* SSU:
- Fix replaceExternalAddress churn when firewalled
- Sort introducers in router address, so we won't force a republish
due to a different ordering of the same introducers
- Don't publish an address if we need introducers but don't have any,
so the user won't see a 'firewalled with inbound NTCP enabled' message
2015-01-28 zzz
* UPnP:
- Rescan for devices periodically and when reachability changes (tickets #661, #959)
- Callback when device removed
- Consolidate callbacks
- Clear ignored devices after primary device removed
to allow one to be promoted on rescan
- Don't put "I2P" in registered protocol name
- Add uptime to UPnP info
- HTML escaping
- Remove static log on Android
2015-01-11 zzz
* i2psnark: Skip incompatible welterde tracker if we are ECDSA
* I2PTunnel: Add option for multihoming optimization
2015-01-10 zzz
* NetDB: Stubs for bandwidth estimation during reseed (ticket #935)
2015-01-09 zzz
* NetDB: Publish RI faster when costs change (ticket #1437)
2015-01-08 zzz
* Console, i2ptunnel, proxy: Renaming of various things to "hidden services"
* ClientAppConfig: Start i2ptunnel sooner (ticket #1162)
* NetDB: Possible fixes for reseed completion not recognized (ticket #1384)
* Router:
- Add startup/shutdown state machine
- Don't reset uptime after a soft restart
* Startup: Accept tunnels after 10 minutes instead of 20 (ticket #1152)
* Tunnels:
- Cleanup, catch more cases of zero-hop configuration
- Temporarily increase exploratory tunnel quantity at startup,
so that netdb refresh will work better
2015-01-05 zzz
* Blocklist:
- Rewrite to read and merge multiple files
- Include in update, use version in base dir too
- Increase limits
- Bug fixes
* Latency reduction all over:
- SSU: Reduce ack delay
- Streaming: Reduce min RTO and flusher delay
- Tunnels: Reduce GW batching time
* Streaming:
- Add API for sending/receiving payload in ping/pong
- Fix PcapWriter
* UrlLauncher:
- Configure browser with routerconsole.browser (ticket #1159)
- Convert to ClientApp interface
2015-01-03 zzz
* I2CP: Use configured leaseset keys if available
* I2PTunnel: Persist leaseset keys
2014-12-15 zzz
* Console: Prevent two-word translations from splitting across lines in summary bar
* i2psnark: Unchoke new peer sooner
* SSU: reduce log level of uncaught errors processing I2NP message
* SU3:
- Don't require specification of sig type when signing
- Implement 'extract -k'
- Fix getContentOffset()
- Fail on excess data after signature
* Tunnels: Raise concurrent build limit
2014-12-08 zzz
* HTTP Proxy: Fix parsing of ECDSA address helper
* NetDB: Increase lookup throttle time
2014-12-05 zzz
Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.test2:
* Console:
- Show b32 for local leasesets also on netdb LS tab
* Data:
- Disallow duplicate keys in a Mapping
- Add RouterInfo.getVersion()
* I2NP:
- Move some data structures away from ByteArray; offsets were always zero
- New BuildRequestRecord constructors
- BuildRequestRecord field becomes final byte[222]
- IV becomes byte[16]
- Build record becomes EncryptedBuildRecord
- Remove extra copy in BuildRequestRecord.encryptRecord()
- Remove unused BuildRequestRecord.readOurIdentityMatches()
- DatabaseStoreMessage: Mask the unused bits in the type field for future use
* i2psnark: Reduce auto-stop threshold for update torrent
* I2PTunnel: Reduce i2ptunnel threads, more thread pooling.
- Move client pool from static inI2PTunnelClientBase to TCG.
- Use client pool for some server threads
- Run some things inline that were formerly threads
* KeyGenerator: main() test improvements
* Logger: Configurable flush interval
* Plugins: Another fix for restarting a ClientApp plugin
* Profiles: Change slice selection argument from an int to an enum for clarity
* SusiMail:
- Add save-as button
- Fix encoding for filename in Content-Disposition header
* Transport:
- Disallow standard I2P application ports as the router port
- Increase default class O conn. limits to 350 NTCP, 1050 SSU
* Update: Use last-modified instead of last-checked for the next
if-modified-since fetch, to fix failing to fetch the latest news
2014-11-28 kytv
* Updated PO files from Transifex
* Updates to geoip.txt and geoipv6.dat.gz based on Maxmind GeoLite Country
database from 2014-11-05.
2014-11-26 zzz
* BuildRequestor: Reduce delay when client build can't find
a paired tunnel (ticket #1412)
* Data:
- Fix NPE on unknown sig type in destination
- Fix hashcode and equals for typed data
* Tunnels: Disallow changing allowZeroHop setting for exploratory
2014-11-24 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Fix automatic setting of random key
* PrivateKeyFile: Don't rewrite file in main() if no options
2014-11-23 zzz
* Reseed hosts update
2014-11-22 zzz
* PeerSelector: If non-DSA, don't use incompatible peers
for exploratory tunnels or closest-hop in client tunnels
* SAM: Fix v3 bug accepting incoming connections
2014-11-17 zzz
* NetDB: Exclude A1/A2 "countries" from auto-floodfill
2014-11-15 zzz
* I2NP:
- Set lookup type flags even if no reply tunnel specified
- Reduce object churn when writing some messages
2014-11-13 zzz
* I2PTunnel:
- Fix bug that left server acceptor thread running after close
- Add destroy() methods to release all resources when closing a tunnel for good,
particularly the streaming timer threads
- Use COWAL to prevent concurrency problems
* PluginStarter: Simplify detection of active threads
* Streaming:
- Don't return null from accept() any more; actually throw
ConnectException as the Javadocs have always specified
- Throw ConnectException from accept() if interrupted; previously caught and ignored
- Throw exceptions from ConnectionHandler.accept(), not higher up
- Close ServerSocket when ConnectionManager is shut down
- Synchronize setActive(), clear queue when starting to accept,
better handling of calls that don't change state
2014-11-12 zzz
* Data: Clear more caches when under memory pressure and at shutdown
* Plugins: Fix bug in stopping a ClientApp plugin with $parameters in the args
2014-11-09 zzz
* i2psnark: Fix tracker config form issues
* Router, i2ptunnel: Add option for per-pool persistent random key,
so peer ordering does not change across restarts
2014-11-08 zzz
* EdDSA: Bump minimum router version to 0.9.17
* i2psnark: Add support for specifying data dir in add form (ticket #1028)
* ProfileOrganizer: More efficient slice calculation
* SSU: Fix bug preventing inbound connection from non-DSA router (ticket #1408)
* Transports: If non-DSA, check for compatibility before connecting out
2014-11-06 zzz
Prop from i2p.i2p.zzz.test2:
* Blockfile:
- Add block size to superblock
- Add span size to skiplist block
- Bump version to 1.2
* Console:
- Log warnings for Java 6 or no Pack200
- Add ECDSA warning to sidebar
- Don't disable updates when restarting from /configupdate
- Recognize router.newsRefreshFrequency=0 as "never"
* Crypto: Drop dummy crypto stubs
* i2psnark:
- Convert '+' to ' ' in magnet dn param
- Fix NPE when deleting torrent if the data directory
was deleted out from under us (ticket #1407)
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