$Id: history.txt,v 1.554 2007-03-03 15:11:07 zzz Exp $
2007-03-03 zzz
* Upgrade from Jetty 5.1.6 to 5.1.12 which fixes spaces in URL
* Add a updaterWithJetty build target
2007-03-03 zzz
* Implement priority sending for NTCP
* Disable trimForOverload() in tunnel BuildExecutor which
was preventing tunnel builds when outbound traffic was high
(i.e. most of the time when running i2psnark)
2007-02-28 zzz
* i2psnark: File reopen cleanup
2007-02-28 zzz
* i2psnark: Add peer details to web page
* 2007-02-15 released
2007-02-15 jrandom
* Limit the whispering floodfill sends to at most 3 randomly
chosen from the known floodfill peers
2007-02-14 jrandom
* Don't filter out KICK and H(ide oper status) IRC messages
(thanks Takk and postman!)
2007-02-13 jrandom
* Tell our peers about who we know in the floodfill netDb every
6 hours or so, mitigating the situation where peers lose track
of floodfill routers.
* Disable the Syndie updater (people should use the new Syndie,
not this one)
* Disable the eepsite tunnel by default
2007-01-30 zzz
* i2psnark: Don't hold _snarks lock while checking a snark,
so web page is responsive at startup
2007-01-28 zzz
* i2psnark: Don't hold sendQueue lock while flushing output,
to make everything run smoother
2007-01-27 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix orphaned Snark reader tasks leading to OOMs
2007-01-20 Complication
* Drop overlooked comment
2007-01-20 Complication
* Modify ReseedHandler to query the "i2p.reseedURL" property from I2PAppContext
instead of System, so setting a reseed URL in advanced configuration has effect.
* Clean out obsolete reseed code from ConfigNetHandler.
2007-01-20 zzz
* i2psnark: More choking rotation tweaks
* Improve performance by not reading in the whole
piece from disk for each request. A huge memory savings
on 1MB torrents with many peers.
2007-01-17 zzz
* Add new HTTP Proxy error message for non-http protocols
* Add note on Syndie index.html steering people to new Syndie
2007-01-16 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix crash when autostart off and
tcrrent started manually
2007-01-16 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix bug caused by last i2psnark checkin
(ConnectionAcceptor not started)
* Don't start PeerCoordinator, ConnectionAcceptor,
and TrackerClient unless starting torrent
2007-01-15 jrandom
* small guard against unnecessary streaming lib reset packets
(thanks Complication!)
2007-01-15 zzz
* i2psnark: Add 'Stop All' link on web page
* Add some links to trackers and forum on web page
* Don't start tunnel if 'Autostart' unchecked
* Fix torrent restart bug by reopening file descriptors
2007-01-14 zzz
* i2psnark: Improvements for torrents with > 4 leechers:
choke based on upload rate when seeding, and
be smarter and fairer about rotating choked peers.
* Handle two common i2psnark OOM situations rather
than shutting down the whole thing.
* Fix reporting to tracker of remaining bytes for
torrents > 4GB (but ByteMonsoon still has a bug)
2006-10-29 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix and enable generation of multifile torrents,
print error if no tracker selected at create-torrent,
fix stopping a torrent that hasn't started successfully,
add eBook and GayTorrents trackers to form,
web page formatting tweaks
2006-10-29 Complication
* Ensure we get NTP samples from more diverse sources
(,, etc)
* Discard median-based peer skew calculator as framed average works,
and adjusting its percentage can make it behave median-like
* Require more data points (from at least 20 peers)
before considering a peer skew measurement reliable
2006-10-10 jrandom
* Removed the status display from the console, as its more confusing
than informative (though the content is still displayed in the HTML)
2006-10-08 Complication
* Add a framed average peer clock skew calculator
* Add config property "router.clockOffsetSanityCheck" to determine
if NTP-suggested clock offsets get sanity checked (default "true")
* Reject NTP-suggested clock offsets if they'd increase peer clock skew
by more than 5 seconds, or make it more than 20 seconds total
* Decrease log level in getMedianPeerClockSkew()
2006-09-29 zzz
* i2psnark: Second try at synchronization fix - synch addRequest()
completely rather than just portions of it and requestNextPiece()
2006-09-27 jrandom
* added HMAC-SHA256
* properly use CRLF with EepPost
* suppress jbigi/jcpuid messages if jbigi.dontLog/jcpuid.dontLog is set
* PBE session key generation (with 1000 rounds of SHA256)
* misc SDK helper functions
2006-09-26 Complication
* Take back another inadverent logging change in NTCPConnection
2006-09-26 Complication
* Take back an accidental log level change
2006-09-26 Complication
* Subclass from Clock a RouterClock which can access router transports,
with the goal of developing it to second-guess NTP results
* Make transports report clock skew in seconds
* Adjust renderStatusHTML() methods accordingly
* Show average for NTCP clock skews too
* Give transports a getClockSkews() method to report clock skews
* Give transport manager a getClockSkews() method to aggregate results
* Give comm system facade a getMedianPeerClockSkew() method which RouterClock calls
(to observe results, add "net.i2p.router.transport.CommSystemFacadeImpl=WARN" to logging)
* Extra explicitness in NTCP classes to denote unit of time.
* Fix some places in NTCPConnection where milliseconds and seconds were confused
2006-09-25 zzz
* i2psnark: Paranoid copy before writing pieces,
recheck files on completion, redownload bad pieces
* i2psnark: Don't contact tracker as often when seeding
2006-09-24 zzz
* i2psnark: Add some synchronization to prevent rare problem
after restoring orphan piece
2006-09-20 zzz
* i2psnark: Eliminate duplicate requests caused by i2p-bt's
rapid choke/unchokes
* i2psnark: Truncate long TrackerErr messages on web page
2006-09-16 zzz
* i2psnark: Implement retransmission of requests. This
eliminates one cause of complete stalls with a peer.
This problem is common on torrents with a small number of
active peers where there are no choke/unchokes to kickstart things.
2006-09-13 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix restoral of partial pieces broken by last patch
* i2psnark: Mark a peer's requests as unrequested on disconnect,
preventing premature end game
* i2psnark: Randomize selection of next piece during end game
* i2psnark: Don't restore a partial piece to a peer that is already working on it
* i2psnark: strip ".torrent" on web page
* i2psnark: Limit piece size in generated torrent to 1MB max
2006-09-09 zzz
* i2psnark: Add "Stalled" indication and stat totals on web page
2006-09-09 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix bug where new peers would always be sent an "interested"
regardless of actual interest
* i2psnark: Reduce max piece size from 10MB to 1MB; larger may have severe
memory and efficiency problems
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