2011-10-31 zzz
* NetDB: Reduce max RI publish interval
* ProfileOrganizer:
- Fix expiration of old profiles
- Don't exceed high cap limit between reorgs
- Reduce max reorg cycle time
- Reduce new bonus values
* Tunnels:
- Restore and implement lengthOverride()
- Adjust quantity override
* CapacityCalculator: Small adjustment for XOR distance to
break ties and encourage closeness
* ProfileOrganizer: Reduce min expire time
* SSU: Limit max peers to use as introducers
2011-10-28 zzz
* BuildHandler: Move inbound request handling to its own thread(s)
(ticket #542, see also http://zzz.i2p/topics/996)
* CapacityCalculator: Small boost for connected peers, new peers, and
same-country peers; deduct for recently-unreachable peers
* DecayingBloomFilter: Whups fix NPE from previous checkin if log=INFO
* NTCP: Reduce min idle time
* SSU:
- Increase default max connections again
- Reduce min idle time
- Separate out introducer pinger from introducer selection
so it can be run separately and more often
- Only ping introducers if we need them
* Tunnels:
- Reduce exploratory tunnel quantity if build success rate
is very low, but may disable this later
- Try rebuilding same tunnel (some of the time)
2011-10-25 zzz
* BloomSHA1, DecayingBloomFilter:
- Refactor for concurrent, at some small risk of false negatives
- Optimizations to cache objects and reuse offsets
* Tunnels:
- Make most classes package private
- Final, static, logs, cleanups
- Consolideate createRateStat calls
- Add getTotalLength()
- Remove unused lengthOverride()
* UDP: Mark only first fragment as a duplicate
* Update Italian translation from Transifex (thanks danimoth)
* StoreJob: Ensure nonzero token
* Tunnels: Connection limit mitigation:
- Disable tunnel testing
- Implement closest-to-the-key tunnel selection
- Use closest-selection in NetDB lookups, stores, and verifies;
OCMOSJ; and in BuildRequestor
* BuildExecutor: Efficiency tweak
* Console: Hide tunnel lag if tunnel testing is disabled
* NetDB: Fix rare NPE from netdb.jsp (ticket #539)
* Router: Change all shutdown CRITs to ERRORs; shutdown
the stat manager last to reduce chance of NPEs
(similar to that in tickets #534,535)
* SSU: Increase max concurrent outbound attempts;
fix udp.establishRejected stat
* BuildExecutor: Add tunnel.buildConfigTime stat
* configupdate.jsp:
- Fix setting to 'never' (ticket #523)
- Fix always saying trusted keys changed
- Parameterize tags
* EepGet:
- Add gunzip support (nonproxied only)
- Clean up progress formatting
* FloodfillMonitorJob: Log tweak (ticket #533)
* I2CP: Improve error message (ticket #533)
* JobQueue:
- Log error when queue is out of order
- Log tweaks
* FloodfillPeerSelector: Fix stat NPE (tickets #534,535)
* RouterThrottle:
- Fix stat NPE (tickets #534,535)
- Increase max tunnels and max delay again
* OutNetMessagePool: Log tweak (ticket #533)
* Router:
- Add OOM help (ticket #533)
- Prevent parallel shutdowns after multiple OOMs (tickets #534,535)
* Stats: Add API methods for zero duration
* SSLEepGet:
- Add gunzip support
- Increase buffer size
* Updated translations from Transifex
- Swedish: debconf and i2psnark
- Finnish: router console
2011-10-10 zzz
* Lower max netdb RI expiration again
* Increase default max tunnels
* Cleanups after review
* Exorcism (ticket #476)
2011-10-07 kytv
* GeoIP:
- Switch to Maxmind's GeoIP service (it's better maintained
than our old provider)
- Update based on Maxmind GeoLite Country database from 2011-10-07
* Translation updates from Transifex:
- I2PSnark: de, es, and pt
- I2PTunnel: de and es
- RouterConsole: de and es
- SusiDNS: de and es
- SusiMail: de and es
* Reseed:
- Add an https reseed, thx h2ik
- Restore ovh reseeds, thx mathiasdm
* Tunnels:
- For expl. tunnels, fall back to high cap sooner
- Tweak build rejections for class N
2011-10-06 kytv
* Add diftracker.i2p to I2PSnark
2011-10-06 zzz
* RepublishLeaseSetJob:
- Out-of-order JobQueue 3nd try to fix
- Lower timeouts
* Reseed:
- Update host lists
- Switch back to https by default
* Throttle: Increase max message delay
* Transport:
- Add per-style send processing time stat
- Increase default SSU conn limit
2011-10-05 zzz
* Streaming: Fix build
* UDP: Catch address without key sooner
2011-09-30 zzz
* logs.jsp: Add wrapper version
* Shitlist: Shorten time
* Wrapper: Update armv7 to 3.5.12
2011-09-30 kytv
* fix umask bug by upgrading to wrapper v3.5.12. Binaries are from Tanuki's
delta pack for the community edition, except:
- Win64: not available from Tanuki--compiled with VS2010
- FreeBSD: Tanuki's binaries are compiled in FBSD v6. I compiled the
wrapper in FreeBSD 7.4 to eliminate the dependency on the compat6x port.
- Linux ARM: not available from Tanuki
- OSX: Tanuki offers separate binaries for 32bit VS 64bit. Our
wrapper is quad-fat supporting PPC32/PPC64 and x86/x86_64.
2011-09-29 zzz
* Bandwidth refiller: Reinitialize at restart, avoid
issues from clock skews
2011-09-27 kytv
* Remove exotrack.i2p from i2psnark
2011-09-24 zzz
* HTTPClient: Fix error page not appearing, broken by
StreamForwarder change
* HTTPServer: More mime types not to compress
2011-09-23 kytv
* Update Italian, Spanish, and Swedish translations
from Transifex
2011-09-20 zzz
* Crypto: Comment out some main()
* ClientMessage: Remove unused MessageReceptionInfo
* i2psnark: File allocation cleanup to use less heap
* i2ptunnel HTTPResponseOutputStream:
- Use reusable gunzipper and a larger pipe for efficiency
- Close output stream in StreamForwarder to prevent lost data,
existing bug but made worse by larger pipe
* I2PTunnelHTTPServer: Don't compress small responses or images
* I2PTunnel, NTCP: Catch unchecked exceptions from GNU NIO (ticket # 519)
* JobQueue, RepublishLeaseSetJob, StartExplorerJob:
Out-of-order JobQueue 2nd try to fix
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