.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-11-30 zzz
    * I2CP: Try to hide Pipe closed messages (several tickets)
    * i2psnark: Move PeerCheckerTask from Timer to SimpleTimer2
                to save some threads
    * Logging:
      - Limit buffer size; block and wakeup writer when full
      - Limit errors written to system log
      - Add method to force a log below the current level
      - Try to fix log flushing error
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Streaming: Change some logged errors to warnings
                 (tickets 76, 341 and others)

z3d's avatar
z3d committed
2010-11-29 dr|z3d
z3d's avatar
z3d committed
    * Updated console theme "light".

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-11-29 zzz
    * i2psnark:
      - Don't timeout queued piece messages
    * Logging:
      - Use System locale and time zone for default date/time format,
        so it matches the wrapper log time (we can't set the wrapper log time zone).
        (existing installs must remove logger.dateFormat line
         in logger.config to get system default format)
      - Force RuntimeExceptions to CRIT level
      - Don't have log() count buffer size
    * Streaming: Make all classes outside the API package private
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * UDP:
      - Fix bug causing PacketPusher to loop quickly instead of sleeping
      - Fix udp.sendCycleTime stat
      - Fix speed values on peers.jsp
      - Try to fix rare NPE (ticket 298)

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-11-28 zzz
    * Build: Move all dependencies to top-level build.xml,
             so each sub-build.xml is only executed once
    * i2psnark:
      - Fix NPE and other partials bugs
      - More extension message stubbing
      - Log tweaks
    * I2PTunnel: Deprecate destFromName()

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-11-27 zzz
    * Build:
      - Add man pages to package
      - New updaterWithJavadoc target
    * configstats.jsp: Fix NPE
    * Console:
      - Linkify "plugin installed and started" message
      - Add link to javadocs if installed
    * i2psnark:
      - Drop queued outbound requests when choked
      - Redo some data structures and locking to hopefully prevent deadlock
      - Memory reduction part 3: Return partial pieces to PeerCoordinator when choked
    * Streaming: Fix race NPE at stream close

z3d's avatar
z3d committed
2010-11-27 dr|z3d
z3d's avatar
z3d committed
   * I2PSnark: New alternative theme: "Vanilla". 
z3d's avatar
z3d committed
   * Big thanks to sponge for implementing the theme changer!    

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2010-11-27 sponge
   * Plugin: ticket 336 fix NPE

2010-11-27 sponge
   * Slackware: bump i2p-base version, so that it can be upgraded with the new
	base code fixes.

2010-11-26 sponge
   * i2psnark: Don't save theme parameter if it has not changed.

2010-11-26 sponge
   * i2psnark: Add theme change and theme selection storage abilities.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-11-26 zzz
    * Console: Split initialNews.xml into a file for each language
               don't copy to config dir at install.
    * i2psnark: Clean up and enhance the PeerCoordinator's partial piece handling,
                in preparation for more improvements
    * LogManager: When not in router context, delay creating log file until required
    * NetDb: Lower RouterInfo expiration time again
    * Router: Prevent NCDFE after unzipping update file
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Transports: Round time to prevent clock bias, also adjust for RTT in UDP
z3d's avatar
z3d committed
2010-11-26 dr|z3d
z3d's avatar
z3d committed
    * Readme: Overhaul (English) layout and text.
z3d's avatar
z3d committed

z3d's avatar
z3d committed
2010-11-25 dr|z3d
    * Console themes: Classic and Dark theme refresh.
    * Fix langbox overflow issue in all themes.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-11-24 zzz
    * configui: Add .pt
    * configtunnels: Log cleanup
    * graphs: Synch to conserve memory; cleanup
    * i2psnark:
      - Prevent dup requests during end game
        (ticket 331 - thanks sponge and Oct!)
      - POST parameter tweaks
      - Message cleanup
    * logs: Add trac login hint
    * Router:
      - Save some info to config file when installing or updating
      - Remove global lock on accessing config
      - Add global lock on reading/writing config file
    * SimpleDataStructure: Fix problem in fromBase64() that
      manifested itself as a configtunnels.jsp bug

2010-11-24 sponge
    * Slackware, fix rc.i2p, bad logic.

2010-11-24 sponge
    * Plugin: ticket 104 Fix webapp isRunning to check ALL webapps.
      The only defecency is that if one is running, that it considers the
      entire pliugin to be running. I'm not sure if that is a good thing
      or a bad thing, but the other code checks threads that way.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-11-22 zzz
    * Addressbook: Fix rename error on Windows (tkt 323 - thanks RN!)
    * build.xml: Cleanup, fix distclean error in older ants.
    * Console:
      - Convert GraphHelper to a FormHandler
      - Require POST for all forms
      - Change the way we store the Writer to prevent problems
      - Fix bonus setting on configpeer.jsp
      - More ".jsp" removal
    * i2psnark:
      - Defer piece loading until required
      - Stub out Extension message support
      - Convert GET to POST, require POST
    * NTCP: Log tweak
    * SSLEepGet, Reseeder:
      - Implement additional CA loading
      - Provide facility to reuse SSL state for speed
      - Provide facility to store previously untrusted certificates
      - Add www.cacert.org cert to the installer and updater so
        SSL on a.netdb.i2p2.de and c.netdb.i2p2.de will work
      - Add SSL reseed hosts, prefer them by default
      - Reseed message cleanup

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-11-19 zzz
    * Addressbook
      - Store last-fetched time so we don't always fetch subscriptions after restart
      - Randomize first fetch time
      - Make most classes package private
    * Console: Rewrite URLs so we don't need .jsp
    * i2psnark: Recognize postman b32, recognize ogv and oga.
    * i2ptunnel:
      - More work on error propagation and improving log messages
      - Increase nonce queue size again
    * News:
      - Store news last-fetched time so we don't always fetch news after restart
      - Don't include news in the updater
    * peers.jsp fixups
    * PrivateKeyFile: Speedups and better messages
    * SecureFile: New class, catch places that were missed,
                  add i2p.insecureFiles option to disable (default false)

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-11-17 zzz
    * Addressbook: Try to save files safely
    * Console: Display durations with new tagged formatDuration2()
    * DataStructures:
      - Shim in 3 new abstract classes
        SimpleDataStructure, KeysAndCert, and DatabaseEntry
    * I2CP:
      - Send DisconnectMessage at router shutdown
      - Add username/password authorization
    * I2PTunnel:
      - Improve messages when starting and stopping tunnels
      - Index page outproxy display cleanup
    * I2PTunnel HTTP and Connect clients:
      - Shim in a new abstract superclass I2PTunnelHTTPClientBase for common code
      - Add local proxy username/password authorization
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
      - Add outproxy username/password authorization
      - Filter hop-by-hop Proxy headers appropriately
    * I2PTunnel SOCKS and SOCKS IRC clients:
      - Add local proxy username/password authorization
      - Add SOCKS 5 outproxy support, with username/password authorization
    * logs.jsp: Format multiline messages better
    * Stats: Improve Frequency, enable coalescing; cleanup and javadocs
    * stats.jsp: Cleanup, more tagging, hide obscure stuff unless ?f=1
    * Streaming: Fix bug causing read() to incorrectly return EOF

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2010-11-15  0.8.1 released

2010-11-08 zzz
    * I2CP: Fix NPE caused by null session options (seen in i2pbote)

HungryHobo's avatar
HungryHobo committed
2010-11-06 HungryHobo
    * New Ant target: debianrepo
    * Rename debian target to debian-binary
    * New debian target generates binary and source packages
    * Debian tweaks

2010-11-03 zzz
    * Merge and snark fixups

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-11-01 zzz
    * ClientConnectionRunner: Add synch to fix race causing AIOOBE
    * configlogging.jsp: Parse log limit with current locale
                (ticket #118)
    * i2psnark:
      - Limit number of parallel requests of a single piece when in the end game
      - Shorten and weight the speed tracker so the display is more
        reflective of current speed
    * logs.jsp: Add message if wrapper log not found
                (ticket #103)

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-10-30 zzz
    * i2psnark:
      - Priority mapping bugfix
      - Close files as we go when creating/checking
        so we don't run out of file descriptors
      - Update request queues after priority change
      - Only add wanted pieces to wanted list at startup
      - Make sure lastRequest is null when it should be
      - Delay during StopAll so we don't close the tunnel before the
        stopped announces go out and reopen it
      - Logging tweaks

2010-10-27 zzz
    * i2psnark:
      - Don't stay interested if we run out of pieces
        to request (thanks sponge)
      - Enhance debug mode to show requests
      - Priority mapping bugfix
    * Transport: Avoid rare NPE at startup

2010-10-24 zzz
    * FileUtil: Make it easier to compile without Pack200, or with
                Apache Harmony's Pack200, add unzip to main()
    * i2psnark: Catch a race after disconnect()
    * NTCP: Catch a race after stop()
    * Router: Set permissions on wrapper.log when not called by RouterLaunch
    * Systray: New doc and main()

2010-10-22 sponge
    * Sanity and some fixs for slackware package

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2010-10-22 sponge
    * Fix rc.i2p for slackware package

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-10-19 zzz
    * Escape & in logs and i2psnark (much more to do)
    * JobImpl: Deprecate two debugging methods
    * replaceAll() -> replace() when we don't need regex

2010-10-15 zzz
    * i2psnark: Add file priority feature
    * I2PSocketEepGet: Set connect delay to save a RTT, will
      speed announces in i2psnark

2010-10-12 zzz
    *** 1.6 or higher JDK now required to build
    * configlogging.jsp:
      - Add easy way to add an override
      - Make file size specifier more flexible
    * Console:
      - Sort RouterAddress options on netdb.jsp and peers.jsp
      - Remove unused web-*.xml file from war
    * Crypto:
      - Convert all ArrayList caching to LBQs in YKGenerator,
        HMACGenerator, and AESKeyCache.
      - Change DSAEngine params from Hash to new SHA1Hash, since
        these were really 20 byte hashes, not 32 byte Hashes.
      - Add stats to track YKGenerator caching success
      - Fix YKGenerator precalculation to be much more useful by
        increasing the cache size and dramatically shortening the delay
      - Option cleanups
      - YKGenerator cleanups
      - Mark HMAC256Generator unused
    * EepGet: Reset length variable on redirect
    * Files: Change permissions to 600/700 for all written files/directories.
      Now requires Java 1.6 to build, but only 1.5+ to run.
      (requires 1.6 to set permissiomns)
    * GeoIP: Fix locking bug causing lookups to stop
    * Hash: Throw IAE if data length is not 32 bytes,
      now that DSAEngine abuse is gone
    * HTTPResponseOutputStream:
      - More caching
      - Stats cleanup
      - Max header length check
      - Catch OOM
      - Initializer cleanup
      - Javadoc
    * I2CP:
      - Add new option i2cp.messageReliability=none, which prevents the
        router from sending MessageStatusMessages back in reply to an
        outbound SendMessageMessage. Since the streaming lib always ignored
        the MSMs anyway, make it the default for streaming.
        This will reduce the I2CP traffic significantly.
        MSM handling now avoided, but it is still fairly broken, see
        comments in I2PSessionImpl2.
      - Cleanups to replace method calls with fields
      - More cleanups, javadoc, rate reduction
    * i2psnark:
      - Compact response format
      - Add link to finished torrent in message box
      - Don't let one bad torrent prevent others from
        starting or stopping
      - Sort peers by completion %
      - Add some missing mime types to web.xml
      - shouldLog() cleanup
    * i2ptunnel:
      - Now that streaming flush() is fixed, use it in IRCClient, and
        for initial data in I2PTunnel runner, to avoid the 250 ms
        passive flush delay
      - Add hostname DSA signature field, to be used for addkey forms.
        Experimental, may be commented out later.
      - More header blocking (thanks telecomix!)
      - Remove unused web-*.xml file from war
    * Installer: Add startup hint for non-x86
    * Javadoc updates all over the place
    * LogConsoleBuffer: Java 5
    * Naming:
      - Increase cache size and expiration time
      - Add clearCache() method
      - Don't use EepGet or Exec for b32
      - Javadoc updates
    * NetDB:
      - Expire unreachable routers quickly, even if they don't have introducers,
        so we don't have old data on routers that ran out of introducers.
      - Fix rare NPEs at shutdown
    * NTCP:
      - Cleanups
    * Streaming:
      - Make flush() block less, by waiting only for "accept" into the
        streaming queue rather than "completion" (i.e. ACK from the far end).
        This prevents complete stalls when flushing, and should help performance
        of apps that use flush(), like i2psnark (and SAM?).
        close() still does a flush that waits for completion, as i2ptunnel
        doesn't like a fast return from close().
      - cleanups
    * SusiDNS:
      - Remove unused web-*.xml file from war
    * TransportManager: Convert _transports from a List to a CHM
      to prevent a rare concurrent exception
    * Tunnels:
      - Don't use peers < 0.7.9 for tunnels due to the old
        message corruption bugs
      - Javadoc
      - Cleanups
    * UDP:
      - Beginnings of destroy message support
      - Try to avoid running out of introducers by relaxing selection criteria
        and increasing minimum number of potential introducers
      - Avoid rare AIOOBE
      - PacketBuilder refactor
      - Make most classes package private
      - Comments
      - Logging cleanup
      - Comment out a main()

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2010-10-10 sponge
    * Fulfill Request for name resolving in BOB

2010-09-15 dr|z3d
    * I2PSnark: Overhaul UI, implement new theme.
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2010-07-12  0.8 released

2010-07-08 zzz
    * I2PTunnel: More error propagation fixes

2010-07-07 duck
    * RouterConsole: Add Help & FAQ link, minor label improvements.
2010-07-05 zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix transition to end game
    * I2PTunnelIRCClient: Filter PART messages like we do for QUIT

2010-07-04 duck
    * RouterConsole: Dutch translation (thanks to monkeybrains)

2010-07-03 zzz
    * Build: Fix poupdate dependencies
    * I2PTunnel: More error propagation fixes
    * I2PTunnelHTTPClient: Don't use BufferedReader

2010-07-01 zzz
    * EventDispatcher: Minor cleanups and comments
    * I2PTunnel: Don't start a tunnel if no valid destinations;
      cleanups, logging, and error propagation fixes
    * Transport: Fix NTCP address generation when host is specified but port is auto

2010-06-29 sponge
    * 25%-50% cpu savings in BOB. The remainder of the fix is in streaming
      lib, which aparently keeps running and does not sleep according to

2010-06-29 zzz
    * CapacityCalculator: Cleanup
    * I2PTunnel: Add default HTTPS outproxy
    * Jetty: Disable TRACE and OPTIONS in console and eepsite
    * RouterInfo: Add main() to dump RI files
    * Scale prng.buffers based on max memory, reduce default from 16 to 9
    * SOCKS: Better HTTP error message

2010-06-26 zzz
    * I2PTunnel:
     - Move connection profile and delay connect to advanced config section
     - Add persistent client key support to SOCKS IRC
     - Fix display of interactive setting
    * jbigi, jcpuid: Suppress log messages when not in router context
    * jetty.xml: Add info on how to configure for following symlinks
    * logs.jsp: Add more JVM version info so we can distinguish OpenJDK from Sun

2010-06-16 zzz
    * Console: Sort countries with selected locale
    * FileUtil: Try to handle lack of unpack200 support more gracefully
    * Update: Select old update URL if no unpack200 available

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-06-13 zzz
    * Console: Add some divs for languages to news and readmes
    * HTTP Proxy: Pass different User Agent to outproxy
    * i2psnark:
      - Move config to separate page
      - Icon tweaks
    * Translation: zh fix

dev's avatar
dev committed
2010-06-12 welterde
    * fixed possible race-condition and improved code style in ObjectCounter utility class

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2010-06-07  0.7.14 released

2010-06-07 zzz
    * Misc tweaks after code review

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-06-05 zzz
    * Netdb:
      - Use new receivedAsReply flag in LeaseSet to mark
        those received as response to a query
      - Mark which methods in FloodfillPeerSelector may return
        our own hash
      - Redefine selectNearest() so it may return our own hash,
        so it can be used for closeness measurement
      - Redefine findNearestRouters() to return Hashes
        instead of RouterInfos
      - Fix LeaseSet response decisions for floodfills, based
        on partial keyspace and closeness measurements
      - List only count of published leasesets in netdb

2010-06-03 zzz
    * NewsFetcher: Delay a minimum amount at startup
    * Update: Fix multiple updates after manually
      starting update - caused by refreshing summary bar
      (thx 'backup'!)

2010-06-02 zzz
    * graphs.jsp: Tag some more
    * Translation: Set xgettext add-comments option
    * UDP: Fix a bug from a blank i2np.udp.host config
      causing frequent RouterInfo updates and incorrect
      addition of introducers, caused by config.jsp handling
    * Update: Change default update URLs to .su2 for pack200

2010-06-01 zzz
    * i2psnark:
      - More listing fixes
      - Revert choker change
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
      - Start end game a little sooner
    * Installer: Disable pack200 in updater again, doesn't work
      on Java 1.5
    * Remove jetty from updater - it's been in for a few
      releases, and i2psnark now has its own listHTML method

2010-05-27 zzz
    * Translate: Add GNU ngettext (plurals) support

2010-05-26 zzz
    * i2psnark: Listing fixes and cleanups;
      icons on front page; tweak bw choker again

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-05-24 zzz
    * i2psnark: Listing icons and cleanups

dev's avatar
dev committed
2010-05-23 welterde
    * core:
      - fixed major security hole in DatagramDissector
dev's avatar
dev committed
    * I2PTunnelServer: Implemented WEBIRC support in IRC server tunnel

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-05-23 zzz
    * i2psnark:
      - Choke slower when at bandwidth limit
      - Fix completion % for small files
      - Use Random from context
    * NewsFetcher:
      - Add backup URL
      - Change to 0 retries (was 2)

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-05-21 zzz
    * i2psnark:
      - Spiff up dir listings
      - Urlify some messages
      - Only go into end game at the end

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-05-19 zzz
    * Data: Remove lots of unnecessary initializers
    * susidns: More validatation when adding entry
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-05-15 zzz
    * Console:
      - Tag text in graphs
      - Move SummaryRenderer to its own file
    * Eepsite: Set no-cache in redirecting page
    * Hash: Move caching XOR methods only used by KBucket
      into netdb
    * i2psnark: CSS tweaks
    * Log: Translate priority

2010-05-13 zzz
    * netdb.jsp debug tweaks
    * Plugins: Try to prevent ZipErrors after upgrade

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-05-10 zzz
    * Console:
      - Summary bar tweaks
      - Add monthly bw estimate
    * DataHelper: Deprecate inefficient eq() methods
    * i2psnark:
      - Add tunnel config dropdowns
      - Comment out old proxy stuff
    * NetDB:
      - Handle old and duplicate stores more efficiently
      - Have DataStore put() return success
      - Move getDistance() to its own class
    * Router: Add router.forceBandwidthClass advanced config for testing
    * Streaming: Add support for connection throttling
    * TunnelPoolManager: Concurrent
    * UDP: To help limit connections, don't offer to introduce
      when floodfill

2010-05-10 sponge
     * PluginStarter: If there is some delay, there may be a really good reason for it.
       Loading a class would be one of them!
       So we do a quick check first, If it bombs out, we delay and try again.
       If it bombs after that, then we throw the ClassNotFoundException.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-05-05 zzz
    * build.xml: Create packed sud in release
    * Console:
      - Print stack trace if exception on startup
      - IllegalStateException rather than NPE if no context
    * EepGet: Limit max times to fail completely even if numRetries is higher
    * i2psnark: Skip 'the' when sorting snarks
    * I2PTunnelHTTPClient: Reject 192.168.*
    * Plugins:
      - Set classpath for specific client only, not for the whole JVM
      - Use ConfigDir() not AppDir()
    * Replace size() <= 0 with isEmpty() everywhere, ditto > 0 -> !isEmpty()
    * RouterInfo: Clean up use of sortStructures()

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-05-02 zzz
    * ByteCache:
      - Add a per-cache stat
      - Limit each cache based on max memory
      - Disable in UDP MessageReceiver
      - Add clearAll() method to be called when under
        severe memory pressure; call from Router
    * Plugins: Fix version checker bug

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-04-27 zzz
    * i2psnark: Serve downloaded files from the servlet rather
      than with a file: link
    * Jetty: Backport directory listing bugfix from jetty 6
    * peers.jsp: Cleanup and tag

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2010-04-27  0.7.13 released

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-04-23 zzz
    * Plugins: Cleanups

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-04-21 zzz
    * EepGet: Don't convert a MalformedURLException into
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
      an IOE so we recognize it when it's thrown
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * ReusableGZIPStreams:
      - Concurrent
      - Workaround for Apache Harmony 5.0M13 Deflater bug
    * TrustedUpdate: Increase buf size for extraction

2010-04-18 zzz
    * configclients.jsp: Start button logic for clients was inverted
    * Console: IRC links in readmes and initialNews
    * I2PTunnelServer: Debug log incoming conns
    * Transport: Reduce floodfill max NTCP conns to 425 (was 500)

2010-04-16 sponge
    * BOB early session destroy to speed up tunnel tare-down.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-04-15 zzz
    * DataHelper: Limit max length in readline()
    * Floodfills: Increase max to 100 (was 60) and min to 60 (was 45)
    * i2ptunnel: Log tweaks
    * I2PTunnelHTTPServer: Limit max header lines

2010-04-15 sponge
    * I2PTunnelHTTPClient: Test for "http://:/" and output error page.
      This avoids an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, which can eventually
      cause the eepproxy to stop functioning.

2010-04-12 zzz
    * configstats.jsp: Fix full stats checkbox default
    * i2psnark:
      - Concurrent, limit, display, log tweaks
    * i2ptunnel: Implement access lists for TCP servers.
      Enter b32 or b64 hash or dest into list box, and
      check enable for whitelist. Uncheck enable and enter
      i2cp.enableBlackList=true in advanced i2cp options for
      blacklist. Todo: make black/whitelists radio buttons.
    * LogManager: Concurrent

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-04-10 zzz
    * i2psnark:
      - Disconnect seeds that connect to a seed
      - Lower per-torrent conn limits for large pieces
    * Startup:
      - Don't die horribly if there is a router.info file
        but no router.keys file
      - Log tweaks
    * Streaming:
      - Fix the window size increment logic so it
        does it much more often

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-04-08 zzz
    * Key Manager: Hopefully avoid some races at startup
    * OCMOSJ:
      - Increase min timeout
      - Logging tweaks
    * Streaming:
      - Detect and drop dup SYNs rather than create
        a duplicate connection - will hopefully fix
        "Received a syn with the wrong IDs"
      - Send reset for a SYN ACK with the wrong IDs
      - Don't send a reset to a null dest
      - Logging tweaks
      - Cleanups

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-04-05 zzz
    * Console:
      - Add tooltip support for plugin links
      - Make target=_blank for plugin links
      - More HTML transitional fixes
      - Standardize on 'save' to the right of 'cancel'

2010-04-02 zzz
    * FloodfillPeerSelector: Adjust rankings again

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-03-31 zzz
    * FloodfillPeerSelector: Adjust rankings to try to
      improve LeaseSet lookups
    * HostsTxtNamingService: Don't load the whole hosts.txt
      into memory for every lookup

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-03-29 zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * build.xml: Prep for a windows-only pkg
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * configclients.jsp:
      - Always show start button for webapps and plugins
    * configclients.jsp, configupdate.jsp:
      - Fix submission when entering CR in a text box
    * EepGet: Don't retry after a MalformedURLException
    * HTTPResponseOutputStream: More static
    * Plugins:
      - Stop all plugins at shutdown
      - Log tweaks
    * WebApps:
      - Remove the WAC after stopping it
      - Stop a WAC before starting it to prevent dups
      - Implement destroy() in addressbook to prevent dups
      - Implement destroy() in i2psnark to prevent dups

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-03-25 zzz
    * configclients.jsp: Fix dup anchor
    * Console: Sort plugin links in summary bar
    * i2psnark:
      - Send numwant=0 if we don't need peers
      - Report returned complete and incomplete counts
        if higher than peer count
      - Allow missing peer list
      - Log tweaks
    * netdb.jsp: Tag transport properties
    * Plugins: Remove final check and install console
      messages after a while
    * PrivateKeyFile: Add b32 output
    * Reseed: Add another host

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-03-18 zzz
    * Blocklist, CommSystem, FIFOBandwidth, TransportManager,
      OutNetMessage, InNetMessagePool:
      - Java 5 cleanup
    * ByteCache:
      - Replace some locks with concurrent
    * Clients:
      - Negative delay means run immediately and inline
      - Add methods to test class and run inline,
        to propagate errors to the console
      - Use new methods for plugins
      - Add javadoc for clients.config format
    * config.jsp: Set burst to +10% for 20s by default,
      to fix bug where the burst stays high when limits
      are reduced.
    * FIFOBandwidthRefiller:
      - Replace global counters with atomics
      - Use lockless shortcut methods to grant
        requests if we can satisfy immediately
    * i2psnark: Tweak upload bw tracking
    * Installer: Enable pack200 (-3.3MB)
    * Job Queue:
      - Replace some locks with concurrent
      - Change job ID to a long so it won't wrap
      - Remove some unused stats
      - Java 5 and debug cleanup
    * KeyManager: Concurrent
    * logs.jsp: Add link to trac
    * netdb.jsp: Display transport cost if not default
    * Peer Manager:
      - Replace some locks with concurrent
      - Switch back to fast version of getPeersByCapability()
      - Java 5 cleanup
    * Streaming: Concurrent
    * Throttle:
      - Remove some unused stats
    * Tunnel Builds: Enable VTBM
    * Tunnel Dispatcher: Discard at IBGW based on router clock,
      not system clock.
    * TunnelGatewayPumper:
      - Refactor for concurrent
    * UDP:
      - Big refactor of several classes for concurrent,
        elimination of several locks
      - Reduce max number of resent acks in a packet to
        lower overhead
      - Take incoming messages from the head of the queue,
        not sure why taking them from the tail "reduces latency"
      - Java 5 cleanup

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-03-17 zzz
    * I2PTunnel: Disable nonce checking when console password set
    * Reseed: Add another host

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2010-03-15  0.7.12 released

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-03-13 zzz
    * Partial fix for i2ptunnel nonce troubles

2010-03-08 zzz
    * Floodfills: Increase max to 60 (was 28) and min to 45 (was 20)
    * i2psnark: Better track outgoing bandwidth by incrementing
      counter before the blocking write
    * Random: Remove and deprecate some old classses
    * Reseeder: Reduce max response size to 1MB (was 8MB)

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-03-05 zzz
    * Console:
      - Tag reseed messages
      - Translate country names on flag popups
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * I2PSOCKSIRCTunnel:
      - New, for filtering IRC client traffic when using SOCKS
    * I2PTunnelIRCClient:
      - Make filter classes static and public for use by SOCKS
      - Eliminate redundant case conversion
      - Pass ISON message through (jIRCii uses it for pings)
      - Switch back to StringBuffer since it's used by 2 threads
      - Set daemon on filter threads
    * SOCKS5Server:
      - Fix handling of multiple authentication methods

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-03-02 zzz
    * Console:
      - Add link to jobs.jsp on configservice.jsp
      - Add plugin disableStop support
    * Context: Add boolean getProperty methods
    * HTTP Proxy:
      - Fix address helper conflicts caused by last checkin
      - Use B32 instead of random hostname for conflict link
    * LoadClientAppsJob:
      - Fix unquoted arg after quoted arg
      - Logging cleanup

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-02-27 zzz
    * eepsite: Add some help to index.html
    * HTTP Proxy:
      - Put B32 instead of B64 in Host: header, saves 450 bytes
      - Eliminate some redundant lookups
      - Fix http://i2p/b64/ and /eepproxy/site/ requests
      - Disallow a port specified for an i2p address
      - Cleanup and comments
      - For more info see http://zzz.i2p/topics/566
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * i2psnark:
      - Fix NPE after create file failure
      - Sanitize more characters in file names
    * netdb: Fix NPE after OOM http://trac.i2p2.i2p/ticket/38
    * NTCP Transport:
      - Replace lists with concurrent queues in EventPumper
        and NTCPConnection to remove global locks
      - Java 5 cleanup
    * Plugins: Support console themes
    * UDP Transport:
      - Replace the unused-since-2006 TimedWeightedPriorityMessageQueue
        with DummyThrottle
      - Don't instantiate and start TWPMQ Cleaner and OutboundRefiller
        threads, part of priority queues unused since
      - Don't instantiate and start UDPFlooder, it is for testing only
      - Prevent NPE http://zzz.i2p/topics/571
zzz's avatar
zzz committed

2010-02-23 zzz
    * Unzip: Any files in the zip with a .jar.pack or .war.pack extension
      will be transparently unpacked with unpack200. Savings is about 60%.
      Someday we will do this for suds, but we can do it for xpi2ps now.
    * build: Add updater200 target

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-02-22 zzz
    * configclients.jsp:
      - Add js delete confirm
      - Remove delete button for webapps
    * i2psnark:
      - Ignore a non-i2p tracker in a torrent rather than deleting
        the torrent, thus "converting" a torrent to in-netowrk use
        via the open trackers
      - Add js delete confirm

2010-02-19 zzz
    * i2psnark: Make file box bigger
    * Plugins:
      - Fix display of download status
      - Unhide

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-02-18 zzz
    * Clock: Slew tweak
    * i2psnark: Improve error message when finding HTML
    * HTTP Proxy: Fix blank page instead of error page for eepsite unreachable
    * Plugins:
      - Fix plugin start button
      - Change signer prop to match docs
      - Tweaks
    * Transport:
      - Fix recognition of IP change when not firewalled
      - Require consecutive identical results from two peers before changing IP
    * TrustedUpdate: CLI exits 1 on failure for ease of use in scripts

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-02-15 zzz
    Propagate from 3 dev branches.

    * Clock:
      - getFramedAveragePeerClockSkew() now returns a long (ms);
        was a Long (s)
      - Implement NTP-style clock slewing so the clock is adjusted
      - Implement clock strata so we prefer better clocks
      - Implement a timestamper in the transport so we will periodically
        update the clock even if NTP is not working.
        This allows the router to converge the clock instead of simply
        hoping the first connected peer is correct.
      - Slow down NTP attempts after several consecutive failures
    * Console: refactor and tag update messages
    * Streaming: MessageOutputStream logging tweaks
    * Transport:
      - Prepare for using address costs
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
      - Adjust bids based on address cost
      - Increase cost if near transport capacity, disabled until 0.7.12
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
      - Clear the geoip negative cache periodically

    * Jrobin: Move from routerconsole.jar to its own jrobin.jar,
      adjust classpath in routerconsole.jar manifest
    * Plugins:
      New plugin support, hidden for now, enable with router.enablePlugins=true
      Configure and add plugins on configclients.jsp
      Supports the following:
      - Console webapps
      - New translation bundles
      - Link on console
      - Anything that can be started in clients.config
      - Additions to classpath for clients and webapps
    * TrustedUpdate:
      - Add method to check if we know about a key
      - Add method to add a key
      - Add method to extract without verifying
      - Add method to get key signer name
    * Webapps: Allow additions to a webapp classpath.
      - Pull jstl.jar and standard.jar out of susidns.war
      - Remove 100KB of duplicate classes from i2psnark.war

    * I2NP: Add UnknownI2NPMessage so we can route unknown message types
    * Tunnel Builds:
      - Add getRecordCount() to TunnelBuildMessage and TunnelBuildReplyMessage so they can be extended.
      - New I2NP Messages VariableTunnelBuildMessage and VariableTunnelBuildReplyMessage,
        which contain the number of request slots in them.
      - Convert all static assumptions of 8 slots to getRecordCount()
      - Use the new VTBM if all hops in the tunnel and the OBEP or IBGW of the reply tunnel
        support it, and the tunnel is 4 hops or shorter.
      - Reply to a VTBM with a VTBRM of the same size
      - Make BuildReplyHandler static
      - Convert the currentlyBuilding List to a ConcurrentHashMap to speed reply lookups
        and eliminate a global lock; don't put fallback tunnels in there
      - Add new tunnel.corruptBuildReply stat
      - Various cleanups and javadoc
      - Fix first hop expiration for Build Messages, was way too long
      - Randomize Build Message expiration to make it harder to guess hop position
      - Save expired tunnel build configs for a while, so that we will still use the tunnel
        and update peer stats if the reply comes in late
      - Don't update our own profile for Tunnel Build Replies
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
      - VTBM generation only through routers >= 0.7.12
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
      - VTBM generation disabled for now

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2010-02-15  0.7.11 released

2010-02-13 sponge
    * Fix addWebApplications API goofup
    * Bump BOB version, which I forgot to do.

2010-02-13 zzz
    * Floodfills: Increase max to 28 (was 15) and min to 20 (was 10)

2010-02-12 sponge
    * org.mortbay.jetty.Server modified method to accept attributes for
      batch webapp launches via addWebApplications.

2010-02-10 zzz
    * I2PTunnelRunner: Flush initial data, for some reason it wasn't
      getting flushed ever in some cases.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-02-10 zzz
    64-bit windows installer fixes. Still no 64-bit wrapper.
    Thanks eche|on for testing!
    * Izpack:
      Add 64-bit windows dll so installer doesn't die trying to add shortcuts
    * Launch4j:
      Upgrade to launch4j 3.0.1 2008-07-20.
      The license is BSD for launch4j and MIT for the wrapper code in head/
      Changelog is in installer/lib/launch4j/web/changelog.html
      Hopefully this will fix installs for 64-bit JRE on 64-bit windows.
      The previous version was 2.0-RC3 2005-08-13.
      The previous license was GPLv2 for launch4j and LGPLv2.1 for the wrapper code in head/
      The bin/ld.exe and bin/windres.exe files were contributed by
      i2p users in 2005 so the i2p installer could be built on windows.
      They have not been updated for 3.0.1, so pkg builds on windows
      will presumably still get 2.0-RC3.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-02-06 zzz
    * Console: Fix saving update keys, was broken in 0.7.10
    * i2psnark: Add transmission ID
    * news.xml: Wrap i2p version tags in XML comment
    * Transport: Try yet again to prevent two NTCP pumpers

2010-02-04 zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix sending stopped events to the tracker

2010-02-03 zzz
    * Console:
      - Hide update buttons and update config if install dir is readonly or if configured
      - Show yellow star if no outbound tunnels
    * i2psnark: Don't prefer to opportunistically unchoke unchoking peers when not interested
    * NetDb: Lower min RouterInfo expiration to 2.5h (was 3h)

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-01-31 zzz
    * i2psnark standalone: Fix CSS
    * Jetty: Update to 5.1.15 to get ResourceHandler fix

2010-01-30 sponge
    * Fix NPE in TCPtoI2P when a lookup fails, report the error to the stream.
    * Fix setkeys bug in DoCMDS, forgot to create the object before calling
      it's methods, which threw an NPE.

2010-01-29 zzz
    * build.xml: Add a debian-source target
    * Data structures:
      - Speed up some hashcode() and equals()
      - Cleanup and javadoc
    * Jetty: Turn on checkAliases
    * NetDb:
      - Add basic DOS prevention for lookups
      - Move flood throttle check so we don't throttle ourselves
      - Don't store over client tunnels to pre-0.7.10 floodfills
      - Don't update unused lease fail stats
    * Startup: Disable browser launch for debian daemon

dev's avatar
dev committed
2010-01-28 welterde
    * enhance support for multiple RouterAddresses' of the same style in RouterInfo

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-01-26 zzz
    * build.xml: Speed up distclean additions
    * Clock: Don't refuse to update because of peer skew the first time
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Debian: Fixup, update, enhance scripts
    * I2NP: Various cleanup and bulletproofing
    * Log: Try to avoid complaints at shutdown
    * Profiles: Fix lack of profiles at router startup, especially for new routers
    * stats.jsp: Shrink the dropdown box

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-01-24 zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * ProfileOrganizerRenderer: Cleanups
    * Reseed: Update welt's reseed hostname
    * Transport clock skews:
      - Store and report UDP clock skews even for large values, so
        a badly skewed local clock will be reported to the console
      - Don't shitlist for NTCP clock skew if we don't know what time it is
      - If NTP hasn't worked yet, have NTCP or SSU update the clock one time
      - Include failed clock skew in NTCP skew vector if there aren't many connections
      - Don't include NTCP clock skews for non-established connections
      - Fix framed clock skew frame size
      - Report framed clock skew even if for only one peer, if NTP hasn't worked yet
      - Don't log RRD errors after clock adjustment
      - Reduce min skew for console warning to 30s (was 45s)
      - More Java 5 cleanups

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-01-24 zzz
    * Clock:
      - Don't let a client update the router clock
      - Restore and enhance vanished clock error log message
    * Graphs: Enforce max size to lessen chance of OOM from malicious link
    * NetDb:
      - Move stat initialization, reduce number of rates
      - Add basic DOS prevention by not flooding if stores are too-frequent
    * ProfileOrganizer:
      - Limit High Cap to 75 max
      - Reduce max lock wait time, change no lock error to warning
      - More cleanup
    * Startup:
      - Enable multiple parallel job runners much sooner to speed startup
      - Rearrange the startup order to get the long jobs started sooner
      - Don't allow the netDb readin job to clog the job queue

2010-01-21 dr|z3d
    * New eepsite structure and enhanced pages. Now with graphics and stuff!

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2010-01-22  0.7.10 released

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-01-21 zzz
    * eepget.bat: Add to pkg
    * Floodfills: Increase max to 15 (was 9) and min to 10 (was 4)
    * I2PTunnelServer: Fix bug preventing connection retries
      at startup from working
    * Logs: Don't be quite so noisy in the wrapper log if we
      can't open the router log
    * Properties: Don't play games with \r and \n on load/save,
      it was causing fatal issues on DOS if your username started
      with r or n

2010-01-19 sponge
    * Firewall fix for NTCP, where firewalls will forget a NAT relationship
      on a stream... AKA setting keepalive. This should fix the stuck NTCP
      issue that has been bothing zzz for years.
    * Set keepalive on BOB connections too, since this will assist closing
      the connections in the event of a crash on a client.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-01-18 zzz
    * configclients.jsp: Fix add-new-client feature
    * Console: Add a tunnel share ratio estimate
    * graphs.jsp:
      - Remove jrobin sig
      - Set lower limit to 0
      - Save settings when changed
    * Reseed: Support SSL and proxies
    * Translate: Catch empty string

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-01-17 zzz
    * Clock: Change a CRIT to an ERROR, lower threshold for changing from 10s to 5s
    * configclients.jsp: Support add, delete, edit
    * I2CP: Clean up resources on 5-minute leaseset timeout at startup
    * LeaseSet generation: Increment the lease date slightly, to force
      the floodfill to flood it when it changes
    * NetDb Lookups: Don't try to send a RI lookup to itself through a zero-hop tunnel
    * NetDb Stores and Verifies:
      - Do LS stores and verifies through client tunnels
        to prevent correlation by the OBEP or FF
      - Encrypt LS stores to prevent snooping by the OBEP,
        if the floodfill supports it
      - Encrypt LS and RI verifies to prevent snooping by the OBEP
      - Extend verify delay and timeout
      - Reenable RI verifies
      - Disallow simultaneous verifies for the same key
      - Don't resend on verify timeout; try a different peer instead
      - Don't resend to same peer on verify fail, try a different one
      - Adjust ff selection criteria
      - Flood even if received garlic-encrypted
    * Profiles: Limit fast peers to 30 max
    * SSLEepGet: New
    * Tunnels: Prevent more than one zero-hop tunnel in a lease
    * VersionComparator: Move from TrustedUpdate.java to util

2010-01-14 sponge
    * Fully clean up I2PTunnel. No more lint issues, should compile 100%
    * Dropped unused class BufferLogger from I2PTunnel as it is not used

2010-01-14 sponge
    * Clean up reverse connection ability, remove some annoyingly redundent
      code. Place all settings in the console. It works!

2010-01-10 sponge
    * Insert reverse connection ability into the http server code so that
      seedless can start to get worked on. It's disabled by default.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2010-01-12  0.7.9 released

2010-01-12 zzz
    * I2CP: Clean up resources on 5-minute leaseset timeout at startup
    * Increase max floodfills to 9 (was 6)
    * Temporarily disable routerInfo floodfill verifies
    * Fix .fr eepsite index css
    * Javdoc tweaks

2010-01-09 zzz
    * Include new eepsite indexes in pkg

2010-01-02 sponge
    * Fix one last stupid mistake in build.xml, my fault.

2010-01-02 sponge
    * Fix NB 6.8 goofyness... 'till ant 1.7.1 or > is needed, stay with NB
	6.5, as the newer ones place a check for 1.7.1. We require 1.7.0

2010-01-02 sponge
    * Fix build.xml target for justBOB
    * Fix Main build.xml so that it actually deletes backup files and add a
      few extra types that should be commonly needed... atleast by me.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2010-01-02 zzz
    * Console: Save refresh setting
    * i2psnark:
      - Don't URL-encode chars we don't have to
      - CSS tweaks
    * Transport: Implement 'laptop mode' to change ident and port
      when the IP changes

2010-01-01 sponge
    * Happy New year everyone!
    * Added a target to generate a stand-alone BOB jar file.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-31 zzz
    * BuildResponseRecord: Make static
    * i2np: Remove unused logs
    * i2psnark: Fix message box, was a little too small
    * InternalSocket: Fallback to external socket on fail
    * NetDb: Fix exploration by adding a null hash to mean
      "don't give me floodfills"
    * PeerSelector: Downgrade floodfills with high fail rate

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-26 zzz
    * Console:
      - Tag the rest of logs.jsp
    * Tunnels, Transports:
      - Lots of code to detect improper reuse of cached objects
        after release
      - Prevent release of TunnelDataMessage cached ByteArray,
        as it may be reused if retried in another transport;
        a nasty bug causing corrupt messages
      - Prevent race with released resources in UDP OutboundMessageState;
        a nasty bug causing corrupt messages
      - More cleanups and comments
    * UDP: Bid lower than NTCP when we need introducers and don't
      have enough

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-22 zzz
    * Tunnels:
      - Do RED dropping before the IBGW fragmenter, not after
      - Change batch time to 250ms for IBGWs (was 100ms)
      - Change batch time to 150ms for exploratory OBGWs (was 100ms)
      - Start a new message in the fragmenter if almost full
      - Fix a major, longstanding synchronization bug in the FragmentHandler
        which led to corrupt messages at the endpoints
      - More cleanups and comments

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-20 zzz
    * Console:
      - Fix status to show a disconnected network error rather than
        clock skew or UDP error when disconnected
      - Use peer clock skew rather than clock offset for determining
        whether to display clock skew error
      - tunnels.jsp: Clarify tunnel table headings
    * Contexts: Add isRouterContext() method
    * Profile, DBHistory:
      - Tweak the rate periods
      - Add a global fail rate stat
      - Increase the HashMap sizes
    * Router: Move some more threads to I2PAppThread so an OOM won't
      crash the router
    * Timestamper: Reduce delays (cuts 10s out of router startup)
    * Transport: Rework peer clock skew method to always return a value
    * Tunnels:
      - Reduce the drop probability for TunnelBuildMessages at the OBEP
      - Schedule outbound startup instead of hanging the thread for 3s
      - Cleanup preprocessor code, add comments

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-18 zzz
    * Console: Fix spacing in update section
    * I2CP:
      - Move client-side writes to their own thread
      - Reenable InternalSockets
    * i2ptunnel: Fix bundle script
    * InNetMessagePool: Cleanup
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Log:
      - Close old file on rotate
      - Buffer writes
      - Write in UTF-8
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * SusiDNS:
      - Remove untranslatable button images (-15KB)
      - Tag buttons and messages
      - Add some button CSS
    * Tunnel building:
      - Increase timeout to 13s (was 10s)
      - Fix tunnel.buildReplyTooSlow stat
      - Tweak logging
      - Prioritize expl. builds over client builds
      - Code cleanups
    * TunnelSettings: Drop, unused

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-15 zzz
    * HTTP Proxy: Make jump server list configurable
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * I2CP: Remove unused logs
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * i2psnark: Fix stop/start, cleanups
    * i2ptunnel: Fix bundle location
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * SusiDNS:
      - Rewrite and correct a lot of the text, tag jsps
      - UTF-8 fixes
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * TunnelManager: Fix a locking bug
    * Update: Improve error message

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-13 zzz
    * Find ResourceBundles in wars
    * Fix restart from config.jsp if no wrapper
    * i2psnark: Elaborate popups

2009-12-12 welterde
dev's avatar
dev committed
    * Sort peers on tunnels.jsp by country
dev's avatar
dev committed
    * fix NPE in ^^
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-12 zzz
    * Disable InternalSockets until it's fixed

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-11 zzz
    * Addressbook, susidns: Rework addressbook into a
      HttpServlet, so susidns can kick it when the subscription
      list changes
    * Build: Truncate the history in the updater (-80KB)
    * Console:
      - Add a nicer handler for missing webapps
      - Restore the restart message
      - Change "depth" to "length"
    * Data: Cache the Hash hashcode
    * EepGet: Use InternalSocket if available
    * Fragmenter: Pull the new comments, new stats, and
      debug log fix from i2p.i2p.zzz.batch in - but not the
      batching mods, which need a fresh look.
    * I2CP: Implement an internal "socket" class that
      allows clients in the same JVM to connect to the
      router without going through the kernel
    * I2NP: Drop unused classes
    * i2psnark:
      - Translation support
      - Tweak torrent name popup
    * I2PTunnel:
      - Translation support
      - Switch all I2PThreads to I2PAppThreads
      - Run an InternalSocket as well for the HTTP Proxy
    * Naming Services:
      - New EepGetAndAddNamingService that appends new
        hosts to hosts.txt
      - Move default reverseLookup to base class
      - Deprecate unused services
    * NetDb:
      - Switch from ArrayList to ConcurrentHashSet in
        KBucketImpl to reduce chance of deadlock;
        remove periodic shuffling of the bucket,
        needs to be addressed elsewhere
    * SusiDNS:
      - Translation support
      - Remove jsp's from the war
    * Translation: Move code from routerconsole to core,
      to support translation of other webapps

* 2009-12-08  0.7.8 released

2009-12-08 zzz
    * Misc. cleanups after review, prep for release

2009-12-06 zzz
    * netdb.jsp: Fix bug caused by XSS fix
    * Translations: drop ru until after release

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-05 zzz
    * Build: Fix poupdate dependency
    * Console: Add Russian option

2009-12-05 sponge
    * BOB: fix a critical bug causing ghosts on probes
      and remove unused code.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-12-04 zzz
    * Console: Close up some possible XSS (thanks Pragmatk)
    * i2psnark: Config cleanup, more HTML transitional fixes
    * readme*.html: Point to translated pages on www.i2p2.i2p

2009-11-29 zzz
    * config.jsp: Comment out unused stuff better
    * profiles.jsp: Hide non-ff from ff table
    * HTTP Proxy: Don't send proxy.i2p to the naming service,
      it was making the error pages load slowly
    * SOCKS Proxy: Fix an error message
    * Transport: Fix the default inbound burst

2009-11-29 sponge
    * net.i2p.router.transport.udp deadwood code cleanup.
    * documented rare NPE in InboundEstablishState.java.

2009-11-28 sponge
    * Improvement to BOB's TCPio to hopefully lower load average. It seems
      to be helping a little when stress-tested with Robert.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-11-24 zzz
    * DataStructures: Remove unused Logs
    * OrderedProperties: Simplify, use in i2psnark
    * Profiles: Record successes in the DB fail rate
      too, so we can calculate a percentage
    * profiles.jsp:
      - Change fail rate from count to percent
      - Hide standard profiles by default
    * Streaming:
      - When an "immediate" ack is requested, do it within
        250 ms (was 2000)
      - Request immediate acks when < 1/3 of window remains,
        or when < 3 packets remain in window,
        and every 8 packets (was when < 2 packets in window remain)
      - Change requested delay to RTT/2 (was RTO/2)
      - Log cleanup and javadoc

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * GeoIP: Update to Nov 17 2009 data
    * Netdb Floodfill rework part 4 of N:
      - Search closest-to-the-key
      - Put closest-to-the-key in explore don't-include-list
      - Use facade's peer selector for exploration rather than
        instantiating a new one
      - Adjust response time limit
    * netdb.jsp: Add popups on flags
    * Routerconsole build: rename include files so they aren't
      compiled and bundled separately (~15KB)

2009-11-18 zzz
    * Build: Don't update the po files by default, add new
      target "poupdate" to do that.
    * Netdb:
      - Floodfill rework part 3 of N: Send closest-to-the-key
        in DSRM replies
      - Adjust criteria for following DSRM
      - Note failed floods in the profile
      - Reduce max flood

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-11-16 zzz
    * addressbook: Move class to net.i2p.addressbook
    * build: Take two test scripts out of the installer
    * i2psnark: Bye TPB
    * Shitlist: Fix bug from two checkins ago, all were forever

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-11-14 zzz
    * HTTP Proxy:
      - Add support for error page translations
      - Add support for external pages for all errors
      - Fix lack of \r in error page headers
      - HTML transitional fixes
      - Cleanups
    * UDP PeerTestManager: Throw in some synchronization to
      try to fix stuck tests

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-11-11 zzz
    * Console: Some colon cleansing
    * FloodfillPeerSelector: Adjustments
    * Shitlist: Move HTML renderer to router console,
      add cause parameter for ease of translation,
      tag all causes

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-11-11 zzz
    * Addressbook, NamingService: Allow 516 byte dests
      that end with AA but not AAAA, so we can permit
      non-null zero-length certs.
    * Console:
      - Tag tunnel status
      - Add transport table to netdb.jsp
    * i2psnark:
      - Reject torrents with too many pieces
      - Reject torrents with a single file named *.torrent
      - Increase max piece size to 2MB (was 1MB), but reduce
        max number of connections to lessen ooms
    * Netdb FloodOnlySearchJob:
      - Fix up field hiding and duplicate overrides
      - Other javadoc and java 5 improvements
    * Netdb StoreJob, FloodfillVerifyStoreJob:
      - Fix bug where reply selector wasn't registered for
        routerinfo stores, so we didn't get stats, and
        we kept retrying. This also prevented verification
        and profile updates for routerinfo stores.
        This bug was introduced 4 years ago by the change to
        store routerinfos directly.
      - Add dbStoreSuccessful() to profile, and have FVSJ
        call it or dbStoreFailed() as appropriate to give
        credit or blame to the floodfill we stored to.
      - Don't let FVSJ verify using the peer we stored to
    * Netdb Stores:
      - Floodfill rework part 2 of N:
        Store and verify closest to the key, subject to
        last-failed lookup and store stats.
      - DataHelper: Fix broken byte[] compareTo() used by XORComparator,
        was not doing unsigned comparisons!
      - FloodfillPeerSelector: Use standard XORComparator
        now that it works, instead of messing with BigInteger
      - FloodfillVerifyStoreJob: Set correct timeout for
        requeued store job (was only 10s)
      - KNDF: Rework getPeerTimout() to use 1 day averages,
        and lower the min, max, and multiplication factor.
      - Publish jobs: Lengthen timeout to 90s (was 30s for
        routerinfos and 60s for leasesets)
      - StoreJob: Limit max peer timeout to 15s for direct stores
    * Streaming: Fix unused resend delay field in the packet header,
      it is defined as seconds and we were not dividing by 1000,
      so we were truncating 1000 to one byte which equals 232.
    * UDP:
      - Better handle a test reply from bob with a 0-length IP
      - Add config options for min and max random port

2009-11-09 dr|z3d
    * New midnight blue lightweight theme; supports IE and provisions its own console_big.css
    * Streamlining and honing of console_big.css

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-11-07 zzz
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Console:
      - countries.txt: Convert to mixed case, include in update
      - netdb.jsp: Hide all routers by default, sort and tag country names
      - oldstats.jsp: Move to stats.jsp
      - profiles.jsp: Show new DBH times instead of counts
    * Profiles:
      - Track last good and bad lookup times
        and last good and bad store times,
        to prep for floodfill changes
      - Don't reset last-heard-about at router startup
    * Checklist and Android readme fixups

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-11-04 zzz
    * Build:
      - Move some files to installer/resources
      - Fix initialNews.xml in install package
    * Console: More tagging
    * NetDb: Reduce routerinfo expiration slightly
    * Profiles:
      - Remove the almost-unused send and receive size RateStats;
        this also reduces the effective time for isActive()
      - Only store DB history on-demand to save space;
        fix up resulting NPEs
      - Savings: ~2MB heap
    * Throttle: Reduce max msg delay to 1250ms (was 1500)
    * UDP: Pick a random port on first install or bind failure -
      No more port 8887 to prevent easy state-level blocking

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-11-04 sponge
    * Fixups to Slackware scripts

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-10-31 zzz
    * Console:
      - More tagging
      - Show user-installed themes on configui.jsp
      - Fix reseed button spacing
    * GraphHelper cleanup
    * Susidns: add link to subscription faq

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-10-29 zzz
    * Console tag fixes, bundle script fix
    * Add help target to build.xml

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-10-28 zzz
    * Console:
      - Rewrite TrustedUpdate version comparator, use for netdb version table
        so 0.7.10 will be sorted correctly
      - Reduce netdb.jsp memory usage
      - More tagging fixups
      - configclients.jsp fixup for "Web console"
      - Remove limiter status from peers.jsp
      - Fix UPnP status header
    * NetDb:
      - Generate new RI immediately at startup
      - Try again to not publish RI until we have been up a few minutes

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-10-26 zzz
    * Console:
      - Add parameterized tag
      - Don't save config when checking for updates on configupdate.jsp
      - Refactor confignav.jsp to java and tag
      - Start tagging profiles.jsp
      - Rework ConfigRestartBean and tag
      - More tag fixups
      - Add lang=xx for testing
      - Add file for additional tagged strings

2009-10-23 zzz
    * Certificate: Fix the (apparently unused) readBytes(byte[], int) method
      for a null certificate - http://zzz.i2p/topics/388 - thanks HungryHobo
    * Console:
      - Don't hide link to configui.jsp for IE any more
      - Add lang selection on configui.jsp
      - Tag strings in configui.jsp
      - Load console_big.css if lang == zh
      - Add _x() tag for static iniitializers
      - HTML transitional input tags
      - Rename cssHelper to intl for ease of tagging
    * Update: Better error message when .sud file not found or truncated
      The bug with the file going to the wrong place was fixed a couple months ago.

2009-10-21 dr|z3d
    * Enhance index.jsp with "paperclips" for the main links
    * Tighten sidepanel layout to gain us some vertical screen real estate
    * Update news.xml with the correct link for Chinese translation page

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-10-20 zzz
    * I2NP: Remove old TunnelCreateMessage and TunnelCreateStatusMessage
    * Logger: Don't kill the whole JVM if we can't open the log file
    * MessageHistory: Cleanups
    * NetDb: Move renderStatusHTML to routerconsole
    * Router Console translation infrastructure:
      - Persistent lang setting with routerconsole.lang=xx
      - Loading any page with ?lang=xx changes the persistent setting
      - Add a custom Jetty handler to load foo_xx.jsp if it
        exists for language xx. This is for jsp files with lots
        of text in them. Otherwise use inline translate methods.
        Not for included jsps.
      - Add a script to create and update messages_xx.po translation
        files, and create ResourceBundles from them
      - Add class to translate strings from cached ResourceBundles
      - Add translate wrappers to HelperBase, FormHandler, and *Renderer,
        so calls can be made from both jsp and java files
      - Add example translations on configupdate.jsp - two in
        the jsp itself and one in the helper.
      - This is for strings in routerconsole only. Will be expanded
        to other webapps and the router later.
    * summarynoframe.jsp:
      - Refactor to SummaryBarRenderer (saves 100KB)
      - Add translate tags
      - Use context RNG for nonces
      - Transitional HTML style for input tags
    * TunnelDispatcher: Drop messages that expire far in the future
    * TunnelPoolManager: Move renderStatusHTML to routerconsole

z3d's avatar
z3d committed
2009-10-16 dr|z3d
    * Extensive UI whitespace cleanups and positional finessing.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-10-16 zzz
    * Crypto: Two more test classes out of the lib
    * FloodfillMonitor: Slow down the volunteers again
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * i2psnark: Add TPB tracker
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * NetDb: Rework part 1 of N:
      - Flood only to those closest to the key
      - Java 5 fixups
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * oldconsole.jsp: Remove almost all of it, add lines for tino
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * ProfileOrganizerRenderer:
      - Move to routerconsole
      - Write directly to Writer for speed
    * Router: Add router.hideFloodfillParticipant option for testing
    * StatisticsManager: Cleanup after release

* 2009-10-12  0.7.7 released

2009-10-11 zzz
    * Misc. cleanups after review, prep for release

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * ElGamalEngine: Fix rare AIOOBE (thanks hottuna!)
    * I2PTunnel: Fix persistent client tunnel keyfile location
zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * peers.jsp: Fix NTCP rate formatting (thanks hottuna!)
2009-10-09 dr|z3d
    * Add paste.i2p2.i2p, and echelon's software links to readmes (thanks 
      to GoHE for Swedish translations); cosmetic tweaks to same.
    * Various optimizations and tweaks to all 3 themes.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-10-07 zzz
    * Doc and eepsite_index updates
    * UDP: Remove port number from thread names

2009-10-04 zzz
    * i2psnark: Fix NPE caused by last checkin (thanks wuxia!)

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-10-02 zzz
    * BuildMessageTest: Move out of the lib
    * i2psnark: Fix changing opentracker list
    * Makefile.gcj: fixups
    * OCMOSJ: Fix SKM NPE on closed dest
    * ProfileOrganizerRenderer: static tweaks
    * SusiDNS: HTML transitional fixes, might help opera
    * Tunnel IVValidator: Increase size of bloom filter
      for high-bw routers (>= 512KBps share bw) to reduce
      false positive rate. Adds 2MB heap for >= 512KBps routers
      and 6MB for >= 1536KBps.

2009-09-21 sponge
    * fixups to SlackBuilds. requiredbuilder does the wrong thing, and
      thinks that java is perl! This isn't really a big deal, 
      the file format is simple enough and the requirements are known.

2009-09-07 mkvore
    * removes a SAM v1&2 bug

2009-09-04 zzz
    * SessionKeyManager, OCMOSJ, Garlic:
      - Enable per-client SessionKeyManagers for better anonymity
      - tagsDelivered() now means tags are sent, not acked.
      - OCMOSJ uses the new TagSetHandle object returned from tagsDelivered()
        to call tagsAcked() or failTags() as appropriate.
      - Assume tags delivered on an established session to
        reduce streaming lib stalls caused by massive tag deliveries;
        should increase throughput and window sizes on long-lived streams
      - Unacked tagsets on a new session are stored on a separate list
      - Don't kill an OB Session just because it's temporarily out of tags
      - Increase min tag threshold to 30 (was 20) due to new speculative
        tags delivered scheme, and to increase effective max window
      - More Java 5 and dead code cleanups, and more comments and javadoc,
        debug logging cleanups
      - Key toString()s for easier debugging
      - HandleGarlicMessageJob: cleanup of unused things
    * Tunnel TestJob:
      - Consume the tag after a failed test so it doesn't
        stay in the SKM
      - Disable tests with router.disableTunnelTesting=true
    * configkeyring.jsp: Add delete and cancel buttons
    * Logging: Fix directory for rotated log
    * TunnelDispatcher: Cleanup

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-09-02 sponge
    * Small logic fix for dr|z3d

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-08-28 zzz
    * Client: Fail if no date handshake after 30s or no leaseset
      after 5m, rather than hanging forever.
    * Console:
      - Prevent OOMs in NewsFetcher or StatsSummarizer from
        killing the router
      - Fix favicon (-17)
    * Data: Speed up many hashcodes
    * DataHelper: Fix byte array hashcode for small arrays
    * DecayingBloomFilter:
      - Replace with new DecayingHashSet for 3 of 4 uses,
        and also in the 4th if the router is low-bandwidth.
        Saves 8 MB heap.
    * EepGet, I2PSnark:
      - New I2PSocketEepGet fetches through existing tunnels
        rather than through the proxy
      - Use new eepget for i2psnark
      - Add a fake user agent for non-proxied fetches
      - Cleanups
    * NetDb:
      - oops, store leaseset locally even when shutting down
        (fix -16)
      - Java 5 cleanups
    * PRNG:
      - Rename config option to prng.buffers (was router.prng.buffers)
      - Change the default from 16 to 2 for I2PAppContext (saves 3.5MB)
    * Tunnel:
      - Adjust the random drop probability for the message size
      - Concurrentify HashSetIVValidator
    * TunnelPool:
      - Don't test tunnels when shutting down
      - Less rates
      - Java 5 cleanups

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-08-24 zzz
    * ClientManager:
      - Prevent client destination theft by rejecting duplicates
      - Java 5 cleanups
    * Console:
      - Put favicon on every page
      - Make every page UTF-8, ☃ safe for snowmen
      - Remove options boxes on configtunnels.jsp
      - Fix UTF-8 form submission (i2ptunnel too)
      - Throw 403 instead of 404 from flags.jsp and viewstat.jsp
        so we don't render error.jsp
    * I2CP: Fix the SessionConfig serializer in DataHelper,
      so that UTF-8 tunnel names are not corrupted by
      I2CP and can be displayed on the console
    * Message: Move 2 unused classes out of the router lib (~15KB)
      (more SKM prep)
    * Message, I2PSession, SessionKeyManager, Console:
      Prep for SessionKeyManager work in the router -
      Fix up SKM renderStatusHTML(); add debug.jsp to see it;
      Redefine getClientSessionKeyManager();
      More cleanups
    * Ministreaming: Kill deprecation warnings
    * profiles.jsp: Bulletproofing, less memory usage
    * Streaming, I2PSession:
      Prep for SessionKeyManager work in the router -
      Comment out, deprecate, and javadoc for unused keys and tags,
      they are vestiges of end-to-end crypto
    * Updates: Verify zip at startup before extracting
    * Wrapper: Take a couple fields out of the log so it's narrower

2009-08-20 zzz
    * Config files:
      - Add some path and encoding help
    * configclients.jsp: Add full path to config file
    * configpeer.jsp: Limit max displayed banned IPs
    * Console:
      - Don't display firewall warning unless it's real
      - Cleanups
    * DataHelper, I2PTunnel, Router:
      - Save config files in UTF-8 rather than the default encoding,
        since we read them in UTF-8!
    * eepsite_index_de.html: localhost ->
    * i2psnark: Add size total
    * I2PTunnel:
      - Make IRC Proxy non-shared, delayed-start, close-on-idle
        for new users, for the anonymity benefits (see "Shared Clients,
        Correlation and Collusion" http://zzz.i2p/topics/217 )
      - Remove "experimental" flag on new client options
    * Jetty build: More clean targets
    * jetty.xml: Change encoding to UTF-8
    * jobs.jsp: Cleanup
    * logs.jsp: Add system encoding
    * Ministreaming: Cleanups, deprecation, move demos out of the lib
    * netdb.jsp: Flags for leases
    * NTCP: Clean up clock skew shitlist message
    * profiles.jsp:
      - Rename the Failing column
      - Reduce the time cutoff again to 90m (was 2h)
    * readme*html: localhost ->
    * Router: Don't do some things when we are shutting down
    * Shitlist: Clean up expire message
    * Stats:
      - Fix BufferedStatsLog so it works at all
      - Don't instantiate BufferedStatsLog unless stats.logFilters
        property is defined (restart now required to enable logging)
        This eliminates the StatLogWriter thread and a decent
        amount of memory.
      - Move two CLI classes out of the lib
      - Commment out places where getStatLog() isn't checked for null
      - Cleanups
    * Transports: Lower conn limit factor to 50 (was 60)
    * Update:
      - Fix problems where a requested unsigned update would actually
        kick off a signed update
      - Fix problem when policy set to notify, and clicking
        check for update, incorrectly causing unsigned update download
        and bad messages
      - Verify zip integrity of unsigned updates
      - Move zip files to router dir, not base dir
      - More tweaks and cleanup
    * VMCommSystem fixups
    * WorkingDir: Ensure modified files are processed with UTF-8 encoding
    * XmlPull: Remove, unused.

2009-08-19 sponge
    * Java code to set Router Console password for dr|z3d

2009-08-18 dr|z3d
    * Fixes for sidepanel
    * Overhauled classic theme for i2ptunnels
    * First stage of code validation to fix broken and "illegal" code
    * Multifarious other UI tweaks and fiddles.

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-08-15 sponge
    * Merge in dr|z3d and my own html fixes for router console java and jsp
      files so that Opera (and now IE?) doesn't puke anymore on the missing 
      and misplaced HTML tags.
    * Optimized all jsp files so that they are shorter to save space, which
      is then used to fix the broken HTML. We should break even space-wise.
    * Bump to -13.

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-08-11 sponge
    * Code Janitor time! Many fixes and documenting fixes that should be
      done in the future. for the most part, this is a general code cleanup.
    * On smaller/embedded systems, the "final" keyword cleanups will have
      more of an impact than on larger systems.
    * Document missing hashCode() methods.
    * Unhide more variables to make code easier to read.

2009-08-11 zzz
    * Android:
      - Merge in the branch
      - Build instructions in the android/ dir
      - Rename HMac to I2PHMac to avoid android lib conflicts
      - Configurable number of PRNG buffers in AsyncFortunaStandalone
        (router.prng.buffers=16) to control memory use - these
        are 256KB each.
      - Configurable size of the DecayingBloomFilters
        (router.decayingBloomFilterM=23) to control memory use - there
        are 4 pairs of these (8 total), each 2**(M-3) bytes,
        or 8MB total for M=23.
      - There's at least two unsolved fatal problems:
        1) Most of the routerinfo signature verifications fail,
           including our own
        2) It randomly dies after a while
    * Console:
      - Rename the shitlist and the blocklist
      - Try to reduce servlet problems on iframe
      - Select server or client icon for local dests
    * EepHead: New
    * Move StatsGenerator from router to routerconsole
    * Move the unused AdminManager from router to the apps directory
    * NetDb stats: Hide part. tunnel total events, effective next release
    * Router: Comment out dead oldconsole code
    * Updater:
      - Add new unsigned update option, triggered by
        last-modified date, using the new EepHead.
        Buttons still are not hidden after download complete.
      - Make the .sud updater use the temp dir when proxied
      - Several cleanups

z3d's avatar
z3d committed
2009-08-11 dr|z3d
    * Extensive sidepanel overhaul
      - Ensure all sidepanel headings link to pertinent pages
      - First stage of enhanced Local Destinations sub-panel presentation
      - Move Configuration, Help, and I2PTunnel manager links to headings
      - Add tooltips to all linked content; table content next in line
z3d's avatar
z3d committed

2009-08-07 dr|z3d
    * summarynoframe.jsp
      - Main content now tabulated for better presentation
      - Headings now more prominent
      - Pruning where necessary of text strings
    * Console themes (light/dark/classic)
      - Ensure functionality with new sidepanel layout
      - Custom hacks for IE/classic
      - Enhanced form/button presentation    

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-08-07 zzz
    * build.xml:
      - Try to automate the release process
      - Take jetty back out of the updater after 4 releases
    * Console:
      - Add a custom error page
      - Don't count ourselves in known peers
      - Hide update button when shutting down
      - Increase skew warning threshold to 3s (was 100ms)
      - Remove UTC time from summary bar
      - Truncate long dest names
      - Try to reduce servlet problems on index page
    * Core:
      - Catch unzip fd leaks on error
      - Move 2 test classes out of the lib
    * Eepsite:
      - Quote the jetty.xml path in clients.config,
        and adjust the migration function, to fix the
        eepsite-won't-start bug on windows
    * HTTP Proxy:
      - Restore the localhost error message
      - Catch addresses too
    * I2PTunnel:
      - Move the privkey files from the app dir to the
        config dir, in preparation for splitting the two
        dirs by default
    * Ministreaming:
      - Make getInt() static
      - Move the big TestSwarm class out of the lib
    * NetDb stats: Post-release cleanup
    * PersistentKeyRing: Fix broken storage of keys in config file
    * Router: Move the WorkingDir class from i2p.jar to router.jar
    * Streaming: New option i2p.streaming.answerPings (default true)
    * Timestamper: Don't start thread if not enabled
    * Wrapper:
      - Extend timeout to 20s (was 5s)
      - Shorten ping interval to 5m (was 10m)

2009-08-03 dr|z3d
    * Extensive update to the Classic theme; custom css hacks for IE.

2009-08-02 dr|z3d
    * Better support for Internet Explorer/classic theme.
    * Incremental improvements to classic theme.
    * More UI tweaks and fiddles. 
z3d's avatar
z3d committed
    * Fixes for I2PSnark UI; more to come.
2009-07-31 dr|z3d
    * Resolve anomalous buttons and text fields in console ui. 
    * Enhance presentation of data in /peers.jsp.
    * Fix themes issue with horizontal width of radio/checkbox icons.
    * Other cosmetic UI enhancements.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2009-07-31  0.7.6 released

2009-07-31 zzz
    * Update versions, package release
    * Fix snark.css link
    * Revert graph antialias enable
    * Remove <center> from iframe head
    * Fix tunnels.jsp HTML
    * Prevent linux-only installer screen from displaying on windows

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-07-28 zzz
    * Add new reseed URL (thanks eche|on!)

2009-07-27 zzz
    * Add flag dimensions to speed up profiles.jsp rendering
    * Catch i2psnark create torrent with no data entered error
    * Fix typos in proxy error files

2009-07-26 zzz
    * Add wrapper.config and i2prouter comments for 'portable'
    * Recognize same base and config dir in WorkingDir
    * Reformat XInfoPanel in installer for clarity

2009-07-25 dr|z3d
    * Enhance the layout of /graphs.jsp
    * Fix some of the irks in I2PSnark UI.
    * Ongoing tweaks and fiddles to the themes' css. Not finished by any means!
2009-07-24 zzz
    * Eepsite: Add Deutsch index page and css (thanks sperrbezirk!)
    * Router: Support i2p.dir.base and i2p.dir.config passed in via properties
    * Throttle: Decrease default max tunnels to 2500

2009-07-23 dr|z3d
    * Include additional tile graphics and I2PSnark header logo in /console/images/
    * Tidy up some layout irks; add some last minute 0.7.6 pre-release sparkle!
    * Ongoing overhaul of the I2PSnark UI.

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-07-23 sponge
    * Add bob.i2p and sponge.i2p keys to hosts.txt

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-07-23 sponge
    * Fix jdk 1.6izm in BOB as per zzz

2009-07-22 dr|z3d
    * More work on the I2PSnark UI.
    * Start of improvements to tunnel table data.
    * Ongoing theme enhancements.

2009-07-21 dr|z3d
    * First stage of overhaul of webapps ui. 
      susidns, susimail & i2psnark now lightly themed.
    * Proxy error messages now themed as per chosen theme.
    * Modest tweaks to the classic theme, et al.

2009-07-21 zzz
    * configclients.jsp: Close anchor
    * Console: Drop top-level css, unused now
    * Eepsite: Add default robots.txt (thanks v1v4)
    * GeoIP: Add license info
    * HTTP Proxy: Additional proxy.i2p restrictions
    * ServiceManager: Drop, unused

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-07-20 zzz
    * BuildHandler: Increase threshold for dropping instead
      of rejecting to 81% (was 75%)
    * Console: Hide configui.jsp from IE, disable selection
    * GeoIP: Fix minor bugs (thanks Arsene)
    * graphs.jsp: Reduce refresh time to eliminate double iframe load
    * HTTP Proxy: Fix proxy.i2p "home page" (thanks dr|z3d)
    * I2PSnark: Remove Postman tracker
    * Peer Profiles:
      - Reduce max age for display to 2h (was 3h)
      - Drop unused Persist classes
      - Dynamically adjust expire time to control memory use
      - Increase reorganize time to 45s (was 30s) to reduce CPU use
        and lock contention
      - Remove some stat rates
      - Delay start of PeerTestJob
    * Stats: Increase coalesce time to 50s (was 20s) to reduce CPU use
    * summarynoframe.jsp: Cleanup
    * Transports: Reduce the number of Rates

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-07-16 zzz
    * HTTP Proxy: Themes for error pages

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-07-16 sponge
    * ministreaming:
      - small pedantic fix
    * streaming:
      - Fix a deadly race condition.
      - Some small pedantic fixes.
    * core:
      - Fix a deadly race condition.
    * BOB:
      - Fixed some races that occured from fixing races in streaming and core.
      - Some badly needed code refactoring to depend less on the database.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
    * Console:
      - Make light the default theme
      - Convert readme_zh.html from GB2312 to UTF-8
    * Installer: Don't launch the router from the postinstall.sh script
      on linux anymore; add a panel to the installer to provide launch instructions.

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-07-15 sponge
    * Slackware SlackBuild fixes.

2009-07-14 dr|z3d
    * Increment to 0.7.5-10
    * Tidy up layout of readme.* files.
    * Work on console css to make it more Opera/webkit friendly.
    * Other cosmetic tweaks.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-07-13 zzz
    * Build: Add readme*.html files to the udpater
    * Build Handler: Don't reject for conn limits if class O,
      under the assumption that they are already talking
      to most of the routers, so there's no reason to reject. This may drive them
      to their conn. limits, but it's hopefully a temporary solution to the
      tunnel build congestion. As the net grows this will have to be revisited.
    * Throttle: Increase default max tunnels to 3000,
      to give us more capacity during congestion
    * Tunnels: Change the default variance from 1 to 0.
      Under the one-packet-enough theory, and the fact that most
      tunnels in a x+1 pool are of length x, variable lengths
      don't really help that much. Also, a default of 1 led
      to all sorts of problems with iMule/SAM, who was not
      setting the variance properties.
      This will affect exploratory tunnels for new users,
      and those that have never saved a change on configtunnels.jsp,
      and iMule users 1.4.5 and earlier.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-07-12 zzz
    * Add configui.jsp
    * orange flash remove take 2

2009-07-11 zzz
    * netdb.jsp: Fix bad tag causing orange mouseovers

z3d's avatar
z3d committed
2009-07-11 dr|z3d
    * More enhancements to the router console, consolidation of the
      light and dark themes.     
      - Apply new themes with routerconsole.theme=light/dark/classic
        added to advanced config.

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-07-11 zzz
    * Build Handler: Drop rather than reject requests when near
      conn limits and the next hop is not connected, to reduce
      connection congestion
    * Console: Force IE to the classic theme
    * I2PSnark:
      - Bring back details links for Postman2 B64 torrents
    * I2PTunnel:
      - Make reduce-on-idle the default for all the shared clients
        for new installs (15m)
    * Profile Organizer:
      - Allow NTCP-only peers in inbound tunnels
    * Transports:
      - Move from a single connection limit threshold (80%) to
        two (75% and 87%), and only start rejecting tunnels
        at the higher threshold, to increase build success
      - Move some limit methods from the transports to TransportImpl
      - Add limit methods with a threshold argument
      - Increase default SSU conn limits a little more

2009-07-07 dr|z3d
    * Introducing 2 new console themes (light & dark), in addition
      to changes to the console navigation; navbar now resides in 
      the sidepanel and other stuff besides. More to follow!
z3d's avatar
z3d committed

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2009-07-06 zzz
    * Console: Fix small textareas on Opera
    * EepGet: Don't send X-Accept-Encoding for non-proxied fetches
    * HTTP Proxy: Limit proxy.i2p to /themes/ directory
    * I2PSnark:
      - Change postman2 announce URL to use hostname rather than B64
      - Shorten torrent name to fit better on one line
    * I2PTunnel:
      - Add edit text
      - Fix broken favicon
    * Move almost all uses of StringBuffer to StringBuilder,
      for efficiency (thanks Arsene for the suggestion)
    * Reseed:
      - Fix console status messages broken by global replace
      - Remove tino, add b.netdb.i2p2.de
    * SSUDemo: Move to the router/java/test directory
    * Startup: Log clients.config problems
    * Transport: Implement NTCP auto-transition from an
      address to no address, so that inbound NTCP is disabled
      after SSU detects a firewall. When UPnP was apparently successful
      but the router is still firewalled (due to an additional
      software firewall or a bad UPnP indication, for example)
      the router will now remove the NTCP address.

sponge's avatar
sponge committed
2009-07-05 sponge
    * Added X-I2P-DestB64 and X-I2P-DestB32 http headers

2009-06-29 zzz
    * Big directory rework:
      Eliminate all uses of the current working directory, and
      set up multiple directories specified by absolute paths for various uses.

      Add a WorkingDir class to create a user config directory and
      migrate certain files to it for new installs.
      The directory will be $HOME/.i2p on linux and %APPDATA%\I2P on Windows,
      or as specified in the system property -Di2p.dir.config=/path/to/i2pdir
      All files except for the base install and temp files will be
      in the config directory by default.
      Temp files will be in a i2p-xxxxx subdirectory of the system temp directory
      specified by the system property java.io.tmpdir.

      Convert all file opens in the code to be relative to a specific directory,
      as specified in the context. Code and applications should never open
      files relative to the current working directory (e.g. new File("foo")).
      All files should be accessed in the appropriate context directory,
      e.g. new File(_context.getAppDir(), "foo").

      The router.config file location may be specified as a system property on the
      java command line with -Drouter.configLocation=/path/to/router.config
      All directories may be specified as properties in the router.config file.

      There will be no migration from an existing installation
      unless the system property -Di2p.dir.migrate=true is set.
      If there is no migration, it will continue to use $I2P for all files,
      except for temporary and PID files.

      The following linux scripts are now customized with the install path at,
      installation, and may be moved to /usr/local/bin and run from any
      working directory:
          eepget, i2prouter, runplain.sh

      For new installs, the i2p base directory ($I2P) may be read-only
      if updates are disabled. The only time i2p should write to the base directory
      is to unzip the update file. Updates are downloaded to the config dir. If, upon
      restart, the base dir is not writable, it will log a message and continue.

      Additional information, copied from I2PAppContext:

      #  Directories. These are all set at instantiation and will not be changed by
      #  subsequent property changes.
      #  All properties, if set, should be absolute paths.
      #  Name	Property 	Method		Files
      #  -----	-------- 	-----		-----
      #  Base	i2p.dir.base	getBaseDir()	lib/, webapps/, docs/, geoip/, licenses/, ...
      #  Temp	i2p.dir.temp	getTempDir()	Temporary files
      #  PID	i2p.dir.pid	getPIDDir()	router.ping
      #  Config	i2p.dir.config	getConfigDir()	*.config, hosts.txt, addressbook/, ...
      #  (the following all default to the same as Config)
      #  Router	i2p.dir.router	getRouterDir()	netDb/, peerProfiles/, router.*, keyBackup/, ...
      #  Log	i2p.dir.log	getLogDir()	logs/
      #  App	i2p.dir.app	getAppDir()	eepsite/, ...
      *  Note that the router can't control where the wrapper actually puts its files.

      All these will be set appropriately in a Router Context.
      In an I2P App Context, all except Temp and PID will be the current working directory.

      Related changes:
      - Don't cd to script location, no longer required
      jbigi, cpuid:
      - Extract files from jar to temp dir, load from that dir, then
        copy to the base dir if we have permissions (and failing silently
        if we don't), so we have optimized libs and no complaints
        when we have a read-only base dir.
      - Get wrapper log location from a property too
      - Display log file locations
      - If no wrapper, put wrapper.log in system temp dir
        unless specified with -Dwrapper.logfile=/path/to/wrapper.log
        or it already exists in CWD (for backward compatibility)
      - Append rather than replace wrapper.log
      - Pass wrapper log location to router as a property, so that logs.jsp can find it
      - Add path substitution to runplain.sh on install
      - Pass I2P base dir to the router as a property
      - Fix NPE if no config file
      - Put wrapper.log in system temp dir for new installs
      - Pass I2P base dir to the router as a property

2009-06-29 zzz
    * HTTP Proxy:
      - Add simple web server for "proxy.i2p" to serve
        images and CSS for the error pages
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