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2012-03-06 kytv
 * German and Spanish translation updates from Transifex

2012-03-06 zzz
  * i2psnark: Fix NPE on magnet link addition
  * Jetty logger: Fix stack trace logging
  * viewstat.jsp: Properly close the ImageOutputStream to fix
    NPEs in the finalizer, probably was the root cause of
    what we blamed on Jetty
  * Webapp class loader: Fix dup classes in classpath
    caused by last checkin (symptom: i2psnark in wrong directory)

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2012-03-05 zzz
  * Build: Make windows and non-windows installers for release
  * configclients: Tweaks
  * Graphs: Add time interval to legend
  * NetDB: Increase min ff to 250
  * Plugins: Fix setting webapp classpath on Jetty 6
  * UDP: Log tweaks
  * viewstat.jsp: Set Connection: Close to work around Jetty bug

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2012-03-04 zzz
  * Jetty: Upgrade to Jetty 6.1.26, Tomcat 6.0.35, and JSTL 1.2.
    - Supports Servlet 2.5 / JSP 2.1 standards
    - Jetty and Tomcat jars are checked in, no more need to
      download Jetty in the build process.
    - Bundle Jetty 6 rewrite handler and JMX
    - Bundle sample Jetty config files for rewrite, JMX, and SSL
    - Use ant's ant.jar instead of the one from Jetty
    - Port router console, i2psnark, and I2PRequestLog code to Jetty 6
    - Remove all old Jetty 5 patches and the custom Server() constructor,
      this will break Seedless use of the custom constructor
    - Fix up all .jsps to JSP 2.1 standards
    - Include automatic migration of clients.config,
      and of jetty.xml files for an eepsite at port 7658.
      New config includes files in eepsite/contexts and eepsite/etc
      Any other Jetty-hosted eepsites,
      or an eepsite not at port 7658 or with custom
      modifications of the jetty.xml file, will require
      manual editing of the new Jetty config files.
      This includes modifications for the seedless server in jetty.xml.
    - The following plugins are not compatible with Jetty 6
      and will be disabled until updates are available:
         i2pcontrol, pebble, and zzzot
    - Users updating must use the updaterWithJetty build target once,
      to get the new Jetty and Tomcat.
    - Put I2PRequestLog in its own jetty-i2p.jar
    - Jetty logging moved from wrapper to I2P log using the new I2PLogger class,
      also in jetty-i2p.jar
  * Console: Start all wars after the main console war,
    for faster startup and to prevent one failed war from preventing
    startup of the entire console
  * i2psnark: Disable i2psnark RunStandalone, unused and instantiated Jetty 5
  * i2ptunnel: Move i2ptunnel Bean classes from the jar to the war.
    These were deprecated for external use long ago.
    This will break very old seedless plugins; updates have
    been available for months.
  * susimail: Copy MultiPartRequest and other required classes from Jetty 5.1.15
    and add it to susimail, as the replacement MultiPartFilter in
    Jetty 6 is difficult to migrate to, and does not support content-type

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2012-03-03 zzz
  * Console:
    - New simplified home page, refreshing with AJAX
    - New home configuration page
  * i2psnark:
    - CSS tweaks
    - Ajax and link fixes
    - Move js to console in prep for merging w/ homepage
  * NetDB: Remove bw stats (effective next release)

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2012-03-02 zzz
  * BlockfileNamingService: Add negative cache
  * Build: Add built-by to jars; check for corrupt jars on debug page
  * configstats.jsp: Hide log settings unless already enabled
  * DataStructures:
    - Remove static logs
    - Sort addresses in RouterInfo at initialization only;
      change from Set to List to save space
    - Remove unused counters in Lease to save space
    - Increase max leases to 16
  * Graphs:
    - New single graph page with easy resizing
    - Support graphing of previous intervals
  * i2pinstall.exe: Add icon
  * i2psnark:
    - Add tracker configuration form
    - Remove custom tracker option from create form
    - Add private torrent option
    - More icons in buttons
    - Use js for refresh
  * I2PTunnelHTTPClient:
    - Refactoring to use Java URI parser to better handle
      escapes, IPv6 addresses, ports
    - Rewrite i2paddresshelper scanning/removal
    - Refactor out local server code
    - Nicer address helper error page
  * NetDB:
    - Reenable verify of RI stores, disabled in 0.7.9,
      checkin comments claim reenabled in 0.7.10 but didn't happen.
    - Synchronize StoreJob.sendNext() to avoid dups
  * netdb.jsp: Fix debug leaseset count again
  * susidns: Add b64 hash to details page

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
* 2012-02-27 0.8.13 released

2012-02-22 kytv
  * Updated German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, and Ukrainian translations
    from Transifex.

2012-02-22 zzz
  * ExploratoryPeerSelector: Use fast peers if hidden for
    inbound tunnels to improve success
  * NetDB:
    - Don't publish our RI if it has no addresses
    - Publish our RI sooner after startup
      to facilitate our IB tunnel builds

2012-02-20 zzz
  * i2ptunnel:
    - Fix streamr session registration
    - Don't delete privkey file for a non-persistent client tunnel
      (ticket #599)
  * Streaming: Fix race NPE (thx echelon)

2012-02-17 zzz
  * i2psnark: Escape fixes
  * netdb.jsp: Fix debug median calculation

kytv's avatar
kytv committed
20112-02-17 kytv
  * Add Czech language from Transifex (thanks Waseihou)

2012-02-12 str4d
  * i2ptunnel: Tunnel creation wizard

2012-02-10 zzz
  * WorkingDir: Fix detection of migrated directory

2012-02-09 zzz
  * i2psnark: Escape semicolons

2012-02-04 zzz
  * Deprecate util classes used only by installer
  * ProfileOrganizer: Add profileOrganizer.sameCountryBonus config
  * WorkingDir: Reset dates of eepsite files while migrating
                to avoid exposing install time (thx Z6)
  * Wrapper files:
    - Move PID and status files to config dir in i2prouter
    - Don't set PID files in wrapper.config as Windows doesn't need them
      and the wrapper won't start if the dir doesn't exist
    - Move wrapper.log to config dir using override in i2prouter,
      Windows stays in system temp dir
    - Move wrapper.log to config dir for no wrapper
    - Move wrapper.log setup for no wrapper from RouterLaunch
      to WorkingDir
    - Redirect stderr too when no wrapper
    - Create config dir in i2prouter for Linux/Mac

2012-02-02 kytv
 * Ukrainian and Polish translation updates from Transifex

2012-01-30 zzz
  * i2psnark: More illegal chars
  * LogWriter: Don't rotate and open file until first message
  * SusiDNS: Reduce listings to 50/page

2012-01-27 zzz
  * Build: Repack release jars with pack200 -r, saves about 1% and
           might save a little memory at runtime too
  * confignet: Add UDP disable option
  * SAM: Remove client demo classes from sam.jar

2012-01-26 zzz
  * configclients: Fix form action default
  * NetDB: Increase min ff to 200
  * Plugins: Fix updated count
  * SusiDNS: Make UI 1-based

2012-01-24 zzz
  * Addresses: Fix NPE if no interfaces found http://forum.i2p/viewtopic.php?t=6365
  * i2ptunnel: Fix white-on-white buttons on hover
  * Plugins: Add completion message after all-update check
  * susidns, susimail: Add icons to buttons

zzz's avatar
zzz committed
2012-01-22 zzz
  * Transports: Bind only to a single interface if specified
                as the host address and it's available (ticket #591)
  * VMCommSystem: Move to dummy directory

2012-01-21 zzz
  * Build: Fix Windows build, version checking for release
  * Console summary bar: Move some code around

2012-01-20 sponge
  * Fix too short of delay for http. It is up to the browser to time out
    in a shorter time, not the proxy. This is wreaking havoc on large
    downloads, similar to the issues that we had in the distant past with
    jetty's default timeout being too short.

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