2012-01-14 zzz
* i2ptunnel: Partial fix for dest formatting (ticket #581)
* jars.jsp: New debug page
* logs.jsp: Use wrapper method to find wrapper log if available
* Stats:
- Cleanups
- Remove some locking
- Change some longs to ints to save space
- Remove static logs
2012-01-13 zzz
* i2prouter: Add translation infrastructure
2012-01-10 zzz
* Console:
- Add info to error 500 page
- Add indication on summary bar when in VM comm system
- Make graceful the default for HUP (ticket #580)
- Fix class error on wrapper 3.1.1
* i2prouter: Don't attempt to translate strings from script
* Router:
- Auto-hidden mode for bad countries
- Don't put addresses in our RouterInfo when hidden
2012-01-08 zzz
* Plugins:
- Enforce min and max Jetty versions at plugin installation
- Enforce I2P, Java, and Jetty versions at plugin startup too
* Router:
- No longer check for updates or start any threads in the Router constructor,
- for ease in building multiple routers in the JVM,
- and also because starting threads in a constructor is bad practice.
- All threads now start in runRouter().
- Installation of updates now only happens via Router.main().
* RouterInfo, RouterAddress: Optimizations and integrity checks
- Remove synchronization
- Do not allow contents to change after being set, throw IllegalStateException
- Do not copy contents out in getters
- Make options final
- Add getOption() and getOptionsMap() methods
* Router shutdown:
- Fix failsafe shutdown hook broken in 0.8.8;
HUP, INT, and TERM signals should now shut down cleanly.
- Shutdown hook no longer prevents other hooks from running
- Trap HUP, if router.gracefulHUP=true, and do graceful shutdown.
Only under wrapper, non-Windows.
- i2prouter stop now uses SIGTERM
- Implement i2prouter graceful using SIGHUP (ticket #580)
- Configure wrapper to ignore SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 as they will shut down
or crash the JVM
* Update geoip.txt based on Maxmind GeoLite Country database from 2011-12-08
* Fix webapp PortMapper lookup for SSL-only console
* Wrapper 3.5.13 for arm v7

2011-12-31 zzz

(backport from jetty6 branch)
2011-12-30 zzz

2011-12-23 zzz
* Logging: Eliminate LogWriter/LogManager deadlock
2011-12-18 zzz
* Addresses: Add utility toString() methods
* Blocklist: Buffer input to speed lookup
* PersistentDataStore: Buffer file writes and reads
* Router: Cleanup startup jobs and router.config reading; javadocs
* Transport: Log tweaks
2011-12-17 kytv
* Ukrainian translation updates from Transifex
2011-12-17 zzz
* i2psnark:
- Replace file name characters not supported in default charset
- Add torrent file name to local details page
* GeoIP: Reduce thread priority during lookup
* ProfileManager: Make some methods non-blocking to reduce
lock contention in transports
2011-12-15 kytv
* Swedish translation updates from Transifex
2011-12-14 zzz
* BuildHandler: Increase next hop timeout again
* DataHelper:
- Speed up heavily used long/byte[] converters
- Add little endian versions of the converters
- Cache common properties keys
* GarlicMessageParser: Use cached cert
* GeoIP: Buffer input to speed lookup by 10x
* I2NP: Disable pass-through checksum debugging
* MessageHistory:
- Flush at shutdown
- Fix file location, only delete if enabled
- Cleanups, concurrent
* ResettableGZIPInputStream: Better footer log errors
* RouterAddress: Cache transport names
* TransportBid: Remove unused stuff
2011-12-13 kytv
* Don't require that full stats are enabled to be able to graph
router.highCapacityPeers. (closes #450)
2011-12-12 kytv
* German and Spanish translation updates from Transifex
2011-12-12 zzz
* ExploreJob: Tweaks to handle DatabaseLookupMessage changes
* I2NP:
- Deprecate unused stream methods and I2NPMessageReader since
all transports provide encapsulation.
- Don't throw IOE from byte array methods
- Use cached null cert in GarlicClove
- Add method to limit size of buffer to read
- Don't check checksum at input, in most cases
(but recalculating it now and logging on a mismatch for testing)
- Fix DatabaseLookupMessage to internally store the don't include peers as
a List, not a Set, so it doesn't get reordered and break the checksum
- Log cleanup
- Zero-copy and limit size when handing buffer to I2NP
- Log hex dump message on I2NPMessageException, like in SSU
- Don't close connection on I2NPMessageException
* PortMapper: New service for registering application ports in the context
* ReusableGZIPInputStream: Fix 3 major bugs, all present since 2005:
- Payloads an exact multiple of 512 bytes failed to decompress
- Data at the end of the stream could be lost
- read() returned -1 when the data was 0xff
* SearchState: generics and cleanups
2011-12-11 sponge
* HTTP server tunnel, use log.WARN for 3 first minutes. (closes #460)

2011-12-10 kytv
* Replace eepget's whitelist of accepted characters with the
blacklist from i2psnark. (closes #562)
2011-12-09 zzz
* Base64: Add decodestring command in main()
* Console, i2psnark: More button CSS tweaks
* I2NP:
- Earlier detection and better logging of
truncated TunnelGatewayMessage and DatabaseStoreMessage
- Fix and enhance UnknownI2NPMessage implementation
- Don't deserialize or verify the checksum of the
embeddedI2NP message in the TunnelGatewayMessage
at the IBGW, just use UnknownI2NPMessage and pass it along,
except if zero hop; Still to do: similar thing at OBEP
- Cleanups and javadoc
* LeaseSet: Fix size calculations
* UDP:
- Fix major bug from 2005 that corrupted outbound messages
that were an exact multiple of the fragment size.
- Round expiration times when converting to seconds
- Zero-copy of single-fragment messages in MessageReceiver
- Optimizations, log tweaks, comments
2011-12-06 zzz
* Router:
- More refactoring tasks to their own files
- Adjust some thread priorities
* Susimail: Adjust login form sizes
* Tunnels: Increase next hop send timeout
* UDP: Fix major MTU bug introduced in 0.8.9.
- Change large MTU from 1492 to 1484 and small from 608 to 620
for encryption padding efficiency
- Enforce sent MTU limit
- Increase receive buffer size from 1536 to 1572 so that excessive-sized
packets sent by 0.8.9-0.8.11 routers aren't dropped
- Limit the max acks in a data packet
- Limit the duplicate acks in successive data packets
- Only include acks that will fit in the mtu in a data packet
- Correctly remove acks from the pending set after they are sent,
so they aren't sent repeatedly
- Don't pad data packets unless necessary
- Debug logging and javadocs
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